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John Sheppard Whump

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    Okay now those kinda bugs I can live with Linz.... as long as they're attached to Sheppy and cause my poor boy pain and necessitate the removal of his shirt!






      My LJ & Fics * Proud Member of W.A.S.P. * Pay It Forward


        More Whumpage!!!



        Friendly whump:

        My LJ & Fics * Proud Member of W.A.S.P. * Pay It Forward


          Even more Whumpage!!!

          Freaky whump:



          Dead? Oh My God – We went too far!

          My LJ & Fics * Proud Member of W.A.S.P. * Pay It Forward


            Originally posted by Alipeeps
            Okay now those kinda bugs I can live with Linz.... as long as they're attached to Sheppy and cause my poor boy pain and necessitate the removal of his shirt!
            Yeah. Me too! Seriously, if I ever saw a bug that big I'd be dead before it got near me!


              Originally posted by Linzi
              Yeah. Me too! Seriously, if I ever saw a bug that big I'd be dead before it got near me!
              The bug wouldn't have time to kill me anyway... if that happened to me I'd be in utter hysteria over having run into a giant web like that and would probably die screaming in horror before the bug could do more than wrap itself around me!


                Originally posted by Linzi
                OMG, SLC. Giant buggy piccie!!!!!!
                OT, I know. What's a spider catcher and where can I get one!?

                Well I have one that has a big plastic claw like thing at the end of a stick and you open it - a bit like a mouth and snap it closed round them and then you can go outside and let them go...but I cant find any of those for sale...this seems to be the 'in' thing at the momenthere They also do them that have a vacuum action that sucks the nasty things in a tube!


                  Originally posted by SLC
                  Well I have one that has a big plastic claw like thing at the end of a stick and you open it - a bit like a mouth and snap it closed round them and then you can go outside and let them go...but I cant find any of those for sale...this seems to be the 'in' thing at the momenthere They also do them that have a vacuum action that sucks the nasty things in a tube!
                  Oh thanks! I'll go and have a look. Beats using a glass!


                    Gorgeous pics, Lauriel! I think I like the incarcerated and restrained whump best!


                      Originally posted by Alipeeps
                      Okay well first of all it was HUGE - way too big for plughole-washing... I had visions of the damn thing bracing it's legs on either side of the hole and resisting being washed away!

                      Secondly, sometimes the plughole doesn't drain too well so I'd be too worried that the darn thing wouldn't get washed all that far down

                      Thirdly - there is no WAY I could stand in that bath to have a shower knowing that a huge, live spider had been washed down that plughole moments before and might, at any time, decide to come climbing back out! *shudders*
                      OMG Ali I thought I was the only one who thought like this?



                        Originally posted by Gate Geek
                        OMG Ali I thought I was the only one who thought like this?

                        The only good spider is a dead spider.


                          Originally posted by Alipeeps
                          The only good spider is a dead spider.
                          So get a stout pair of boots and revel in the quiet crunch as the offender's puny exoskeleton yeilds under your Doc Martens. I'm sorry, I know you don't even want to get near. Does anyone else think this spider discussion is particularly relevant in a whump thread? It's got it all, fear, loathing, entrapment, angst, whump ending in death. I LOVE IT!!


                            I really hate spider bites!

                            Every time I get bit by one I get covered in red bumps, get this rash that spreads and itches like mad. Lasts a good day or two. I hate to think what would happen if I met a really venomous one...

                            There. Now this post is kept OT. A big thanks to Sheppy for providing demonstrations...


                              Originally posted by Gate Geek
                              I really hate spider bites!
                              Oh god, I'd never get close enough to one to let it bite me!!! What I am really really afraid of with spiders is the thought of them crawling on me... the last time this happened a large spider ran down my (bare!) leg while I was sat on the sofa with my husband one evening.

                              I'm not exaggerating to say that I was crying hysterically for at least 30 minutes afterwards and couldn't even go back in the room at all for the rest of that evening.


                                Still talking icky bugs?

                                If an insect or spider crawls on me I have to kept washing afterwards, I got a little spider squished on my hand at work and I nearly scrubbed the skin off afterwards. *shudders*

