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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by Linzi
    No way is ANYBODY stealing my Revels! Not even poor mutating Shep!!!
    hehehhe no wonder i've been confused! Revels are a type of icecream here hehehe

    "It gets sort of Zen after a while, Life is a Journey. Time is a River. The door is Ajar."
    ~ Waldo Butters, in Dead Beat by Jim Butcher
    Card designed by Falcon Horus


      I've never heard of Revels before myself.

      And as for the autograph session, most of the time you buy a photo yourself and simply get in line and he'll have at least a half dozen different pens lying on his table to sign photos with. Hehe, I bet that photo with him holding that box of Revels would bring him out of his reverie! I imagine he'll be really tired when you see him in line there. Jet lag going east sucks big time.


        Originally posted by NinaM
        So about going to cons,,which ever,,,when they sign something,,do you buy some photo there for them to sign or do you have something with you on your own or...never ever been to one so I'm not really sure what to do...*lol*
        Actually still thinking if I should really go to London,,, I really don't have it easy to just up and go to an con in the States since I live in Sweden,,,London is so much closer...
        And how does all this photo session work... or you have your own camera with or...gee I feel kind of stupid...but then again never been to a con of anykind and have never met any star I truly like...
        Oh you have to come... it would be so lovely to see you! And, as you say, going to a con in USA is a hugely expensive and difficult proposition... but London is just a short flight away!

        From the info on the con website, you have to pay to have something signed (the cost varies as it is set by the actor etc but it's usually about £15) and you can choose either to have them sign a free photo (it'll be one of the Atlantis studio portrait ones usually) or you can bring something for them to sign (e.g. your DVD case, a book etc etc). I'm conflicted but am leaning towards the signed photo myself!

        Photos - again, there will be organised photo sessions (where your photo is taken with the star by a professional photographer and printed and framed for you) and you will have to pay for this, again the price is normally £15, but you can also take your own photos and can ask the guest if you can have a photo with them at the signing - they can refuse though. I'll be taking my camera!


          I'm just all giddy for you guys!


            Originally posted by Alipeeps
            From the info on the con website, you have to pay to have something signed (the cost varies as it is set by the actor etc but it's usually about £15) and you can choose either to have them sign a free photo (it'll be one of the Atlantis studio portrait ones usually) or you can bring something for them to sign (e.g. your DVD case, a book etc etc). I'm conflicted but am leaning towards the signed photo myself!
            Photos - again, there will be organised photo sessions (where your photo is taken with the star by a professional photographer and printed and framed for you) and you will have to pay for this, again the price is normally £15, but you can also take your own photos and can ask the guest if you can have a photo with them at the signing - they can refuse though. I'll be taking my camera!
            Aah I'm also still not knowing for sure if I'll go. I can't believe I'm actually considering spending so much money for just a picture and an autograph. Have friends living in Newcastle and Manchester, why not London . At least I could save hotel costs that way.
            If I am going, I am thinking about making a collage of my favorite Sheppy pics and print it on Photopaper to have him sign it. (still want the free promoshot but not with autograph)


              Well, If I had a color printer and photo paper, I would go for this pix to have signed...


              or this one..

              Of course you could really freak Joe out and ask him to sign this one..



                Originally posted by Sweety
                Aah I'm also still not knowing for sure if I'll go. I can't believe I'm actually considering spending so much money for just a picture and an autograph. Have friends living in Newcastle and Manchester, why not London . At least I could save hotel costs that way.
                If I am going, I am thinking about making a collage of my favorite Sheppy pics and print it on Photopaper to have him sign it. (still want the free promoshot but not with autograph)
                Sweety...Spend the money and go!!!! You can hang out and drool and babble and be fan girlish with several other fine whumpers.

                Man I would love to see a pix of all of you with your drool buckets and thunk pillows in hand!


                  Originally posted by Gate Geek
                  Well, If I had a color printer and photo paper, I would go for this pix to have signed...

                  Of course you could really freak Joe out and ask him to sign this one..

                  Ha! When I saw that comment and then the spoiler tag, I thought it was going to be the you-know-what shot from your signature. Talk about freaking him out...!


                  Thanks to blingaway for the shiny new siggie!


                    Originally posted by WannaBeAWhumper
                    Ha! When I saw that comment and then the spoiler tag, I thought it was going to be the you-know-what shot from your signature. Talk about freaking him out...!

                    yeah, that pix would look great hanging on the wall!! Hmm... maybe we should have one of these signed..



                      This was nearly dropping off the front page, that'll never do. Where have all the whumpers gone?


                        Originally posted by Josie
                        This was nearly dropping off the front page, that'll never do. Where have all the whumpers gone?
                        Ya know this has been happening every time I post..everyone runs away. Hm..maybe I should just quit posting in here. But then that would be no fun either.

                        Two more posts josie and you can hit a milestone.


                          I'm not running away from you GG.

                          Isn't it funny I used to be way ahead of you on posts. *sigh*


                            I've been having to actually do some work. Dammit!

                            Work seriously interfered with my squeeing time!


                              Originally posted by Alipeeps
                              I've been having to actually do some work. Dammit!

                              Work seriously interfered with my squeeing time!
                              Well how inconsiderate of it! Really. How terrible that work should get in the way of whumping and squeeing. It's just not right....pity we can't get paid for this


                                Originally posted by Josie
                                I'm not running away from you GG.

                                Isn't it funny I used to be way ahead of you on posts. *sigh*
                                In fairness, I don't work so I have all the time in the world to just sit in front of the computer and play. Of course it quite hard when no one is around....

