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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by Easter Lily
    I guess I'm less inclined toward seeing Shep in pain than the rest of you... but even so, I can't see how else it can pan out... Shep is heading for a kamikaze collision with one of the hive ships. He may land the pj on the ship but there is no other recourse except to jump ship and into space. Even here I don't see that he would take on a couple of Wraiths minutes before the Wraith ships blow to eternity. The only other option that I can see them taking is that he changes his mind, turns around and heads back to Atlantis. But I can't see Shep doing this unless something happens to make him believe that the threat below is greater than the threat above. We have already seen that he can be pretty determined once his mind is made up...

    I don't have a problem with the Daedalus coming in early in the piece and intervening in some way... I'm sure Shep will have his whumping sessions sometime...
    Yikes, I don't want to see him jump ship into space ...unless he's picked up 29 seconds later by the Heart of Gold, but that's another fanfic..


      Originally posted by emily_reich
      well i can foresee perhaps something going WRONG... like the nuke has a problem or something... or as we've guessed maybe a friend is on the ship...

      just a side note... ang made a shep whump smilie feel free to steal it
      LOL, cute! I hate to see his beautiful face bruised though


        Originally posted by Merentha
        Yikes, I don't want to see him jump ship into space ...unless he's picked up 29 seconds later by the Heart of Gold, but that's another fanfic..
        No, no, no, no, no...that cannot be happening. Shep dying once was enough. Ascension I could deal with. Descension - even better!!! But no more croaking it. That's tooooooo far!!!

        ~*Beanie*~ | No mountain too high, no gutter too low... | Ar scáth a chéile a mhairimid uilig...
        "It is better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt."


          I don't want Shep to be rescuing anyone on the hive ship. *yawn* I would prefer someone rescue him for a change.

          JM has dropped hints about the Asgard in SGA - Let Thor do the rescuing this time. Shep needs to meet Thor.

          When all else fails, change channels.


            Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
            JM has dropped hints about the Asgard in SGA - Let Thor do the rescuing this time. Shep needs to meet Thor.
            Yes! That would be great (and the Shep/Thor thread would be born)


              Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
              I don't want Shep to be rescuing anyone on the hive ship. *yawn* I would prefer someone rescue him for a change.

              JM has dropped hints about the Asgard in SGA - Let Thor do the rescuing this time. Shep needs to meet Thor.
              Shep meeting Thor!!! Oh, I can just picture the look on Shep's face... Shep never has seen the Asgard. I hope the writers don't forget that if the two do meet someday.

              And Shep being the one rescued would be a nice change.
              Zelazny, FBI~Undercover Division


       to see that.

                and oh....where's me davis banner Zel?


                  Originally posted by SilverRider
         to see that.

                  and oh....where's me davis banner Zel?
                  I'm workin' on it! I swear! Actually, I'm working on a few banners for people. And I've been working overtime at work(I'm there right now! *looks behind her*) so I've been sneaking onto GWF at work but at home I've been just passing out mostly. 7:30am-5:30pm then 6:30pm-8:30pm(ot) last week and this week again... Atleast I'm getting paid for it!

                  I'm almost done with it, along with one I'm making for Qasim Javid. Usually it doesn't take me this long, but with work being crazy... I feel bad for making you wait, but be assured it is being worked on!
                  Zelazny, FBI~Undercover Division


                    Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
                    I don't want Shep to be rescuing anyone on the hive ship. *yawn* I would prefer someone rescue him for a change.
                    I don't know if it's more interesting but it's definitely more probable...

                    As for
                    Asgards in Atlantis, I have theory about that too... formulated when Gateworld was down
                    But that will be postulated in the discussion thread later... when I'm off work... *grumble*
                    "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth"


                      well i certainly wouldn't mind someone rescuing him!! just as long as it ain't the daedalus...

                      the asgard would be fun! it would also be interesting if the wraith detected him and captured him, then someone had to come rescue him there


                        Okay, so the general consensus here is we want whumped Shep, don't have the Dadaelus rescue him quickly, show some fighting scenes and don't bruise his beautiful face too much. Did I miss anything?
                        Read about my SGA set visit at My LiveJournal - June 2007


                          nope i think that about covers it!! just as long as you make sure to include lots of emotional whump with that physical whump


                            I think we've got emotional whumping from Siege 2 covered - I'm sure we'll get more. However, I DO want some physical stuff too - a little bit o' blood will be good. And I agree - NO permanent scarring on that perfect man!
                            Read about my SGA set visit at My LiveJournal - June 2007


                              no!!! scars bad!! whumping good!! but nothing that leaves scars!!

                              though maybe still some left-over whump in the episode after... i hope he gets shot! last time he got shot we got almost NOTHING!! it was insta-recovery!!


                                Originally posted by emily_reich
                                no!!! scars bad!! whumping good!! but nothing that leaves scars!!

                                though maybe still some left-over whump in the episode after... i hope he gets shot! last time he got shot we got almost NOTHING!! it was insta-recovery!!
                                Now, scars are not always bad... I do love the scar they gave Jack. The one on his eyebrow. It adds a bit of character, atleast it does for me.

                                On the other hand, I don't think scars would suit Johnny-Boy. He looks FINE as he is.
                                Zelazny, FBI~Undercover Division

