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Rodney McKay/Elizabeth Weir Discussion/Ship/Appreciation

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    I love that screen cap! I can't wait to see the icon you make from it!

    And I agree with everything you said about Hide and Seek. That's a great Rodney ep and a great shipper episode, so it's actually my favorite of the 1st season. I can't believe SciFi channel isn't showing it during their marathon!

    Sheppard: Why does it smell like I'm on vacation?
    McKay: (proudly) Could it be the simulated tropical aroma of cocoa butter?
    Sheppard: Strong enough for anyone within five miles to smell you.
    McKay: Right, like they haven't been tipped off by the Aqua Velva?


      Originally posted by Porthos1013
      Okay, let's get some lovely McKay/Weir discussion going! In the interest of our new thread members and "converting" () people to McWeir, let's all share our stories of how we became McWeir shippers!
      I too became a shipper w/"The Storm"/"The Eye". It hit me when
      McKay stepped in front of the gun aimed at Elizabeth
      . I was thinking 'That's so sweet how much he cares about her...' and it hit me that I'd become a McWeir shipper. Becoming one is almost as subtle as the ship itself

      Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
      Always a fun topic.
      I saw it first in Hide and Seek. I found it interesting that Rodney immediately defended himself to Elizabeth, not Shep, when the shield fell off. Later when he
      saved the city from the smoke alien I swear he darted a final look at Elizabeth when he was sneaking away. Her yell and obvious concern along with her keeping her hand on his chest for wayyyy too long cemented the ship for me.
      Though 'The Eye' got a lot of people to acknowledge/be a fan of McWeir, I think that Hide And Seek is actually a shippier (is that a word?) episode. I loved the part where
      Rodney is going to throw the generator through the 'gate and Elizabeth yells his name.


        Originally posted by Porthos1013
        Okay, let's get some lovely McKay/Weir discussion going! In the interest of our new thread members and "converting" () people to McWeir, let's all share our stories of how we became McWeir shippers!
        Hmmm.... Well, The Eye definately solidified the ship in a lot of ways for me but I think it was Home when I first acknowledged to myself that I saw something there. The "home in time for supper" line as well as the way
        both Elizabeth and Rodney were independently upset that the other, fake versions, were not supporting and understanding them all made me think ship. Also, seeing Elizabeth with Rodney in his boxers helped set my mindframe

        It's interesting how so many McWeir shippers were unaware that they shipped for the pair until a certain point. Almost as if it took something, like a shep/weir moment, to make them realize that that seemed wrong because it was supposed to be Liz/Rodney or something. Then, all those little things from other episodes made so much more sense. At least that's how it was for me...
        Remixed old sig...cause I wanted the pretty again!
        :.*.:My Live Journal:.*.:


          Originally posted by Gate Trippin'
          It's interesting how so many McWeir shippers were unaware that they shipped for the pair until a certain point. Almost as if it took something, like a shep/weir moment, to make them realize that that seemed wrong because it was supposed to be Liz/Rodney or something. Then, all those little things from other episodes made so much more sense. At least that's how it was for me...
          I totally agree! It's like it just sneaks up on you, then jumps out and yells "SURPRISE!" at the right moment. McWeir is definitely the subtle ship.

          Sheppard: Why does it smell like I'm on vacation?
          McKay: (proudly) Could it be the simulated tropical aroma of cocoa butter?
          Sheppard: Strong enough for anyone within five miles to smell you.
          McKay: Right, like they haven't been tipped off by the Aqua Velva?


            Originally posted by LittleKnux2008
            Worked fine for me. If you need, I could send it to you as an attachment through e-mail. Anyway, on to some pointless rambling to keep us from the second page.

            Talked to a couple of die-hard Shweir shippers the other night. Was amusing, in that odd way. They said that there were too many flaws in McWeir, when I asked them to name a couple they said: Allina and Simon. I found that funny because the Simon thing applies to *both* ShWeir and McWeir, though I believe that, because of their friendship, it doesn't hinder McWeir as much as it does to ShWeir. Sheppard strikes me as the type to write women off as single or taken. And as for Allina... Yes, it did appear that they liked each other - but in the same light, what about Chaya? And besides that, there's so many other things that I could get into that make Shweir improbable. Don't get me wrong, Shweir is fun to play around with...but when people start saying the Shweir is more likely than McWeir...c'mon, seriously now. At least McKay and Weir have some basis for a relationship. Yeah, random rambling is done now.

            Loved the GIMP! (*too lazy to quote it* )
            Well you see, I'd see it another way, I'd see there being basis for relationships between Weir and Sheppard and Weir and McKay (and I don't mean a threesome Coffeegirl!). I just don't see the chemistry for a sexual/romantic relationships between Weir and McKay although I do see a great potential for a profound friendship. I could see at a push McKay having unrequited love for Weir, but to be honest, I just love Rodney alone, he'd be so wasted in a canon ship.

            I don't know what Sheppard/Weir shippers you were talking too, but I find them using Allina very strange. I would have thought Rodney's stated weakness for blonds PLUS his canon infatuation with Sam Carter much better arguments against Weir/McKay. Allina was someone he was oblivious too.


              Originally posted by astronomicalchick
              Well you see, I'd see it another way, I'd see there being basis for relationships between Weir and Sheppard and Weir and McKay
              *starts to grin*
              (and I don't mean a threesome Coffeegirl!)
              Aw, bummer.


              I really hope they
              don't go for any canon ship in season 2. As others have pointed out, it's way to early for that

              In a world that seems to be increasing in conformity
              it's harder and harder to be who you wanna be
              It takes a lot of courage to stand up and get what you need
              And lots of us are happy in a different kind of family


                Originally posted by Gate Trippin'
                Hmmm.... Well, The Eye definately solidified the ship in a lot of ways for me but I think it was Home when I first acknowledged to myself that I saw something there. The "home in time for supper" line as well as the way
                both Elizabeth and Rodney were independently upset that the other, fake versions, were not supporting and understanding them all made me think ship. Also, seeing Elizabeth with Rodney in his boxers helped set my mindframe
                Oh yes, I love Home. The M/W scenes were great and the later scenes where
                Rodney, Elizabeth, and John each figure out something is wrong
                was put together quite well. Shep's little smirk and head roll after seeing the
                gal in the pool
                is probably the funniest thing I've seen him do.

                It's interesting how so many McWeir shippers were unaware that they shipped for the pair until a certain point. Almost as if it took something, like a shep/weir moment, to make them realize that that seemed wrong because it was supposed to be Liz/Rodney or something. Then, all those little things from other episodes made so much more sense. At least that's how it was for me...
       does seem like some people saw the hints for M/W but the ship didn't really cement for them until they saw the conflicting S/W. Me, I didn't see the potential for S/W until after I was into M/W and I saw the potential for S/T much later than that. It may have been because I watched the eps out of order.

                Originally posted by LittleKnux2008
                I still think it's far too early for a "real" relationship on Atlantis (though
                Teyla and John are supposedly getting together in season 2...).
                Maybe, maybe not.
                It's certainly true that the S/T ship has been hinted at more than any other ship this upcoming season. However, all the comments made by RL and Martin Gero could be interpreted as shippy or not (the comment about "off-duty physical contact" may be romantic, or it may be that those two are sparring again). I'm thinking it's all more of a tease than anything and I'm not too convinced something is really going to happen. I'm not a S/T shipper, but if it does become canon it won't bother me.

                And I agree with CoffeeGirl; it's definitely too early to cement any ships on the show. Heck, some people think ships shouldn't be cemented period. I still oscillate between wanting to see M/W on the show and cringing when I think how TPTB could botch it.


                  Originally posted by astronomicalchick
                  I would have thought Rodney's stated weakness for blonds PLUS his canon infatuation with Sam Carter much better arguments against Weir/McKay.
                  See, (to prove that as a shipper I have blinders on to anything but McWeir) I could take that another way, and say that while Rodney may claim to have a weakness for blondes, I think it's just a psychological protection mechanism. Nearly all of Rodney's outward personality traits are a facade to protect him from being hurt, and his professed love of blondes is no exception. All the blondes we've seen him go for (Perna, the nurse, Sam, and Heightmeyer if you stretch) wouldn't give him the slightest chance at a relationship. I think he knows this, so when he goes for beautiful blondes, he just has a superficial attraction to them, so he doesn't get hurt when they reject him. The women that he's really shown a deeper interest in are not blondes. (Allina, Weir,
                  his neighbor, etc.) I think he allowed himself to think he might have a chance with them, and that they actually care about him. We can see that because
                  the rejection of Allina really hurts him, and even when his cat-loving neighbor rejects him in Home, it seems to get to him. He seems upset with himself for actually believing that she could like him, and says something like, "Of course, how do you go from 'You're a pig but I like your cat' to 'I missed you?'"
                  I don't see Rodney getting that upset over the rejection of even Sam, who he professes an attraction to. I think it's all just a defense mechanism to shield himself from getting hurt. Anyway, I hope that makes sense.

                  Sheppard: Why does it smell like I'm on vacation?
                  McKay: (proudly) Could it be the simulated tropical aroma of cocoa butter?
                  Sheppard: Strong enough for anyone within five miles to smell you.
                  McKay: Right, like they haven't been tipped off by the Aqua Velva?


                    Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
                    Maybe, maybe not.
                    It's certainly true that the S/T ship has been hinted at more than any other ship this upcoming season. However, all the comments made by RL and Martin Gero could be interpreted as shippy or not (the comment about "off-duty physical contact" may be romantic, or it may be that those two are sparring again). I'm thinking it's all more of a tease than anything and I'm not too convinced something is really going to happen. I'm not a S/T shipper, but if it does become canon it won't bother me.

                    And I agree with CoffeeGirl; it's definitely too early to cement any ships on the show. Heck, some people think ships shouldn't be cemented period. I still oscillate between wanting to see M/W on the show and cringing when I think how TPTB could botch it.
                    Yeah, I'm the same way. That's why I kind of want to see S/T on the show, so that I can see how a ship that I don't really care about will be played out by TPTB, and then I can judge from there whether I want M/W to become canon. (Well, moreso than we all know it is, right? )

                    Sheppard: Why does it smell like I'm on vacation?
                    McKay: (proudly) Could it be the simulated tropical aroma of cocoa butter?
                    Sheppard: Strong enough for anyone within five miles to smell you.
                    McKay: Right, like they haven't been tipped off by the Aqua Velva?


                      Originally posted by astronomicalchick
                      Well you see, I'd see it another way, I'd see there being basis for relationships between Weir and Sheppard and Weir and McKay (and I don't mean a threesome Coffeegirl!). I just don't see the chemistry for a sexual/romantic relationships between Weir and McKay although I do see a great potential for a profound friendship. I could see at a push McKay having unrequited love for Weir, but to be honest, I just love Rodney alone, he'd be so wasted in a canon ship.
                      This is also a concern of mine. While I really like seeing Rodney's softer side and I think seeing him make doe-eyes at Elizabeth would be adorable, I love me some snarky, arrogant, pain-in-the-ass Rodney too. There is always a danger that putting him in a true relationship with her would make him all soft and OOC. It's another reason why I totter between wanting McKay/Weir canon and wanting TPTB to avoid it like the plague.

                      I don't know what Sheppard/Weir shippers you were talking too, but I find them using Allina very strange. I would have thought Rodney's stated weakness for blonds PLUS his canon infatuation with Sam Carter much better arguments against Weir/McKay. Allina was someone he was oblivious too.
                      Ack, I had a nice little bit written here about blonds but Porthos beat me to it! And there's one season 2 bit to add:
                      Plus he apparently had no problem smooching that redhead in the trailer (his date?) and he's likely going to (unwillingly?) smooch a dark-haired beauty as well. Who happens to be the CMO of Atlantis.
                      It would appear that Rodney tends to be immediately attracted to blondes but that rule flies out the window if a brunette shows interest.

                      While I do support Sam/Rodney, maybe even more than M/W, I know there's a snowball's chance in hell of that happening. TPTB have spent 8 years showing how Sam is apparently meant for Jack, and to throw it off by putting her in a relationship with Rodney would be a slug in the gut for those shippers. TPTB wouldn't be so foolish. Still, that ship is certainly fun to imagine.

                      Of course, Simon put a wrench into both M/W and S/W during the first season. (s2 spoiler)
                      However, rumors indicate that their ship is ending during Intruder, so we'll see how that goes.

                      *tentatively extends the olive branch*


                        Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
                        This is also a concern of mine. While I really like seeing Rodney's softer side and I think seeing him make doe-eyes at Elizabeth would be adorable, I love me some snarky, arrogant, pain-in-the-ass Rodney too. There is always a danger that putting him in a true relationship with her would make him all soft and OOC. It's another reason why I totter between wanting McKay/Weir canon and wanting TPTB to avoid it like the plague.

                        Ack, I had a nice little bit written here about blonds but Porthos beat me to it! And there's one season 2 bit to add:
                        Plus he apparently had no problem smooching that redhead in the trailer (his date?) and he's likely going to (unwillingly?) smooch a dark-haired beauty as well. Who happens to be the CMO of Atlantis.
                        It would appear that Rodney tends to be immediately attracted to blondes but that rule flies out the window if a brunette shows interest.

                        While I do support Sam/Rodney, maybe even more than M/W, I know there's a snowball's chance in hell of that happening. TPTB have spent 8 years showing how Sam is apparently meant for Jack, and to throw it off by putting her in a relationship with Rodney would be a slug in the gut for those shippers. TPTB wouldn't be so foolish. Still, that ship is certainly fun to imagine.

                        Of course, Simon put a wrench into both M/W and S/W during the first season. (s2 spoiler)
                        However, rumors indicate that their ship is ending during Intruder, so we'll see how that goes.

                        *tentatively extends the olive branch*

                        I think ya'll workin' quite hard to maintain your ship, but what the heck, who am I to spoil your fun?

                        I just love Rodney on his own!!! Too much!!

                        accepts olive branch

                        Keep all ship UST and we can all play, that's my way of looking at things.


                          Originally posted by Porthos1013
                          Yeah, I'm the same way. That's why I kind of want to see S/T on the show, so that I can see how a ship that I don't really care about will be played out by TPTB, and then I can judge from there whether I want M/W to become canon. (Well, moreso than we all know it is, right? )
                          Oh, sort of like a "guinea pig" ship? Give the Atlantis PTB's shipping abilities a "trial run"? Sure why not, but if S/T works or fails it doesn't necessarily mean that's what would happen with M/W considering how different those ships are. For example, I view S/T as more fun and flirty than M/W while M/W has more obstacles to overcome than S/T.

                          Originally posted by astronomicalchick
                          I think ya'll workin' quite hard to maintain your ship, but what the heck, who am I to spoil your fun?
                          Ack we do work hard, and we haven't even had any recent cast/crew spoilers or hints about M/W to overanalyze. At least the S/T ship gets some hints from Martin and Rachel to play with, whether they're legitimate or not. But M/W hints? Nothing. And I didn't think there had been any hints about S/W either. Sigh. Counting down the days...Porthos's sig makes it easy for my taxed brain.

                          Forgot to post this, but a while ago someone posted some interesting spoilers about Intruder. Not sure if they're true or not but...
                          they said that Elizabeth and Caldwell were going back to Earth in the Daedalus as expected, but that Rodney and Shep were on the ship too! So that leaves the door open for Rodney to visit Earth and maybe see his sis as hinted by Martin?
                          BUT in that ep Elizabeth supposedly goes to see Simon and supposedly breaks things off with him. I would love to see some sort of LFP reprise with Rodney fishing for something or trying to figure out where she's going. Likewise, I'd love to see her return afterwards maybe looking a bit bummed and Rodney showing a touch of concern. Even a little look that could be seen as shippy like his response in LFP. That would make my day.

                          Oh and Gate Trippin' I forgot to tell you how much I enjoyed your holiday sig!


                            Originally posted by astronomicalchick
                            I think ya'll workin' quite hard to maintain your ship, but what the heck, who am I to spoil your fun?
                            Yep, I don't deny it! But isn't that the roll of all shippers, to defend your ship even unto death?

                            Keep all ship UST and we can all play, that's my way of looking at things.
                            That's kind of the way I'm leaning towards, too. I just don't think I trust TPTB enough yet to have any ship canon.

                            And Toaster, I love the term "guinea pig ship" LOL

                            Sheppard: Why does it smell like I'm on vacation?
                            McKay: (proudly) Could it be the simulated tropical aroma of cocoa butter?
                            Sheppard: Strong enough for anyone within five miles to smell you.
                            McKay: Right, like they haven't been tipped off by the Aqua Velva?


                              I am so forgetting I heard you say anything that might be construed as S/M over M/W *plugging ears now* Lalalala! I don't know why but that ship turns me off

                              Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
                              Ack we do work hard, and we haven't even had any recent cast/crew spoilers or hints about M/W to overanalyze. At least the S/T ship gets some hints from Martin and Rachel to play with, whether they're legitimate or not.
                              I read in the S/W ship thread that the
                              "physical" aspect that RL was hinting at for S/T was them being tied to a tree together for part of an episode
                              ....don't quote me on it or anything!

                              This is also a concern of mine. While I really like seeing Rodney's softer side and I think seeing him make doe-eyes at Elizabeth would be adorable, I love me some snarky, arrogant, pain-in-the-ass Rodney too. There is always a danger that putting him in a true relationship with her would make him all soft and OOC. It's another reason why I totter between wanting McKay/Weir canon and wanting TPTB to avoid it like the plague.
                              I definately worry about that too, but at the same time I am very intrigued at what a 'whipped' McKay might be like. (Uh, relationship-wise not bondage ) We have been slowly seeing a different side to him as he is maturing on Atlantis and I don't see why why shouldn't see yet another side to him in that regard. Just not too soon-let it hear me TPTB! That's part of the reason I'm so excited for Duet. Also, I've read some great fic on Wraithbait where he is still very snarky, yet tender too, in relationships. Albeit that's with Shep, get the point

                              Oh and Gate Trippin' I forgot to tell you how much I enjoyed your holiday sig!
                              Remixed old sig...cause I wanted the pretty again!
                              :.*.:My Live Journal:.*.:


                                Originally posted by Gate Trippin'
                                I definately worry about that too, but at the same time I am very intrigued at what a 'whipped' McKay might be like. (Uh, relationship-wise not bondage ) We have been slowly seeing a different side to him as he is maturing on Atlantis and I don't see why why shouldn't see yet another side to him in that regard. Just not too soon-let it hear me TPTB! That's part of the reason I'm so excited for Duet. Also, I've read some great fic on Wraithbait where he is still very snarky, yet tender too, in relationships. Albeit that's with Shep, get the point

                                I agree; it'd be interesting to see how McKay acts in a relationship (to Elizabeth). Okay, just any relationship, but I had to add that in. But, to keep this thread to stay on page 1, lookit!

                                I love Carson, but we can cut him out and give him his own picture.

                                Sorry, I don't know how to insert pictures into posts!

