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Rodney McKay/John Sheppard Slash/Discussion/Appreciation

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    ok, my new musical!!! Its called The Honest Truth Musical Hopefully you guys will like it

    part one - Ronon/Jennifer

    part two - John/Rodney/Jennifer


      Originally posted by perkin127 View Post
      glad u like it this is the link to my new deller vid, im entering it for the kawoosh 80's music vid challenge
      Not that I want to quash your posts but this is a McShep thread, personally I think you need to keep your non McShep posts out of here.

      Until Darren kills our Pro threads on GW this is still all about McShep not other pairings or other stuff.... I am sure you understand. I am also sure some will disagree with me on this but not caring right now.

      I mean I want to post my latest Torchwood (Janto) vid everywhere and mine is at least slash but you know, not going to post it here as it has nothing to do with McShep.


        Originally posted by Willow'sCat View Post
        Not that I want to quash your posts but this is a McShep thread, personally I think you need to keep your non McShep posts out of here.

        Until Darren kills our Pro threads on GW this is still all about McShep not other pairings or other stuff.... I am sure you understand. I am also sure some will disagree with me on this but not caring right now.

        I mean I want to post my latest Torchwood (Janto) vid everywhere and mine is at least slash but you know, not going to post it here as it has nothing to do with McShep.

        I understand, it was just that its was the first in a series of vids that is a story which is for a large part mcshep, (and deller)im making the 4th video atm which is mcshep ansgty one

        p.s where can i see your torchwood vid, i love 'janto'


          part 4 is up, and some great mcshep angst






            You my friend are a genius!


            MCSHEP FOREVER!!!!!!!!
            Sheppard <3's Rodney! YAY! LOLS!
            Happily floating in Mckay Heaven <3


              oh i miss BadBoysII , just like i miss Logicsequence ?
              May the odds be ever in your Favor ! oh and please say hello to me on Skype and Facebook


                I haven't been here for few days, I was looking trough the pages - I so miss the days when this thread was all about McKay and Sheppard, nothing about Keller, she didn't even exist!
                O well
                It will come back someday, after she is gone!


                  Ya I understand completely about You Know Who!
                  Why did you do such a thing, you mediocre dunces?


                    well now ive finnished my little vid fic, i shall no,longer put her in any of my mcshep vids, ive got it out my system only pure mcshep from now on


                      Originally posted by perkin127 View Post
                      well now ive finnished my little vid fic, i shall no,longer put her in any of my mcshep vids, ive got it out my system only pure mcshep from now on
                      Oi perkin! Any more of your story coming up?


                        yea last vid has just gone up


                          Originally posted by bara007 View Post
                          I haven't been here for few days, I was looking trough the pages - I so miss the days when this thread was all about McKay and Sheppard, nothing about Keller, she didn't even exist!
                          O well
                          It will come back someday, after she is gone!
                          Instead of waiting for it to come back, why don't you step on in and make some of your own - I'm sure there would be plenty of folks here who would enjoy reading about the boys as opposed to other things, myself included! It takes good discussion to make good discussion.

                          Speaking of which . . . the S5 pictures thread had a link for new super-hi-res images of Vegas and Enemy at the Gate (spoilers at this link, obviously ), and the Vegas pics have me thinking . . . (Spoilers for Vegas) . . .
                          The new pic of the Wraith with the guns in the desert corresponds interestingly to the previously available images of Shep firing from behind his cool Camaro in the desert, and then him and his car (poor car!) getting shot/blown up. Can I hope that Area51!FBI Agent!Rodney will be the one to rescue shot/blown up Shep?

                          Even if we don't see the actual rescue, maybe there will be a bedside, "Well, Detective Sheppard, you seem to have gotten yourself into a bit of a pickle," sort of scene. I'm so excited! I hope it happens this way. The SciFi trailer seemed to indicate that there would be some buddy and snarking time going on. I hope there will be lots of nice Agent!Rodney/Detective!John AU fic to come out of all this. I love J/R law enforcement AU's.


                            Originally posted by Kady View Post
                            Oi perkin! Any more of your story coming up?
                            oh my story, doh just realized chapter 1 is up but i havent finnished typeing up 14 but i plan to do it soon


                              Originally posted by perkin127 View Post
                              oh my story, doh just realized chapter 1 is up but i havent finnished typeing up 14 but i plan to do it soon
                              Well get going!! I'm dying here waiting for your fic! Hehe!


                                Because it's been a while, I thought I'd post a link to the H&H Slash Atlantis Ships game. It's just McKay/Sheppard and Sheppard/Todd now, and our butt's getting kicked. The game's here if you want to participate. The rules are on the first page.

