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Rodney McKay/John Sheppard Slash/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Pajus View Post
    There is even canon evidence for both Shep being gay:

    I mean c'mon! He has sparkly courtains in his house! What other kind of man would have them without a live-in woman to insist on them?
    lmao, you mean these ones?


      Originally posted by Willow'sCat View Post
      Whee!!!! One of my McShep fanvids got nominated for a McKay/Sheppard Award! Whee!!!
      Don't Ask, Don't Tell.
      Congrats!! This is my first time seeing it, so thanks for posting the links.
      I like the song very much----perfect for the story that you are telling.
      I've watched it three times already.

      On the topic of Rodney bashing:
      As for the Rodney bashing because of the Keller relationship? Yeah, its everywhere, including LJ. It's not a good time out there right now if you're a Rodney fan.....the bashing is brutal in some places. I choose to ignore the ugliness and stay within the McKay Thunk and ProMcKay/Sheppard thread---I'm even done with the episode thread---that used to be a semi-fair place, but not anymore. Life is too short for such ugliness. I'd rather spend my time reading good fic and looking at pretty Rodney and McShep pictures/videos.

      Thanks again for the awesome vid and congratulations!



        Originally posted by Pajus View Post
        There is even canon evidence for Shep being gay:
        I mean c'mon! He has sparkly courtains in his house! What other kind of man would have them without a live-in woman to insist on them?




          Originally posted by Wilson3Girl View Post
          Congrats!! This is my first time seeing it, so thanks for posting the links.
          I like the song very much----perfect for the story that you are telling.
          I've watched it three times already.

          On the topic of Rodney bashing:
          As for the Rodney bashing because of the Keller relationship? Yeah, its everywhere, including LJ. It's not a good time out there right now if you're a Rodney fan.....the bashing is brutal in some places. I choose to ignore the ugliness and stay within the McKay Thunk and ProMcKay/Sheppard thread---I'm even done with the episode thread---that used to be a semi-fair place, but not anymore. Life is too short for such ugliness. I'd rather spend my time reading good fic and looking at pretty Rodney and McShep pictures/videos.

          Thanks again for the awesome vid and congratulations!

          I agree, i try not to be too negative about anything, especially on here, although i do rant about the rubbishness of mckeller quite a bit, but nothing else seems worth the angst!



              Originally posted by perkin127 View Post
              liked the vid where are the clips of joe flan that arent from atlantis from?
              They are from "A farewell to Harry"... Joe looks very pretty in it when he ain't smoking. Also he acts really well in some of the more deeper moments.

              Originally posted by Wilson3Girl View Post
              Congrats!! This is my first time seeing it, so thanks for posting the links.
              I like the song very much----perfect for the story that you are telling.
              I've watched it three times already.
              Glad you like it, the song was an odd choice as it is really about an under-age love affair, or you know inappropriate lust affair... but I have always like it.

              PS: Of course John is GAY! He is GAY! Rodney is BI! I thought everyone knew that?!


                Harmony pic:
                Originally posted by perkin127 View Post

                Ahhh.....thank you for the pretty perkin127

                I love your Jason banner. I hope that he's mending nicely.

                Willowscat, I don't know why I didn't remember the song being about inappropriate/underage love ('she's just 16 yrs. old, leave her alone they said....').....I think I was concentrating more on the lines, "If I could fly, I'd pick you up, I'd take you into the night"......... yeah, um, that makes me all squishy for the boys. Loved the flying sequences in there too. Perfect fit.



                  ^__^ ZOMG! I LOVE that piccy of them with the drinks ^__^ tehe

                  OT- have you guys seen joe in the "Family Albums" movie? Where he plays the gay guy? I was juts like AWW! it was during his "floppy hair" days ^__^


                  MCSHEP FOREVER!!!!!!!!
                  Sheppard <3's Rodney! YAY! LOLS!
                  Happily floating in Mckay Heaven <3


                    I must be missing all the Rodney bashing or I have just learned to not pay attention to it!

                    I just know
                    that a lot of people are being very VOCAL in their dislike of McIcky and how it is taking over the show! I see more of blaming Keller than Rodney! It's like Rodney is just being dragged along and Gero is in love with Keller so he is Really Rodney type things!

                    I know that with the icky canon stuff going on, I am so glad for fanfiction.
                    Why did you do such a thing, you mediocre dunces?


                      Originally posted by fumblesmcstupid View Post
                      I must be missing all the Rodney bashing or I have just learned to not pay attention to it!

                      I just know
                      that a lot of people are being very VOCAL in their dislike of McIcky and how it is taking over the show! I see more of blaming Keller than Rodney! It's like Rodney is just being dragged along and Gero is in love with Keller so he is Really Rodney type things!

                      I know that with the icky canon stuff going on, I am so glad for fanfiction.
                      I know, thank god for that! With that we can modify the storylines to our own liking!!

                      Is it possible that this McIcky could be a red herring? And how can Gero go over to the dark side?! I thought he was with us, since he's written some of the best and most blatant McShep moments!!


                        I know! He was even talking about McShep (as an example) but still!!!
                        Why did you do such a thing, you mediocre dunces?


                          some shrine goodness


                            Anyone know who has written the MOST subtext for McShep in episodes??
                            Why did you do such a thing, you mediocre dunces?


                              well it depends because what some people see, others dont


                                YAY for the shrine!!!


                                MCSHEP FOREVER!!!!!!!!
                                Sheppard <3's Rodney! YAY! LOLS!
                                Happily floating in Mckay Heaven <3

