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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by caty
    Ali and Linzi: You are spoiling us with your wonderful stories, I'm loving every bit of it!

    I left you both reviews (Ali, I'm Sheppy at FF)

    BTW: I think I qualify to be part of the WASP

    Whooo Caty - nice to know who you are "over there"... thanks for your fab reviews, they make me feel all warm and fuzzy (I can feel a Gwyneth Paltrow coming on "You like me, you really like me!!" ) and they definitely inspire me to write more.. and more quickly!

    Oh and I think your deep love of the Shep whump, as evidenced by your appreciation of these two fics alone, more than qualifies you for membership of WASP. Now don't forget the strict requirements of membership though, they are not to be taken lightly. Have you watched 38 Minutes at least once in the past week? Have you? Hmmm?!!


      Yargh! *swoon*



        I Love that middle one, with Beckett, and Shep on the gurney...*drops*...


          Originally posted by caty
          Ali and Linzi: You are spoiling us with your wonderful stories, I'm loving every bit of it!

          I left you both reviews (Ali, I'm Sheppy at FF)

          BTW: I think I qualify to be part of the WASP

          I, caty, do solemnly swear to uphold the whump to the best of my ability... to read, write, swoon over and generally bask in whumpy fanfic... to seek out and post for the enjoyment of others whumpy pictures of one Lt. Col. John Sheppard... to devote the majority of my spare (oh, if there were any ) time to discussing issues of whumpage on this forum... and to generally and specifically promote the cause of Shep-whumpage wheresoever I may go... in the name of the ancestors, forever until ascension, so there.
          Thanks Caty!

          I know you like Ford, he can't help it you know. He's hyped up on Wraith enzyme and doesn't know what he's doing. Poor thing!


            Originally posted by SLC
            Thanks SLC! I just had to re-post this one - wow, it's gorgeous!


              Originally posted by Alipeeps
              Whooo Caty - nice to know who you are "over there"... thanks for your fab reviews, they make me feel all warm and fuzzy (I can feel a Gwyneth Paltrow coming on "You like me, you really like me!!" ) and they definitely inspire me to write more.. and more quickly!

              Oh and I think your deep love of the Shep whump, as evidenced by your appreciation of these two fics alone, more than qualifies you for membership of WASP. Now don't forget the strict requirements of membership though, they are not to be taken lightly. Have you watched 38 Minutes at least once in the past week? Have you? Hmmm?!!
              Well...... well..... well......

              Does it count that I have watched '38 Minutes' at least 100 times over all? That I know the dialogue by heart?

              Oh, and yeah: I really like you!

              Linzi, you know I really like Ford, but if his mind is twisted enough to want to shoot Shep, I guess he can't help it!

              You two, when are the next chapters due?
              *Sig by the wonderful and talented Pegasus_SGA*


                Originally posted by IWantToBelieve
                I Love that middle one, with Beckett, and Shep on the gurney...*drops*...

                What you said. I loved every minute of CONVERSION but that opening scene was AWESOME!


                  Ali, Linzi, I just read your most recent chapters... left you each a semi-coherent review... *still reeling from the awesome*

                  (Ali, I don't know if I signed the first one – I'm Celtic Knot.)

                  Member of W.A.S.P. ~ My Fan Fiction ~MySpace ~ Thanks to *E*K*R* for the sig!


                    Linzi, Ali...great adds. Damn, that was good whump - definitely a fix for this here addict...

                    *coughs* Sheppard_HC *cough*

                    ~*Beanie*~ | No mountain too high, no gutter too low... | Ar scáth a chéile a mhairimid uilig...
                    "It is better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt."


                      IM REALLY SLOW, WTF IS WHUMPING? i know thunking....
                      In Memory of Stalingrad

                      May She Never Be Forgotten.


                        Originally posted by caty
                        Does it count that I have watched '38 Minutes' at least 100 times over all? That I know the dialogue by heart?


                        You two, when are the next chapters due?
                        Ermmmm, ok then - you get a temporary pass on the requirement to watch 38 Minutes at least once a week. However, it should be pointed out that this particular episode can never be watched too often!

                        I've just had a delightfully whumpy end to my evening by watching Condemned and Instinct (first time I've re-watched em since the first and only time I saw them on TV - and was too damn dumb to record em!). No full-on whumpage obviously but a few nice snippets here and there and the whole novelty value (of whump I have not rewatched a zillion times) made it all the sweeter. Big huge thanks to SLC (btw have you changed your username or have I finally lost the plot completely?!!) without whom I would not have had the opportunity to rewatch these fine eps... Sent you an email babe..

                        As for chapter 4 - hopefully tomorrow but, realistically, possibly the day after. I've been a bad bad girl today and written a lot of chapter 3 whilst I was supposed to be working. Probably not a good idea to do the same tomorrow so any update is probably gonna be late evening tomorrow or on Thursday. Sorry to leave y'all biting your nails for so long!

                        Btw, Linzi - left you a review on ffnet but just wanted to say on here how much I loved your latest chapter - I totally wasn't expecting the majorly-whumpy ending and it blew me away! Can't wait for the next installment!


                          Originally posted by Ra's mom
                          IM REALLY SLOW, WTF IS WHUMPING? i know thunking....
                          "Whumping" refers to a character's physical or mental/emotional pain/angst/torture.

                          Member of W.A.S.P. ~ My Fan Fiction ~MySpace ~ Thanks to *E*K*R* for the sig!


                            Originally posted by Linzi
                            Okay, whumpaholics, here's chapter 4!

                            Really good Linzi and
                            we get Foooord!!


                              Originally posted by Alipeeps
                              Okay then - Chapter 3 is finally up.. let the whumpage continue!

                              This is really good as well Ali! Oh the whump!!


                                I hope you received my next review Ali, sometimes I've problems with that on
                                Concerning my own fics: I think reading English is easier for you, so don't read "Whisper". This is the fic I'm translating into English at the moment (thanks to CeeKay here ) and I'll just finish it in English, not in German, that's too much work. So in a few weeks "Whisper" will be online in English and I want to post new chapter then very fast

                                GREAT pic btw *dead*

