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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by iheartshep View Post
    Awwww.....*sniffs*.....who wrote "Sunset"? SGAFan, was that you? I need some Kleenex and a hug after those 2 fanfics. *sniffs again*

    Do you think we're getting all that
    boxer peekage
    accidentally-on-purpose? Don't they have people who check for that stuff? Seems like we've been getting more treats lately! I'm just sayin'......

    dont say unless tptb put a stop to it


      Originally posted by wraithkeeper View Post
      I assumed that
      he just had a hard time actually saying "his body" rather that "Carson", as that would be like admitting that he was really gone. But if they didn't find a body, then Carson could have ascended (although I highly doubt it)

      That's really good, Josie! I don't know how you can say that it's not going well.
      It's the actual stargate that's bugging me it's really scrappy and messy, can't even draw a bloody circle properly. I'm just getting annoyed with myself and when that happens I'm in danger of scrapping the whole thing and then I'll get annoyed with myself for deleting it, hence my seeking encouragement.


        Originally posted by iheartshep View Post
        Awwww.....*sniffs*.....who wrote "Sunset"? SGAFan, was that you? I need some Kleenex and a hug after those 2 fanfics. *sniffs again*
        That was me. *hands IHS more kleenex* well, whats left of my box after reading Ali's fic. *sniff*
        My Fanfiction: ** My LJ (Art and Fanfiction): SGAFan LJ


          I'll be off to do some studying (Uni just sucks at this time a year!)...

          I miss my squee, where did it go???
          *Sig by the wonderful and talented Pegasus_SGA*


            JOSIE.....that's wonderful! You're very creative and talented.

            Here's my take on one of the plot points in "Sunday"......
            I think Shep's marriage ended when his wife was killed and he feels responsible for her death. Maybe he was away on a mission or something and feels had he been there he could have stopped it. This is why he has a hard time letting anyone else in. And so ends another episode of "IHS Fantasy Island".



              I think your avatar is fab Josie - I only wish i had half your talent at visual stuff like that....


                Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post

                Something for the non spoileries


                can I come and live with you I promise to bring my nice and shiny Shep with me
                thankie for the pixs!! Yum!

                Yes, you can come live with me. As long as you keep writeing our odes and anthems in the lemming thread!!

                Originally posted by SGAFan View Post
                Okay, its posted. Read it over a half dozen times and decided to go with my instict and just post it. *G*

                **spoilers for Sunday**

                *sigh* Can't read another of SGAFans fics. *cries*

                Originally posted by obsessed1 View Post
                I need a hug

                Originally posted by Josie View Post
                I come seeking encouragement, this is completely OT but I've been trying to create this av for another board and it's not going well, how I wish I had more patience/talent.

                SQUEE of delight for that little masterpiece!! I love it!! Is that you in front of the gate?


                  Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
                  *sigh* Can't read another of SGAFans fics. *cries*
                  ((HUGS)) Sorry! It was just begging to be written.
                  My Fanfiction: ** My LJ (Art and Fanfiction): SGAFan LJ


                    Originally posted by iheartshep View Post
                    JOSIE.....that's wonderful! You're very creative and talented.

                    Here's my take on one of the plot points in "Sunday"......
                    I think Shep's marriage ended when his wife was killed and he feels responsible for her death. Maybe he was away on a mission or something and feels had he been there he could have stopped it. This is why he has a hard time letting anyone else in. And so ends another episode of "IHS Fantasy Island".

                    I haven't seen Sunday yet but
                    having been spoiled thoroughly and listening to everyone talking about the episode it seems the suggestion was strongly one that the marriage ended in divorce, if you'd really lost your wife ina tragic way would you just say that you'd tried marriage and weren't very good at it? Especially when Ronon had just confessed that he had lost the love of his life on Sateda.

                    I'm not sure why so many people have a problem with the fact that he is divorced, it happens. It may not be a nice thing but unfortunately not all relationships end happily ever after and being divorced doesn't make him any less of a good man and despite what some people think it is not proof that he is a womaniser - admitting that he was not being good at marriage is not the same as him being unfaithful. There are a thousand and one reasons why things could have gone wrong, sometimes things just aren't meant to be.

                    I'm very tired and I think I'm rambling - sorry!


                      Originally posted by Josie View Post
                      I haven't seen Sunday yet but
                      having been spoiled thoroughly and listening to everyone talking about the episode it seems the suggestion was strongly one that the marriage ended in divorce, if you'd really lost your wife ina tragic way would you just say that you'd tried marriage and weren't very good at it? Especially when Ronon had just confessed that he had lost the love of his life on Sateda.

                      I'm not sure why so many people have a problem with the fact that he is divorced, it happens. It may not be a nice thing but unfortunately not all relationships end happily ever after and being divorced doesn't make him any less of a good man and despite what some people think it is not proof that he is a womaniser - admitting that he was not being good at marriage is not the same as him being unfaithful. There are a thousand and one reasons why things could have gone wrong, sometimes things just aren't meant to be.

                      I'm very tired and I think I'm rambling - sorry!
                      i agree totally


                        Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
                        SQUEE of delight for that little masterpiece!! I love it!! Is that you in front of the gate?
                        My avatar girl started life about two years ago as a quick drawing and has undergone many different transformations and yes she was originally based on me, the hair and the green eyes, the pasty skin, so I guess she is me - only far prettier and these days skinnier too. *sigh*


                          I haven't seen it either....that was just my own personal take on that point. Kinda my "........if IHS wrote SGA fantasy...." if you will.

                          You haven't deleted your work, have you Josie?

                          I just hurt my left thumb and it's throbbing so I'm going for now. Injury time out!



                            Originally posted by iheartshep View Post
                            I haven't seen it either....that was just my own personal take on that point. Kinda my "........if IHS wrote SGA fantasy...." if you will.

                            You haven't deleted your work, have you Josie?

                            I just hurt my left thumb and it's throbbing so I'm going for now. Injury time out!


                            Aw! *hugs* Hope your thumb feels better soon.

                            And no I didn't delete it but I have stopped for tonight before I mess it up further or save over the wrong file - which I've already done once. Doh!


                              Oh it's no good as much as I want to I can't put off going to bed a minute longer else I'm going to fall asleep on the keyboard.

                              G'night everyone.


                                Originally posted by SGAFan View Post
                                ((HUGS)) Sorry! It was just begging to be written.
                                in understand, same thing with Ali's yesterday. When I ask for the link four months from now you better provide.

                                Originally posted by Josie View Post
                                My avatar girl started life about two years ago as a quick drawing and has undergone many different transformations and yes she was originally based on me, the hair and the green eyes, the pasty skin, so I guess she is me - only far prettier and these days skinnier too. *sigh*
                                I love it. I think it shows the beuaty that is Josie very well.

                                Originally posted by iheartshep View Post
                                I haven't seen it either....that was just my own personal take on that point. Kinda my "........if IHS wrote SGA fantasy...." if you will.

                                You haven't deleted your work, have you Josie?

                                I just hurt my left thumb and it's throbbing so I'm going for now. Injury time out!

                                Whump Shep not self.

                                how many people do we need to remind of this fact??

                                hope it feels better soon. go watch some Shep whump to feel better.

