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Rodney McKay/Elizabeth Weir Discussion/Ship/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by sueKay
    what do we think of the cast-culling rumours?

    I think this is what David and Torri have been hinting at, and now Paul McGillion's come out and said that the future of some of the actors is up in the air

    I know it's not directly related to this thread, but how do we feel about it?
    Well, from a ship POV losing Rodney or Elizabeth would be a VeryBadThing, so that would suck. I don't see TPTB ever removing David (that would be the stupidest move ever), but I honestly don't know where Torri stands and that's worrisome.
    And there are still potential ship problems if both Rodney and Elizabeth stay and a SG1 character comes over. TPTB could decide to start shipping Daniel with Elizabeth or Sam with Rodney. And while I do have a soft spot for both ships (though I've grown tired of the constant "OMG! Rodney is crushing on Sam!" scenes), I don't know if either would work in canon.

    There are some SG1 characters that I don't really care for (Cam/Vala/Lam/Landry) that I wouldn't be interested in seeing on Atlantis at all. But all in all I'm still going to watch Atlantis regardless of possible cast changes unless David leaves. That would be the end for me.


      As far as who from SG1 could join Atlantis...

      It isn't Michael - he didn't want to do SG1 s11 so I doubt he'd do that

      It isn't Chris, or Beau - fees are too high

      It isn't Ben - Sheppard is the central character, tptb and sci fi big wigs know not to get rid of him

      It could be Amanda - she has a young daughter at work with her...I think she'd be willing to negotiate her contract because they've accomodated her...She likely replace Zelenka

      It could be Claudia - TPTB like her character and have been pushing Vala as much as possible...While Teyla's become wallpaper

      Heck it could be Gary...infact...Walter Harriman's the only character I'd like to jump to Atlantis!

      so I think Teyla and/or Zelenka will go

      I think the show could survive with the addition of Gary or Amanda (lets face it...we may be McWeir shippers but DH and AT have chemistry and are mostly fun to watch.

      But I think the introduction of Vala would be disastrous, and it could destroy other relationships between the characters
      Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


        I'm not entirely convinced that any of the main characters are in too much danger. With TPTB making a song and dance about exploring them all and investigating the dynamic more I think they're rather settled on keeping their main cast. There's no real reason to get rid of a character they're doing okay with and replace them with a vastly more expensive SG-1 actor.

        We're virtually certain David and Joe are safe and they seem to like Jason's character too much to get rid of him. As a firm fan favourite I think Paul's safe too. I'd agree Torri and Rachel seem to be in the most danger but I don't see the point of getting rid of either of them. They've been on the show 3 years, both have their fans and it would like only serve to antagonise people who watch the show.

        I am worried about some of the secondary characters though because they're fairly easy to cull off. I especially want Zelenka to stay because I think his interaction with the others brings a lot to the show - and he's a great foil for Rodney. I'm wondering if it's Caldwell that's going...
        by Kaaatie


          Could Sam or Cam get command of the Daedalus?

          I think it'd be really funny though...if Sam came to Atlantis...started seeing the other sides of Rodney that the team's gotten to know and then found out that he and Elizabeth are completely in love
          Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


            Originally posted by sueKay
            As far as who from SG1 could join Atlantis...

            It isn't Michael - he didn't want to do SG1 s11 so I doubt he'd do that

            It isn't Chris, or Beau - fees are too high

            It isn't Ben - Sheppard is the central character, tptb and sci fi big wigs know not to get rid of him

            It could be Amanda - she has a young daughter at work with her...I think she'd be willing to negotiate her contract because they've accomodated her...She likely replace Zelenka

            It could be Claudia - TPTB like her character and have been pushing Vala as much as possible...While Teyla's become wallpaper

            Heck it could be Gary...infact...Walter Harriman's the only character I'd like to jump to Atlantis!

            so I think Teyla and/or Zelenka will go

            I think the show could survive with the addition of Gary or Amanda (lets face it...we may be McWeir shippers but DH and AT have chemistry and are mostly fun to watch.

            But I think the introduction of Vala would be disastrous, and it could destroy other relationships between the characters
            I soooooo don't want SG1 characters to jump over to Atlantis. Not that I don't love them in their own right, I just don't want people to start looking at Atlantis and thinking SG1. Not to mention I don't really like the way the two groups of characters interact very much, except for maybe Sam, because of the whole vibe she has going with McKay.

            It would be interesing to see a triangle form if Sam became a regular, but I think I would tire of it quickly. It's a nice present once in a while, but too much gets old.


              Originally posted by Captain-Peregrine
              Maybe if we all think a collective snogging... er, I mean, sweet little McWeir scene----TPTB will hear us... in their dreams... where they can't escape us...
              It took me awhile, but I figured out where I heard that sentence on dreams before: the animated movie Anastasia! One of my all-time favs.

              And if you just made that up off the top of your head, I apologise for my extreme geekiness.


              photo manip by SGKawoosh, based on my crazy dream about the Earth being destroyed and the Asgard, wearing flannel and jeans, saving SG-1. Yah, my dreams are usually that messed up.


                ROTFLMAO! OMG! I so wasn't even thinking that, but as soon as you mentioned it I heard the quote in my head. Okay... then that must mean my nerdiness has come to the level where I start hearing movie quotes unconciously in my head! (and I LOVE that movie!)

                Yay nerds!
                thankee toasteronfire


                  I know I've said it before, but it's worth saying again:

                  I love SG-1. If I hadn't started with that, I probably never would have made it to Atlantis. But SG-1 is one show and Atlantis is another. A few cameos here and there would be fine--"Oh, hey, funny seeing you here!"--but Atlantis was/is meant to be a show completely seperate from SG-1! If they took any characters from SG-1 and made them permenate cast members on Atlantis, it would ruin everything that we've been enjoying thus far. Besides, with all these rumors of a third SG series, they can just take their favorites from SG-1 and move them to THAT show and leave Atlantis well enough alone. I will miss SG-1, but I don't want to risk hating it because it dragged Atlantis down. So, I totally agree that TPTB should leave our boys and girls well enough alone. Do what you want in another ten years, but don't threaten anyone so soon. That's just going to piss a lot of people off and you're probably more likely to loose ratings than gain them.

                  So, yeah, SG people on Atlantis a definate no-no.
                  thankee toasteronfire


                    Along the lines of the shippyverse, I like to think that Rodney and Elizabeth play chess on a somewhat regular basis. Rodney has bemoaned the lack of good chess players on Atlantis, and Elizabeth at the very least knows how to play the game. It was only a matter of time before one of them brought up chess in a informal conversation, leading the other to declare that they should play sometime, etc. etc.

                    And then I was thinking of Conversion where Caldwell asks Elizabeth to play and figured that could tie into the shippyverse as well. Caldwell and Elizabeth play a couple of times, Elizabeth gets better, Rodney notices this when they're playing their next match and comments on it. Elizabeth makes some casual comment about playing chess with Caldwell, and Rodney reacts in his jealous-but-tries-to-brush-it-off-and-fails-miserably manner. And then that could turn into either -

                    a) Elizabeth notices his jealously, thinks it's cute, and plays on, all the while subtlely making it clear that she's not interested in Caldwell (or playing it up in order to get him to lose the game, heh ).

                    b) Elizabeth notices his jealously, gets concerned in the typical "We're friends, does he want something more? Do I?" fashion, and stops playing chess to sort the whole thing out. Angst and misunderstandings ensue on both sides, until they both come to an understanding about their relationship. And then they have millions of snark!babies that are all chess prodigies.


                      Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
                      And then they have millions of snark!babies that are all chess prodigies.
                      OMG! Their babies will all be Stewie Griffin from Family Guy!
                      by Kaaatie


                        Originally posted by doylefan22
                        OMG! Their babies will all be Stewie Griffin from Family Guy!
                        Just as long as they don't all have the urge to kill their mother. Although it would be really funny to see the offspring of Rodney constantly trying to outsmart him. Imagine the teenage years. haha


                          Originally posted by Captain-Peregrine
                          ROTFLMAO! OMG! I so wasn't even thinking that, but as soon as you mentioned it I heard the quote in my head. Okay... then that must mean my nerdiness has come to the level where I start hearing movie quotes unconciously in my head! (and I LOVE that movie!)

                          Yay nerds!
                          I do that all the time too. I'm glad to have someone else just as nerdy as I am!

                          And back to McWeir...still waiting for it to be Friday so I can squee over M&MM. I should write a paper, but I'd much rather see two Rodneys and daydream about McWeir.


                          photo manip by SGKawoosh, based on my crazy dream about the Earth being destroyed and the Asgard, wearing flannel and jeans, saving SG-1. Yah, my dreams are usually that messed up.


                            Originally posted by Reichiru
                            Just as long as they don't all have the urge to kill their mother. Although it would be really funny to see the offspring of Rodney constantly trying to outsmart him. Imagine the teenage years. haha
                            The more I come to think of it the more I can see that Rodney!Babies would likely be just like Stewie...the intelligence, the snark, the attitude. Only Rodney hasn't shown world domination tendences...yet.
                            by Kaaatie


                              Hehe... this conversation about Chess and babies is reminding me of the SIMs. on monday I went to my boyfriend's dad's place and placed Sims on his computer for a little while. I was actually getting screenshots for a little project, but I made a mcweir family for it. I took screencaps of them playing chess... I'll post it when I remember, but I don't have internet at home right now *cries* I had two mcweir families, one had them already married, and I wanted them to have kids and name at least their first kid "Snark"! I know, I'm a dweeb

                              Anyway... on the actor's futures conversation:
                              That was kinda the idea behind my Funeral picture I drew. I think someone's gonna go. My money is on Caldwell, Cadman or Zelenka. Weir, McKay and Sheppard are too popular, and I don't think they'd get rid of Teyla or Ronon either, but I don't get the impression that Carson is safe. I hope they don't kill anyone *cries* Maybe it'll be Canadian!Technician??


                                Bad news...spoilers

                                read this post, but you won't like it...and again, it contains spoilers

                                Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)

