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Rodney McKay/Elizabeth Weir Discussion/Ship/Appreciation

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    The bitter irony continues over at Central - now that Purpleyin is back I'm getting nothing but network errors.

    So here's a random M/W pic:


      Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
      The bitter irony continues over at Central - now that Purpleyin is back I'm getting nothing but network errors.
      LOL. Is it working fine now? I noticed it was down for a little while at least, the hosting seems to get targeted by Denial of Service attacks alot, and before that they had mysql errors. But one advantage is a decent bulkof bandwidth for when the sites are working over 90% of the time.

      So... everyone notice the Isis awards is accepting votes now? I've been along and done by bit, voted in most of the pairing. Took me a while, but there's some great fanfic in there, just a little sad I'd read all the M/W ones already but it did make voting easier.


        wrote a crazy parody fic (mcweir of course )

        The Many Ways Elizabeth and Rodney Hooked Up


          Originally posted by HyperCaz

          wrote a crazy parody fic (mcweir of course )

          The Many Ways Elizabeth and Rodney Hooked Up

          Caz, I laughed so hard at that, I swear I almost snarfed pop.

          I don't write QUITE that funny. ( who am I kidding? Not even close. Few do.) LOL. But Sprouts is done and up at the McWeir C2. LOL

          Rodney: "Air..person. Don't be there.(pause) Crap."
          Hermiod: "what did you do?"
          Rodney: "...It's Wraith."
          Hermiod: "Crap, indeed."


            that was the result of chocolate sprinkles, lack of sleep and talking to a fellow mcweir fan on MSN (I won't mention names...*cough* ellymelly*)

            The fic was actually adapted from a website elly and I run:
            Late Nights with Elly and Caz

            right a pic!

            this one doesn't look remarkable, but I like how comfortable they seem with each other


              Originally posted by HyperCaz
              this one doesn't look remarkable, but I like how comfortable they seem with each other
              Comfortable enough to... say... let the other in when not wearing any pants?


                Hurray, it's time for the latest

                McKay/Weir Fanfiction Friday!!

                Completed “Miscommunication” by Porthos. “A series of miscommunications leads to some confusing developments.”

                Up to part 6 of “Goodbye McKay” by the_dark_light. “Following an attempted ambush of Colonel Sheppards team, Acastus Kolya is captured. During Kolyas escape, the Atlantis team looses an important member of the expedition and Elizabeth realises her feelings for the friend she has lost.”

                Up to part 53 of “Saving Grace” by McRaider. “They're more than just best friends, they're brothers...what if John and Rodney were brothers by adoption, now after two years on Atlantis, things can be very different, but in a good way.”

                “After Goodbye” by Porthos. “What do you say after “Goodbye?” Episode tag for The Long Goodbye.”

                “An Element of Truth” by HyperCaz. “John has been hearing some wild rumours.”

                Completed “Atlantis Sprouts” by Hananian. “Janus decides to help Elizabeth. More than she realizes.”

                “And Then She Said” by Purpleyin. “McKayWeir drabble for valentines day 2006”

                Completed “Union” by Fanwoman. “Weir must travel offworld to secure a treaty to help feed Atlantis, but the mission has unexpected side effects.”


                  Ok, so we've all seen pics where Rodney's eyes appear to have "wandered" shall we say?

                  Case in point:

                  But let's face it, Elizabeth isn't exactly a saint etiher

                  For a copy of "Have A Little Faith in Me", My Kate Heightmeyer Appreciation Vid Click Here

                  McWeir Central by PurpleYin (who deserves much appreciation for it) | aka: the reason why the McKay/Weir Thread on GW is Quiet


                    they're checking each other out!!

                    and particularly that last one!


                      New vid I found by martoufmarty

                      No Man's Woman - S/W, M/W AU story vid.


                        I, ah, wrote the sequel to the crazy mcweir fic.

                        The Death Toll Rises in the Name of Ship

                        More craziness (and mcweir, of course) abounds.


                          okay. I'll come here. Seems like everyone's abandoned the site.

                          And Caz...we already know he checks her out all the time. But look at his muscles in that scene. Wouldn't YOU be checking him out?

                          Rodney: "Air..person. Don't be there.(pause) Crap."
                          Hermiod: "what did you do?"
                          Rodney: "...It's Wraith."
                          Hermiod: "Crap, indeed."


                            Originally posted by Hananian
                            okay. I'll come here. Seems like everyone's abandoned the site.

                            And Caz...we already know he checks her out all the time. But look at his muscles in that scene. Wouldn't YOU be checking him out?
                            Is just a slow week, it does happen. I've been feeling ill this weekend and newly into the 4400 so not been around when I did feel like being on my pc - and I have a rival ship to M/W now, well rival in the sense of taking time away from me writing M/W since it's a 4400 ship (Diana/Marco! ), but it so needs more fic. Makes me feel so lucky we have so much fic in comparision. The M/W c2 has nearly 300 fics (w00t) and D/M has total of 10 everywhere on the net as far as I can tell!

                            But I should be posting up two more M/W fics sometime this week, the finishing details are the ones that are tricky...


                              Originally posted by Purpleyin
                              The M/W c2 has nearly 300 fics (w00t) and D/M has total of 10 everywhere on the net as far as I can tell!
                              Same thing with my seaQuest ship. Very rare to find any stories for it.


                                Moments is FINALLY updated with the ep Home *weee*

                                and, no, I wouldn't be checking Rodney out you know who I'd prefer

