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John Sheppard Whump

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    SGAFan......your last post where you quoted Linzi , I think you forgot to include the {/spoiler} tag at the end of her quote. I accidently read some spoilery stuff....*cries*

    Can you fix it please?

    I don't wanna let Salty see.....


      Originally posted by parisindy View Post
      I only have squeaa for fanfic and if everyone stops writing 'the old atlantis' there will be nothing left for me to squeaa over
      Be assured Paris, whatever (and whenever) I'm writing fanfics, they will always involve Carson Beckett!!! There's no other CMO than him.
      That's not saying, I won't give Jewel Staite a chance on the show but that doesn't mean I have to put her in his place in my very own stories.

      Trust me, Paris. *extends a reassuring hand*
      FanFic---------------------------------------------------Twinchy's Lair


        Hey up ducks!!

        Seriously whats up with GW tonight??!!??? I am so gonna whump it if it doesn't buck up!!!

        Originally posted by bebop View Post
        SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!.hint..hint..just in case one of our esteemed fic creators is looking in...there could be blood..gallons of it leaking from numerous wounds!!!**faints**
        OMG YES!!!!!!!!!!! someone needs to write a fic like that!! I need more Fic desperately.

        Caty read the fic you recommended, it was fab, really enjoye dit now just have to wait for the next part, wonder if it will be soon!!??!!

        Has anyone else got any recommendations?

        Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
        how could I forget?? Although I did forget to mention, Shep does get whumped by leftovers....
        LMAO I loved that!! there should be more like this!!!

        Originally posted by sherryw View Post
        Is it wrong for me to find the Sheppybug pic strangly squee worthy?? Don't know why but wow!! Think I am just strange !!

        Originally posted by CritterCreator View Post
        Drabble first, fic later...

        The chains wouldn't let John stand up without being bent in half, which was hell on the back, so he didn't have any other choice except to sit. Sitting, however, forced him to press up against the slick, mishapen walls. The cold oozed into his bare flank into his chest then through the rest of his body. John shivered, and dropped his head forward to rest against his forearms.

        At least it dulled the pain.

        Scrabbling, and muffled chittering, caused John's head to snap up. He wasn't a stranger to the noise, and any other day he wouldn't have cared about it, but it was louder today. Louder, closer, and more numerous. The sound was everywhere - tiny claws tapping on stone, and small snuffling squeaks.

        A small weight pulled up onto John's leg pricking him through his wet BDUs. Panic shot electric through John's body. He twitched dislodging the thing before his brain had a chance to assess what it was.

        The same weight with the same pinpricking landed on John's shoulder. He yelped and jerked it off. The weight returned to his leg, followed by another. He felt something fleshy and cold - like tiny hands, touch his back. Another touched his arm, and another his stomach. Small, serrated teeth sunk into the flesh of his hip. John yelped and jerked his leg shoving the little carnivore away.

        Another weight landed on his shoulders digging in with miniscule claws. Claws pricked him around his waist, his arms, digging, scratching. The skin of his back pulled as something began to climb up to his other shoulder. John yelled. Tiny teeth sank into his arm, chest, ribs.

        John screamed, and threw his body against the wall, bucking the little weights off or smashing them against the solid surface. The small weights squeaked with indignation but kept coming, kept clawing and climbing up his exposed flesh. With each prick and each bite came rivlets of hot blood drawing lines on his skin. Tiny tongues tickled his skin, lapping that blood up. John bucked and writhed harder, shouting to scare the little monsters away. But the shouting kept turning into screams.

        They were eating him - alive. He felt skin being torn away every time he managed to throw one of the creatures off. John cringed at the tickle of whiskers agains his neck. He hunch up, lifting his shoulders to protect his vulnerable throat. The creatures refused to be deterred and attempted to push through for a nip near his jugular.

        John bucked, kick, writhed, and smashed himself and the creatures against the wall. Creatures squeaked and tiny bodies crunched under his weight. But for every one killed, two seemed to take its place. They were all over him, swarming him, drowning him with their wet stench like mold, urine, and blood. Claws pricked, teeth bit, blood ran, and tongues lapped it up.

        John screamed. The scream died into a whimpering sob.

        "S-stop. Stop, please."

        Alive, they were eating him alive. One was digging through his flesh, pulling and tearing a wound fruther until it's miniature nails scraped bone. John threw his head back in a howl of agony. The creatures took that moment to swarm at his open throat for the kill.

        The door to the cell burst open flooding it with weak, amber light. Poor as that light was, the creatures - like long-bodied rats with pointed ears - dispersed like a startled lock of birds, taking the pain with them. Free, John dropped his head back onto his arms and sobbed.


        McKay could only stare. Teyla and Ronon overcame their shock to go to Sheppard and kneel beside him, but McKay couldn't move, not even to go into a corner and puke.

        John's bare upper body was painted in a single sheen of blood. Blood oozed from the tiny wounds all over his back and sides, from scratches and open cuts. Even in this crappy light, Rodney could see every laceration. Light flashed off of pink tinted bone peeking through the gash in the skin covering Sheppard's ribs.

        Ronon used the keys taken from the now dead guard to unlock John's chains. Teyla covered John's back with her jacket. Together they helped him to his feet. Ronon pulled John in, letting the weaker man use the stronger as support. John was shaking as they took him from the cell, shaking and sobbing.

        Rodney had never heard John sob before, but would never, ever fault him for it.

        The guy looked as though something had been trying to eat him alive.

        Rodney rediscovered the means to move, just in time to lurch to the corner and vomit.

        As soon as I work it out, it will be a fic. If I can work it out.
        SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEE or should i say Squeeeek??? Almost joined McKay in the corner!!!! I liked it, you really need to fic it hunny!!!!

        Originally posted by Josie View Post
        I'm being a good girl and taking another stab at donig some writing. You'll have to all bear with me because I'm very, very slow. Unlike SGAFan and others I can't knock out a chapter every day.
        Wooohooooo sending happy vibes of support!!! don't stress we can be patient its always so worth the wait the last chapter was brilliant

        Originally posted by bebop View Post
        Pretties...*reaches for the mop and bucket to clear up drool*..we LOVE pretties!!!!..I cannot wait.

        Caty do I have to take an oath before holosheppy arrives
        I am waiting on my holosheppy to tide me over utnil i post enough for my very own shiny clone, hope he didn't get whumped by the postman,

        Originally posted by Rootortoise View Post
        ok so im weak and ive read the spoilers and looked at some piccies but im looking forward to seeing it now it does look really good and sheppy looks hot
        in the chair!!!mmmm also im not all that bothered about everyone else being whumped cos that just means that sheppy will hopefully be at the forefront when it comes to the first episode of season 4 (every cloud and all that )
        looks like itll be a good while before i can see it tho..grr!!
        Originally posted by Linzi View Post
        Just saw First Strike! It was brilliant!!!!! Woo hoo!
        spoilers ahead:
        OMG, did Joe look gorgeous! there were some great lines and moments. The Fantastic Four reference was so funny and so sweet. Joe and Rachel played their parts to perfection!!! Woo hoo. Shep flying the city! Wow! How gorgeous did he look? He had his eyes closed and wow - I was on the floor! Actually I was sighing along with SheppyD who was speaking to me on the phone at the time! Then, when he couldn't fly the city anymore, he opened his eyes and did some heavy breathing. So, it was like slight whump!!!! Oh Shep was so wonderful in those scenes.
        Ok, new characters:
        Jewel Staite's Dr Keller - loved her. She's going to be great. My fears have been allayed. She isn't meant to be CMO, she's just filling in for Carson,and says she's not experienced enough etc. She does look older than her years though, so I don't have a problem with her at all. Thumbs up from me.
        Col. Ellis - fantastic. Really realistic military man who actually respects Sheppard. So he gets the thumbs up too!!!
        Very exciting stuff.
        I'm theorising Weir had some sort of head injury requiring an operation in the new season. I also thought it was a good send off. Weir said she wanted to resign, or was tempted to, and honestly, I think she's gone from the series now. Maybe she'll be back now and then, but her time is limited, IMO.
        Great special effects. Some lovely Shep/McKay interaction.
        Loved it when Shep said McKay and Zelenka should make out!
        Well, if this is what season 4 is going to be like, I'm thrilled. Yes, it's a soft reset, but if it continues like this is will be wonderful. I'm excited now!!!
        Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
        Not long. 5-6 weeks? Tao of Rodney was last week so this week will be The Game...
        OMG I am gonna be stuck in the gutter for like 6 weeks, I can't avoid the spoilers and stuff!!! but looking onthe bright side six week sof new eps to look forward to

        Just one question about FS
        If JS is in charge does that mean he won't get to go off world and stuff?? will he be stuck in Atlantis like Weir was??? Just curious


          Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
          SGAFan......your last post where you quoted Linzi , I think you forgot to include the {/spoiler} tag at the end of her quote. I accidently read some spoilery stuff....*cries*

          Can you fix it please?

          I don't wanna let Salty see.....
          Oh *#@&#!!! I'm so sorry, GG! I thought I had all those ironed out.

          Its fixed... again, I am SO SORRY.
          My Fanfiction: ** My LJ (Art and Fanfiction): SGAFan LJ


            Seems like everyone loved the ep... I'm glad to say that my squee is cautiously trying to get the better of me and be back with a vengeance
            *Sig by the wonderful and talented Pegasus_SGA*


              Originally posted by SGAFan View Post
              Oh *#@&#!!! I'm so sorry, GG! I thought I had all those ironed out.

              Its fixed... again, I am SO SORRY.
              It's Ok permenant damage....

              You can make it up to me though by being sure to bring said episode to Vancouver.....


                Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
                thank you ((hugs back))

                Originally posted by twinchaosblade ½ View Post
                Be assured Paris, whatever (and whenever) I'm writing fanfics, they will always involve Carson Beckett!!! There's no other CMO than him.
                That's not saying, I won't give Jewel Staite a chance on the show but that doesn't mean I have to put her in his place in my very own stories.
                thank goodness (((((((((((((((((((BIG GIANT HUG)))))))))))))))))))))))))))

                Originally posted by twinchaosblade ½ View Post
                Trust me, Paris. *extends a reassuring hand*
                *Twitches nervously then takes hand*

                "It gets sort of Zen after a while, Life is a Journey. Time is a River. The door is Ajar."
                ~ Waldo Butters, in Dead Beat by Jim Butcher
                Card designed by Falcon Horus


                  Originally posted by twinchaosblade ½ View Post
                  *waves an enthusiastic hello*




                  very cool holo's there

                  "It gets sort of Zen after a while, Life is a Journey. Time is a River. The door is Ajar."
                  ~ Waldo Butters, in Dead Beat by Jim Butcher
                  Card designed by Falcon Horus


                    Originally posted by parisindy View Post

                    *Twitches nervously then takes hand*
                    Twitch?? That I would like to see.....


                      Well I got to see First Strike and I...
                      ...have to agree with the general consensus it was a great episode. Tense, exciting, an almost epic feel and yet still very funny in places.

                      It was nice to have a military man who actually liked and respected Sheppard, it's about time some one gave him a pat on the back.

                      I loved seeing Elizabeth venting off steam with Teyla, why couldn't they have shown more of this friendship earlier?

                      Dr Keller's brief scenes were promising.

                      Shep flying the city was great as was the wonderful way he says that he's putting it into hyperspace in that low whispering slightly spaced out sounding voice. *sigh*

                      Some of my favorite lines:

                      "Well, then I'd be the man and who would I have to rage against?"

                      "Much as I hate to say it Zelenka's not infallible."

                      "I need to learn some science."

                      "How come you get to be Mr Fantastic?"

                      "Why don't you guys just make out and get it over with, huh?"


                        Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
                        Twitch?? That I would like to see.....
                        hehe well i'm a twit its not that far off lol

                        paranoia is my friend ((huggles paranoia))

                        i swear i channel rodney's nerousis's sometimes

                        "It gets sort of Zen after a while, Life is a Journey. Time is a River. The door is Ajar."
                        ~ Waldo Butters, in Dead Beat by Jim Butcher
                        Card designed by Falcon Horus


                          I think I need to leave and do some studying I have an exam early tomorrow morning. Wish me luck, guys. I'm gonna need it
                          *Sig by the wonderful and talented Pegasus_SGA*


                            Originally posted by caty View Post
                            I think I need to leave and do some studying I have an exam early tomorrow morning. Wish me luck, guys. I'm gonna need it
                            I'm sure you'll be fine but sending lots of luck your way anyhow.


                              Originally posted by caty View Post
                              I think I need to leave and do some studying I have an exam early tomorrow morning. Wish me luck, guys. I'm gonna need it
                              Thinking of you, caty! ShepHolo and I still have some body parts to keep crossed for you and Roo's brother.

                              I know I sound strange sometimes...
                              FanFic---------------------------------------------------Twinchy's Lair


                                Originally posted by caty View Post
                                Seems like everyone loved the ep... I'm glad to say that my squee is cautiously trying to get the better of me and be back with a vengeance
                                yeh me too! and i havent even seen FS yet!!! hehe...Good luck with your exam im sure you'll do fine!!

                                SIG BY MY SISTER OBSESSED1! WHEN SHEP GOES WHUMP I GO THUNK! My LJ

