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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by parisindy View Post
    where where where are the stories!? SQUEAA!
    in the capible and sometimes merciless hands of my beta reader. I'll be sure to let you all know when it's posted

    Originally posted by parisindy View Post
    oh man what gravy said!
    Thanks you two. Couldn't resist Sunglasses Shep... (THUNK)
    My Fanfiction: ** My LJ (Art and Fanfiction): SGAFan LJ


      Hi all! *waves madly*

      Well, it's been two days since I could get away from RL and pop in, and there have been waaay too many pages to catch up on. So I'm going to give a general welcome to any newbies and congradulations to any milestoners!

      Did I miss anything exciting?
      My LJ & Fics * Proud Member of W.A.S.P. * Pay It Forward


        Originally posted by Rootortoise View Post
        yeh but
        he might only be golfing in one or two scenes and then say hes gotta go stick fight with teyla or him and ronon wanna stick fight, the spoilers only say that teyla is walking near the gym when it explodes not necessarily meaning shes in the gym or caught in the explosion...clutching at straws yes but its possible!! also just noticed that LORNE is supposed to be in this episode as well (YAY!) im wondering if maybe he has to take charge a little since his CO is unable to know he might be severely whumped or something hehehe.....yeh again clutching at straws but one can dream!!
        oh man i really gotta stop hyping up this ep.....or im just gonna be disappointed!!
        Spoilers for Sunday:
        You are going to be disappointed thinking like that.. It won't be
        She that's whumped, I'm telling you.. Phantoms was disappointment enough in terms of expectations, so I won't try to convince myself that it will be whumped Shep... I'm sure we'll have Teyla whumped and Shep rescuing her all heroically.. In fact, I bet he's gonna risk his life on one of those suicide missions he likes so much, but won't have a scratch at the end...

        I'll be happy to be proved wrong, though
        *Sig by the wonderful and talented Pegasus_SGA*


          Originally posted by JohnSheppard28 View Post
          Really? Cool! I didn't know that, I've just been going to the last page and scrolling backwards until I find my last post. It does take a while. Thanks!
          *smacks self in forehead*
          D'oh!!! I've been bookmarking the last page I looked at and deleting my old book marks... the thread jump mechy is much cooler...

          Originally posted by caty View Post
          Spoilers for Sunday:
          You are going to be disappointed thinking like that.. It won't be
          She that's whumped, I'm telling you.. Phantoms was disappointment enough in terms of expectations, so I won't try to convince myself that it will be whumped Shep... I'm sure we'll have Teyla whumped and Shep rescuing her all heroically.. In fact, I bet he's gonna risk his life on one of those suicide missions he likes so much, but won't have a scratch at the end...

          I'll be happy to be proved wrong, though
          Yes, but...
          It will be an emotional whump... and if I can't have a physically whumped Sheppy, then I guess I will settle for an emotionally whumped Sheppy.

          Congrats to all the milestoners!!!
          Last edited by strinam; 11 December 2006, 01:48 AM.

          Thank you for the sig, SciFan!

          Thank You Sheyla Fan!



            So funny how many of you didn't know this... I wonder what other cool things are out there we don't know about
            *Sig by the wonderful and talented Pegasus_SGA*


              Originally posted by caty View Post
              So funny how many of you didn't know this... I wonder what other cool things are out there we don't know about
              Yeah, I'm giggling over the different ways people had for finding where they last were... teehee

              Thank you for the sig, SciFan!

              Thank You Sheyla Fan!



                Originally posted by kylieS21 View Post
                So glad to find out I wasnt the only one
                Er, I didn't know embarrassing, though not surprising knowing me!

                Morning whumpers!!! How is everybody today?


                  Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
                  Will it suffice to say, I'm really, really sympathizing with McKay in Sateda? At least his injury happened in a bit more dignified way than mine.......


                  So I went geocaching today. Went to bend over to look under the bridge and got stabbed in the right butt cheek by a pointy branch stub. It actually put a hole in my pants and made a nice little puncture mark in my butt. The area around it is bruised and swollen and I literally cannot sit and walking makes it hurt as well.

                  I'm feeling utterly and terribly stupid about the whole thing. I'm ready to just stay home on the couch. At least that hasn't turned against me yet.
                  Oh GG, I didn't know whether to laugh or cry when I read about your injury. How painful! Thing is, you really do need your backside for sitting on, so it's not funny at all. When I was a kid, my cousin and I sneaked under some barbed wire in a field, and my butt got snagged on the wire and all I can say is 'Ouch' in sympathy! Hope you feel better soon!
                  Originally posted by caty View Post
                  Spoilers for Sunday:
                  You are going to be disappointed thinking like that.. It won't be
                  She that's whumped, I'm telling you.. Phantoms was disappointment enough in terms of expectations, so I won't try to convince myself that it will be whumped Shep... I'm sure we'll have Teyla whumped and Shep rescuing her all heroically.. In fact, I bet he's gonna risk his life on one of those suicide missions he likes so much, but won't have a scratch at the end...

                  I'll be happy to be proved wrong, though
                  I'd be happy to be proved wrong too, but I think you're right Caty.
                  For some incredible reason the writers seem to be whumping Teyla non-stop! NOT FAIR! I say!!!


                    Oh, no! GG, I hope you feel a little less sore after some sleep.
                    My LJ & Fics * Proud Member of W.A.S.P. * Pay It Forward


                      Originally posted by caty View Post
                      Spoilers for Sunday:
                      You are going to be disappointed thinking like that.. It won't be
                      She that's whumped, I'm telling you.. Phantoms was disappointment enough in terms of expectations, so I won't try to convince myself that it will be whumped Shep... I'm sure we'll have Teyla whumped and Shep rescuing her all heroically.. In fact, I bet he's gonna risk his life on one of those suicide missions he likes so much, but won't have a scratch at the end...

                      I'll be happy to be proved wrong, though
                      yeh i know i should stop but i cant help it, ill be so pissed if its teyla AGAIN!!!! its time for shep!! ive pretty much convinced myself that it should be him, so illl be disappointed either way if its not him, and especially if it is teyla who gets whumped (even though shes been whumped badly loads this bloody season, and has more coming up!)
                      i dont want shep playing the hero....unless he gets ijured that way and none of this emotional whump crap I WANT BLOOD DAMNIT ahem....heheh...



                        GG - you are now officially the most accident-prone person I know. Congratulations!

                        Sorry for the schadenfreude; I do sympathise, honestly, and I hope it gets better soon!

                        My view on Sunday is that
                        I am looking forward to it, I would love to see Sheppard whump.. but based on past experience, I am not getting my hopes up any further than just a general, good episode... and then any whumpage, emotional or physical, that we get will be a bonus...


                          Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                          Speculation on Sunday:

                          I'd love to see Sheppy trapped by the explosion. Even if he's not whumped.. trapped and - hopefully - dirty and trying to find a way to get himself and others out. Cors it'd be even better if he were injured and trapped...
                          It would be a great episode if it were like that, Ali. So here's hoping. However, I'm not getting my hopes up too much. What I don't want is

                          An episode entirely centered around Elizabeth and her new love interest. Although, on the other hand, maybe he's jealous of Shep and plants a bomb to get rid of him. I know grazy but after last weeks episode then anything is possible.


                            right im off to uni, but ill be back later!! oh and since im in a boring lecture later im sure ill come up with more wishful thinking ideas for for instance
                            martin gero wrote it, he likes to write for mckay and shep mostly AND we know a lot of mckay ideas get turned into shep ideas for him....and mckay is in his lab when the bomb goes off, i think (and lets face it he aint gonna be at the gym is he?LOL) that leaves shep.....yeh i wish..
                            yeh im setting myself up for a fall!! but i dont think ive ever really know MG to write much for teyla...!
                            must go, see ya later!!



                              Ah, I feel GG's and Salty's pain with all these ep spoilers abounding! Thankfully I'm not dodging it until April like them though - I don't think I'd make it that far.

                              Thanks for the new avatar Ali! I love it.
                              My LJ & Fics * Proud Member of W.A.S.P. * Pay It Forward


                                Originally posted by Lauriel View Post
                                Ah, I feel GG's and Salty's pain with all these ep spoilers abounding! Thankfully I'm not dodging it until April like them though - I don't think I'd make it that far.

                                Thanks for the new avatar Ali! I love it.
                                You're very welcome m'dear.

                                Here's a spoiler tag that our strong-minded, spoiler-free friends can click on:

                                Spoilers for Common Ground:
                                So I rewatched this ep yesterday evening and just thought I'd have a random ramble about it. I can't stop rewatching certain parts of it - basically the first two feedings (and the bits in the cells inbetween... oh and including the bit before the first feeding where Sheppy tries to escape and gets zapped). Those bits are just so.... *guh* Awesome. In some ways I still can't believe the show went that dark, that they had the guts to portray their lead character being essentially physically tortured - in an horrific way - in front of his friends. But damn I'm glad they did. It made the episode, it really did. Talk about tension, drama, you name it. Wow. Joe's acting in those scenes just blew me away.... *sigh* Damn I love this ep...

