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John Sheppard Whump

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    Z is for ZPM


      Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post
      Oh I am looking forward to reading it!

      Caty you really mustnt worry too much -at a couple of cons last year Joe mentioned the fact that he has three young kids that need to eat - I really dont think that he could afford to leave of his own choice - he really needs the money.

      The only reason he would leave is if he already had another job lined up and if that was the case then I would say good for him and when will we get to see the new show!
      You said ii before I did!
      Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
      I'm taking the view that there's no point worrying over things I can't change. Having said that, I doubt Joe would leave. He seems to be very proud of the show and very pleased with how it's going (and very pleased to have a regular role on a successful show after making was it 10 unsuccessful pilots in a row?). I got the impression that he moved his family down to LA a while ago (like during Season 3 maybe?) as he mentioned he and Jason hanging out together etc during filming... I wonder if perhaps they decided to move KAtherine and the kids to LA because of her pregnancy.. so that she would be nearer family to have some support etc with the new baby.. after all, Joe works very long hours so is not around a great deal during filming and a baby is a lot of work - especially with two other young kids running around!
      That's what I think too!
      Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post
      Doesnt he have a 6 year contract ? Maybe he couldnt leave by choice and get another job even if he wanted to.

      He seemed so up for S4 I cant see him leaving and to be honest all the saying goodbye to friends is S4 spoilers
      obviously Weir
      I agree about who the other person is, the fact the JM won't be pinned down about how many episodes, (spoilers for cast changes in season 4),
      Weir will be in and that it's all in 'flux' makes me think they don't want to say or haven't ironed out the details yet, but also that it won't be many and that Weir will be gone for a while if not permanently

      Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post
      Okay so N is for Nekkid under an infirmary sheet

      Picture......oh I wish!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      Me too. No fair!!!
      Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post
      O is for The Ark spoiler

      Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post
      Q is for quantity!!!

      WE WANT MORE SHEPPY WHUMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      IN SEASON 4!!!

      Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
      OMG!!! I wake up to the A-Z Picture Guide of Sheppy whump!!! what a lovely lovely treat!!!! SQUEEEEEEE!!!!!

      Hope all you whumpers are doing well. As for S4...I'm not going to get worked up over it. Heck, it won't air till fall which is at a minimum 6 to 7 months away...that's too long to get worked up over possible changes I don't really know much about.

      Well, I need to go clear my head so I can explain nuclear fusion to a bunch of brain dead high school students this morning. *Wonders if they would appreciate Shep whump more*

      Talk to all in a few hours.
      Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post
      U is for undress Sheppy so that he is nekkid under an infirmary sheet
      Can you explain nuclear fusion to me please?

      Originally posted by Lauriel View Post
      Well, I'll have to catch up on the rest of the alphabet tomorrow. Good night - have fun whumping!
      Night, Lauriel. I don't know, I take the dog out, ocme back and you've all finished the A-Z of whump.!!!!
      Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post


        Originally posted by Linzi View Post
        You said ii before I did!

        That's what I think too!

        I agree about who the other person is, the fact the JM won't be pinned down about how many episodes, (spoilers for cast changes in season 4),
        Weir will be in and that it's all in 'flux' makes me think they don't want to say or haven't ironed out the details yet, but also that it won't be many and that Weir will be gone for a while if not permanently

        Me too. No fair!!!


        IN SEASON 4!!!

        Can you explain nuclear fusion to me please?

        Night, Lauriel. I don't know, I take the dog out, ocme back and you've all finished the A-Z of whump.!!!!


        Yes I am sure that Shep is safe!!!!

        Well now that the A-Z is complete I may go to the gym. I am going to take my I-pod with me a watch an ep while I work out! Cant decide which to watch yet - maybe The Ark


          Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post
          Yes I am sure that Shep is safe!!!!

          Well now that the A-Z is complete I may go to the gym. I am going to take my I-pod with me a watch an ep while I work out! Cant decide which to watch yet - maybe The Ark
          I don't know, as soon as I get back you go out and do something healthy! It's my net BO again, isn't it? Or is it that I think your dvds are poor quality?


            Boo! Busy day today.... *sigh*


              Originally posted by Linzi View Post
              I don't know, as soon as I get back you go out and do something healthy! It's my net BO again, isn't it? Or is it that I think your dvds are poor quality?
              Yes - what is wrong with my DVD's??????????? You just cant please some people!!!!!

              I will be back later to get to my 7000!!!!! woo hoo!


                Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post
                Yes - what is wrong with my DVD's??????????? You just cant please some people!!!!!

                I will be back later to get to my 7000!!!!! woo hoo!
                Indeed! Squeeeeee!


                  Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                  JF has said he thinks we should see them, so if he is okay with it I'm sure everyone else on the cast would be too. I know BW isn't a fan of them though.
                  Joe likes the idea of outtakes to?!! Great...I really hope we get some. I can remember being at a scifi con once and seeing some ST:TNG ones...they were hilarious!!

                  Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post
                  Firstly I saw last nights SG-1 and I also feel encouraged about the whump is S4!!!

                  Secondly - as much as I do not want to wait until Autumn for the new eps part of me is concerned that S4 will be the last season and so at least we will have the show to look forward to for longer - okay I must admit these thoughts dont make much sense - but I guess you know what I mean.

                  Lastly - any chance I could get to 7000 posts today?
                  Hope you make 7000 SheppyD!! I hope it won't be Atlantis's last season. Part of me thinks it won't be...don't know why I think that...just do! My gut feeling hasn't really let me down on SGA here's hoping!!

                  Originally posted by Astraldust View Post
                  mourning the loss of some beloved friends," the network said in a press release.

                  What the heck do they mean by that? Does it mean we lose someone else? I darn well hope not and if it was Shep. Well, that would be it for me.
                  Definitely won't be Shep...he's way too popular a character!

                  Originally posted by caty View Post
                  Yes, but do we know that? I mean, Joe moved his family back to LA... Maybe he wants to be with them again. He has three small kids. I can't shake the feeling that something is up
                  I remember reading a 'Joe' interview somewhere before the start of s3. He said he doesn't like to move the kids around different schools. So he probably moved the family back to LA 'cos, when 'Lantis ends, he's going to have to live there, I would think, to get his next job.

                  Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                  I agree about who the other person is, the fact the JM won't be pinned down about how many episodes, (spoilers for cast changes in season 4),
                  Weir will be in and that it's all in 'flux' makes me think they don't want to say or haven't ironed out the details yet, but also that it won't be many and that Weir will be gone for a while if not permanently
                  I think that as well...
                  I like her...but it does feel as if she hasn't really been in the show much just lately anyway.

                  WE WANY MORE SHEPPY WHUMP
                  IN SEASON 4!!!

                  Flippin' heck....yeah!!


                    Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                    WE WANY MORE SHEPPY WHUMP
                    IN SEASON 4!!!

                    Okay, seriously, I haven't changed nationalities and turned Scottish, I don't 'wany' more Sheppy whump, that's my very poor typing....ouch!
                    What I meant to say is:

                    We WANT more sheppy whump in season 4!!!
                    *Hangs head in shame and embarrassment!*


                      I've just looked at the Martha Wells website and the cover pic for her next SGA book has been released.


                      Why do all the covers look nearly the same?

                      She also gave a very short summary of the story:-

                      When Dr. Rodney McKay unlocks an Ancient mystery on a distant moon, he discovers a terrifying threat to the Pegasus Galaxy.

                      Determined to disable the device before it's discovered by the Wraith, Colonel John Sheppard and his team explore the treacherous ruins of an Ancient outpost. But attempts to destroy the technology are complicated by the arrival of a stranger -- a stranger who can't be trusted, who needs the device to return home. Cut off from backup, under attack by the Wraith, and with the future of the universe hanging in the balance, Sheppard's team must put aside their doubts and step into the unknown.

                      I sure hope there's some Shep whump in there. It's supposed to come out next month but I believe that when it happens.


                        Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                        Okay, seriously, I haven't changed nationalities and turned Scottish, I don't 'wany' more Sheppy whump, that's my very poor typing....ouch!
                        What I meant to say is:

                        We WANT more sheppy whump in season 4!!!
                        *Hangs head in shame and embarrassment!*
                        Typo's can be so embarrassing but you made me laugh.

                        And you're not alone.

                        I want more Shep whump in S4 too!!!


                          LOL...I never even noticed your typo Linzi!!

                          Originally posted by Astraldust View Post
                          I've just looked at the Martha Wells website and the cover pic for her next SGA book has been released.


                          Why do all the covers look nearly the same?

                          She also gave a very short summary of the story:-

                          When Dr. Rodney McKay unlocks an Ancient mystery on a distant moon, he discovers a terrifying threat to the Pegasus Galaxy.

                          Determined to disable the device before it's discovered by the Wraith, Colonel John Sheppard and his team explore the treacherous ruins of an Ancient outpost. But attempts to destroy the technology are complicated by the arrival of a stranger -- a stranger who can't be trusted, who needs the device to return home. Cut off from backup, under attack by the Wraith, and with the future of the universe hanging in the balance, Sheppard's team must put aside their doubts and step into the unknown.

                          I sure hope there's some Shep whump in there. It's supposed to come out next month but I believe that when it happens.
                          Heh! They do need to come up with a better variety of covers don't they?!! I'm not sure about there being Shep whump, but from looking at Martha's website the other day...I know she's a big fan of woohoo!!


                            Originally posted by Astraldust View Post
                            I've just looked at the Martha Wells website and the cover pic for her next SGA book has been released.


                            Why do all the covers look nearly the same?

                            She also gave a very short summary of the story:-

                            When Dr. Rodney McKay unlocks an Ancient mystery on a distant moon, he discovers a terrifying threat to the Pegasus Galaxy.

                            Determined to disable the device before it's discovered by the Wraith, Colonel John Sheppard and his team explore the treacherous ruins of an Ancient outpost. But attempts to destroy the technology are complicated by the arrival of a stranger -- a stranger who can't be trusted, who needs the device to return home. Cut off from backup, under attack by the Wraith, and with the future of the universe hanging in the balance, Sheppard's team must put aside their doubts and step into the unknown.

                            I sure hope there's some Shep whump in there. It's supposed to come out next month but I believe that when it happens.
                            Ooooh sounds faboo! I love Martha's work!

                            Originally posted by Elinor View Post
                            Heh! They do need to come up with a better variety of covers don't they?!! I'm not sure about there being Shep whump, but from looking at Martha's website the other day...I know she's a big fan of woohoo!!

                            Fingers crossed for Sheppy whump - after all, Martha wrote the wonderfully whumpy Reliquary!


                              Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                              Ooooh sounds faboo! I love Martha's work!

                              There's some good stories on a certain web page, which can't be named but the other writer does slash stories, which I don't like. If anyone would like the link, please PM me
                              Last edited by Astraldust; 21 February 2007, 07:42 AM.


                                Astral honey, please can you edit your post above? *snip*

                                I made this mistake on LJ and she politely asked me to edit and remove any references to the connection between her official and fanfic stuff..
                                Last edited by Alipeeps; 21 February 2007, 06:22 AM.

