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Team Flyboy (thunking, shipping, discussion) - Lorne/Mitchell/Sheppard/O'Neill

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    Originally posted by Whytewytch View Post
    I may have misspoke, Two LLs. No, no, no--50F is NOT cold, but it is cool enough that I can FINALLY wear boots and sweaters if I want to and not melt from sweat at the mere thought. I actually bought the items for my trip to New England--if it's 50F here, it'll be a might colder there. And I'm not very into the temps when there's a minus sign in front of them. I like "I can see my breath" cold, not "it hurts to breathe" cold.

    Have a Wonderful trip with your family WW. Enjoy your Thanksgiving with your parents!!

    Minus 9 (aka 15.8F) isn't cold for us up here in Alberta, I am just adjusting.. When it gets to -25C (-13F) then it's the hard to breathe stuff.

    Currently right now, it's pain in the Mik'ta stuff!! And we wonder about the show "Canada's Worst Drivers" - They seem to arrive at the first snowfall!!

    Now, above picture is Cold!!
    Richard Dean Anderson is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy!!


      As incredible as it might seem, Ben Browder is turning 50 next month. That's why I started a fan art (challenge) thread in the Fandom forum.

      Hello all Ben Browder fans! I hope you'll all join me in celebrating Ben's 50th birthday by making art or videos. There will be no winners or losers in this thread, all art featuring Ben is welcome. I hope that by the time Ben's birthday rolls around on December 11, this thread will be full of wonderful art for all of us to admire.

      However, this is not meant to be another BB picspam thread, that's why I put challenge on the banner. Have fun, I know I will!


        Looking forward to it, Mane. I added the thread to my subscription so that I don't lose it.



          Cool! I hope you'll make some art for the thread as well.


            We typically celebrate the flyboys on their birthday here in this thread. So I had planned to make art anyway, so now I have an excuse to make more for my favorite flyboy!

            You'll notice too that it is the one day between the 1st and the 21st in our flyboy Christmas challenge that we have nothing going on. (Well... other than Ben's Birthday)


              Originally posted by Whytewytch View Post
              Hope the damage is not too bad, Dell!

              CONGRATS, DELL!
              Like lg says, thunking will definitely get you there if you're looking for "achieving" levels--that and games like the "top 50" sort.
              Exactly. My local RWA has a 250 word/day challenge.

              lg--mine started challenging me from Day 1. I sat down to write the Cowboys & Angeli story and wound up with a Nephalim story. Now, things are not being as straight-forward as I thought. **sigh** I guess they're right--the path of true love never did run smooth.
              The damage was only stuff WW, and the house is still live-able, so we are better off than a lot of people. Main problem is since there were 1000s of us with damaged houses, it is going to take years for everything to get fixed (2016 they told us). Also the worry is the insurance companies will go bust before they get to us, then we will be up sh*t creek without a shovel!

              Originally posted by FlyBoyFanGirl View Post
              Temp at this moment is 57F. Monday will be a high of 55F. Not sure what that is Canadian, Aussie and NZ.
              It's not a lot, 11 or 12c or so I'm guessing.
              At the moment it is 17c (63f)outside, and we are going for a high of 23c

              Originally posted by Whytewytch View Post
              Thanks, cam! Shutting laptop down...Later, all!
              Hope you have a safe trip WW

              Morning all!
              Wow can't believe Ben is turning 50! He is older than I thought!


                Oh yeah, forgot to say, nice new sigs lg and Fg!

                I watched "The first commandment" and "Cold Lazarus" the other night. I liked the crystal people, much nicer than the crystal people in SGA


                  Well there doesn't seem to be anyone around at the moment, so I might go write a little bit


                    Originally posted by Dellruby View Post
                    Well there doesn't seem to be anyone around at the moment, so I might go write a little bit
                    I'm here!!!


                      Hi, FG, I didn't go far...only did a word count of 316, but every little bit counts!
                      Only one part to go and it will be all typed up and ready for it's first look through.


                        OK FIRST SHAME ON ALL OF YOU!!!!!!

                        I get notices of PM on my G-account which go straight to my phone!!!

                        I know I have been busy.. 28 5th graders yesterday at the zoo.. helping with Christmas pictures and working the front office at my kids school.. then subbing tomorrow (yes bay I did not say no this time but for me its easy on Fridays the teacher has 2 back to back planning periods )

                        BUT BEN ON ARROW AND NO ONE TOLD ME!!! TEXTED ME!!!! PM'ed ME!!!!!
                        for shame!!! *shakes my finger at all of you* now I am off to the corner to pout with all the links for the CW to catch up !!!!!

                        I will return after I am done (watching all the eps) POUTING

                        PS.. WW texted me!!! SHE IS IN CT SAFE !!! no internet
                        (she is the only one not on MY LIST right now...GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR)


                          *trying to find a good hiding place*

                          Sorry, I've been a little busy lately... all the ski fittings and volunteering at the chalet... completely forgot to text you.

                          I did watch all of the episodes through the IMDb website. *looks around sheepishly* I think you'll like it...

                          oh... and the new Primeval show is good too. Niall Matter goodness.

                          Will you get to write duing the back to back planning periods?



                            I didn't even know about it in the first place, so please, let me off the hook!
                            sigpic Sparky story SGA Teen Wolf fanfic story Thor fanfic story
                   Crimson Peak story sig by yamiinsane


                              Does this negate my "squishy hugsss" I got earlier from you?



                                Originally posted by Brneyestx View Post
                                OK FIRST SHAME ON ALL OF YOU!!!!!!

                                I get notices of PM on my G-account which go straight to my phone!!!

                                I know I have been busy.. 28 5th graders yesterday at the zoo.. helping with Christmas pictures and working the front office at my kids school.. then subbing tomorrow (yes bay I did not say no this time but for me its easy on Fridays the teacher has 2 back to back planning periods )

                                BUT BEN ON ARROW AND NO ONE TOLD ME!!! TEXTED ME!!!! PM'ed ME!!!!!
                                for shame!!! *shakes my finger at all of you* now I am off to the corner to pout with all the links for the CW to catch up !!!!!

                                I will return after I am done (watching all the eps) POUTING

                                PS.. WW texted me!!! SHE IS IN CT SAFE !!! no internet
                                (she is the only one not on MY LIST right now...GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR)
                                um....nice sig?
                                *backs slowly out of the thread*

