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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by lissafoss
    I don’t have a problem with Shep getting shot twice

    I keep trying not to read the spoilers but i just cant help myself!
    Oh me too. I really just have no self-control, as you've probably noticed! I always mean to not read them, but just crave them at the same time. Does reading spoilers ruin the episodes? Probably not, though my squees would probably be louder if I didn't know what was going to happen. I have to say though, even when I've had a pretty good idea what's going to happen, I still have been surprised on occasion. M&MM is a good example fo that.


      Originally posted by Alipeeps
      I would just so love for Sheppy to get a proper, bleeding gunshot wound.. *sighs*

      Dammit, Jack O'Neill got shot/stabbed/bleeding SOOOOOO many times in Sg1 and I want that for Sheppy!
      I agree 100%. I want a proper wound, with proper blood and Sheppy actually showing that he's in pain and incapacitated for once. I mean, we all know what a stoic hero he is, but sometimes wounds do really hurt!!!!


        Originally posted by Alipeeps
        My thoughts on Phantoms and BamBam's spoilers...

        It has occured to me that maybe it's not Ronon that shoots Shep? We know the team that Sheppy adn co go there to rescue get affected by the device and shoot each other (gunshot wounds referred to in the trailer, guys on stretchers etc) and we also see one of them quite clearly in the promo, alone in the woods, hallucinating that he sees a supersoldier. It looks from the promo clips (Ronon seeing a Wraith and clips of Sheppard in the exact same place where Ronon is seeing the Wraith) that when people hallucinate, they are actually looking at real people... but their mind doesn't see who's really there, instead seeing whatever they are afraid of/will be likely to attack etc.

        So what if Sheppy and co are searching the forest for missing members of the team (the ones they didn't find shot (and dead?) on the forest floor) and Sheppy comes accross a lone soldier and tries to talk to him, to get him to come back to Atlantis, but the soldier hallucinates that Sheppy is a supersoldier - or whatever - and shoots him?

        Now that would be all kinda of awesome!
        You know...what I'm really loving about this episode so far is that the story can go in many directions. We still don't really know too much about it...not like CG anyway. This sounds like a good idea to Ali!

        I'm wondering if we will get much in the way of visual aspects of
        Shep's backstory. Especially if it's Afghanistan...I think they probably spent half the season's budget on there probably wasn't any money left to do war scenes!! Although I do remember in one of BamBam's posts he had a smilie of a who knows!!

        Roll on the weekend!!


          I want blood and pain! And it to last into the next episode, I want Shep to still be limping or unable to go off world because he’s not recovered yet.





                  nice picspam, lots of blood and pain!!


                    My Shep needed punished!
                    I cant remember why now but it had to be done


                      Originally posted by lissafoss


                      Hi all! *waves madly*

                      Congrats on the flat Obsessed1! That's fantastic news!

                      I have to say guys, I'm really enjoying the lack of spoilers for Phantoms. It's just heightening the suspense. I've gotten used to knowing more about the eps-it'r refreshing.

                      Also-plus side of GW being down, I've caught up on lots of fic! Liked your tag, Ali!

                      I haven't actually made it onto FFnet yet, O1, but I will!

                      Does anyone like Xanthe's fics?
                      My LJ & Fics * Proud Member of W.A.S.P. * Pay It Forward


                        I can't wait for the weekend. I'm really looking forward to Phantoms... and I just generally want this week to be over!


                          Originally posted by Alipeeps
                          I can't wait for the weekend. I'm really looking forward to Phantoms... and I just generally want this week to be over!
                          Me too Ali - on both counts.
                          My LJ & Fics * Proud Member of W.A.S.P. * Pay It Forward


                            Originally posted by Alipeeps
                            I can't wait for the weekend. I'm really looking forward to Phantoms... and I just generally want this week to be over!

                            Oh yes I need to see Phantoms- so desperately!!!!! Saturday will be one early morning for me


                              I really can't wait to see what's going to happen in the ep... I'll be on tenterhooks waiting for whumpage!

                              Lunchbreak atm and I'm trying to write but I'm struggling to get the chapter started... can't quite decide how to begin it...


                                Hey, d'you reckon I'll hit 5,000 posts by the hiatus?

