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Rodney McKay/John Sheppard Slash/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Echoes=slashyest episode yet!!! *kisses Brad and Carl* I loved it, well I loved the slash!

    Spoilers Season 3 Echoes... don't read blah, blah, blah

    Disclosure: This is mostly just my fevered mind and not based in any reality.

    From the first scene of them together: Standing out on "their balcony" watching Whales...
 Rodney calling the Whale "Sam" (OK I did roll my eyes) but John was sooooooo jealous of that, aw he wanted Rodney to name the Whale after him. And John was even more jealous when he found out the Whale was male *hello* with a rather impressive um... manhood.

    John's reaction to the Whales um...manhood.


    I have no idea why I loved this exchange *whistles innocently*
    (Weir addressing John about Rodney)
    "How's he doing?"
    (John to Weir)
    "I don't know he's taking a while *makes face* a lot longer then he usually takes"

    Also I notice John's direct line of sight... was a certain person's butt.

    And back on the balcony.

    Yes in my fevered *slash riddled* mind John does have his arm around Rodney.

    *sigh happy happy happy*


      Originally posted by Willow'sCat View Post
      Echoes=slashyest episode yet!!!
      It really had lots and lots of lovely McShep moments!

      I so love it when John says "Rodney" instead of "McKay". He also
      said that when he was concerned when Rodney passed out and when he ordered that med team for him! His concern's so sweet.

      This is mostly just my fevered mind and not based in any reality.
      Fevered mind? You sick again? Or worse - still sick?

      Standing out on "their balcony" watching Whales..
      Oh yes,
      'their balcony', as an old fanfic fan I can just say oh yes, oh yes... John, Rodney and a balcony, that gets mentioned quite often.

      Also I notice John's
      direct line of sight... was a certain person's butt.
      Dignity check.

      Bye, A.
      ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
      ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


        Originally posted by Arlessiar View Post
        Fevered mind? You sick again?
        You really shouldn't take everything so literal. I am well.
        Dignity check.
        Oh and John was checking.


          Originally posted by Willow'sCat View Post
          You really shouldn't take everything so literal. I am well.
          Good to hear. That was my second guess, but I couldn't be sure.
          Oh and John was checking.
          Definitely. Who wouldn't? It's a great dignity.

          Bye, A.
          ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
          ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


            Originally posted by Willow'sCat View Post
            Echoes=slashyest episode yet!!! *kisses Brad and Carl* I loved it, well I loved the slash!

            Spoilers Season 3 Echoes... don't read blah, blah, blah

            Disclosure: This is mostly just my fevered mind and not based in any reality.

            From the first scene of them together: Standing out on "their balcony" watching Whales...

   Rodney calling the Whale "Sam" (OK I did roll my eyes) but John was sooooooo jealous of that, aw he wanted Rodney to name the Whale after him. And John was even more jealous when he found out the Whale was male *hello* with a rather impressive um... manhood.

            John's reaction to the Whales um...manhood.


            I have no idea why I loved this exchange *whistles innocently*
            (Weir addressing John about Rodney)
            "How's he doing?"
            (John to Weir)
            "I don't know he's taking a while *makes face* a lot longer then he usually takes"

            Also I notice John's direct line of sight... was a certain person's butt.

            And back on the balcony.

            Yes in my fevered *slash riddled* mind John does have his arm around Rodney.

            *sigh happy happy happy*
            I agree it was really had some awesome McShep. / Great ep overall.
            Sig by the Multi Talented KASS. : )


              Hey guys, just made some caps for "Echoes":
              Hmmm, what is Rodney thinking about? "Remember the other night?"

              Here come the badasses

              Aw, look at the concern in Rodney's eyes....

              ...and in Shep's


              PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


                ...and some more:
                I swear, Rodney/John/Elizabeth is the main triangle on this show (forget Teyla)...why else would McShep echo a scene between Sparky from season 2?

                I'm sorry, but WHAT is going on here? Apparently John is in stealth commando mode.

                Another humorous one....does this remind anyone else of "The Godfather"?

                Aw, they're holding hands.

                One of my favorite moments John's bewilderment is funny as is Rodney's attempt to be all cool and military.


                PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


                  ...and the last two pics from "Echoes":
                  I really like this shot

                  They have matching expressions, very cute.

                  Okay, that is it. Whew! That should keep everyone warm on this cold November night


                  PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


                    Lovely caps, Stef!

                    Ah, the McShep love in all these pics.

                    Originally posted by Stef
                    That should keep everyone warm on this cold November night
                    It's cold where I live, but I guess it's not that cold where Willow lives. Summer heat and McShep hotness - now I know why you wrote about your "fevered mind" lately, Willow!

                    Bye, A.
                    ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
                    ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


                      Originally posted by Stef View Post
                      ...and the last two pics from "Echoes":
                      I really like this shot

                      They have matching expressions, very cute.

                      Okay, that is it. Whew! That should keep everyone warm on this cold November night

                      Great caps. They look so sweet together.
                      Sig by the Multi Talented KASS. : )


                        You guys are killing me. I love the pics. Some of them won't show up...I just get an X...which is killing me some more.
                        This ep does look kind of slashy. Can't wait to see it.
                        Thanks for posting all the pics!


                          The caps are all working for me, maybe it is a browser thing?

                          I forgot about the touching! Brief moment when John pulls Rodney's hand down.

                          Originally posted by Stef
                          swear, Rodney/John/Elizabeth is the main triangle on this show (forget Teyla)...why else would McShep echo a scene between Sparky from season 2.
                          *Eek* *didn't hear that*

                          Everyone knows the only triangle is Beckett/McKay/Sheppard. Well unless Radek or Ronon are around. They don't need no stinking women!


                            Originally posted by Willow'sCat View Post
                            *Eek* *didn't hear that*

                            Everyone knows the only triangle is Beckett/McKay/Sheppard. Well unless Radek or Ronon are around. They don't need no stinking women!
                            See, I prefer a McKay/Sheppard/Ronon.

                            Are any of the pictures that aren't working mine?


                            PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


                              Now the pictures are loading. Must've been some server glitch or my computer. Thank you all for the screencaps. I love smiling Rodney. Shep's looking cute and roguish. Went to read the transcript posted on the yahoogroup and very tickled to see the descriptive line mentioning John being in bed beside Rodney (being in the bed beside Rodney's, of course, but the line was just ambiguous enough to be read another way. )

                              Aww, I love it always when McKay and Sheppard are the only two in a scene. When they're together, Atlantis is fun. Sweet. Sexy... wonderful. Awesome. Perfect in every way. Best show ever.


                                Originally posted by Stef View Post
                                See, I prefer a McKay/Sheppard/Ronon.
                                They would go with Ronon... but they would be thinking about Carson.
                                Originally posted by smushybird
                                Aww, I love it always when McKay and Sheppard are the only two in a scene.
                                It is wonderful, I would love to see a real McKay/Sheppard episode, just them, imagine the character development if they have to rely on and interact with each other and no one else...they have come close but usually there are still other characters involved I would like it just to be them for one episode....
                                So many people already see it as the McKay/Sheppard Show so why not just do it, one time out is all I ask.

