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John Sheppard Whump

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    Thanks for tagging the pics!

    Pennywise does great work. I had to look close to see the muffin in that pic.

    Well I am off to bed. Night all!



      Originally posted by JohnSheppard28 View Post
      So here's a dumb question: there's a Stargate Magazine??? How long has it been out? How many issues? How often does it come out, monthly or bi-monthly?

      It's by Titan Magazines, and has been around for 2 years I think. It's for both shows and comes out every other month. Here's the website...;jsessionid=2106C1C09D2D074F7451808DEDC39F79?service=external/Product&sp=S12

      I got a subscription the first year it was out, then the cost jumped up and since I get an employee discount at B&N (hubby benefits ) I go and buy it there now. Which actually costs me more because I usually have a kid or two with me and have to buy them something too
      Read about my SGA set visit at My LiveJournal - June 2007


        Originally posted by Pocus View Post
        I'll be hanging out for a little while and I haven't seen the ep yet and I am holding out on Spoilers too. We can be the Spoiler Free cheerleaders!

        We will give support and chocolate as needed!

        Go US!!!!!!! Do we get to wear cut-off BDUs?
        Read about my SGA set visit at My LiveJournal - June 2007


          Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post

          We're gonna need to give each other all the support we can. It's going to be a long difficult road...... but we will be all the stronger for it. At least that's what I keep telling myself.

          So...what kind of whump should we talk about tonight? I know, lets play with Bling's toy!!

          *spinning* *lands on Kolya and blood* SQUEEEEEEE!
          Read about my SGA set visit at My LiveJournal - June 2007


            Originally posted by Salty View Post
            Go US!!!!!!! Do we get to wear cut-off BDUs?
            As long as I don't have to wear any short cheerleader skirts. I would not want to scare anyone.

            really heading to bed now


              Night Pocus!! Sweet Sheppy whump dreams! Talk to ya tomorrow.


                Originally posted by Pocus View Post
                As long as I don't have to wear any short cheerleader skirts. I would not want to scare anyone.

                really heading to bed now

                Ok, just camo pom-poms and full-size sweats! Gotta be able to eat all those long-johns while we wait 4 months!
                Read about my SGA set visit at My LiveJournal - June 2007


                  I'm off to bed! Crazy busy morning tomorrow and I'm off to Massachusetts to see my sis for the holiday in the afternoon after school gets out. I'll try to peek in though, just for the sheer thrill of not clicking on spoiler links
                  Read about my SGA set visit at My LiveJournal - June 2007


                    Originally posted by Salty View Post
                    *spinning* *lands on Kolya and blood* SQUEEEEEEE!
                    Typical Salty answer...but man is it a good one!!! SQUEE to that sister!

                    Originally posted by Salty View Post
                    Ok, just camo pom-poms and full-size sweats! Gotta be able to eat all those long-johns while we wait 4 months!
                    Have I turned all the whumpers onto the long johns??? I live in sweat pants. And pom pom are over rated....never liked the things.




                      Night Salty! It's been a pleasure as always!

                      *sigh* Guess I'll have to whump Shep all alone.....


                        i could and do spend too much time here!!!

                        but such pretty pics


                        there goes college!


                          HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!

                          To all the Whumpers out there heading out of town or staying home. Be safe on your travels.


                            Well I'm outta here. I leave you with piccies from CG...




                              Morning all.
                              Ok, my thoughts on RII
                              Way too much RDA. HE took over the hero role and usurped my Shep. I wanted to see Shep swimming, Shep saving the day. So, as much as I love RDA, this episode sums up why I DON'T WANT SG1 ACTORS ON SGA!!!
                              The vis effects were STUNNING! Shep flying the PJ through the city being chased by drones made my heart pound. That was wonderful! The McShep banter was wonderful too! Yes, our Sheppy looked drop dead gorgeous! But, RDA took something away from the SGA characters here, and especially from Shep, IMO. RDA has also lost his sparkle, IMO. That twinkle in his eye is no longer there. He has no chemistry particularly with the SGA cast either. The hug with Elizabeth was a carbon copy from Siege III and it just didn't work. His reaction was just like Shep's was, only without JF's awesome emotions. So that gets a thumbs down from me too. It seemed contrived and emotionless. Also, I wanted to see a team ending, not Weir with RDA. They also let Shep off the hook too easily. I wanted a scene where RDA tore him off a strip, and then told him he'd keep his job, but that he should never do that again...etc. That would've been good drama, and then the two men would've had scenes together. Wolsey was good, and I didn't mind his inclusion here.
                              The plan was excellent and a wonderful twist. I didn't like the fast rewinding bit visually though. I initially thougth that something had gone wrong with the recording! Lol! I did love watching the plan unfold though. Lovely twist and good old Rodney. He's not a genuis for no reason!!!
                              So, overall, a decent eppie, not as good as Return I. Too much RDA, who stole too much screen time and who didn't really fit into the show. When will TPTB realise that SGA IS A DIFFERENT SHOW TO SG1?????? We don't need cast offs, and as much as I love RDA, and I do, his inclusion rather took the exciting edge off the episode for me. It was pretty much as I'd expected though. I knew about the underwater stuff from mag interviews. I JUST WANTED IT TO BE SHEPPY doing those things. I honestly hope the rest of the season perks up a little. I'm hopeful it will.
                              So, an entertaining episode in parts, wonderful action and fx, ruined slightly by RDA being the hero. For me, anyway.


                                TPTB are so stupid!!! Can't believe they're really bringing over
                                next season! It's been confirmed by

                                Argh!! I don't know how to deal with this

                                Way to screw up my day early in the morning!
                                *Sig by the wonderful and talented Pegasus_SGA*

