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John Sheppard Whump

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    Bookmarked both of those thank you!
    Don't think I will ever have time to read another paper book


      Quote from Joe from one of @TheFanDoc's interviews for her documentary.

      "I'm always surprised when somebody comes up & they're nervous & shaking. They don't know what to do because it's YOU, & there's a little voice in my head that says oh my god, that's right. To her I'm THAT guy, and sometimes, because I never think of myself as THAT guy I'm just Joe, and I understand that whole process of objectification and what you become, you become a public image, & the public owns that in a sense, it's out of your control, and thankfully it's relatively positive energy, & I try to make them understand it's all much more mellow than you may think, and I think they're grateful their experience with me is generally down to earth."

      John Sheppard - thunkable, whumpable but absolutely NOT shippable - he's mine and I'm keeping him.

      sig and avi by mrscopterdoc for Secret Santa 2015
      Recommended Sheppard/Team Sheppard Fics


        He is a wonderful guy!!!


          Afternoon Whumpers!

          Thanks so much for all the kind words regarding Tabitha. She was a real sweetheart and we miss her. We're working on a little area where she's buried, might plant some cute violas or something just so we will think of her when we see them. Shep kitty and Connor Joe keep looking around for her. It's sweet actually.

          Many thanks for the Metal Hurlant video. Any idea when we may see this in the US? Joe looks awesomely good. *purring*

          I also love that quote from Joe about meeting fans. Nervous and shaking....yep. 'THAT guy'....yep. He totally described what my reaction probably would be should I encounter him.

          Oh dear.....RL is intruding on my computer time. Tons of laundry to get to.



            Originally posted by Pocus View Post
            He is a wonderful guy!!!
            Originally posted by taris-eirien View Post
            Quote from Joe from one of @TheFanDoc's interviews for her documentary.

            "I'm always surprised when somebody comes up & they're nervous & shaking. They don't know what to do because it's YOU, & there's a little voice in my head that says oh my god, that's right. To her I'm THAT guy, and sometimes, because I never think of myself as THAT guy I'm just Joe, and I understand that whole process of objectification and what you become, you become a public image, & the public owns that in a sense, it's out of your control, and thankfully it's relatively positive energy, & I try to make them understand it's all much more mellow than you may think, and I think they're grateful their experience with me is generally down to earth."
            Doesn't he sound so sweet! He's not putting us off him at all is he!


              Originally posted by Libero View Post
              Here's my little challenge, whumpers - enjoy

              1 Special form of fan love
              3 Helicopter from "Rising"
              4 She found a new mother on Earth
              5 'Window' for fast travel
              6 Insect Wraith
              8 Nasty robots and fierce enemies
              14 Needed to get to Atlantis
              18 Implant and joker
              19 Goa'uld queen
              21 General at Stargate Command
              22 Daniel did it
              23 Wraith craft
              24 Atlantis' galaxy
              26 Leader of SG-1
              27 Runner and fighter

              2 McKay's first name
              3 Chief surgeon in Atlantis
              7 Where the Genii live
              9 Self-proclaimed womanizer
              10 One-way bridge to the adventure
              11 One of the four great races
              12 Physicist and cat
              13 Home of the Jaffa
              15 They can heal and destroy
              16 High IQ? Join!
              17 Tree-hugger
              20 Wraith commander
              25 Key, to operate Ancient technology
              Right here goes - what I think are the answers:

              1 Special form of fan love - whump
              3 Helicopter from "Rising" - blackhawk
              4 She found a new mother on Earth - Cassandra
              5 'Window' for fast travel - hyperdrive
              6 Insect Wraith - iratusbug
              8 Nasty robots and fierce enemies - replicators
              14 Needed to get to Atlantis - C_e_r/c_n_i_a_
              18 Implant and joker - urgo
              19 Goa'uld queen - primta
              21 General at Stargate Command - georgehammond
              22 Daniel did it - ascension
              23 Wraith craft - dart
              24 Atlantis' galaxy - pegasus
              26 Leader of SG-1 - jackoneill
              27 Runner and fighter - ronondex

              2 McKay's first name - meredith
              3 Chief surgeon in Atlantis - beckett
              7 Where the Genii live - underground
              9 Self-proclaimed womanizer - lucius
              10 One-way bridge to the adventure - stargate
              11 One of the four great races - ancients/furlings
              12 Physicist and cat - schrodinger
              13 Home of the Jaffa - dakara
              15 They can heal and destroy - ?
              16 High IQ? Join! - mensa
              17 Tree-hugger - ?
              20 Wraith commander- todd
              25 Key, to operate Ancient technology - atagene
              Thanks to Copter for the Sig and Avi!!!


                Originally posted by Dellruby View Post
                Bookmarked both of those thank you!
                Don't think I will ever have time to read another paper book
                Haha, yes but who needs one when the fanfic stories are so good ;-)

                Originally posted by taris-eirien View Post
                Quote from Joe from one of @TheFanDoc's interviews for her documentary.

                "I'm always surprised when somebody comes up & they're nervous & shaking. They don't know what to do because it's YOU, & there's a little voice in my head that says oh my god, that's right. To her I'm THAT guy, and sometimes, because I never think of myself as THAT guy I'm just Joe, and I understand that whole process of objectification and what you become, you become a public image, & the public owns that in a sense, it's out of your control, and thankfully it's relatively positive energy, & I try to make them understand it's all much more mellow than you may think, and I think they're grateful their experience with me is generally down to earth."

                Ah he's so sweet. And knows us so well!

                Originally posted by Pocus View Post
                He is a wonderful guy!!!

                Originally posted by iheartshep View Post
                Afternoon Whumpers!

                Many thanks for the Metal Hurlant video. Any idea when we may see this in the US? Joe looks awesomely good. *purring*

                I also love that quote from Joe about meeting fans. Nervous and shaking....yep. 'THAT guy'....yep. He totally described what my reaction probably would be should I encounter him.

                Any ideas when it's available in the UK? He always looks awesomely good ;-)


                Originally posted by Dellruby View Post
                Doesn't he sound so sweet! He's not putting us off him at all is he!
                To be honest he could get away with a lot of things before we'd be put off - if ever, haha.
                Thanks to Copter for the Sig and Avi!!!


                  Originally posted by H Louise View Post
                  Haha, yes but who needs one when the fanfic stories are so good ;-)

                  Ah he's so sweet. And knows us so well!

                  Any ideas when it's available in the UK? He always looks awesomely good ;-)


                  To be honest he could get away with a lot of things before we'd be put off - if ever, haha.
                  Your spot on there!
                  The only problems I have with fanfics is I love the smell of books, new or old!


                    Originally posted by MSusy View Post
                    Part 2
                    "Rodney are you busy?” John asked as he walked into the lab.
                    “Well yes actually I am. I’m working on an algorithm that will not only help maximize the power in the puddle jumpers, it could possibly allow them all the ability to create hyperspace windows without having to carry any extra naquadah generators or ZPM’s, all without burning out their internal systems.”
                    “So they would be more than one jump wonders?” asked John.
                    “Well yes, but the extra energy could also be channelled into other systems as needed, such as shields or weapons.”
                    “Higher powered weapons, now you’re talking my language.”
                    “Hmph, thought that would get your attention.”
                    “You know me too well old friend,” John said slapping Rodney on the back of his shoulder.
                    “Oww……What can I do for you John, I know you didn’t come down here to pass the time of day.”
                    “No, I had it pointed out to me just before that we don’t seem to have different seasons on this planet, so I thought I would come down and get the full story from you.”
                    “Seasons, Hmm, well no.” He went to a fresh computer console and typed in some code.
                    “You see this planet has a near vertical axis eliminating the phenomenon of seasonal variation rotating around the globe. The poles are in a perpetual state of winter and the equator is always the height of summer. This part of the planet, the sea and the mainland, is in a stable spring or autumn state with temperatures hovering between the high teens to mid-20s degrees Celsius, and just the right amount of rain fall to create the perfect growing season all year round. The variation only comes as you move closer to the poles, in which case it gets colder, or the equator where the temperatures are very high, and the land supports very little in the way of life, desert like.”
                    John opened his mouth to comment, but Rodney continued.
                    “And then there are the moons. The size, distance and gravitational pull of these 5 moons nullifies the effects of the tidal variations, which in turn reduces the extremes of the weather patterns, so no cyclones or tornadoes. It really is quite a remarkable planet.”
                    “So, no Fall, no harvest festivals, no summer equinox and no spring or Blossom festivals, do you think this planet still gets Easter and Christmas?” asked John.
                    Rodney turned to give him a withering look “I don’t think you are taking the science seriously.”
                    “Rodney, if I’m taking the science seriously, you know we are in deep trouble.”
                    “Very true,” said Rodney sombrely. “Hey, it’s October, were you planning on making a jack-o’-lantern?” his eyes lit up as he asked.
                    John chuckled. “Funny you should ask.”

                    The End

                    Great job everyone!!!
                    Originally posted by Dellruby View Post
                    I just finished Idle Wild, (I skipped ahead). Another good choice there taris!
                    Hey this is wonderful.
                    You always surprise me Dell.


                      How am I surprising you this time Kapri?


                        Originally posted by MSusy View Post
                        Part 2
                        "Rodney are you busy?” John asked as he walked into the lab.
                        “Well yes actually I am. I’m working on an algorithm that will not only help maximize the power in the puddle jumpers, it could possibly allow them all the ability to create hyperspace windows without having to carry any extra naquadah generators or ZPM’s, all without burning out their internal systems.”
                        “So they would be more than one jump wonders?” asked John.
                        “Well yes, but the extra energy could also be channelled into other systems as needed, such as shields or weapons.”
                        “Higher powered weapons, now you’re talking my language.”
                        “Hmph, thought that would get your attention.”
                        “You know me too well old friend,” John said slapping Rodney on the back of his shoulder.
                        “Oww……What can I do for you John, I know you didn’t come down here to pass the time of day.”
                        “No, I had it pointed out to me just before that we don’t seem to have different seasons on this planet, so I thought I would come down and get the full story from you.”
                        “Seasons, Hmm, well no.” He went to a fresh computer console and typed in some code.
                        “You see this planet has a near vertical axis eliminating the phenomenon of seasonal variation rotating around the globe. The poles are in a perpetual state of winter and the equator is always the height of summer. This part of the planet, the sea and the mainland, is in a stable spring or autumn state with temperatures hovering between the high teens to mid-20s degrees Celsius, and just the right amount of rain fall to create the perfect growing season all year round. The variation only comes as you move closer to the poles, in which case it gets colder, or the equator where the temperatures are very high, and the land supports very little in the way of life, desert like.”
                        John opened his mouth to comment, but Rodney continued.
                        “And then there are the moons. The size, distance and gravitational pull of these 5 moons nullifies the effects of the tidal variations, which in turn reduces the extremes of the weather patterns, so no cyclones or tornadoes. It really is quite a remarkable planet.”
                        “So, no Fall, no harvest festivals, no summer equinox and no spring or Blossom festivals, do you think this planet still gets Easter and Christmas?” asked John.
                        Rodney turned to give him a withering look “I don’t think you are taking the science seriously.”
                        “Rodney, if I’m taking the science seriously, you know we are in deep trouble.”
                        “Very true,” said Rodney sombrely. “Hey, it’s October, were you planning on making a jack-o’-lantern?” his eyes lit up as he asked.
                        John chuckled. “Funny you should ask.”

                        The End

                        Great job everyone!!!
                        Originally posted by Dellruby View Post
                        I just finished Idle Wild, (I skipped ahead). Another good choice there taris!
                        Originally posted by Dellruby View Post
                        How am I surprising you this time Kapri?
                        With your talents of course!



                          Did you read the small fic I did for the Sept challange?


                            Originally posted by Dellruby View Post
                            Did you read the small fic I did for the Sept challange?
                            Of course about that I talk you.


                              Did you like it, it is the first thing I have ever put out in public?

                              I was worried it wasn't very good


                                Originally posted by Dellruby View Post
                                Did you like it, it is the first thing I have ever put out in public?
                                I was worried it wasn't very good
                                I like everything of you, and yes I like even this your fanfic baby!


