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John Sheppard Whump

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    Thanks! I'm begining to get all hooked on this video stuff. And now, I have where to host them.


      As long as we're still mentioning fanfic, I stumbled across this one and am sitting here in my office trying not to bust a gut laughing.

      Dr. Dredd's "Memoranda from the Edge"

      And I needs me some whumped Shep pics! Any takers?


        Originally posted by ShelBel
        As long as we're still mentioning fanfic, I stumbled across this one and am sitting here in my office trying not to bust a gut laughing.

        Dr. Dredd's "Memoranda from the Edge"

        And I needs me some whumped Shep pics! Any takers?
        Thanks for the link...I'm gonna pop over and look at that now!

        Here's a 'whumpy' pic!


          Here you go...


            Originally posted by Elinor
            Thanks for the link...I'm gonna pop over and look at that now!

            Here's a 'whumpy' pic!

            And we almost posted the same pic... LOL


              Gawd that bug gives me the creeps. *shiver*


                Originally posted by ShelBel
                Gawd that bug gives me the creeps. *shiver*
                ...and this bug is just too damn sexy!!



                  Those contacts HAD to be uncomfortable.


                    Originally posted by Beloky
                    And we almost posted the same pic... LOL
                    Now that's almost spooky!!


                      Originally posted by ShelBel
                      Those contacts HAD to be uncomfortable.
                      As I recall James, who plays all the Wraith, saying, they seriously narrow your field of vision so that you can only see dead in front of you...

                      I can image you have to be led around, or you'd bump into a lot of stuff - people, expensive equipment, etc.

                      ~*Beanie*~ | No mountain too high, no gutter too low... | Ar scáth a chéile a mhairimid uilig...
                      "It is better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt."


                        I know Vincent Ventresca, who played Darien on "The Invisible Man", had to wear a lot of contacts- bloodshot, red, and even a full-eye silver one. He made no bones about the fact that while the regular ones were no big deal, the silver ones were quite painful.

                        Okay, and now that we're done ruminating on poor Joe's eye health... MORE WHUMP! Well, as close to whump as I have, anyway... I've horked so many pics from here in the last week I have no idea who I got this from, but THANK YOU!

                        I can't say what that pic makes me want to do to Shep... but it involves nibbling under his jaw.

                        *thwaps self with PG paddle* OW!
                        Last edited by ShelBel; 26 October 2005, 10:39 AM.


                          That is one of Mer's HD caps...

                          Fab one though!

                          ~*Beanie*~ | No mountain too high, no gutter too low... | Ar scáth a chéile a mhairimid uilig...
                          "It is better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt."


                            Originally posted by IWantToBelieve
                            Hehehehe, I've got four kids and was sick as a DOG through the first four months. Sucked sooooo bad. And have you ever had food poisoning at 36 weeks pregnant? Holy heck, throwing up is bad enough, but trying to hug a toliet with a massive stomach in the way, now that's a whole new experience.

                            I had entire routes to work planned based upon locations to puke in. I had to go in the top entrance (worked in an old converted hangar when I was in the air force), go down the stairs and at the second landing was a bathroom. I'd go in there and puke, then be good to make it into my office and work my way to the back, then had to go up another flight of stairs and puke in that bathroom (that's assuming I made it past the bathroom at the front desk- sometimes I didn't), then I'd go up to our office, drop my stuff and sit wishing to just die LOL. Usually if I was still puking at noon my supervisor who had a pregnant wife said 'go home'.

                            And then I talk to other women who were barely sick at all. Where's the fairness in that, I ask you??????
                            Actually I got food poisoning at 13 weeks pregnant and was so ill on top of my all day sickness (never just had morning sickness!),that I vomited blood. I was so worried about the baby, fortunately she was fine! I loathed being pregnant. All of Sheppard's symptoms do bring back the revolting feelings I had for 6 months each time,(3 in all!) I really suffered awfully from sickness and really wanted to die on many occasions. At least though I always knew I'd hopefully have a baby at the end, the same can't be said for poor Shep!
                            I really do love Not The Daddy, it is so compelling and the whump is quite honestly delicious! Love the humour too! Never stop writing ficcies!! Please!!!!!


                              Originally posted by ShelBel
                              As long as we're still mentioning fanfic, I stumbled across this one and am sitting here in my office trying not to bust a gut laughing.

                              Dr. Dredd's "Memoranda from the Edge"

                              And I needs me some whumped Shep pics! Any takers?
                              I've been reading this too, even though I don't usually read WIP. I can't help myself on this one.


                                Originally posted by meredevachon
                                I've been reading this too, even though I don't usually read WIP. I can't help myself on this one.
                                'Memoranda from the Edge' seems like it's going to be fairly perpetual to be'll always be a WIP, unless the author gets bored.

                                I really love it though - makes me howl with laughter...

                                ~*Beanie*~ | No mountain too high, no gutter too low... | Ar scáth a chéile a mhairimid uilig...
                                "It is better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt."

