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Rodney McKay/John Sheppard Slash/Discussion/Appreciation

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    the nice thing about being in a monogomus monagum (f****) a loving (i can spell that) relationship is that your lover has terms of endearments for use in public that he can call both for you and your friends (Buddy), but the private ones like Pooky and Sweetcheeks are reserved just for you!

    so what he called Ronon Buddy! Rodney is OKAY and Alive!!!

    I'm still in heaven about the "McKay is alive?" reaction! OMG
    Why did you do such a thing, you mediocre dunces?


      Originally posted by BlueFish View Post
      I did squee though at the "Chief", but only because it reminded me of one of my other fav shows "The Sentinel".
      Oh my! I hadn't thought of that...... Those are two more of my favorite guys.
      I just want Shep to keep his nicknames for Rodney and Ronon straight (no pun intended ) and separate.

      Wilson3Girl, realizes she's being totally irrational


        Originally posted by fumblesmcstupid View Post
        the nice thing about being in a monogomus monagum (f****) a loving (i can spell that) relationship is that your lover has terms of endearments for use in public that he can call both for you and your friends (Buddy), but the private ones like Pooky and Sweetcheeks are reserved just for you!
        Ahhh....public vs. private terms of endearment. I can go with that.
        There must be some fiction out there somewhere where McShep use nicknames. Somewhere?




          there is a really funny story over at Wraithbait called "MUFFIN" I can't link for the life of me plus it is "R" so there ya go!
          Why did you do such a thing, you mediocre dunces?


            Thank you!!



              Originally posted by Wilson3Girl View Post
              Ahhh....public vs. private terms of endearment. I can go with that.
              There must be some fiction out there somewhere where McShep use nicknames. Somewhere?
              I've read a couple where they called each other "Babe" or "Baby", but that seriously doesn't work for me with these two. The stories were not otherwise memorable, either, and so, alas, I have not links to share either.

              Just can't see either one of them calling the other "Babe" or "Baby" or even "Sweetie" or "Sugar". I think their endearment terms would have a little more bite to them, reflective of their characters.

              Maybe "Geek Boy" and "Hair Dude"?

              I think "Buddy" works very well for them, both in and out of intimate situations. It reflects their closeness, but doesn't suggest that one is less manly than the other. I get shivers when Shep calls Rodney "Buddy" (especially in Grace Under Pressure).

              Since they frequently call each other by their last names or titles, when they do use the other's first name, that becomes intimate in itself, especially depending on how it's said.


                Originally posted by GateEngineer17 View Post
                I've read a couple where they called each other "Babe" or "Baby", but that seriously doesn't work for me with these two. Just can't see either one of them calling the other "Babe" or "Baby".
                I think "Buddy" works very well for them, both in and out of intimate situations. It reflects their closeness, but doesn't suggest that one is less manly than the other. I get shivers when Shep calls Rodney "Buddy" (especially in Grace Under Pressure).
                Since they frequently call each other by their last names or titles, when they do use the other's first name, that becomes intimate in itself, especially depending on how it's said.
                I agree. The first time Rodney called Shepard 'John' my heart went pitter patter.
                As for "Babe" and "Baby", I've had my fill of that with Starsky and Hutch fan fiction over the years. I think Starsky said it a grand total of two times over the course of 4 seasons, yet it was coming out of his mouth in just about every sentence in fan fiction. It takes away from the intimacy of it if its overused imho.
                I looooved it when Shep called Rodney 'Buddy' in GUP. He sounded so urgent when he said it too, which made it all the more special. I guess that's why I wasn't crazy about him using it with Ronon.



                  Okay, look!

                  I know the majority of the fans DESPISE HARMONY!!

                  I am one of the few that actually loves the episode!

                  Now I just listened to Martin Gero and Will Waring and they were talking about

                  the painting at the end ya know "THE PAINTING"

                  and Gero was talking about how many people made it their banners, but Will Waring had no idea what a banner was, So Gero said....

                  on the Gatworld forum type boards a fan has a at the end of the names a sort of a tag line and they use like MCSHEP a pic of Shep and Mckay in a warm embrace!!!

                  GERO said MCSHEP!!!!! and warm embrace!!!

                  it is at the end of the ep Go and listen!!!
                  Why did you do such a thing, you mediocre dunces?


                    Originally posted by fumblesmcstupid View Post
                    GERO said MCSHEP!!!!! and warm embrace!!!
                    Woot! Well, we knew we liked that Gero guy!



                      Did y'all read the blerb about Brain Storm???
                      Why did you do such a thing, you mediocre dunces?


                        Originally posted by fumblesmcstupid View Post

                        Did y'all read the blerb about Brain Storm???
                        *Sigh indeed!* I have read about Brainstorm and it doesn't look good!
                        Are they setting them up so there's more of a background to work on McKeller maybe? We will just have to count this eppy as a blip and hope there's more McShep in later episodes! (fingers crossed that McKeller will never happen).


                          Originally posted by fumblesmcstupid View Post
                          and Gero was talking about how many people made it their banners, but Will Waring had no idea what a banner was, So Gero said....

                          on the Gatworld forum type boards a fan has a at the end of the names a sort of a tag line and they use like MCSHEP a pic of Shep and Mckay in a warm embrace!!!

                          GERO said MCSHEP!!!!! and warm embrace!!!

                          it is at the end of the ep Go and listen!!!
                          I haven't listen to it but OMG! So... given he said GW type forums, did he actually say GW type forums?

                          Do you think Mr *I am totally a McShepper* Gero has been looking at other sites? Has been looking at the pretty manips of our boys?

                          And exactly what sites would they be!?!

                          I also haven't heard about Brainstorm, is that an episode name?

                          I don't care what they do as long as sometime in season 5 I get a dam McKay/Sheppard hug (or warm embrace! LOL). That way we don't need no stinking manipulated banner; we can have the genuine thing! Are you listening Martin!


                            Originally posted by fumblesmcstupid View Post
                            Okay, look!

                            I know the majority of the fans DESPISE HARMONY!!

                            I am one of the few that actually loves the episode!

                            Now I just listened to Martin Gero and Will Waring and they were talking about

                            the painting at the end ya know "THE PAINTING"

                            and Gero was talking about how many people made it their banners, but Will Waring had no idea what a banner was, So Gero said....

                            on the Gatworld forum type boards a fan has a at the end of the names a sort of a tag line and they use like MCSHEP a pic of Shep and Mckay in a warm embrace!!!

                            GERO said MCSHEP!!!!! and warm embrace!!!

                            it is at the end of the ep Go and listen!!!

                            that is very cool i finally got my season 4,

                            I know fridays episode they didn't do a damn thing , and that does make me mad, but we'll just have to wait and see

                            but that is cool that they know some stuff about it , perhaps in the future??
                            May the odds be ever in your Favor ! oh and please say hello to me on Skype and Facebook


                              Originally posted by fumblesmcstupid View Post
                              Okay, look!

                              I know the majority of the fans DESPISE HARMONY!!

                              I am one of the few that actually loves the episode!
                              A lot of the fans I know actually enjoyed Harmony. There were a few watching parties at P3, and nobody I watched it with hated the episode at all.


                                Oh David-

                                (This is David's response to the infamous "I love you Dr. McKay" video from Joe)

                                And BTW Harmony was awesome!
                                Last edited by Mercury973; 21 July 2008, 11:07 AM.
                                Sig by im_meli
                                More random Hewlett nerdery on my LJ

