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Rodney McKay/John Sheppard Slash/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Ah, gotcha. I tried googling, but nothing quite seemed to apply. Most of what I read wouldn't have chan in it, unless it's Angel/Connor and then your getting back into incest, so it's all squick anyway.


      Originally posted by Mercury973 View Post
      Embarrassment- I hate stories where they are outted in a supposedly humorous way, but it comes out wrong. I read one story where they were being intimate (hey, let's keep it PG) and they were beamed into the control room in front of everyone. I stopped reading that fic right then.
      Oh yeah, totally agree with you there. I cover my eyes 5-10 times in any given romantic comedy for just this reason. There is no reason for me to seek it out in fic.

      Originally posted by Mercury973 View Post
      Where everyone is queer- For most estimates, 10-15% of any population is homosexual. But when a story has everyone in same sex relationships, that is just lazy writing. I know it's written to make the boys fit in, but it's kinda lame.
      Okay, see, I agree with you that having everyone be gay is odd to say the least. However, I think that 10-15% number is really, really outdated. Kinsey's methodology was limited by his time and so were the admissions (or even self-understanding) of his subjects. Bisexuality, or "bi-curiosity" as it's often labelled now, seems much more reasonable in fic to me. Just speaking for myself and my own reactions when reading.

      Though, "of any population"? No caveats for what group the population was drawn from or how they were selected?

      Originally posted by psychofilly
      Also, what is chan?
      Apologies for the confusion. I'll try to use real words in the future.

      And huntress, you may have hit on a reason I'm more comfortable in this fandom than many others. I think HP scarred me for life.

      Willow'sCat, I'd be interested to hear how you view Weir. We may have something else in common. (Or not.) Also, please rec any other mpregs you think are really well written - most folks don't seem to want to pass on those links. I wonder why.


        Originally posted by the old briar pipe View Post
        Also, please rec any other mpregs you think are really well written - most folks don't seem to want to pass on those links. I wonder why.
        There's "Miracles" by Master Elayna, available at Area52. It may also be at wraithbait, but I'm not positive.

        This story is a bit of a "guilty pleasure" for me, because I find parts of both John and Rodney's characterization to be OOC -- John takes control in a passive-aggressive way that I don't think fits what we see of him in canon, and Rodney passively lets him without calling him on it. This should be a deal-breaker for me, but despite what should be a very major reservation, every time I revisit it, I end up reading every word straight through. I really don't know why.

        I do love the bit where John and Rodney discuss their child-rearing philosophies, and Sam pops in for a short but catalytic appearance.

        Oh, and there's a non-connish aspect to how Rodney gets pregnant. Yes, this fic should by rights be on the list of my "ewww, never reread!" fics, but instead it's one I do reread quite often. Like I said, have no idea why. *scratches head*
        Keep Carson. Keep Elizabeth.
        Keep Atlantis.

        Lemming #14
        -Clueless Lemming Cretin-

        Image by Cailliath


          Just popping in briefly to show off the shiny new addition to my sig, a J/R smilie kindly made for me by the wonderful and generous Camello of Abydos.
          "Ce qui ressemble a l'amour est toujours de l'amour." - Tristan Bernard


            Originally posted by the old briar pipe View Post

            And huntress, you may have hit on a reason I'm more comfortable in this fandom than many others. I think HP scarred me for life.
            I agree with you regarding the fact that Kinsey's 10-15% are outdated. I had a discussion about that with my best friend last weekend and we came to the conclusion that really everyone is a bit queer. It just depends on the person and situation. As for myself I can say that I know that I am 80% straight but 20% queer. Just a personal observation.

            HP scarred you? O_O I think you read the wrong fics, OLP. HP is STILL my favourite fandom and the one in which I read the most fanfics in. It has so many pairings and so many, absolutly fabulously talented people who have written stories or created art for it (and are still doing it though things are a bit slow right now IMO) Warning, warning I am going OT but just take a look at the beauty of HP (I am sticking to the work safe stuff...this board is so rated PG):

            Snarry (Snape/Harry...don't worry no chan)


            The Cloak by Acid

            Drarry (Draco/Harry)

            In the Morning Light by Gwillion

            This Proof Absolute by Linn

            and for good measure the only canon pairing:
            Puppylove (Remus/Sirius)

            Kiss in the Snow

            Sorry for the OTness of the post but I am such a huge HP fan : blush :
            He's like fire, ice and rage. He's like the night, and the storm in the heart of the sun.
            He's ancient and forever. He burns at the centre of time and he can see the turn of the universe.
            And he's wonderful.


              Originally posted by Night Spring View Post
              There's "Miracles" by Master Elayna, available at Area52. It may also be at wraithbait, but I'm not positive.
              Huh. I can see what you mean, reading it. It's like the author kind of sort of knows that she's perpetrating non-con and scary gender roles (and yes, this John creeps me out), so it's not as bad as if she didn't know. But still, she doesn't do anything with that knowledge - it doesn't change the behavior of her characters, just makes them a little less freaky.

              (Although I keep expecting this Rodney to stand up and scream or else to start cutting himself.)

              The Sam moments were great, though. That's the first time I've loved Sam more than anyone else in a fic. Go figure. *laughs*

              I like the tax epilogue. It was apropos of my life at the moment.

              Originally posted by huntress View Post
              As for myself I can say that I know that I am 80% straight but 20% queer. Just a personal observation.
              Wow. I'm impressed that you can percentage-ize (so not a word, sorry!) that accurately. I'm too lazy, myself.

              Originally posted by huntress View Post
              HP scarred you? O_O I think you read the wrong fics, OLP.
              Cut for total OT-ness.

              Heh. Well, I'm an old school buddy of Canis M's, so I don't think that's the problem entirely. Have no problems with the Sirius/Remus, would have written it myself back in the day if the bunnies had ever seized me. Luckily, the world was spared.

              Pretty much everything else feels like chan or angersmut to me. I don't go for enemies bedding down, and even though the kids are almost grown up, they're still kids to my mind. It's just the impression I've formed of them. So I'm not interested in reading anything involving most of the main characters.

              Sadly, Snarry fits firmly into the "enemies" category for me, complicated loyalties aside.

              To give an SGA example, I would find adult-rated fics about Jinto, even if he were twenty, to be a bit squicky, because that's not how I see him. It would have to be very carefully handled (i.e., he'd have to act very grown-up) for me to accept it.

              And for enemies, well, almost nobody produces Caldwell/Shep, but if more people did, I'd probably avoid it. Not a squick, just not my thing.


                Originally posted by the old briar pipe View Post
                Huh. I can see what you mean, reading it. It's like the author kind of sort of knows that she's perpetrating non-con and scary gender roles (and yes, this John creeps me out), so it's not as bad as if she didn't know. But still, she doesn't do anything with that knowledge - it doesn't change the behavior of her characters, just makes them a little less freaky.
                I just hope the author knows, if this is the fic I am thinking of
                John is a little abusive and Sam (a surprise visitor) has to make Rodney stand up for himself
                read it ages ago. You're right you really do love Sam in this one. *if it is the one I am thinking of*

                Um... Not a Harry Potter fan really. But interesting art huntress.

                Originally posted by huntress
                It just depends on the person and situation. As for myself I can say that I know that I am 80% straight but 20% queer. Just a personal observation.
                I don't know why we even have to break these things down to percentages! It seems so outdated and almost like you *generally speaking* have to prove that you have a "right" to be like you are. I know in may places that is in deed the point, but it makes me sad that we still have the need to prove that it is normal to love or be attracted to the same gender (and what is normal anyway).

                Originally posted by Commander Ivanova
                Just popping in briefly to show off the shiny new addition to my sig, a J/R smilie kindly made for me by the wonderful and generous Camello of Abydos.
                Aw, nice. Heehee, I think that moment is my second fave from season one between our boys it was snarky and teasing and yeah the way John looks at Rodney. Oh they are so doing it! (The best moment for me in season one was in The Brotherhood when John is so obviously jealous of *what's her name* coming onto Rodney (he even rolls his eyes LOL!) and bless him Rodney is oblivious to her flirting. Wonder why )
                *it is really early here and I am a bit tipsy LOL so don't mind me*

                Don't you love strategically placed candles.


                  Originally posted by Willow'sCat View Post
                  Don't you love strategically placed candles.

                  Indeed. Phallic, much?

                  EDIT: After what huntress said above, I'm left wondering how much of me is queer. Or indeed straight.
                  Last edited by Commander Ivanova; 02 March 2007, 08:11 AM.
                  "Ce qui ressemble a l'amour est toujours de l'amour." - Tristan Bernard


                    has ANYONE ever heard Rodney call Sheppard "JOHN"
                    cause I can't think of one time in fan.fics he'll say it but on the show???
                    Why did you do such a thing, you mediocre dunces?


                      Originally posted by fumblesmcstupid View Post
                      has ANYONE ever heard Rodney call Sheppard "JOHN"
                      cause I can't think of one time in fan.fics he'll say it but on the show???
                      Nope. Not yet at least.


                        what was the ONE thing that made us think that John and Rodney are together?

                        I keep thinking about "SO LONG RODNEY"
                        any others?
                        Why did you do such a thing, you mediocre dunces?


                          Unfortunately I won't see the day when Rodney will call Sheppard "John" since that would be in season four....too bad.

                          I like it in fics where it takes a while and a couple of false starts until Rodney can call John comfortably John.

                          I am saying 80/20 because I am mainly interested in guys but wouldn't say no to a gorgeous and smart girl who says yes :shrugs: so far it is only a theoratical construct :shrugs : You are right thwough, that it is sad that we have to defend or justify or inclinations.
                          He's like fire, ice and rage. He's like the night, and the storm in the heart of the sun.
                          He's ancient and forever. He burns at the centre of time and he can see the turn of the universe.
                          And he's wonderful.


                            Rodney has said John's name but not to his face. He said it in Aurora when he referred to him as "rakish". He used his full name.

                            As far as I know he has never used it when actually talking to John. It is usually Kirk Sheppard or Colonel which I don't mind, it is kind of like a Rodney thing to use his surname or rank instead of his first name.

                            You know for me, to have Rodney use Sheppard's first name would be an intimate exchange now (it would have worked in Tao of Rodney but sadly they didn't go that way) and I can just see Rodney being the type of guy who would think using John's name would be a dead giveaway that they are gay and together. I think as smart as Rodney is he is totally clueless, everyone already knows because he refuses to use John's name, that they are gay and together. LOL!


                              Originally posted by Willow'sCat View Post
                              I think as smart as Rodney is he is totally clueless, everyone already knows because he refuses to use John's name, that they are gay and together. LOL!
                              Or even if they don't know for sure, they at least suspect something.


                                Originally posted by fumblesmcstupid View Post
                                what was the ONE thing that made us think that John and Rodney are together?

                                I keep thinking about "SO LONG RODNEY"
                                any others?
                                Hmm. I'll have to think about that one.. Though I suspect it wasn't just one thing for me, but almost every interaction between them!

                                Plus I came to Atlantis with long-established slashing tendencies so I was probably bound to view their relationship in those terms from the outset.
                                "Ce qui ressemble a l'amour est toujours de l'amour." - Tristan Bernard

