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Team Flyboy (thunking, shipping, discussion) - Lorne/Mitchell/Sheppard/O'Neill

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    Couldn't neglect Jack...





        Well, ladies, just finished the Gimp project my hubby asked me to do, so it's off to bed with me. Have a great day/night!


          Sleep well, ~lg



            You, too, Bay!




                Bay - five hours sleep! I so want to say naughty you but my hands are tied by my own bad behaviour. Sleep well ... thanks for the Jack thunks (especially the bedtime one).

                lg, good night too - sweet dreams!

                Mmm, all alone on the thread, what mischief can I do?



                  'Night, Sha. Or, well.....have a great afternoon.


                    Night Sha... *hugs*



                      Lots of thunky goodness to catch up on! Had a busy day (and a not great one to start with) yesterday. It wound up okay by the end of the day--the bad situation from earlier in the day was not resolved, but I had done all I could with it. It was just a LOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNGGGGGGG day.

                      Originally posted by Brneyestx View Post
                      'grrrr PB is down for me... so short lived
                      Hiya, Brn! PB always kills my computer's speed and sometimes, shuts down my whole internet. On the NEW laptop! Grrrrr, with you. Sorry I missed you, girl!

                      Originally posted by ladygris View Post
                      Other than that, wrote myself into a cliffhanger that I'm not sure how to get out of!
                      I feel your pain. I thought I had the next chap of ITB done, but it felt off. Sent it to my beta who gave me some feedback and now I've got to do a whole other scene or two instead of just the usual tweaking. One of these days, I'm gonna write an outline. Honest.

                      Originally posted by ladygris View Post
                      It turned into having a lot of stuff from Sheppard's POV, too, and THAT'S the cliffie that caught me. I wasn't planning on the cliffie, but it cropped up at the end of Ch 3

                      Don't you love when characters take over?

                      Unfortunately, RL is off the charts from 9 til after 7 tonight, maybe later and some sooner (getting kiddo #2 to school--I'm the "carpool" driver today).

                      Originally posted by ladygris View Post
                      Where I live, it's been nice to not have the temp above 80F (26C) in weeks.
                      It's been nice here, too. Not above 90F for the past week or so. Even had a couple of days in the 70s! I got to cut off the A/C and open the windows. Except over the week-end when it rained like crazy.

                      Originally posted by ShaViva View Post
                      I'm sure you'll work yourself out of the cliffhanger lg ... planning goes so far but I still have things go off and me think, where did that come from?

                      We're inside now because we got too hot!!! Hoping for a long hot summer because I feel like we didn't really get much of summer last year ... we need some kind of weather ordering system where we can all put in our orders
                      A weather ordering system would be awesome! Although, I'm not sure my neighbors would like me much--I like colder weather, snow on Christmas, cloudy days. Most people move to Florida for the opposite!

                      Originally posted by bailey1ak View Post
                      Shep's "so what'd you think Sha? See, just as good as Lorne don't you think" face...
                      Sorry, Shep! You're cute and all--I can never resist a sarcastic man with a dark sense of humor, but Lorne's got me hands down. Or maybe that was "hands off" that he was saying to me...

                      LG & Bay, I don't live near an AF base anymore, but hubby was in, stationed in TX for the first three years of our marriage--HOLY COW was it HOT in TX! Now, the teen is in the Naval Sea Cadets and he went for a training at a base over the summer. LOTS of BDUs and officer browns. **fans self** Did I mention that my hubby reeled me in...I mean caught my eye by being in AF blues when we met?

                      Personally, I'm also an eyes (color, lashes, brows) and hands girl as well. Boots do it, too. How big are those boots?!

                      FG, this was me last night. Too tired to even thunk, I was surfing cable. I watched "Frasier"!

                      Sorry about the long post, but this is probably it for the next 12 hours, unless I wiggle some thunking time into lunch. Ciao for now, all!
                      Sig by Bay, for my birthday. Find me on, AO3, or If you are over 18, I invite you to read my blogs. On Blogger: Other Worlds, Other Loves On Wordpress: Other Worlds, Other Loves.
                      Fennyman: "Who is that?" Henslowe: "Nobody. The author." (From Shakespeare in Love)


                        Morning thunkers

                        Sounds like a busy day, WW. Hope you find a few moments of peace.



                          stayed up too late last night with postie..doing a BSG re-watch..'nothing but the rain'

                          so today I pay....

                          on last night's chatter... remember I get the whole package 4 times a year from Mr. Brn.. and a few more times for various reasons.. but BLACK seems so much better.. Mr. Brn's gear is dark navy blue.. and
                          I cant seem to get him to wanna wear it he comes home and wips it off -the holster and tac vest before I get a chance to drool.. *snap*


                            ok had to rework my day.. and cant play.. wanna say hi fingers are itiching to make a sig and my vid it just doing circles in my head.. may break and play with gimp since I have that on my net book



                              some gun porn since I am off to the range with my girlfriend..




