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Rodney McKay/Elizabeth Weir Discussion/Ship/Appreciation

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    Some McWeir -

    Gate City - My humorous Stargate site made when I was young, enjoy!
    Previously known as False hope who was previously known as McKay's girl


      Originally posted by McKay's girl
      Some McWeir -
      That bottom one is cute! And you're supposed to give us your favorite M/W plot bunny, McKay's girl! No fair sneaking in, posting pics, and sneaking out.

      I finally thought of my bunny! There's been plenty of M/W angsty stories with S/W, but hardly any with M/W and Rodney/Sam!! So I was thinking about a story where Sam comes to Atlantis and Rodney's excited and Elizabeth watches them work. Maybe she notes how well Rodney gets along with Sam but he really doesn't respect others, which leads her to thinking that he does so because he likes Sam, which makes Elizabeth wonder why he's so nice to her? Maybe a bit of jealousy that she was able to banter and joke with Rodney, like it was something special that she treasured, but now she has a bit of competition with Sam?
      And maybe there could be a nice discussion with Sam and Rodney about his last message in LFP? Maybe something where Rodney says he does have a crush on her but he's getting over it and Sam insinuates something about Jack? And Rodney's a bit bummed and Sam says something like "there's plenty of other fish in the sea" and he notes that he doesn't get along with most women and Sam says "surely there's someone?" which gets Rodney thinking...
      And a little dialog between Sam and Elizabeth would be nice too, maybe some joking about Rodney, maybe some subtle comments trying to figure out how the other feels about him?

      So much potential!!


        Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
        That bottom one is cute! And you're supposed to give us your favorite M/W plot bunny, McKay's girl! No fair sneaking in, posting pics, and sneaking out.
        Well I did see the top one on the McKay thread and ask her if she'd post it here, I mean not everyone who appears on the thread is necessarily a M/W shipper, so...

        Loved your bunny Toaster, now we're up to #6. Where did everyone suddenly go. *prods lurkers* Anyway, high time we got more pictures on the thread (though graphics are nice.)

        Love this cap from when he says "Don't hesistate." He tells her specifically (does he already think she might hesitate because of them, or him even?)
 - I always think the wrong thing when I see this pic! - is she looking to him there? - when she's told they'll all be exposed to hardvaccum. - talk of hickies, woner what was going through her mind just then - looks like he's wondering what Shep was going to say too... - so caught! - caught - looking for answers
 -there they are. - concerned, yay! - a sneaked look - if looks could kill... - just them

        - looking for her approval, again and her look back - and then

        - a glance to him when they rough him up. - a smile for him. - a fadeout but you can just make out him looking to her. - walking

        - her amusement at the not superman thing. - she's infront, almost bridging him from Kolya, protectively. - so close - looks to her - suspicious and afraid for him? - awwww

        - more smiles - poor zelenka hehe - see how eager he is
        Last edited by Purpleyin; 04 August 2005, 10:16 AM.


          Renenutet was just talking about McKay on the thunk thread and pointed out that for Runner
          he knew how to make the lotion and so seems to know how to make some beauty products - just think how he could put that to use.


            Originally posted by Purpleyin
            Renenutet was just talking about McKay on the thunk thread and pointed out that for Runner
            he knew how to make the lotion and so seems to know how to make some beauty products - just think how he could put that to use.
            Watch yourself P. I know you're suggesting using those talents to get the girl but you start talking about hair dye and things like that and the next thing you know, we have Shepherd w/ purple hair and eye shadow. (Or a McKay on this thread.)
            "You are a distraction who is permanently distracted."~ Ohhhhh...sparkly...
            "Well, we came, we saw, we got spanked."-Harper (Andromeda)
            Don't shake that. It's liable to blow up.~L.
            Ewww! What's that mess on the floor? I think my sanity just broke.
            "My ovaries are exploding with maternal instinct..." Partylikeits1984 on DH's character on Traders
            Even if the voices in my head aren't real, they have some pretty good ideas.
            Very smart people intimidate me. And turn me on. Do you see my problem in the dating game?~Aurore
            (Same boat. Small World. ~ r-h)


              Wow, great pics Hans! All those pics got me thinking about those shippy-emphasis episode reviews you did and posted over on the yahoo group. I think there were only a handful for season one, none so far for season two (hasn't been too much M/W interpretable stuff so far though). Someone should write the rest! They would be a nice addition to the archive/central M/W site!

              Originally posted by Purpleyin
              Renenutet was just talking about McKay on the thunk thread and pointed out that for Runner
              he knew how to make the lotion and so seems to know how to make some beauty products - just think how he could put that to use.
              Oh, BUNNY!
              I've got this idea of a fic where Elizabeth wants some time off and Rodney elects to pilot her to the mainland/wherever. He spends some time tinkering with the PJ or other equipment while she does a bit of exploring. Unfortunately, she explores right into a patch of Pegasus Galaxy's poison ivy! Who saves the day? Rodney of course, who's whipped up his own version of antihistamine cream. And who gets to put it on Elizabeth's back where she can't reach?


                Originally posted by ra-hanna
                Watch yourself P. I know you're suggesting using those talents to get the girl but you start talking about hair dye and things like that and the next thing you know, we have Shepherd w/ purple hair and eye shadow. (Or a McKay on this thread.)
                Ah, Weir with purple hair would make sense though... and just think what McKay might have been like in his teens. What wacky pictures would that produce? hehe. As long as its pictures of them and them together.

                But yes , I was suggesting
                he might be able to synthesize some perfume or something and I'm sure he'd know to make something refined for her tastes. I can't see her liking overpowering scents somehow.


                  Originally posted by Purpleyin
                  Ah, Weir with purple hair would make sense though... and just think what McKay might have been like in his teens. What wacky pictures would that produce? hehe. As long as its pictures of them and them together.

                  But yes , I was suggesting
                  he might be able to synthesize some perfume or something and I'm sure he'd know to make something refined for her tastes. I can't see her liking overpowering scents somehow.
                  McKay as a teenager....I'm thinking, shorter, thinner, and longer hair. Going w/ the stereotypical nerd there. Would much prefer a punk McKay I think. As for your suggestion on Weir:
                  I see her going for a flower scent w/ maybe just a hint of spice as opposed to anything beach smelly or food smelly.
                  "You are a distraction who is permanently distracted."~ Ohhhhh...sparkly...
                  "Well, we came, we saw, we got spanked."-Harper (Andromeda)
                  Don't shake that. It's liable to blow up.~L.
                  Ewww! What's that mess on the floor? I think my sanity just broke.
                  "My ovaries are exploding with maternal instinct..." Partylikeits1984 on DH's character on Traders
                  Even if the voices in my head aren't real, they have some pretty good ideas.
                  Very smart people intimidate me. And turn me on. Do you see my problem in the dating game?~Aurore
                  (Same boat. Small World. ~ r-h)


                    Originally posted by ra-hanna
                    McKay as a teenager....I'm thinking, shorter, thinner, and longer hair. Going w/ the stereotypical nerd there. Would much prefer a punk McKay I think. As for your suggestion on Weir:
                    I see her going for a flower scent w/ maybe just a hint of spice as opposed to anything beach smelly or food smelly.
                    Yes, I'd be amused with punk!Rodney, especially if they'd both been punks actually - wonders if they might have been unrecognisable and have met each other like that...

                    And yes,
                    flowery seems right, something subtle that eases its way onto the senses and suddenly you think ooh what's that smell and where's it comnig from. I just can't see her having anything too blatant or overpowering. Isn't diplomatic enough.


                      Originally posted by Purpleyin
                      But yes , I was suggesting
                      he might be able to synthesize some perfume or something and I'm sure he'd know to make something refined for her tastes. I can't see her liking overpowering scents somehow.
                      Ack! MORE BUNNIES! Gotta stop eating all those carrots.
                      So Rodney makes Elizabeth some perfume. He agonizes over it too; what flower would she like, how concentrated, etc. Improperly uses all the scientific equipment to purify a scent. Maybe even secretly enlists Teyla's help. Finally it's done, and he gives it to her, trying to play it down as something casual, nothing romantic mind you, no way. Elizabeth appears quite pleased.
                      A week goes by. Rodney notices that Elizabeth hasn't worn the perfume. He stresses that his choice in scent was way off, maybe worries that she took it as a romantic present and is avoiding him. Angst and doubt ensues.
                      Later he's standing on one of those private balconies on a chilly evening, letting his thoughts run wild, when he smells something. It's the perfume! He turns to see Elizabeth standing there, grinning from ear to ear. She joins him at the railing and they look at the sea for a while.
                      Eventually he notes that she's wearing his perfume and that it smells nice. He says he was worried that the bottle was lost or that she chucked it into the ocean.
                      She says "No, I was just saving it for a special occasion."
                      He answers "Oh? What occasion is that?"
                      She nudges closer to him to share his warmth. "This one."


                        Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
                        Ack! MORE BUNNIES! Gotta stop eating all those carrots.
                        So Rodney makes Elizabeth some perfume. He agonizes over it too; what flower would she like, how concentrated, etc. Improperly uses all the scientific equipment to purify a scent. Maybe even secretly enlists Teyla's help. Finally it's done, and he gives it to her, trying to play it down as something casual, nothing romantic mind you, no way. Elizabeth appears quite pleased.
                        A week goes by. Rodney notices that Elizabeth hasn't worn the perfume. He stresses that his choice in scent was way off, maybe worries that she took it as a romantic present and is avoiding him. Angst and doubt ensues.
                        Later he's standing on one of those private balconies on a chilly evening, letting his thoughts run wild, when he smells something. It's the perfume! He turns to see Elizabeth standing there, grinning from ear to ear. She joins him at the railing and they look at the sea for a while.
                        Eventually he notes that she's wearing his perfume and that it smells nice. He says he was worried that the bottle was lost or that she chucked it into the ocean.
                        She says "No, I was just saving it for a special occasion."
                        He answers "Oh? What occasion is that?"
                        She nudges closer to him to share his warmth. "This one."

                        Now that's a fluffy bunny and in a way I entirely approve of!


                          Originally posted by Purpleyin
                          Now that's a fluffy bunny and in a way I entirely approve of!

                          I ahve to agree, thats a really nice bunny, Toaster. I've read some pretty goofy fluff recently but your idea sounds good. You have the outline, are you gonna write it, Toaster?
                          McKay: I'm invulnerable!
                          Weir: Aren't you the one who's always spouting off about how proper and careful scientific procedure must be adhered to?
                          McKay: In-vul-ner-able.

                          McKAY: I'm not crazy -- I just have another consciousness in my brain.

                          First icon made by Cathain Nottingham and last 4 made by ToasterOnFire
                          My LJ My Fanfic My Homeschooling Blog


                            Leave the internet for one night and look at all the stuff that happened . Love all of the plot bunnies! Hmm...I'll have to get back to you on mine.

                            Watched 'Rising' with a friend today. Her first time seeing Atlantis (she's now deicded to buy the boxed set whenever it comes out over here). When the scene came up where Rodney reassured Liz (I think I posted it a while ago), she just went "He so wants to snog her." At which point I *had* to let out a cheer. You know how hard it is to keep quiet while there's so many McKay/Weir moments so that they can form ship on their own? Hee. Also noticed that at the very end of 'Rising', before Elizabeth goes to talk to Sheppard on the balcony thing, she stops by Rodney and talks to him.


                              Originally posted by LittleKnux2008
                              Leave the internet for one night and look at all the stuff that happened . Love all of the plot bunnies! Hmm...I'll have to get back to you on mine.

                              Watched 'Rising' with a friend today. Her first time seeing Atlantis (she's now deicded to buy the boxed set whenever it comes out over here). When the scene came up where Rodney reassured Liz (I think I posted it a while ago), she just went "He so wants to snog her." At which point I *had* to let out a cheer. You know how hard it is to keep quiet while there's so many McKay/Weir moments so that they can form ship on their own? Hee. Also noticed that at the very end of 'Rising', before Elizabeth goes to talk to Sheppard on the balcony thing, she stops by Rodney and talks to him.
                              Hehe, yay. I must admit I'm curious if anyone I know will see it, I'm meant to be having a SGA-athon at my house sometime September with several people who have seen none of it... rubs hands evilly. Of course I won't mention it but I shall be curious if anyone else does. I wonder if I might have influenced one friend who is an SG fan who reads my Livejournal including some SGA fic despite being unable to watch SGA sadly, and since most of mine is M/W I do wonder what they'll think specifically of show and ship in it.

                              Anyway, as for that last point of yours, missing scene! Well only a very short one but don't you wonder what she said, what looks and meanings could have been exchanged. And is that right before she comes over? does she start from him or stop as she passes him? Anyway, could be interesting having a missin scene of her talking to him at the party - maybe he could get her to taste test some food because he worries about citrus being in them. There could be something cute in there...


                                Originally posted by Purpleyin
                                Hehe, yay. I must admit I'm curious if anyone I know will see it, I'm meant to be having a SGA-athon at my house sometime September with several people who have seen none of it... rubs hands evilly. Of course I won't mention it but I shall be curious if anyone else does. I wonder if I might have influenced one friend who is an SG fan who reads my Livejournal including some SGA fic despite being unable to watch SGA sadly, and since most of mine is M/W I do wonder what they'll think specifically of show and ship in it.
                                Corruption! Erm...The gentle means of intruducing otherwise normal people to Stargate.

                                Anyway, as for that last point of yours, missing scene! Well only a very short one but don't you wonder what she said, what looks and meanings could have been exchanged. And is that right before she comes over? does she start from him or stop as she passes him? Anyway, could be interesting having a missin scene of her talking to him at the party - maybe he could get her to taste test some food because he worries about citrus being in them. There could be something cute in there...
                                I tried to listen in, but all I could hear was "Rodney". Hmm... And yep, that's right before she goes toward the balcony to talk to Sheppard. I'm not quite sure if she starts from him or stops as she passes him. The camera goes from a view of the puddlejumper to a view of the room. It moves across the room, then focuses on John standing on the balcony.

                                Here it looks as if Grodin (right? I think that's him) and Rodney are standing and talking to each other, no sign of Elizabeth. Stupid people in the way. The next cap here with Elizabeth speaking to them. My guess is that she stopped by on her way over to John because she has the second glass (unless she felt like carrying it around all evening ) And Rodney caught looking over there!

                                1 more day until Duet!

