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Rodney McKay/Elizabeth Weir Discussion/Ship/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Sirnonenath
    In order to pop this back to page one, I wanted to share my first McWeir video. Comments and suggestions are very welcome, especially since I may re-edit it before putting it on my up-and-coming web-site. I probably never would have attempted this video if it weren't for this thread and how excited everyone here got me about the couple. . . so I hope you enjoy.
    McWeir Video

    I loved it!! I know about zilch about making videos, so I couldn't give you any suggestions if I wanted to. Eee.... *is watching it again* I'm running on pure sugar at the moment, forgive me. But anyway, love the video, it captures all the little moments between them. Wonderful job!


      More GIMPing:

      My obsession with putting text into the icons has finally pushed me into making SquintyText. Hurray!

      Off to watch the vid and post FFF!


        Originally posted by Porthos1013
        e! ) Is it bad that I have a playlist on my media player labeled "McWeir" and have burned its contents onto a CD, which I listen to before I go to sleep at night? Hmm...that could explain why all my dreams about Rodney somehow involve McWeir...
        Not bad. Actually, that's a really good idea! Wish I had thought of it. Oh well. I did make up 2 cds dedicated to SciFi. I had set out to make one CD of pop/rock songs that reminded me of scifi/space/ghost stuff after hearing the songs Twilight by Dexter Freebish, and Astronaut by G.Love. One turned quickly into 2 and it would be easy to turn 2 into 3. Hmmm...maybe I'll make 3 for McWeir.
        "You are a distraction who is permanently distracted."~ Ohhhhh...sparkly...
        "Well, we came, we saw, we got spanked."-Harper (Andromeda)
        Don't shake that. It's liable to blow up.~L.
        Ewww! What's that mess on the floor? I think my sanity just broke.
        "My ovaries are exploding with maternal instinct..." Partylikeits1984 on DH's character on Traders
        Even if the voices in my head aren't real, they have some pretty good ideas.
        Very smart people intimidate me. And turn me on. Do you see my problem in the dating game?~Aurore
        (Same boat. Small World. ~ r-h)


          Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
          More GIMPing:

          My obsession with putting text into the icons has finally pushed me into making SquintyText. Hurray!

          Off to watch the vid and post FFF!
          At least it's legible squinty text. Love it!



          Anyone else have trouble downloading the video?

          ...want to see!!!
          Don't say "ka" until you've tried it.


            Originally posted by Fanwoman

            Anyone else have trouble downloading the video?

            ...want to see!!!
            Worked fine for me. If you need, I could send it to you as an attachment through e-mail. Anyway, on to some pointless rambling to keep us from the second page.

            Talked to a couple of die-hard Shweir shippers the other night. Was amusing, in that odd way. They said that there were too many flaws in McWeir, when I asked them to name a couple they said: Allina and Simon. I found that funny because the Simon thing applies to *both* ShWeir and McWeir, though I believe that, because of their friendship, it doesn't hinder McWeir as much as it does to ShWeir. Sheppard strikes me as the type to write women off as single or taken. And as for Allina... Yes, it did appear that they liked each other - but in the same light, what about Chaya? And besides that, there's so many other things that I could get into that make Shweir improbable. Don't get me wrong, Shweir is fun to play around with...but when people start saying the Shweir is more likely than McWeir...c'mon, seriously now. At least McKay and Weir have some basis for a relationship. Yeah, random rambling is done now.

            Loved the GIMP! (*too lazy to quote it* )


              Oh my lovelies. Please forgive me, but the FFF is going to have to be delayed until tomorrow. Way too much at work today. Look at it this way; it'll be the first FFS!

              ...did I read the scifi schedule correctly? No SGA tonight? Cheezy B-movies instead? *confused* I was looking forward to a LFP repeat to watch Elizabeth and Rodney fishing for whether the other had someone back home. Bummer.

              But on a better note: only 2 weeks to go!


                Originally posted by LittleKnux2008
                Worked fine for me. If you need, I could send it to you as an attachment through e-mail. Anyway, on to some pointless rambling to keep us from the second page.

                Talked to a couple of die-hard Shweir shippers the other night. Was amusing, in that odd way. They said that there were too many flaws in McWeir, when I asked them to name a couple they said: Allina and Simon. I found that funny because the Simon thing applies to *both* ShWeir and McWeir, though I believe that, because of their friendship, it doesn't hinder McWeir as much as it does to ShWeir. Sheppard strikes me as the type to write women off as single or taken. And as for Allina... Yes, it did appear that they liked each other - but in the same light, what about Chaya? And besides that, there's so many other things that I could get into that make Shweir improbable. Don't get me wrong, Shweir is fun to play around with...but when people start saying the Shweir is more likely than McWeir...c'mon, seriously now. At least McKay and Weir have some basis for a relationship. Yeah, random rambling is done now.
                Love their logic!

                As for Allina vs Chaya--McKay was never intimate with Allina, where as Sheppard and Chaya... And then there's rushing off in a Jumper, intent on single-handedly defending her planet from a swarm of Wraith. Somehow, I don't see Mckay doing that for Allina, even without the betrayal.

                I'm surprised they didn't mention Sam.

                Thanks for the kind offer to send me the video, but I doubt my server could handle anything that big as an attachment.

                Speaking of videos, I'm hoping the newer folks ::ahem, Drwho'srose, the ones who needs convincing, ahem:: have visited Hans' site and others, but since it's the beginning of another month, I feel obliged to mention a McWeir video on a site that has limited bandwidth and tends to run out as the month progresses. I recommend The Reason, which can be found here.

                45 is also recommendable, too, though just Mckay.

                ...there's a new Beckett video?!
                Don't say "ka" until you've tried it.


                  Originally posted by Sirnonenath
                  He! I have a playlist dedicated to McWeir too.

                  In order to pop this back to page one, I wanted to share my first McWeir video. Comments and suggestions are very welcome, especially since I may re-edit it before putting it on my up-and-coming web-site. I probably never would have attempted this video if it weren't for this thread and how excited everyone here got me about the couple. . . so I hope you enjoy.
                  McWeir Video
                  Gah! I LOVE it! It seriously tugs at my heartstrings, and I love the song! The first time I heard it on the radio I thought of McWeir, and you turned it into a superb vid! I love all the little moments, and I can tell that a lot of hard work went into this vid. I loved them both holding up fingers near the end, I never noticed that before! Perhaps Weir's been hanging out with Rodney too much and has picked up some of his mannerisms? What ep was that from?

                  Sheppard: Why does it smell like I'm on vacation?
                  McKay: (proudly) Could it be the simulated tropical aroma of cocoa butter?
                  Sheppard: Strong enough for anyone within five miles to smell you.
                  McKay: Right, like they haven't been tipped off by the Aqua Velva?


                    Originally posted by Fanwoman
                    Love their logic!

                    As for Allina vs Chaya--McKay was never intimate with Allina, where as Sheppard and Chaya... And then there's rushing off in a Jumper, intent on single-handedly defending her planet from a swarm of Wraith. Somehow, I don't see Mckay doing that for Allina, even without the betrayal.

                    I'm surprised they didn't mention Sam.

                    Thanks for the kind offer to send me the video, but I doubt my server could handle anything that big as an attachment.
                    Totally agree on the Chaya v. Allina thing. [sarcasm] I'm sure Rodney would've rushed off to save her immediately... [/sarcasm] I didn't even think about Sam! It would've made a lot more sense than Allina - what with the part in LFP
                    where he says 'the torch is still burning' bit.
                    and the episodes on SG: 1 with Rodney in them. Sheppard and Weir strike me more as a brother/sister relationship than anything. They bicker a lot, but in the end they still care about each other. Not that I could use those terms to describe my brothers, but that's totally besides the point.


                      Hi all,
                      I have re-watched Sanctuary, and you know that little look Weir gives McKay when he states "I am Mister Discreet" makes me think.
                      Just makes me think.


                        Originally posted by Drwho'srose
                        Hi all,
                        I have re-watched Sanctuary, and you know that little look Weir gives McKay when he states "I am Mister Discreet" makes me think.
                        Just makes me think.
                        Think about what?


                          Originally posted by Cory Holmes
                          Think about what?
                          About being a McKay/Weir Shipper . I am trying to find things to convince me. It is an ongoing quest.


                            Originally posted by Drwho'srose
                            About being a McKay/Weir Shipper . I am trying to find things to convince me. It is an ongoing quest.
                            Out of curiosity, what ship do you see on the show? I know when I first started watching SGA I saw (hands over eyes, ladies) Sheppard/Weir, but it was soon diminished by the sweeter, more subtle McKay/Weir.
                            Remixed old sig...cause I wanted the pretty again!
                            :.*.:My Live Journal:.*.:


                              Originally posted by Gate Trippin'
                              Out of curiosity, what ship do you see on the show? I know when I first started watching SGA I saw (hands over eyes, ladies) Sheppard/Weir, but it was soon diminished by the sweeter, more subtle McKay/Weir.
                              Yay! That's at least one person who's been converted to McWeir from the Dark Side.

                              And I just want to say, I love this part of your sig:
                              I have to say that David even at 14 or 15 was a complete professional.
                              Even when I covered him in chocolate sauce. -------------Vincenzo Natali, director of CUBE
                              Where on earth did you find that? And I'm curious as to the circumstances that would require a chocolate covered DH...???

                              Originally posted by Drwho'srose
                              About being a McKay/Weir Shipper . I am trying to find things to convince me. It is an ongoing quest.
                              Then you should totally watch the video that Sirnonenath posted earlier. Lots of great little ship moments! Or any of Purpleyin's vids, or the episodes Hide and Seek or The Storm/The Eye (The Eye is what convinced me! ) I can't wait for the SGA marathon on Friday!!! <taps foot impatiently>
                              Last edited by Porthos1013; 02 July 2005, 11:55 AM.

                              Sheppard: Why does it smell like I'm on vacation?
                              McKay: (proudly) Could it be the simulated tropical aroma of cocoa butter?
                              Sheppard: Strong enough for anyone within five miles to smell you.
                              McKay: Right, like they haven't been tipped off by the Aqua Velva?


                                Originally posted by Sirnonenath

                                Awwwwwww, that's such a sweet video and such a beautiful song! I feel all warm and fuzzy now.

                                Yes, I'm allowed to say that. My OT3 includes McWeir, so there.

                                In a world that seems to be increasing in conformity
                                it's harder and harder to be who you wanna be
                                It takes a lot of courage to stand up and get what you need
                                And lots of us are happy in a different kind of family

