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Rodney McKay/Elizabeth Weir Discussion/Ship/Appreciation

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    finally saw lifeline
    I thought it was good, heartwrenching, but good. I just glazed over the shweir stuff myself since I see it as friendship, but i agree, rodney was put in a TOUGH position! at one point while Weir is in the jumper and connected to the network, Rodney is watching her worriedly and she looks at him and he looks away (so not to give the impression he was staring at her), that was a squee moment for me.

    (looks at caz's caps, I think this one is closest):

    there was one thing that really bothered me. it felt like shep/ronon/rodney were all a little to ready to push the "off" switch. I think this is a writing flaw in that it was plot driven, not character driven. even Ronon wouldn't go from visiting weir at her bedside to "hey, I thought we were gonna kill her"... *grrr*
    Last edited by nebulan; 11 October 2007, 08:51 AM.


      Originally posted by nebulan View Post
      finally saw lifeline
      I thought it was good, heartwrenching, but good. I just glazed over the shweir stuff myself since I see it as friendship, but i agree, rodney was put in a TOUGH position! at one point while Weir is in the jumper and connected to the network, Rodney is watching her worriedly and she looks at him and he looks away (so not to give the impression he was staring at her), that was a squee moment for me.

      (looks at caz's caps, I think this one is closest):

      there was one thing that really bothered me. it felt like shep/ronon/rodney were all a little to ready to push the "off" switch. I think this is a writing flaw in that it was plot driven, not character driven. even Ronon wouldn't go from visiting weir at her bedside to "hey, I thought we were gonna kill her"... *grrr*
      i agree, but then again she did let it be known to them that if she was acting suspicious at all to activate the kill switch coz she didn't want to be tortured again, or be responsible for hurting her friends. if they were too ready to push the switch, they were ready to fulfil her last wishes

      ah well i'm off for the weekend! take care all, c-yaz all monday night
      *throat punch*
      My blog:
      LVI now open to all fandoms!!!


        Quick Reunion thoughts...

        I think Rodney is in denial. The first 5 min of th episode he's all bouncy and excited about being the new leader, and even to the point where he brings Ronon to see Carter he's got a bounce to his step. But when Ronon tells Carter that she wasn't Elizabeth, you could see how deflated he became. It was almost like _that_ was the moment it really sunk in for him. He didn't act the same throughout the rest of the episode.
        It's beer o'clock. Now where the HELL is my riot !?!


          In Reunion
          I was very displeased with the scene with Rodney and Zelenka in the corridor. Rodney never mentioned Elizabeth and couldn't stop glowing about possibly becoming the next leader of Atlantis. Huh? He lost Elizabeth to the Asurans, all because he used the nanites to try and save her in the first place, and he didn't have any reaction when discussing her empty position?

          And Joe M., who had heard about fan displeasure with Rodney's nonchalant attitude regarding Weir, excused Rodney's behavior by stating that the ep took place several weeks after Lifeline. Come on, like Rodney would have been completely over the loss of Elizabeth after several weeks? I think I'm going to go with aaobutton's denial theory (which I doubt was even considered by TPTB, but who needs them anyway? ), because otherwise that piece of writing stunk.


            Originally posted by ToasterOnFire View Post
            In Reunion
            I was very displeased with the scene with Rodney and Zelenka in the corridor. Rodney never mentioned Elizabeth and couldn't stop glowing about possibly becoming the next leader of Atlantis. Huh? He lost Elizabeth to the Asurans, all because he used the nanites to try and save her in the first place, and he didn't have any reaction when discussing her empty position?

            And Joe M., who had heard about fan displeasure with Rodney's nonchalant attitude regarding Weir, excused Rodney's behavior by stating that the ep took place several weeks after Lifeline. Come on, like Rodney would have been completely over the loss of Elizabeth after several weeks? I think I'm going to go with aaobutton's denial theory (which I doubt was even considered by TPTB, but who needs them anyway? ), because otherwise that piece of writing stunk.
            I agree.
            From a completely non-ship perspective, I think the writers never understood how much the fans liked the Rodney/Elizabeth _friendship_. Plenty of Shep/Weirs and non shippers all together often talk about their friendship and it just seems like TPTB never picked up on that. It's almost like they wrote it by accident (probably because it's such a natural relationship and not forced) and never ment for it to happen. That being the case, in the future Elizabeth episodes, there probably won't be much natural Rodney/Elizabeth interaction, in fact I wouldn't be surprised if he's the _least_ focused on if they meet Elizabeth again.
            It's beer o'clock. Now where the HELL is my riot !?!


              i'm, the oppostie actually. i mean, i agree that rodney seemed quite chipper at the beginning of the episode, but in the Sg'verse the 3rd ep is most usually set a while after the first 2. tho rodney may have appeared not to be thinking about lizbeth at all, he wasn't really given the chance.
              *throat punch*
              My blog:
              LVI now open to all fandoms!!!


                Another McWeir shipper coming in to say "Hi." I'm usually lurking in the McKay thunk thread, but wanted to see what's going on in here.


                  welcome ravenheart! you're new at, too, aren't you?


                    Thanks. Yep, that's me newbie everywhere.


                      hi ravenheart! glad to see you've migrated over. welcome to the fun

                      *throat punch*
                      My blog:
                      LVI now open to all fandoms!!!


                        *has images in head of Rodney reading the book he wrote for her*

               that would be heart wrenching...


                          Originally posted by HyperCaz View Post
                          *has images in head of Rodney reading the book he wrote for her*

                 that would be heart wrenching...
                          awww :'( bitter sweet, coz i can imagine rodneys sense of humour coming through over some parts

                          btw LOVE your aussie atlantis sig
                          *throat punch*
                          My blog:
                          LVI now open to all fandoms!!!


                            Originally posted by rosey_angel View Post
                            hi ravenheart! glad to see you've migrated over. welcome to the fun

                            Thanks. I hope to have fun.

                            for size



                              Originally posted by HyperCaz View Post
                              *has images in head of Rodney reading the book he wrote for her*

                     that would be heart wrenching...
                              I would love to see a sig that somehow showed that! I'll try to think of something if no one else will.

                              (for some reason I feel like posting an old wallpaper):


                                Welcome Ravenheart!

                                It's beer o'clock. Now where the HELL is my riot !?!

