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Rodney McKay/Elizabeth Weir Discussion/Ship/Appreciation

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    Hi! Apologise if anyone was trying toa ccess my homepage or the polls in the last 12 hours - ran out of electricity (which kind of cut my fic writing short but luckily I saved it regularly too). Ain't nice to be plunged into darkness at night - makes it hard to use the bathroom with out lights too!


      Check it! It’s time for another installment of:

      McKay/Weir Fanfiction Friday!

      Where all the new and fresh fanfics come to play!

      “I Hear You” by porthos1013. “Companion piece to I See You. Rodney's POV on Elizabeth.”

      Up to part 8 on “Broken Bonds” by McRaider. “You've made some mistakes, but you're not a bad person for them. Fourth in the Atlanitan Generation Series.”

      “One Day” by LittleKnux. “She sat by his bedside each time he came through the gate harmed. There she stays until she knew he was going to be okay. And then, like always, she leaves before he wakes...and he'll never know.”

      Up to part 2 on “I’ll Always be Here” by Maethorwen of Atlantis. “(AU)Something goes drastically wrong on what should have been a simple mission. McKay and Sheppard are badly injured and near death.”

      Up to part 6 on “Children” by Maethorwen of Atlantis. “AU. The children from What If They Hadn’t Come and their friends are still growing up. What happens when you let a group of kids loose in Atlantis? Rodney, Elizabeth, John, Teyla and the rest of Atlantis are about to find out.”

      “Heart of the Matter” by Fanwoman. “A quiet moment alone together leads to an unexpected and revealing conversation.”

      “I See You” by porthos. “Elizabeth's POV on what makes Rodney...Rodney”

      Up to part 10 on “Here without You” by LittleKnux. “The Wraith begin their attack on Atlantis. An evacuation takes place, leaving few behind. Can they save Atlantis, or is the city doomed to be forgotten once more?”

      Up to part 3 on “Bewildered Heart” by LittleKnux. “Sequel to "Obvious Heart". McKayWeirSheppard. Elizabeth finds the necklace that Rodney made for her and begins to doubt her decisions.”

      Up to part 7 on “Revenge, Two Sugars, No Milk” by Estellio. “Pay back time, Sheppard style. Sequel to Truth Or Dare.”

      Up to part 6 on “Workday Wonders” by RhiannonNymph. “Sequel to 'Bedtime Thoughts'. McKay wants to change, and get closer to the woman he wants, but new toys wont give him the time...”

      Up to part 4 on “Leaving Home” by LittleKnux. “Four years after coming to Atlantis, a wormhole is established and the expedition is ordered home.”

      “Betrayal” by MurdocAngel. A Zelenka/Weir story with Rodney angst!

      Special mention:
      “Weathering the Storm” by wolfdream. “Based on the show "The Storm": The storm and all it brings leads to trials for all in Atlantis. Warning: Implied rape.”
      (wolfdream is thinking about turning this interesting story into a McKay/Weir, so stop on over and give your support!)

      You guys know the drill by now; please remember to review!


        Originally posted by Purpleyin
        Hi! Apologise if anyone was trying toa ccess my homepage or the polls in the last 12 hours - ran out of electricity (which kind of cut my fic writing short but luckily I saved it regularly too). Ain't nice to be plunged into darkness at night - makes it hard to use the bathroom with out lights too!
        Oh no! Anyone have a flashlight?

        Rodney suddenly realized that trying to plug in that Ancient device at Hans's place was a bad idea...


          Once again I have to say Yaaaaaaaaay!!!! FanFicFriday!!!!!!!!!!! Apparently, I have spread my green jello love quite a bit recently and am not allowed to give you any at the moment Toaster. Just wanted you to know how happy I am for FanFicFriday!
          "You are a distraction who is permanently distracted."~ Ohhhhh...sparkly...
          "Well, we came, we saw, we got spanked."-Harper (Andromeda)
          Don't shake that. It's liable to blow up.~L.
          Ewww! What's that mess on the floor? I think my sanity just broke.
          "My ovaries are exploding with maternal instinct..." Partylikeits1984 on DH's character on Traders
          Even if the voices in my head aren't real, they have some pretty good ideas.
          Very smart people intimidate me. And turn me on. Do you see my problem in the dating game?~Aurore
          (Same boat. Small World. ~ r-h)


            Oooh a few fics I haven't read and otherwise a reminder to review a few... Fanfic fridays are cool.

            Oh and a side note - my homepage and polls maybe down again from 6-8pm GMT - you can try and it may work but it may not - just a little warning. (It's because we're moving the server into another room...)

            EDIT: Yay I'm a Royal guard now! And pretty sure my 1000 post was this one!
            Last edited by Purpleyin; 15 April 2005, 09:49 AM.


              Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
              Oh no! Anyone have a flashlight?

              Rodney suddenly realized that trying to plug in that Ancient device at Hans's place was a bad idea...
              Hehe, yee! anything and everything here gets turned to Mckay/weir! (we even corrupted Ba'al to McWe'al -which reminds me where did that fic go...)


                Oh yay, so glad everyone likes the fanfic posts! I do it all for you guys!

                Now that my comp has been switched over to XP I have finally been able to watch "Lost", and all I can say! What a fabulous full-season McKay/Weir vid!

                I'm amazed at how well you intergrated lyrics with clips, esp. the first "bearer of bad news" and "diamonds in your fire". Do you pick the song and then find bits from the season, or do you find songs to fit the eps?
                These vids are great for picking out all those little shippy moments. I totally forgot about that scene in Sanctuary when he walks away and she watches him for several seconds with a faint smile. Hee! And that long look he gives her after she talks to Sheppard over the radio in the Eye, always wondered what that was...And you remembered that scene where she looked at him at the very end of Brotherhood! And to end it with the Hide and Seek scene that started my downward spiral into McKay/Weir shippiness!

                And the vid dedication! *sniff, sniff* Massive love!


                  Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
                  Now that my comp has been switched over to XP I have finally been able to watch "Lost", and all I can say! What a fabulous full-season McKay/Weir vid!

                  I'm amazed at how well you intergrated lyrics with clips, esp. the first "bearer of bad news" and "diamonds in your fire". Do you pick the song and then find bits from the season, or do you find songs to fit the eps?
                  These vids are great for picking out all those little shippy moments. I totally forgot about that scene in Sanctuary when he walks away and she watches him for several seconds with a faint smile. Hee! And that long look he gives her after she talks to Sheppard over the radio in the Eye, always wondered what that was...And you remembered that scene where she looked at him at the very end of Brotherhood! And to end it with the Hide and Seek scene that started my downward spiral into McKay/Weir shippiness!

                  And the vid dedication! *sniff, sniff* Massive love!
                  Yep, I mainly did it because there was talk around here, from you mostly I think, of how there wasn't yet an all season McKay/Weir vid. I have other vids for the pairing planned but most aren't all season ones. That one used clips from most episodes, think there wasn't any from "poisoning the well" or "underground" (not much interaction at all for those ones) nor for some reason suspicion unless I'm forgetting a clip I used and definitely none from 38 minutes since I couldn't use that at the time I made it.

                  As for fitting lyrics - usually songs crop up and as you listen to them you suddenly think that would make a great vid for... sometimes clips immediately spring to mind as you listen but usually not all of them - so generally have to work to not only to find clips that fit or fill but also to get pacing right for the type of song and theme of vid. Can be hard work but it's worth it when it turns out right.


                    Originally posted by Purpleyin
                    Hehe, yee! anything and everything here gets turned to Mckay/weir! (we even corrupted Ba'al to McWe'al -which reminds me where did that fic go...)
                    Yes, where did that fic go?

                    The Brane: Bringing the evil, freaking people out, taking their sanity since 2005


                      Originally posted by Purpleyin
                      Yep, I mainly did it because there was talk around here, from you mostly I think, of how there wasn't yet an all season McKay/Weir vid. I have other vids for the pairing planned but most aren't all season ones. That one used clips from most episodes, think there wasn't any from "poisoning the well" or "underground" (not much interaction at all for those ones) nor for some reason suspicion unless I'm forgetting a clip I used and definitely none from 38 minutes since I couldn't use that at the time I made it.

                      As for fitting lyrics - usually songs crop up and as you listen to them you suddenly think that would make a great vid for... sometimes clips immediately spring to mind as you listen but usually not all of them - so generally have to work to not only to find clips that fit or fill but also to get pacing right for the type of song and theme of vid. Can be hard work but it's worth it when it turns out right.

                      I absolutley love your vids! Is it ok If I make a copy of them and send to my uncle who is also a gater? He's not a shipper yet, but maybe if I brainwash him....
                      It's beer o'clock. Now where the HELL is my riot !?!


                        Ok, I watched Rising part 2 tonight and I wanted to give my shipper moments from the episode:

                        When Atlantis starts to rise
                        and Rodney sees Elizabeth fall. Instead of running back to the console to try and figure out what's going on, he waits on the balcony, until he sees her start to get up and he knows she's ok. Then he goes back to work.

                        When she's waiting for news about the rescue mission in front of the gate.
                        She's so composed and closed off, but when Rodney gets there, she opens up to him and trusts him with her fears about the mission. He tries to comfort and support her as best he can, but he doesn't really know how and he gets flustered/confused and leaves. (it's so cute!)

                        And this is just a little one but...
                        When the jumper arrives;
                        Rodney, Elizabeth, and Peter go to the balcony. Elizabeth and Rodney look at each other and grin, but neither one looks over at Peter... just each other.

                        BTW: What are the rules for Spoiler Tags, do you use them for everything, or just the most recent few episodes? I've seen them both ways so I'm confused....
                        It's beer o'clock. Now where the HELL is my riot !?!


                          Originally posted by Angelique
                          Yes, where did that fic go?
                          It's around - I've half done but need someone to beta it when I'm done since it will be very silly and probably OOC too.


                            Originally posted by aaobuttons
                            I absolutley love your vids! Is it ok If I make a copy of them and send to my uncle who is also a gater? He's not a shipper yet, but maybe if I brainwash him....
                            Sure. Happy for anyone to distribute them to other gaters who might enjoy.


                              Originally posted by aaobuttons
                              Ok, I watched Rising part 2 tonight and I wanted to give my shipper moments from the episode:

                              When Atlantis starts to rise
                              and Rodney sees Elizabeth fall. Instead of running back to the console to try and figure out what's going on, he waits on the balcony, until he sees her start to get up and he knows she's ok. Then he goes back to work.

                              And this is just a little one but...
                              When the jumper arrives;
                              Rodney, Elizabeth, and Peter go to the balcony. Elizabeth and Rodney look at each other and grin, but neither one looks over at Peter... just each other.

                              BTW: What are the rules for Spoiler Tags, do you use them for everything, or just the most recent few episodes? I've seen them both ways so I'm confused....
                              Oooh, never spotted those two. Though I haven't watched it recently. Nice to have more shippy bits found.

                              As for spoiler tags - I think it was a requirement to have spoilertags for up to 3 weeks after US airing (meaning Canadians and UK people were meant to do spoilers for months for some episodes) but now that the Germans and Australians are getting it I suppose spoiler tagging everything is a good practice and maybe we should keep it that way on the thread - just for people who might never have seen all or some episodes (it would be appreciated if people could backtrack down the thread and spoiler tags any posts that might need so).


                                Originally posted by Purpleyin
                                Oooh, never spotted those two. Though I haven't watched it recently. Nice to have more shippy bits found.
                                When I saw the part with Elizabeth falling I couldn't believe it. The way they cut it... he went to the balcony and looked down/cut she fell/cut he looks worried/cut she gets up/cut he goes back to the console (or something close to that!). My heart leaped at that scene!

                                As for spoiler tags - I think it was a requirement to have spoilertags for up to 3 weeks after US airing (meaning Canadians and UK people were meant to do spoilers for months for some episodes) but now that the Germans and Australians are getting it I suppose spoiler tagging everything is a good practice and maybe we should keep it that way on the thread - just for people who might never have seen all or some episodes (it would be appreciated if people could backtrack down the thread and spoiler tags any posts that might need so).

                                Everything huh..... So spoiler
                                wraith, atlantis, ancients, athosians, genii
                                It's beer o'clock. Now where the HELL is my riot !?!

