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Team Flyboy (thunking, shipping, discussion) - Lorne/Mitchell/Sheppard/O'Neill

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    Wow, did I start something here or what?!
    glad to see I am about average
    As for the double the 2 year height thing, Oldest lt.Dell should be about my height, youngest an inch taller.....We should find out real soon, as they are 15 and 10.
    Shoe size? 7 1/2 before kids 8 1/2 now.
    sorry to hear about the snow warning 2LL's. believe it or not, with next week being the start of summer, they have forecast snow for us too.


      Originally posted by ShaViva View Post
      *grins at all the talk of food and now heights* Nice having you here Dell - it's good to have someone from the same side of the world who both misses out on the things we do here (like TV programs and early release of movies etc), AND likes vegemite!! It's cool that vegemite is famous enough to be known in the US and that Bay could buy some at the shops if she wanted to Go on Bay, give it another go

      So, height ... I think I win by a very small margin - I'm 176 cm which is just shy of 5ft 10'' ... Mr Sha is 6ft 1. The twin little Sha's are about average so far but they were early and very small so it's hard to tell. Littlest Sha is tall for her age and according to that (maybe) myth about multiplying height at age 2 by 2 she'd going to be over 6ft .... but they've got a long way to go before the beat me, even though they all stand on the chairs and insist they are taller than me
      Thanks Sha! It is nice to have someone around who knows there is life down here! I think I have met 4 of us on the boards here, 2 of each.


        Oh yeah, Hi everyone!


          Originally posted by Brneyestx View Post
          Are far as feet... was a 9 after kids a 10 just no cute shoes for me..average is 7.. slim pickings for 10wide

          No pictures on phone...
          No idea what I'd be in US speak, but in Aus I'm a 9.5 but narrow which is a pain because the big shoes are too wide ... I find though that the popular sizes go first so sometimes I do get lucky at specials time. I hate shopping for me - shoes, clothes etc ... now, books, DVD's, games etc and anything for little Sha's is a different story

          5ft 5" isn't short Bay, lg, FG - I think in Aus it's only just slightly below average. I think we are actually quite a tall group here - using my 'statistician' powers (i.e guessing) I think we'd average taller than our population averages.

          Originally posted by bailey1ak View Post
          Well... I'm shopping Friday night near the grocery store that has it... we'll see. Maybe... but what do i do if I don't like it. Probably can't send it to you...I'd think it'd be unhealthy.

          You will like it ... okay, maybe that's a bit optimistic ... I'd recommend a very light scrapping of the vegemite on toast with melted cheese on top ... best chance of deciding if you like it. If not, you could take it to the con next year and give everyone else the chance to try it too! Oh, how I wish I could be there to supervise the correct application and consumption of vegemite for you all *winks*

          Originally posted by Dellruby View Post
          Thanks Sha! It is nice to have someone around who knows there is life down here! I think I have met 4 of us on the boards here, 2 of each.
          I haven't come across any really because I usually hang out here and on the Art for All threads. Time zones are my biggest because when I get here at around 8pm ish, this time of year its like 4am or something in the US and I don't know what time in Canada. New Zealand is much closer! (I've been skiing there twice before - better than Aus - would love to see it in the summer).

          Oh, almost forgot my NaNo update - stayed up almost all night last night and stumbled my way to 52,425 words - woo hoo. Course, I haven't read most of them back yet so they could be terrible. Might wait until after the 30th just in case I'm tempted to delete myself back under the 50K target!!

          No pics still - not game to try PB and have it kill my laptop ... must get on that soon because it's almost Christmas flyboy art time. And now I'm done writing for now I get to play on GIMP! Probably not tonight as I'll be falling asleep over my keyboard probably from the kids bedtime onwards
          Last edited by ShaViva; 28 November 2012, 09:09 PM.


            Originally posted by ShaViva View Post

            You will like it ... okay, maybe that's a bit optimistic ... I'd recommend a very light scrapping of the vegemite on toast with melted cheese on top ... best chance of deciding if you like it. If not, you could take it to the con next year and give everyone else the chance to try it too! Oh, how I wish I could be there to supervise the correct application and consumption of vegemite for you all *winks*

            I haven't come across any really because I usually hang out here and on the Art for All threads. Time zones are my biggest because when I get here at around 8pm ish, this time of year its like 4am or something in the US and I don't know what time in Canada. New Zealand is much closer! (I've been skiing there twice before - better than Aus - would love to see it in the summer).
            Where in Oz are you? I'm in Christchurch, 2 hours ahead of Sydney.
            I haven't tried siking in Oz, but been there 4 times, Sydney and Gold Coast. Haven't seen a snake yet, and only one big was outside, and I wasn't getting close!


              Aw someone mentioned vegemite and has me thinking of those darned burnt veggies from the roast pan again

              ...Omg I hit 2000 posts


                Good on you Aang!


                  I've never cared this much about a promotion, I'm just happy because now I can start work on my custom avatar


                    Originally posted by Dellruby View Post
                    Where in Oz are you? I'm in Christchurch, 2 hours ahead of Sydney.
                    I haven't tried siking in Oz, but been there 4 times, Sydney and Gold Coast. Haven't seen a snake yet, and only one big was outside, and I wasn't getting close!
                    Since it's pretty off topic ...
                    Adelaide ... home of the Panda's (well, the two who live in Aus anyway) and Guy Sebastian (points to sig below) ... athough I think he'd relocated to LA or something now. I'm sure other noteworthy people live here too Been to Sydney a few times but the Gold Coast only once. I must be a native Australian because spiders are cool! Outside is their domain but if I find one inside I catch it in a jar and let it out Means I have to strongly tell the little Sha's not to touch since they want to do everything I'm doing! Haven't seen any snakes myself either ... now lizards, we get some of those, gekkos in particular - so cute!

                    I have been to Christchurch, twice, because we flew in there and then hired a car to drive to Wanaka. We drove around a little bit so I have an impression of it being very nice but we were in too much of a hurry to go ski to do much sight seeing. Skiing in Aus is lovely for things like staying in the snow and all that, but for longer ski runs NZ is better.

                    Was reading back all the 'firsts' for stargate watching. I am one of the rare ones who watched the movie first, loved it and then jumped on board for SG1 when it first started. So firsts for me for each episode was as they aired and in order ... no idea how many times I've watched through by now ...


                      Originally posted by Aang View Post
                      I've never cared this much about a promotion, I'm just happy because now I can start work on my custom avatar
                      Congrats Aang - it IS exciting getting to 2000 and being able to have your own avatar. Mine popped a little after 2000 so don't worry if the option isn't here yet - it'll turn up


                        Originally posted by ShaViva View Post
                        Congrats Aang - it IS exciting getting to 2000 and being able to have your own avatar. Mine popped a little after 2000 so don't worry if the option isn't here yet - it'll turn up
                        It's there, but I've got to force Photoshop to cooperate long enough to make my custom avatar

                        Also if we're discussing firsts, my first Stargate episode was the Atlantis episode with Ellia, forget which that was (re-runs used to play on my TV at 3pm on Saturdays), and then my brother dragged me off to his bedroom one Christmas eve and made me watch SG-1, Children of the Gods (though I was perhaps 14 at the time, so he fast forwarded some bits if you get my meaning) and from there I watched the whole of season 1 in about a week. Then my Dad took me out shopping one day and bought me the Stargate movie. From there, it began. Now I own all 10 SG-1 seasons, all 3 Stargate movies and the first 3 seasons of Atlantis


                          I saw the movies first too, and the shows as they aired, but then they went away, and I never saw any after about the 4th season. I'm re-watching them now, and it has been so long, I have pretty much forgotten everything!
                          Saw SGA as it was aired too, and liked it, but then it finished and I must have forgotten it.
                          Saw SGU, it was ok, I figured any stargate was good stargate!
                          Then about 8 months ago I found 2 SGA DVDs in a "throw out bin" in a shop for $10 each, and bought them (seasons3 & 4). And so it began again!
                          seasons 1 & 2 cost about $30 each, but I ended up having to shell out $89.95 for season 5. It was no where in the country!
                          Now collecting SG1


                            Yipes! $89.95 for season 5? Oi! I can get them for like $40 brand new or I can buy them online for $10 a piece. I choose to buy them online. Just need S4 and S5 of Atlantis. I only got the first 3 seasons all at once 'cause I wanted all the Carson-filled seasons first, the other two could wait. But now I want Season 4 so much because Kindred 1 & 2 are like...favorite Season 4 episodes ever. You can figure why, I'm sure...*hugs her Carson plushie* (Oh yeah did I mention my hand-made Carson plushie? )


                              I paid what I had to! I couldn't remember how the damn show ended!
                              Does seem silly that the last one cost more thatn the other 4 put together!
                              With luck I will be able to get SG1's for around $24, to $34 each. Or maybe I can find them on special!


                                I forgot to post a pic!

