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John Sheppard Whump

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    Oh yes fics definitely need warnings don't they! I was once really enjoying a fic and I was thinking - oh how is Rodney going to get of this one then and he flipping didn't - he died!!!! No warning or nuffink that it was a deathfic and I was so peed off as I would not have read it! Whumping is the comfort as well as the hurt and if they die there is no comfort in that. The angst their friends feel for them is OK because we know they will pull through so we can say to them as we read "it's OK - they will pull through - don't worry!" (yes sometimes I talk to the characters in the fic )

    So as long as you warn people Linzi you should write whatever you want to and if people do not like it they do not have to read it. I am not into slash so a warning at the beginning and I think fine - that's not for me! But doesn't mean I think people shouldn't write it - it is a free country and people can write and read what they like. If you are not true to yourself you will not write a truly good fic!

    sig by SheppyD
    Whumpydoodlesquee and Frenxies a Speciality

    I'm not crazy - I just have another consciousness in my brain
    So he just looks crazy


      Originally posted by Linzi
      The problem is finding new ways to whump Shep! We'll have to start being inventive, or we'll run out of injuries and illnesses!
      Oh yes-if you stick to reality it will be the same story over and over.....I loved chapter 1 of your fic so much so please do not change where you are going with this story for anyone (apart from yourself)!!



          Originally posted by SLC
          Oh yes-if you stick to reality it will be the same story over and over.....I loved chapter 1 of your fic so much so please do not change where you are going with this story for anyone (apart from yourself)!!
          Ok. I'm feeling better now I've put a warning up, and I'll carry on as I had planned. Sorry to whine about my insecurities! I'll whump Sheppy extra hard as an apology to you all!
          Forgot to mention that I'm co-writing a story with Merlin7! I'm really chuffed she asked me to.


            Originally posted by Linzi
            Ok. I'm feeling better now I've put a warning up, and I'll carry on as I had planned. Sorry to whine about my insecurities! I'll whump Sheppy extra hard as an apology to you all!
            Forgot to mention that I'm co-writing a story with Merlin7! I'm really chuffed she asked me to.
            Yay!!! *does a little dance*


              I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack! Internet been down all day - and of course hubby not here to fix it - but astoundingly, knowing sod all about computers other than how to use them (mostly to surf the internet admittedly! ) I have managed to fix it myself!

              Right then. Off to catch up on day's worth of whumpy posts...


                Originally posted by Linzi
                Having a slight moment of insecurity with my latest fic, so will try to update as soon as I pull myself together. I should have written more, and thought about it more carefully before posting. I get the impression from some folks (nobody here, I might add), that it was a little too gritty and violent for them, so I may take it down, and re-write it, toning it down a little, not sure yet. I'll try not to keep you waiting. Sorry!
                Don't you dare! It's an excellent fic! If you feel you must then put a warning about dark subject matter in the summary and make sure the rating is adequate (I'm crap at working out ratings myself, I put everything as T to be on the safe side but maybe you could put this one as M to be super safe?). Other than that if people don't want to read that sort of thing then they shouldn't - I like my whump and I like some dark fic now and then and there's nothing wrong with it.. and I've read far darker than yours before!!

                Please don't let one or two small-minded people out you off Linz, it's a great fic and fine as it is and I personally want to read more of it just as it is.. not toned down. The whump gets toned down enough in the show.. taking things a bit further is part of what fanfic is about!



                  Originally posted by Linzi
                  Ok. I'm feeling better now I've put a warning up, and I'll carry on as I had planned. Sorry to whine about my insecurities! I'll whump Sheppy extra hard as an apology to you all!
                  Forgot to mention that I'm co-writing a story with Merlin7! I'm really chuffed she asked me to.

                  Hurrah!! And double-hurrah about the co-writing! Can't wait to see that one!

                  The sole good side-effect of my internet-less day is that chapter 3 of the leg injury fic should be posted within the next ooooh half hour or so!


                    Originally posted by Alipeeps
                    Hurrah!! And double-hurrah about the co-writing! Can't wait to see that one!

                    The sole good side-effect of my internet-less day is that chapter 3 of the leg injury fic should be posted within the next ooooh half hour or so!
                    Oh that is good news...I really need a nice whump fic fix!


                      Originally posted by SLC
                      Oh that is good news...I really need a nice whump fic fix!
                      Right chappy is finished but right now I have a prior enagagement with Dr Who so it'll get posted after that! Gotta run - back soon!


                        Hmmm Dr Who's not on yet despite the TV guide thingy on NTL saying 7pm! Ah well, the good news is that means the fic is up! it's here:

                        back soon!


                          Originally posted by Alipeeps
                          Hmmm Dr Who's not on yet despite the TV guide thingy on NTL saying 7pm! Ah well, the good news is that means the fic is up! it's here:

                          back soon!
                          Brilliant chapter! It was so vivid and tense. Poor Sheppy! Well, ok, I loved him being so - thoroughly whumped! I love the blood! Sigh,...
                          Thanks for your words of support about my ficcie. Think it's all sorted now!
                          Hope your Chapter 4 will be up soon? I'm desperate to read more ....infirmary scene, trouser leg cut away...sigh...
                          Last edited by Linzi; 13 May 2006, 02:15 PM.


                            Originally posted by Alipeeps
                            Hmmm Dr Who's not on yet despite the TV guide thingy on NTL saying 7pm! Ah well, the good news is that means the fic is up! it's here:

                            back soon!
                            Thank you so much Ali!!! That was excellent!! The FA cup ran over so Dr Who was lucky me I got to read your fic sooner!!


                              Okay new caps- sort of whumpish so I thought they should go here! Nothing too exciting though!!!


                                Heee. Done with my Dr Who-ing and back to the whumping!


