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Rodney McKay/John Sheppard Slash/Discussion/Appreciation

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    I get your point and as much as I don't want to play into the hands of well anyone.

    You may not realise that a lot of fandom is well female, and young (like even high school young) and well in soap opera's EVERYTHING starts with a hug. I am just saying you have to understand where the people who are reading too much into this are coming from, they watch rom/coms for pleasure.... PLEASURE! They read windswept novels, and most have never dated anyone in their lives!!! *more then a grain of truth there*

    In other words this is a huge part of their lives, not just a way to kill half an hour on GW.

    *Some* women (a few men I suppose) are like that, one look, one hug and you can read into it a whole wedding scenario before their lips even part... hey why do you think we even have slash? Slash was invented by females. Slash is (mostly) based on male characters who are other wise written as straight, do not underestimate a women and her ability to match-make.

    But I suppose my main beef with the Sh-weir's is on this poll thing... my god they didn't even have slash... how accurate could it be! And as for largest pairing on GW, well I have said it before, GW is not slash friendly, GW puts up with us, adn as long as I am here I will be pushing that particular envelope.

    Finally I don't mean any offence, stereotyping anyone or any part of fandom is not my intention I am just trying to explain why some may have over-reacted to the whole thing... I know everyone is different, we see things differently.

    I see John/Rodney like a beacon shining at me on the show, others obviously do not... End of story and rant.

    *I use too many smiles*
    Last edited by Willow'sCat; 10 June 2007, 03:48 PM.


      I don't think I have ever posted these in here. I was looking for season 3 promo pics for LogicSequence (which I still haven't found) and found these on my HD. I forgot I had them. Wanted to share.

      Thumbnails as they are very large.

      They are MASSIVE!!! It is almost too much Flanigan for a fangirl to handle (or boy)


        I didn't think to post it in here earlier but for the two people that don't know; McKay won a Spacey Award for Favourite Character.

        I feel sorry for John... Rodney will be hell to live with now.

        *ooh triple post sorry*


          Originally posted by Willow'sCat View Post
          I didn't think to post it in here earlier but for the two people that don't know; McKay won a Spacey Award for Favourite Character.

          I feel sorry for John... Rodney will be hell to live with now.

          *ooh triple post sorry*
          Completely OT, just wanted to say Willow, your new sig totally rocks.

          EDIT: Is it rotating? I meant the Angels / phonebox one.
          "Ce qui ressemble a l'amour est toujours de l'amour." - Tristan Bernard


            I just found something *very* interesting at the official stargate site


            they're running a poll on favourite slash's very unusual for there to be more than a joking mention of slash existing...what do we all think?
            Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


              about fricking time! pull out your slash goggles and keep emm on cause the ride is about to get fun
              Why did you do such a thing, you mediocre dunces?


                Pretty cool that they actually have a poll for favorite slash pairing. At least they acknowlege that slash exists(if only in our minds).


                  LOL! They must have gotten my rather gumpy email! Funny they didn't reply though...

                  I wonder if McKay/Sheppard gets more votes then Weir/Sheppard if we can then demand to see it on the show.[/sarcasm]


                    Originally posted by Willow'sCat View Post
                    LOL! They must have gotten my rather gumpy email! Funny they didn't reply though...

                    I wonder if McKay/Sheppard gets more votes then Weir/Sheppard if we can then demand to see it on the show.[/sarcasm]
                    Yea, IF ONLY! 75% for McShep, not bed... not in my bed at all ... WAIT!!! UH!! ERM!

                    Ermmm... uh.... ehem.... We here at LogicSequence would like to print a correction for the previous sentence. It should have read "75%, not bad, not bad at all". We are sorry, and by that we mean you can thank us, for any inappropriate thoughts of nekkid John and Rodney the error might have caused.

                    In all seriousness, i think it's great that they actually took a poll like that. It kinda blows my mind really, but in a good way. I can't wait to see who points it out to Joe M. in his blog . And i do find it rather funny that Rodney is in both of the male/male pairings! Appearently it's quite obvious to everyone that our dear Rodney is, at the very least, bi. Though i think Ronon is a little too rough for our boy. Rodney seems like a gentle lover with an occasional wild streak, not a "punch me in the face because it feels so good" lover.
                    Last edited by LogicSequence; 15 June 2007, 01:13 AM.


                      Originally posted by LogicSequence View Post
                      Though i think Ronon is a little too rough for our boy. Rodney seems like a gentle lover with an occasional wild streak, not a "punch me in the face because it feels so good" lover.
                      Er... OK.

                      I don't know who makes up the polls but it seems odd they don't have McKay/Beckett I am sure it is the second most popular pairing for slash in SGA.

                      Unless they don't like the implications of what that means now Carson is um... you know.


                        They are at 80%! Whoo! I posted about the poll on LJ.


                          Originally posted by Willow'sCat View Post
                          They are at 80%! Whoo! I posted about the poll on LJ.
                          I think they didn't put McKay/Carson on the poll because Carson's...

                          81% . Someone should take a screenshot of the poll before it mysteriously disappears.
                          Last edited by LogicSequence; 15 June 2007, 04:46 AM.


                            Originally posted by LogicSequence View Post
                            I think they didn't put McKay/Carson on the poll because Carson's...
                            Shh! That is meant to be a spoiler... yeah I know but you know how much I love GW rules.
                            81% . Someone should take a screenshot of the poll before it mysteriously disappears.
                            I am waiting for it to get to the 90% then I am making a sig! And a comment on Joe's blog!


                              Actually it's no longer a spoiler because the episode has aired in the U.S., and everywhere in the world.

                              I voted 30 times, i'm sure if you vote a few more we can get there . Seems about 20 votes = 1% at this point, until more people vote.


                                WTF it's down to 69% now!!!!

