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John Sheppard Whump

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    I still pop in and read stuff. Never seem to have time to post much less do the challenges. I do love seeing all the creative ideas that come from the interesting challenges.


      Challenge #69 was Busy vs Simple.

      Four pics pretending to be one large one. I was aiming for simple, though not perhaps entirely successfully.
      Inspector George Gently.



      and minimalistic





        Challenge #70

        This weeks challenge is in two parts.

        First, if you are interested in *next* weeks challenge which will run Monday April 6- Monday April 13, PM me. We will be doing pairs next next week! More to follow!

        For this weeks challenge, PM me or leave me a message on my profile page or even in the threads. Give me a number 1-15 and I will give you your challenge. It's a mystery!

        entries due Monday April 6th by noon your time.


          Challenge Update

          Wanted to do a quick update on the challenge for next will start Monday April 6th and it involves "pairs". I need to know NOW [before Monday] if you want to do the challenge because I will matching you up in pairs. You and your partner will decide what art to make. You will pick something for your partner and your partner chooses for you! It will help if you are honest and tell them what you like/don't like, and what you think you need to work on. Push your partner to try something new or different, but be nice! They will be doing the same for you!

          I just thought it would nice to get some one on one feedback and have someone give you a push AND also help through the week.

          If you are interested, let me know!!


            Happy Easter Sunday!

            John Sheppard - thunkable, whumpable but absolutely NOT shippable - he's mine and I'm keeping him.

            sig and avi by mrscopterdoc for Secret Santa 2015
            Recommended Sheppard/Team Sheppard Fics


              Happy Easter


                Challenge #70 was a "pick-a-number" mystery challenge. Each number had a color, a number and a poem or song. Any or all the elements could be in the art, or used for inspiration.

                The prompts were "pink", "four" and a poem.

                I've used four screencaps from Inspector George Gently. There is a pale pink filter on each screencap. I couldn't find a poem that conveyed what I wanted to say, so I cheated slightly and used a song lyric (from Never Meant to Fail by Alex Lloyd).

                orange, 2, song

                3, Song Lyrics, Red


                Grey, song lyrics and 2(fonts)


                purple, 2, poem

                red, 3, song

                Last edited by mrscopterdoc; 06 April 2015, 12:23 PM.


                  Challenge #71

                  If you signed up early for this challenge, you will be assigned a partner. I will be sending those PMs out shortly. If you did not, you are either flying solo, or I can be your task master, I mean kind and gentle partner.

                  This week we are going to take a long, hard look at ourselves, and our art, and do a little spring cleaning.

                  Ask yourself, [or your partner] these 3 questions.

                  1. What have you always wanted to try?
                  2. What scares you about art?
                  3. What do you think you are terrible at?

                  Now, your challenge is to not only answer those three questions, but use it to make some art! Try something new, something you have always wanted to attempt. Do the thing that scares you! Make some art doing the thing that you think you suck at! No matter how terrible you think your attempt is, please share with us!!

                  Entries due to me by noon your time Monday April 13.


                    wow guys, those were stunning!
                    Absolutely 'that f word' fantastic! Everyone of them!

                    I humbly bow out.


                      Challenge #71 was a pairs challenge. If you didn't work with a pair, it was a week to try and push yourself out of your comfort zone if possible.

                      part one

                      raduzhok [partner with slizzie1986]


                      THE GREAT ESCAPE
                      On the ship, it seemed a fluke that they both awoke from stasis before destination was reached. More strange, was they were the only two, of the group who did. They were captives of a race which had been abducting Earthlings, probably for centuries.
                      They were being shuttled off to another world, from the Gunk’s home world. Testing had shown them to be of a quality such as would serve the Gunk use of humans to produce progeny for the food supply. But the atmosphere was incompatible with human biology, so a breeding ground had been found on a planet which was quite similar to, possibly exactly like, Earth.
                      Upon waking, and after clarity of the situation, that only he and one other were out of their pods, they scrambled to hide themselves from the sensors that scanned the holding bays of human cargo. They waited, huddled together, listening, barely breathing. But their disturbance seemed to go unnoticed. No alarms were set off.
                      Eventually, they crawled out from cover, careful not to pass in front of sensors or cameras. At the end of a long tunnel, as they explored, she found two bags, pushed inside a doorless cubby. “What do you think they are?” she asked. He shrugged, and gingerly crouched down to pull one out for a better look.
                      “It’s supplies.” His hands examined several items.
                      “For who?” She was now searching the other sack.
                      “I don’t know.”
                      “Look!” she said, pulling out a map. A circle was drawn around a topography that seemed familiar.
                      “X marks the spot,” he said, pointing to the red marking. Taking the paper from her, he turned it over. In a neat printing they read together.
                      “When you come out of stasis, and find these, make your way to the far end of a crawlspace which leads to the back of the ship. It will run parallel to the main corridor where the pods are. You’ll see space suits hanging on hooks at the end. Don these, and enter the hatch marked garbage.” They looked at each other, each uncertain that this was meant for them.
                      “Garbage?” she asked.
                      “Let me finish.”
                      “It’s your only way off the ship. It’s your only way out. The garbage is released from the ship and the container will drop through the atmosphere. You must make it through. You must let them know.” He stopped reading.
                      “Is that it?”
                      He shook his head. “It says that there have been others sent this way with each voyage. We have to find the others to ensure the survival of our species.”
                      “Who are these others?” She asked.
                      He shook his head. “Luke Skywalker. Princess what’s-her-name. Who cares right now. If we have a chance of getting off this death trap, then I say we try.”
                      They sat silently, each considering if they should follow the instructions. Quietly, each hefted a repacked bag, and searched for the crawl space. There was only one hatch at the end. Two white suits with helmets hung upon hooks and they slipped into them.
                      With great hesitancy, they opened the hatch, and found themselves gagging from the putrid smell that wafted out.
                      “The helmets. Secure them.” He did his own, and helped set hers in place. The relief of the lack of noxous scent was apparent on their faces. With knapsacks now hung over their shoulders, they climbed into the darkened chamber, pulling the hatch closed behind them.
                      The darkness was complete, and the girl thought she was just as happy to not see what was floating around them. “Hey,” she called out. “Can you hear me?”
                      “Uh huh.”
                      “What do we do now?” She wasn’t sure they’d made the right decision, but the alternative was likely worse.
                      “We wait.”
                      And they did. It seemed hours, though it was so much like being in one of those old sensory deprivation tanks, that time pretty much became irrelevant.
                      It happened so suddenly, there was no time to think about the consequences. All they felt, at first, was a sense of movement, and being jostled about. Then, as if they were in one of those express elevators, there was an intense vertigo, and the darkness seemed to shimmer like waves of heat, seen through an intense flame.
                      The sense they were on some crazy amusement park ride held them in a vice like grip. Dizzy, dizzier, hot, hotter. Brain shaking vibration and bright exploding light morphed into white gauzy haze. Free floating, they were outside the container watching it falling apart, and scatter away. Hands grasped for each other.
                      She heard his voice suddenly loud and clear inside her helmet, “Pull the cord next to your belt.” But she didn’t understand. His body snapped up, and there was a sense of slowing. He grasped her arm, and pulled her toward him before she could disappeared below him. Finding her cord, he pulled hers, and watched as the lines connected to her parachute pulled taut, causing her body to jump, and then slow like his had.
                      He closed his eyes, feeling as if he was buoyant. He could hear her breathing, her voice beginning to sqeek out, high pitched. “Listen to me.” He spoke into his microphone. “Just let it carry you down. Don’t look. Close your eyes. I’ll make sure you don’t crash.”
                      They drifted down, and down, and the clouds began to clear, and there were mountains all around. He could see way down below, the blue of a massive body of water.
                      “Oh!” she said, as if to herself. “It’s… it’s beautiful.”
                      He agreed, though silently. He was concentrating on how fast they were approaching the top of one mountain. “Listen,” he said. “Are you listening?”
                      “To what?”
                      “To me. We’re gonna land. You need to let your feet run with the movement as you touch down.”
                      “You heard me. Just go with it. It’ll soften your landing.”
                      They waited until they could see a huge flat expanse of earth, a seeming runway. He tensed for impact. There was a sudden expansion below them, coming from their suits. A huge balloon like flooring spread out, and up, surrounding them, as if in a bubble. Each rolled, bouncing softly, and slowed, as they came to rest against a copse of trees.
                      Silence. Then her voice breaking through. “How do I get out of this?”
                      He looked around himself and considered that there must be some kind of release. Then it hit him. “Unlatch your helmet.” He reached up to his, pulling at the clasp that held the two parts of the suit together. There was deflation, and he felt his body grasped by gravity. “Did you get it?” he asked, but his voice was no longer amplified, as it had been when encased in the suit. As the surrounding balloon like covering settled upon the soil, he saw her struggling.
                      When he was free of his, he went to her, and sliced through the rubber covering, and saw it deflate. Her face was red with her exertion. He reached out and unclasped her helmet, and helped her out of the suit. For a moment, they just stood there, looking around.
                      There was a trail which led toward a brighter area beyond the trees. As they emerged into the light, they were standing on top of the mountain, overlooking the valley and the ocean. It was hard to believe that they were here after all they’ve been through.
                      “Pinch me.” she said. “I need to know this is real.”
                      He sighed. “It’s real.”
                      “Pinch me anyway.”
                      He laughed. “I’m not falling for that one.”
                      “Geez, you’re no fun!” She dropped her knapsack onto the ground, and then sat, and started to rummage through it.
                      He looked at her. “You’re not even going to take an extra minute to enjoy this?”
                      Looking up at him, quizically, she had to wonder if that was yet another put down. “I’m hungry. I want to eat.”
                      Placing his own bag next to her’s, he walked over to the edge. An urge to kiss the dirt struck him. He couldn’t remember how long it had been since they’d seen this world. Earth. He drank in the beauty, breathed in the clean air, and silently thanked the gods for safe passage.
                      “You want one?” Her voice broke into his reverie. Glancing back, he saw she was offering him one of the rations they’d slipped into their bag before making their get-away.
                      “Actually, I think I’ll wait for real food. That **** is lousy.”
                      “You planning on running down to the supermarket?” She retorted, snidely.
                      “Nope,” he said, slinging the zat over his shoulder. “I’m catching me some dinner.” Turning, he began making his way toward a trail some yards off to the left, west, if he remembered. That’s where the sun set here. He called back to her, “Why don’t you make us a fire?”
                      As he made his way through the brambles of the trail, the whys and wherefores began to puzzle his mind. How was this planned by others? Who were these others? Where were these others?


                        Challenge #71 was a pairs challenge. If you didn't work with a pair, it was a week to try and push yourself out of your comfort zone if possible.

                        part two

                        slizzie1986 [partner with raduzhok]

                        Rad challenged me to: Write a fic with no dialogue and make vertical art to go with it.

                        Here's the art part of the entry:


                        A Kiss Goodnight
                        It was almost one o'clock in the morning when Mike turned off the engine to his jeep. He looked to the brunette in the passenger's seat. Mike would never tire of her sweet face. Abby's chocolate eyes sparkled at him. The drive to take Abby home went by way too quickly. The whole night had gone by too quickly if you asked him. Abby would agree. Mike had been praying for red lights just to extend their time together. He squeezed her knee. Mike unbuckled and exited the vehicle. Abby unbuckled while he rounded the hood. He opened Abby's door. Mike offered her his hand with a smile. She took hold of him. The moment their fingers touched it was more than skin they felt. An electric current raced through both of them at the contact. Mike helped her stepped down from the jeep onto the pavement of the parking lot. Abby resettled Mike's jacket around her shoulders. He had given Abby the garment to shield her from the cool early morning air.

                        The heels of Abby's sandals clicked in a rhythmic pattern on the hard surface. They strolled along first the parking lot and next the cement path that led over to her apartment building. Their footsteps were in time with one another's as they walked on hand in hand. The couple took their time crossing to the stairs.

                        Abby was staying in one of the second story units. He walked her up the metal stairs to her summer rental apartment. Each clank of their feet hitting the next step remember them that he would have to leave- there was work in a few hours. It was too soon to be invited in. Mike knew that, but he looked forward to the time he would be able to stay with Abby.

                        They stood side by side in comfortable silence just enjoying the last few minutes of their date. Pulling her attention from Mike Abby retrieved her keys. She selected the key to the front door then slid it into the corresponding lock. Abby twisted the key. The lock clicked open.

                        Abby spun back to Mike. His boyishly charming features were now ripe with determination. He was a man on a mission. Their gazes locked. She stepped out to him in a purposeful sway. A sudden breeze kicked up. A few strands of Abby's long hair shot forward. They stuck to her skin. She raised a shaky hand and brushed the hair out of her face. Abby tucked it back behind her ear without taking her eyes off of Mike. His ocean eyes focused on her red painted lips. The intensity in his stare knocked the wind out of her. It made it impossible to catch her breath. Abby could hear her heart beating in her ears. He seized her hips and brought her body flush to his. Mike dove in and captured her mouth with his. She let out an appreciative moan. They angled deepening the kiss. He pushed forward. Her hands frantically groped his back. She felt her body hit the steel door behind her. Abby grabbed his head. Her fingers laced in his honey color spikes. They changed the angle of the kiss yet again. They were unable to get enough of each other. His hands drifted up her sides. He held her as close as possible. After several minutes the need for air hit them. They parted with their eyes still closed. They rested together forehead to forehead. Each fought to get their breathing under control.
                        Knowing he had to go Mike opened his eyes. Abby's eyes opened seconds later. She looked into his face with a mix of adoration and desire. He whispered a goodnight and pressed a sweet kiss to her brow. Mike reluctantly broke contact. Abby felt him pull away in slow motion. Sighing, she turned the knob to the door and it opened. Abby walked into the apartment a step or two. Abby slipped off Mike's jacket. She held it out to him bidding him goodnight as well. Mike took the garment with a sad tip of his head. The fabric seemed to weigh him down. Abby closed the door. Mike waited until he heard the lock turn. He tossed his jacket over his shoulder.

                        Abby watched through her window as Mike travel down the stairs. She saw him make his way to the jeep and get in. He didn't take off immediately. Abby wasn't sure what was keeping him. She hadn't even heard the engine start up. Dare Abby hope he'd turn around and come back up? He seemed to be fumbling around with something. The light from his screen lit his smiling face.

                        Mike had the text message ap up. His nimble fingers typed away on the onscreen keyboard. It wasn't a long text, but an important one none the less. He buckled after he hit send.

                        Abby's own phone began to vibrate. She dug it out of her purse. The locked screen displayed that she had a text message. She flicked the lock screen to unlock the phone. She opened her new text and Mike's contact image came up with it. The corners of her lips turn up as she read: Sweet Dreams, Abs. Abby hugged her phone to her chest. She knew who she was going to be dreaming about tonight. Abby quickly typed up a reply telling Mike so and sent it to him.

                        Mike blew out a breath. He drummed his fingers on the back of his phone. It lit up as it beeped. Mike took his phone up from its place on his knee. Reading the message his smile changed into a grin. He clicked the screen off and set it into the passenger seat. Mike stuck the key in the ignition and started the engine.

                        The sound caused Abby to turn to the window at the side of the door and look out. Mike looked back up to the apartment before backing the jeep up. She smiled at him. He nodded at her. Tonight had been a great night.


                          Challenge #71 was a pairs challenge. If you didn't work with a pair, it was a week to try and push yourself out of your comfort zone if possible.

                          part three

                          Jaded Wraith [partner was Dragongirl]
                          This entry was suggested by DG to try to tackle my weaknesses (brushes and icons)

                          Dragongirl [partner was JadedWraith]
                          JW decided I should work on colorization


                          1. What have you always wanted to try?
                          2. What scares you about art?
                          3. What do you think you are terrible at?


                          I've always been leary about using the same pic more than once in a sig which is why I don't do it very often. Same with using 2 different fonts, but I think that worked out well this time around. I am terrible at choosing fonts though. That part of sig/icon making always takes me the longest because sometimes I just don't like any of the fonts I have.


                            Challenge #72

                            This week’s art challenge is a spin on the mystery challenge. Everyone will have something different, but this time I am not picking it, it will be totally random.

                            First, go to You do NOT have to join if you do not want to. I did not. In the top left, click “explore”, and in the drop down menu click on “recent photos”. On that page, pick and save 2-3 photos that you will use for your art.

                            Then, go to On the left side, click on ‘random quotes’. Pick a random quote, but only use 3-8 words from the quote, do not use the entire quote.

                            That is what you will use for your art this week! You can do this as many times as you want, make as much art as you want.

                            For me this was fun because the pictures and words are already picked out, I didn’t have to search for ‘the perfect picture’. I could just put them together and then play around. I hope you have fun with it too!

                            If you want to want fanfic, do the same steps. The pictures will either be inspiration or the setting for your story and the quote will the first sentence.

                            Let me know if there are any questions!

                            Entries are due to me by noon your time, Monday April 20th.



                              I have been away for a while, soo busy with work.
                              Now that the NHL and WHL Playoffs have begun that means the hockey season is winding down and I might have some time to visit in the near future.

                              I just wanted to say:
                              The art work is amazing!
                              You are all so talented!!!!
                              Thank you all for sharing!


                                Challenge #72

                                *****has been extended a week since I only have one entry*****

                                This week’s art challenge is a spin on the mystery challenge. Everyone will have something different, but this time I am not picking it, it will be totally random.

                                First, go to You do NOT have to join if you do not want to. I did not. In the top left, click “explore”, and in the drop down menu click on “recent photos”. On that page, pick and save 2-3 photos that you will use for your art.

                                Then, go to On the left side, click on ‘random quotes’. Pick a random quote, but only use 3-8 words from the quote, do not use the entire quote.

                                That is what you will use for your art this week! You can do this as many times as you want, make as much art as you want.

                                For me this was fun because the pictures and words are already picked out, I didn’t have to search for ‘the perfect picture’. I could just put them together and then play around. I hope you have fun with it too!

                                If you want to want fanfic, do the same steps. The pictures will either be inspiration or the setting for your story and the quote will the first sentence.

                                Let me know if there are any questions!

                                Entries are due to me by noon your time, Monday April 27th

