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Rodney McKay/John Sheppard Slash/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Well if i was any good at writing, which i'm not, i'd write one. But i'm terrible at it. CGI, animation, that i can do. But ask me to write? Nuh uh.

    Another thing that's obvious b/w them is how much Rodney looks up to John, and wants to/tries to impress him, it's so cute .

    I've always wondered what in Rodney's childhood made him so afraid of letting people in. I hope it gets explored (doubt it tho).


      You guys have Rodney's personality nailed. Poor guy. Someone needs to give him a hug. John, what are you waiting for.

      I'll bet he was beat down as a kid, and was never valued as a person(except for his smarts and he was probably ridiculed for that too). No wonder he protects himself with the snarkiness and sarcasm. He's terrified of being humiliated and hurt.

      I see Rodney's admiration of John too. I think it's because John has that cool thing going on that Rodney never had and probably never will.


        Originally posted by LogicSequence View Post
        Another thing that's obvious b/w them is how much Rodney looks up to John, and wants to/tries to impress him, it's so cute.
        Hmm, Rodney does have a bit of hero worship going on. I am not sure it is purely about wanting to be like John, I think it is far more complex then that as these things usually are. And in my mind John is not all that cool, he is like a little boy sometimes *that is not cool* unwilling to take real responsibility for his actions.

        He is also too demanding on Rodney sometimes, I wonder if that comes from his own insecurity where his 'smarts' are concerned. The fact he seemed to hide his thing for maths was interesting and you know he knows how to play chess, chess maybe a great pass time but for a guy who otherwise would be out skateboarding/surfing and chasing girls boys it doesn't really fit, and then we have the AU version of John... very telling. I think hero worship is a two way street.
        I've always wondered what in Rodney's childhood made him so afraid of letting people in. I hope it gets explored (doubt it tho).
        I hope in Miller's Crossing we hear a little more about his and Jeannie's childhood, I am still pondering about their Dad, is he alive or dead? They made it sound like he was both. *stupid script editors*


          Classic McKay/Sheppard moments.


            More classic moments.

            Oh it's classic.


              Captions shall we?

              1. I really want to hug you and comfort you (and nuzzle your neck), but someone may come around the corner, so i'll just pat you on the arm. Feel the love!

              2. Hmm, i dunno... HE'S cute. Yea he is.. NO NO, not that one, he's so not cute. Uh Uh. *whispers* heh, and they think we're watching football, ha!

              3. Rodney: I really think you should try this John, just think of the benefits! John: You don't think it's big enough as it is?

              4. Rodney: I'll leave rescuing and sleeping with the "hot" woman up to you babe, you have fun with that. *snicker* John: *whimper*

              5. GOD David's as is sooooo cute!

              6. Really!? You guys know!? You're ok with it?! WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL US?! We've been sneaking around!

              7. Rodney: *walks up and puts his arms around John's chest and lays his head on John's shoulder* It's gonna be ok babe, it's just a physical, they can't find out from that... John: yea but you know, Carson always winks at me when he's examining... you know. Rodney: He what!? Cheeky b*stard!

              Ok, so i was in a semi-romantic mood
              Last edited by LogicSequence; 29 May 2007, 08:34 AM.


                Golly gee, it's a long haul until we have any new eps to play with, isn't it? Anyone want to put a better caption to my new sig pic?
                "Ce qui ressemble a l'amour est toujours de l'amour." - Tristan Bernard


                  Originally posted by Commander Ivanova
                  Anyone want to put a better caption to my new sig pic?

                  *John thinking*

                  I like my beers cold
                  and my homosexuals named Rodney.

                  (yeah it's a quote from the Simpsons )

                  EDIT: Now with images!

                  Last edited by Willow'sCat; 30 May 2007, 05:36 AM.


                    That's funny.

                    Hey, does Rodney ever call Sheppard "John" in Season 3. He doesn't in the first 2 seasons. What's with that, anyway. He uses everyone else's given names.


                      Originally posted by Willow'sCat View Post

                      *John thinking*

                      I like my beers cold
                      and my homosexuals named Rodney.

                      (yeah it's a quote from the Simpsons )

                      EDIT: Now with images!

                      Don't be sorry! I see what you're doing there, going for the direct approach. I was trying more for subtle myself
                      "Ce qui ressemble a l'amour est toujours de l'amour." - Tristan Bernard


                        Originally posted by Willow'sCat View Post
                        I swear it was the only pic of them together I could find!

                        Don't judge me!
                        nice butt , but who is who?
                        May the odds be ever in your Favor ! oh and please say hello to me on Skype and Facebook


                          I see you're a young inexperienced slasher eh? J/K...

                          Joe/John is on the left and David/Rodney is on the right.


                            Originally posted by MmmmMcKAy View Post
                            That's funny.

                            Hey, does Rodney ever call Sheppard "John" in Season 3. He doesn't in the first 2 seasons. What's with that, anyway. He uses everyone else's given names.
                            I don't think he does. He only calles him John when they're in bed, and then he usually just calls him baby.

                            Speaking seriously tho, that's one of the things i'm hoping to get out of
                            Doppleganger. Since Evil Shep is going to be invading the others' minds, i'm hoping after he's done whumping Rodney, we'll hear something like, "John? Why are you doing this!? I thought you were my friend!"


                              Originally posted by MmmmMcKAy View Post
                              Hey, does Rodney ever call Sheppard "John" in Season 3. He doesn't in the first 2 seasons. What's with that, anyway. He uses everyone else's given names.
                              No he hasn't and someone asked David Hewlett why McKay never called Sheppard John, David Hewlett said he didn't realise McKay hadn't called him John...
                              Originally posted by Commander Ivanova View Post
                              Don't be sorry! I see what you're doing there, going for the direct approach. I was trying more for subtle myself
                              Why didn't ya say!

                              I can't do subtle.

                              Originally posted by MIZA View Post
                              nice butt , but who is who?
                              John's is the flat almost non-existent one, Rodney's is the round inviting one.


                                Rod's bum is so rounded and inviting that John's always grabbing it. At least in our world.

                                I'll be watching to see if Rodney ever lets the "John" word out in Season 4.
                                Why haven't the writers written it in the scripts? I just find it very curious.

                                I've got a good fic recommendation. In fact, I'm reading it now and really enjoying it. But I can't post links to non-PG stuff can I? Can I mention the title?

