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Rodney McKay/Elizabeth Weir Discussion/Ship/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by nebulan
    well, all the icons are all 100x100, what size are gateworld icons? I might be able to make some in that size and congrats on the 15hundred my friend
    I've got the football siggy on lol
    thankee toasteronfire


      Yay! One more chapter posted!

      In Your Head
      Last edited by Captain-Peregrine; 15 September 2006, 11:22 AM.
      thankee toasteronfire


        just do

        [*url=blah blah blah]title[*/url]

        but remove the * from the tags
        Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


          Yay! I am one step closer to being computer literate! Thanks, SueKay
          thankee toasteronfire


            Here's the latest

            McKay/Weir Fanfiction Friday!!

            “No Place Like Home” by Shakia. “Rod was back where he belonged. Back to his home, the surrogate family that meant more than the world to him.”

            “They Both Knew” by alwayz.” They both knew. They knew she was sleeping with them both. (M/W/S)”

            “A Simple Gesture” by SnarkyCoffee. “Some missing scenes from McKay & Mrs. Miller.”

            Up to part 8 of “In Your Head” by Captain Peregrine. “During Duet, what would happen if it had been a little...different?”

            “How Did You Know?” by Captain Peregrine. “Sheppard gets a small surprise...”


              All the fanfiction was great really enjoyed reading them all and the sig looks great ToasterOnFire


                Yay for us being at the top of the board!! I love the screen shots. It reminds me of when I took a screenshot of the first time I ever beat minesweeper on expert. lol.

                Fan fiction friday has totally perked me up!

                And as for the recent ep.
                Well, the only Weir McKay I got was when she asked if he was ok at the end. And I loved Rodney's constant: "You shot me!" haha


                  Originally posted by Reichiru
                  Yay for us being at the top of the board!! I love the screen shots. It reminds me of when I took a screenshot of the first time I ever beat minesweeper on expert. lol.

                  Fan fiction friday has totally perked me up!

                  And as for the recent ep.
                  Well, the only Weir McKay I got was when she asked if he was ok at the end. And I loved Rodney's constant: "You shot me!" haha
                  The "you shot me" kept reminding me of the SG1 episode "lockdown" when Jack shot Daniel, lol. Well, I thought phantoms was cute. The Shep background was good, And I was plesantly pleased that it was Teyla who saved the day Shippy wise, I saw a lot of friendshippy for the team, maybe a little shippiness for Teyla/John, Teyla/Rodney but I thought the most shippy was Teyla/Ronon since he got all caring for her when he thought she was being dragged away by a wraith
                  Who ever that female technician is, she's my hero. Maybe I should change the little picture of myself wearing a stargate uniform to having green instead of blue on my jacket...


                    Yeah, nothing on the directly shippy front. Though Elizabeth did specifically ask about Rodney at the end when they regained contact. I figured Rodney would get some whumping, but I didn't realize he would get shot in the chest! That could have been a really nasty wound. I wonder if Elizabeth is getting used to seeing Rodney come back from a mission injured in some way. I can see her peeking at him coming through the gate on a stretcher or something, seeing that he's going to be okay, and stating with a sigh and smile "What did you get yourself into this time?"


                      Okay, on Phantoms:
                      I thought this was a really good episode and poor Rodney! Not only was he having pain in his leg from the arrow wound, but he got shot in the chest! (and his "You shot me!" reminded me of "Lockdown", too. lol) Also enjoyed that Teyla got to save the day, and it was also really great seeing Rodney actually trust someone enough to do the work for him. And when he told her she had to finish it, lying there bleeding, he looked so terrified. *Rodneyhug* And I felt so bad for Beckett, too! It's funny, because out of the entire episode, I saw more Beckett/McKay than anything else. lol But I also noticed that Elizabeth asked about Rodney specifically, although he certainly wasn't the only one bleeding. So, yeah, I think the writers are getting more and more confident in sneaking in the shippy.
                      thankee toasteronfire


                        I've had a plot bunny...anyone want to give it a home?

                        We all know that Elizabeth will never willingly shoot a gun, so she decides that in order to help teams in the future, that she'll learn more about medicine than basic first aid...Beckett takes her under his wing and she begins to help out with routine stuff...OC you know that Rodney's one of the frequent visitors to the Infirmary...

                        so what do you all think?
                        Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                          I have a present for everyone...

                          It's beer o'clock. Now where the HELL is my riot !?!


                            Originally posted by aaobuttons
                            I have a present for everyone...

                            These are amazing!!!!! Thanks aabuttons!!! *gives giant shipper-hug*

                            I'm you used that pic of Rodney protecting Weir....the look on his face is so worried and protective *sighs dreamily and goes off to shipper-land*

                            Oh, and about Phantoms...
                            I just had this little scene pop into my head as an epilogue: Warning! Contains Shep whumping and minor spoiler for McKay and Mrs. Miller at the end.....(that part will be marked).

                            * * *

                            The team finally comes back through the gate. Rodney and Teyla on strechers, Ronan walking and Sheappard leading. He is about to give his usual bravado speech to Weir about being home safe and sound when he realizes the gateroom is deserted...except for Dr. Weir, who walks toward them smiling. "Hello John" she says smiling, walking past him to check on Rodney and Teyla.

                            "Hi, any reason why the gateroom is so deserted?" John queries.

                            Elizabeth keeps her back to John as she fiddles with something he can't see.

                            "Well you see Sheappard, it's like this. You managed to get your entire team injured- you even shot two of them yourself- and frankly, I'm a little disappointed in you. What kind of example does this set for the rest of Atlantis? That the leader has a right not to be injured? We can't have that Colonel."
                            Slowing turning around, she levels a gun a him. "Sorry John, but you're gonna have to take one for the team."

                            Smiling appologetically, she shoots him around where he shot Rodney.
                            Shocked and in pain on the ground, Sheppard is speechless. Finally he manages "You shot me!" in a disbelieving tone.

                            Teyla finally speaks up from the strecher. "We are sorry John- but we decided it was necessary. It was not good for team moral for you to go uninjured."

                            "Yeah, that and it let Lizbeth release some stress" Rodney pipped up from his position next to Dr. Weir.

                            Ronan shrugged his shoulder in agreement. "Sorry Sheppard- just seemed like the right thing to do"

                            "Elizabeth, how could you go along with this?!" Sheppard asked amazed as a medical team entered the room. He had finally relized just why the room had been deserted, and was surprised the Doctor would have used her power as leader so casually. Not to mention she shot him!

                            However, Dr. Weir was engaged in another activity that requierd her attentin and didn't answer him. Glancing at the couple, Ronan remarked "Didn't she tell you? Dr. Weir started dating McKay last week- I guess shooting her boyfriend made her a little angry at you."

                            With that, Sheappard fainted and was carried away on a strecher of his own. Rodney and Dr. Weir continued snogging in the corner, happy to have finally fulfilled their own dream of shooting Sheppard. "Thanks Lizbeth" Rodney said between kisses.
                            "Anytime Mer,"
                            Elizabeth responded smiling, holding his hand as they headed towards the infirmary.

                            Sorry, couldn't help myself there...

                            I can't believe next week is the last episode....*cries loudly in the corner*.
                            Last edited by Lauradorable; 17 September 2006, 08:23 AM.


                              Originally posted by Lauradorable
                              These are amazing!!!!! Thanks aabuttons!!! *gives giant shipper-hug*

                              I'm you used that pic of Rodney protecting Weir....the look on his face is so worried and protective *sighs dreamily and goes off to shipper-land*

                              I can't believe next week is the last episode....*cries loudly in the corner*.

                              *hugs back*! Glad you like, I'm planning on making some more for my 1000th post... let's see if I can get them done in time, I seem to be a bit post happy the last couple of days.

                              And I'm hoping for some protective!Rodney for the Finale.
                              It's beer o'clock. Now where the HELL is my riot !?!


                                Yay aaobuttons, great banner!

                                I'm just popping in to pimp the new LJ community raregateshipone. It accepts fic and graphics for all of the SG1 and Atlantis rarer ships (no S/W, S/T, or T/R), so McKay/Weir is fair game! Sign up and post anything you want!

                                (Hmm...I wasn't aware that we were that rare of a ship. Smaller than S/W and S/T sure, but I believe that we post more fanfic and graphics than T/R...)

