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Rodney McKay/Elizabeth Weir Discussion/Ship/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by weirfan517
    I ahve to agree, thats a really nice bunny, Toaster. I've read some pretty goofy fluff recently but your idea sounds good. You have the outline, are you gonna write it, Toaster?
    Let's just say "yes" for now and if I can get around to it then great.

    Originally posted by LittleKnux2008
    Watched 'Rising' with a friend today. Her first time seeing Atlantis (she's now deicded to buy the boxed set whenever it comes out over here). When the scene came up where Rodney reassured Liz (I think I posted it a while ago), she just went "He so wants to snog her." At which point I *had* to let out a cheer. You know how hard it is to keep quiet while there's so many McKay/Weir moments so that they can form ship on their own? Hee. Also noticed that at the very end of 'Rising', before Elizabeth goes to talk to Sheppard on the balcony thing, she stops by Rodney and talks to him.
    Oh you're kidding me; I missed yet another Rising scene of M/W goodness? First the sneaky look from Rodney to make sure Elizabeth is okay after the city rises and now this? OK, now I really have to make an effort to...acquire and rewatch this ep...
    And now that the conversation is canon I wonder what they were talking about? How glad they were that everyone is safe? How Elizabeth made the right decision after all? How they missed people back home? Whose bed is more comfortable?

    Regarding ship "conversions": I only watch the show with the bf. He's seen potential for Shep/Weir (the "obvious" ship), McKay/Weir (the "more interesting" ship) and Shep/Teyla (I think he sees that one as the more "rawr" ship, if you know what I mean ). I don't think he knows my leanings though, and I'm not going to tell him or try to convert him either. I like M/W, the shippers here like M/W, and that's enough for me!

    But I bet he'd make a good beta-reader...


      Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
      Oh you're kidding me; I missed yet another Rising scene of M/W goodness? First the sneaky look from Rodney to make sure Elizabeth is okay after the city rises and now this? OK, now I really have to make an effort to...acquire and rewatch this ep...
      And now that the conversation is canon I wonder what they were talking about? How glad they were that everyone is safe? How Elizabeth made the right decision after all? How they missed people back home? Whose bed is more comfortable?
      Aww, I missed it too, I'm going to have to be all eagle-eared about that scene when I rewatch it at the Atlantis-athon, but that won't be for at least a month - but it's canon and now I wish to know or guess what was said - isthere a lipreading angle for it . And isn't it possible to acquire Rising (the legal way) in US/Canada and UK now, or do you live elsewhere?
      Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
      Regarding ship "conversions": I only watch the show with the bf. He's seen potential for Shep/Weir (the "obvious" ship), McKay/Weir (the "more interesting" ship) and Shep/Teyla (I think he sees that one as the more "rawr" ship, if you know what I mean ). I don't think he knows my leanings though, and I'm not going to tell him or try to convert him either. I like M/W, the shippers here like M/W, and that's enough for me!

      But I bet he'd make a good beta-reader...
      I watch it with my housemates and they've never commented on ship at all, though my fiance knows I write M/W fics - I even discovered he'd read some today, but I don't think he's uncovered the smut ones yet *phew*. Most people I know probably wouldn't consider ships or talk about them, but I have encountered a few general fans who think M/W makes more sense/be more interesting if there was to be a ship.

      Anyway, I'm off to bed because though I'm all bouncing off the walls here after finishing too cute fics and sending them for beta, it's actually nearly 5am and I probably ought to attempt sleep since plumber will be over at 9.30am. But oh how I wish sleep wasn't necessary since I'm of fic writing enthusiasm.


        Originally posted by Purpleyin
        Aww, I missed it too, I'm going to have to be all eagle-eared about that scene when I rewatch it at the Atlantis-athon, but that won't be for at least a month - but it's canon and now I wish to know or guess what was said - isthere a lipreading angle for it . And isn't it possible to acquire Rising (the legal way) in US/Canada and UK now, or do you live elsewhere?
        I hardly noticed it until I heard her say "Rodney", so I moved it back a few frames to make sure I wasn't going nuts . And yup, in the US (pretty sure Canada too) you can get the DVD with "Rising" parts 1 and 2 on it. I promised myself I would wait until the boxed set came out, it was just a waste of money... But then it was there, the last one on the Best Buy shelf - it was like a sign from God. And everybody knows not to defy God. (It's my excuse, and I'm sticking with it.) The salesperson was like "Is that the finale or something? Coz it's selling pretty fast. That's our last copy." I didn't tell him it was the premier.

        Forsaken Future, Part 2 There's links to the prequel and part 1 in there as well. Same warning - violence, death, torture, etc. No blantant McWeir, but it's getting there.


          Hey yall, guess what today is, its Friday! I've got a few things to say about it, first of all its fanfic friday, where we get our weekly dose of mcweir fiction. I just cant get enough. Also its time to play whats happening with this weeks ep. There are 2 catergories, 'what youre expecting to see' and 'what you want to see', i'll go first,

          What I'm expecting to see

          *Rodney kissing more than one person

          *More of the character Dex

          *Possibly a dream sequence

          What I want to see (got more of these)

          *A mcweir kiss (*crosses fingers*)

          *More Liz in this ep

          *The woman in Rodney's head discovering his obvious feelings for Liz

          *Maybe Liz a little jealous about that other red head

          *A little less Shweir due to the fist 2 eps

          *Maybe a mcvweir hug

          Well, anyway those are a few little things I'd like to see, not much that hasnt already been said. Anyone else got anything they want to say?
          Last edited by weirfan517; 05 August 2005, 09:52 AM.
          McKay: I'm invulnerable!
          Weir: Aren't you the one who's always spouting off about how proper and careful scientific procedure must be adhered to?
          McKay: In-vul-ner-able.

          McKAY: I'm not crazy -- I just have another consciousness in my brain.

          First icon made by Cathain Nottingham and last 4 made by ToasterOnFire
          My LJ My Fanfic My Homeschooling Blog


            It’s DUET FRIDAY! FINALLY! I thought the thunker thread would never make it in one piece.
            Plus, it’s time for:

            McKay/Weir Fanfiction Friday!!

            Up to part 5 of “A New Arrival” by Chance2. “Rodney McKay, a father? Surely you jest. McKaycentric but told from Sheppard's POV, more or less.”

            Up to part 10 of “Ancient Devices” by IsisO'neill-sawyer. “Sg1Atlantis crossover. Jack and John meddle with Ancient technology and end up on another plane of existance. Now its up to the others to save them.”

            Up to part 3 of “Railure pt. 1” by McRaider. “Four ideas stuffed into on major piece, a little child steals the heart of Carson and Emeena Beckett away. Next installment...not what you think!”

            “Lone Sheep" by Purpleyin. “Set in a future season. Carson tries to be Elizabeth's friend in the absence of Rodney, and back at the SGC things aren't running quite as smoothly as usual, and Carter knows why.”

            “Why” by Nexstar. “One of Atlantis' most important people is asked a question. (SWAMA…sorta…)”

            Completed “To Save a City” by Maethorwen of Atlantis. “Atlantis is in trouble again. It’s now up to the children of the original expedition to save the city. 4th in the Second Generation series.”

            Up to part 9 of “Jeans and Genes” by Starlite1. “When Dr. Elizabeth Weir undergoes the ATA Gene therapy, she gets quite a bit more than she bargained for. Suddenly her home is under threat, and time is running out....”

            “The Many Deaths of Rodney McKay” by nightpheonix. “A poem detailing Rodney's neardeath experiences (with a M/W shipper shout-out!)”

            “Too Late” by miera. “A grim encounter with an alien presence leaves Elizabeth, and everyone else, in bad shape. (not strictly M/W, but a nice read)”

            And last, the now infamous “what the heck did he say anyway??!!” story:
            “Call My Bluff” by Purpleyin. “Sometimes what you say isn't what you meant to say, but it doesn't mean it's not true.”

            EDIT: Three more stories added!
            Part one of "Just Friends" by Fanwoman. "Science can't solve everything. After surviving the Wraith attack, McKay is forced to deal with feelings he's denied or risk being destroyed by them."

            ""Precious Moments" by McRaider. "A tale from Elizabeth's POV she takes the time out of her busy schedule to watch her family."

            Oh and LittleKnux posted an addition to her story two posts above this one. Go read it!
            Last edited by ToasterOnFire; 05 August 2005, 01:45 PM. Reason: Added some stories


              Okay, I know I'm still behind on this thread, but I had to respond to this.
              Originally posted by LittleKnux2008
              On a side note, I am now royally depressed. I (being the geek that I am ) put John, Rodney, Elizabeth and Teyla in a house (AS ROOMIES!) on the Sims, and John and Elizabeth hooked up (Rodney and Teyla did as well, which lifted my spirits a little, but not nearly enough... =/ ). But then John went swimming, and all the ladders and ways to get out suddenly disappeared. Hmm... Must be a glitch. Yep. Guess Rodney will just have to comfort Liz once John drowns.
              I don't know whether to be depressed by or laugh at that. I've had enough of dissatisfaction, so I think I'll laugh.

              Originally posted by LittleKnux2008
              I rewatched "Rising" - I believe it was - the other day. It's fun to go back and watch the episodes that you saw before and look at them in a new light.

              McKAY: Doctor Weir, we’re getting reports in from all over the city. Some pretty interesting stuff. We’ve only been able to provide power to certain sections but even then the things that are coming up are just ... (he trails off, realising that she’s not paying any attention).
              WEIR: I should never have let them go.
              McKAY: For what it’s worth, you made the right decision. Give them time.
              Ah! The good old days.

              I am so looking forward to something other than whiny!Rodney, panicked!Rodney and comedy-relief!Rodney this season.

              My mantra before the beginning of the season was "must have faith," but they are so pushing it. The lack of M/W moments is bad enough, but can't they at least give us back our Rodney?
              Don't say "ka" until you've tried it.


                Originally posted by weirfan517
                Hey yall, guess what today is, its Friday! I've got a few things to say about it, first of all its fanfic friday, where we get our weekly dose of mcweir fiction. I just cant get enough. Also its time to play whats happening with this weeks ep. There are 2 catergories, 'what youre expecting to see' and 'what you want to see'
                Ooh, this game is fun. Except I've been completely off in my predictions for the first three eps so far. I was hoping for more M/W in Siege and Intruder and got next to none, and then I didn't expect any M/W in Runner and I got some cute bits. So maybe this time I shouldn't expect anything and they'll start snogging.
                What I'm expecting:
                Looks like Rodney has a date planned with a "Laura Brown" (code for Elizabeth ), goes offworld, gets teased by Cadman, and gets her stuck in his head. I imagine there's going to be lots of snarking, cranky Rodney, etc. etc. At some point he kisses Brown (dream?), kisses Carson (same dream?), and it looks like Cadman gets a smooch in too. No idea how she gets out of his head, but it does appear that people worry about Rodney's sanity. And there's talk that Rodney's going to be wearing less clothing than usual!!
                On the other side of things, looks like we're going to get a "Dex doesn't quite fit in at Atlantis" story, though I don't know if it's the main or side story compared to Rodney's escapades. Looks like Shep's going to want him there, while Elizabeth is cautious. Guess who wins that battle...yet again...

                And what I'd like to see:
                -Some concern from Elizabeth when they're worried that he's going insane.
                -A look or something from her regarding all his smooching.
                -More physical contact! Intruder was a good start, let's see some more! A touch or a hug or something! And I'm not opposed to a smooch...*cough*
                -More of the Rodney story compared to the Dex story. Dex ain't doing that much for me so far, and I want to see TPTB really put a good Rodney story together.

                Added a couple of stories to the FFF by the way. (Thanks Fanwoman! )


                  Originally posted by weirfan517
                  Also its time to play whats happening with this weeks ep. There are 2 catergories, 'what youre expecting to see' and 'what you want to see', i'll go first,

                  What I want to see (got more of these)
                  1*A mcweir kiss (*crosses fingers*)
                  2*More Liz in this ep
                  3*The woman in Rodney's head discovering his obvious feelings for Liz
                  4*Maybe Liz a little jealous about that other red head
                  5*A little less Shweir due to the fist 2 eps
                  6*Maybe a mcvweir hug

                  Well, anyway those are a few little things I'd like to see, not much that hasnt already been said. Anyone else got anything they want to say?
                  Well I fully expect to see 2 and 5 because it's fairly a McKay ep and there does need to be Liz in there dealing with it as a leader and hopefully as his friend. Of course I'd love to see 4 and 6 too but I think like 1 and 3, probably just a fanon thing. Still I hope the episode makes for great fic fodder.


                    What I'm expecting to see:

                    -McKay/Beckett, McKay/Cadman, McKay/Brown kisses
                    -Nekkid!McKay <insert thunker squee here>
                    -people thinking McKay is crazy, probably going to see Heightmeyer
                    -A McKay dream sequence, in which the McKay/Beckett and McKay/Cadman kisses take place and Suave!McKay makes an appearance

                    What I'd like to see:

                    -Less Comic-Relief Guy, more snarky, yet lovable Rodney McKay <please? I'm down on my hands and knees here, PTB!>
                    -Less Shweir, more McWeir. I'm willing to accept anything here, PTB. A touch, a few kind words, a concerned look, ANYTHING!
                    -Jealous!Elizabeth about Rodney's "date" although I'm not expecting to see that at all. But I'd like it.

                    Sheppard: Why does it smell like I'm on vacation?
                    McKay: (proudly) Could it be the simulated tropical aroma of cocoa butter?
                    Sheppard: Strong enough for anyone within five miles to smell you.
                    McKay: Right, like they haven't been tipped off by the Aqua Velva?


                      Plot bunny, eh...

                      How about a story where Elizabeth goes down to the science lab and finds Rodney with his head in his arms sleeping beside a laptop. As she goes to leave, she hears Rodney say her name a few times in his dreams (not necessarily smutty, but then again why not?) So the next morning in the mess hall he's guzzling all the coffee in the place, completely unaware that Liz heard anything (and maybe he doesn't even remember the dream) and Elizabeth tries to work out why it was that he said her name...


                        Originally posted by NotANumber
                        Plot bunny, eh...

                        How about a story where Elizabeth goes down to the science lab and finds Rodney with his head in his arms sleeping beside a laptop. As she goes to leave, she hears Rodney say her name a few times in his dreams (not necessarily smutty, but then again why not?) So the next morning in the mess hall he's guzzling all the coffee in the place, completely unaware that Liz heard anything (and maybe he doesn't even remember the dream) and Elizabeth tries to work out why it was that he said her name...
                        Yay, this makes bunny #7. Just another 94 people with bunnies need to post (reckon there are enough lurking?)

                        This might just be me and my evil mind but I can so see that fic going to a place where Rodney snarks when she's near and she makes a pointed comment that sort of reveals that observation and he snorts coffee!


                          Originally posted by Purpleyin
                          Yay, this makes bunny #7. Just another 94 people with bunnies need to post (reckon there are enough lurking?)

                          This might just be me and my evil mind but I can so see that fic going to a place where Rodney snarks when she's near and she makes a pointed comment that sort of reveals that observation and he snorts coffee!
                          Lol! Hour and a half until "Duet"! All of my expect to see/will probably see are taken so I'll spare you all the pain.

                          Okay, sort of random question, but it's for a fic, so . In "Intruder", did
                          Elizabeth put Simon's name on the list to be considered to go to Atlantis? It's *highly likely* that it was her, but do we ever get a confirmation that it was her? (Yes I know, who else would it be?, etc, but I've got an idea and I just want to see if it's AU or not. )

                          Still have to find a plot bunny. /sigh/ Can I count the-end-of-"Rising"-what-did-they-say bunny?


                            Originally posted by LittleKnux2008
                            Okay, sort of random question, but it's for a fic, so . In "Intruder", did
                            Elizabeth put Simon's name on the list to be considered to go to Atlantis? It's *highly likely* that it was her, but do we ever get a confirmation that it was her? (Yes I know, who else would it be?, etc, but I've got an idea and I just want to see if it's AU or not. )
                            I don't think it was ever mentioned how Simon's name was put down, but I would imagine that Weir convinced him to apply. He never seemed overly excited at the prospect of going to Atlantis, so it was probably more due to her pushing him that he was involved in the applications.


                              Originally posted by Purpleyin
                              This might just be me and my evil mind but I can so see that fic going to a place where Rodney snarks when she's near and she makes a pointed comment that sort of reveals that observation and he snorts coffee!
                              Sounds great!

                              btw, what ever happened to the 'Too Many Scientists' story?


                                Originally posted by LittleKnux2008
                                Here it looks as if Grodin (right? I think that's him) and Rodney are standing and talking to each other, no sign of Elizabeth. Stupid people in the way. The next cap here with Elizabeth speaking to them. My guess is that she stopped by on her way over to John because she has the second glass (unless she felt like carrying it around all evening )
                                Pardon my almost totally OT post, but that's not Grodin with McKay, in the first one; it's Carson (note the white shirt). In the second one, it's not Rodney (who wears his jacket in this scene and is shorter than Grodin) but just some scientist with Grodin and Elizabeth. I only know that because I dug through season one for Grodin shots for Hans back when.

                                So, other than lonely!Rodney watching her from afar, there's no McWeir moment there. It's actually rather sad to watch him in that scene. Were it not for Carson, he'd have been all alone.

                                ...must come up with most desired M/W plot...

                                Love the ones mentioned so far. Of course, whenever I come up with something, I usually write it...slowly!
                                Don't say "ka" until you've tried it.

