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Team Flyboy (thunking, shipping, discussion) - Lorne/Mitchell/Sheppard/O'Neill

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    One of the shops here had SG-1 and Atlantis seasons in 2packs and they were like $25 per pack, that's how I got Seasons 1,2,6 and 7 of SG-1. See what happened was...

    My brother had his xBox rigged to have the first 8 seasons of SG-1. We bought season 9 and then the week it was released I bought season 10. Brother moved out and I got season 5 and 8 for my Dad and then took possession of them. I got a friend season 4 because he'd yet to see it, my dad got me season 3, and then I bought 1,2,6 and 7. Still needed season 4, and then my friend generously said I could have back the one I gave him to complete my collection as long as I was willing to lend him any of my other seasons By then I had the original Stargate movie and Mom gave me Ark of Truth and Continuum and then I ordered the first 3 Atlantis seasons

    The obligatory Flyboy pic...with a smidge of Scottish doctor thrown in for good measure


      the main thing is getting them all, am I right?, or am I right!


        Quite right, quite right! Hoping to end up with Season 4 and Season 5 of Atlantis sooner rather than later


          Originally posted by Brneyestx View Post
          Well my FAM is Danish... dairy farmers.. all tall.. and most of my friends are "not as tall" . Postie is 5'9" with me!!! Wooohooo I have 2 friends that are tall ..with sha topping us off at 5'10"...

          Son is tall. Had to run out for new pants when they had free dress at school all his pants from last year looked like man-prie's. Soooo not cool
          Swedish & Irish & English here. Kids are part French, too. All the tall comes from my Swedish side. Uncles at 6'2" or so, teen heading there, already 5'10 and the doctor says he still has a few years of growing (boys apparently grow into their early 20s, girls are pretty much where they're going to be in the late teens).

          Originally posted by Brneyestx View Post
          Are far as feet... was a 9 after kids a 10 just no cute shoes for me..average is 7.. slim pickings for 10wide
          I feel your pain, girl. No cute shoes for me, either.

          Originally posted by FlyBoyFanGirl View Post
          This is the first ep I saw of Stargate because it was on Showtime, I think, at the time. I saw that season in order then about a year or so later, SyFy (nee Sci-Fi) started showing the eps from the beginning then picked up the new season from there.

          And to tell the truth, I did not think I would like SGA when it came on. Man oh man was I wrong!!!
          I saw the movie, started watching SG1 when it came out, then started working the nights it was on and didn't have a working VCR at the time. Was ecstatic that I was off nights by the time SGA started, as I've always been a nut for all things Atlantis.

          Originally posted by ShaViva View Post
          No idea what I'd be in US speak, but in Aus I'm a 9.5 but narrow which is a pain because the big shoes are too wide ... I find though that the popular sizes go first so sometimes I do get lucky at specials time. I hate shopping for me - shoes, clothes etc ... now, books, DVD's, games etc and anything for little Sha's is a different story

          You will like it ... okay, maybe that's a bit optimistic ... I'd recommend a very light scrapping of the vegemite on toast with melted cheese on top ... best chance of deciding if you like it. If not, you could take it to the con next year and give everyone else the chance to try it too! Oh, how I wish I could be there to supervise the correct application and consumption of vegemite for you all *winks*

          Oh, almost forgot my NaNo update - stayed up almost all night last night and stumbled my way to 52,425 words - woo hoo. Course, I haven't read most of them back yet so they could be terrible. Might wait until after the 30th just in case I'm tempted to delete myself back under the 50K target!!
          Nano--CONGRATS! We were neck & neck yesterday, then PT WW stayed home sick and we discovered some missing homework, including the science fair project that's due this Wednesday. I spent most of my "free" time yesterday helping him and shopping for parts. He's doing an underwater robot and I am so NOT the science geek; Mr WW is, but he was working late last night (had to be in...Melbourne ...last night by 5:30).

          Isn't there some sort of educational grant you could get to come here and show us the proper application of vegemite? In other words, I wish you could come to Chicon, too, Sha.

          I would imagine finding narrow would be as hard as finding wide; with all the call for those sizes (I hear a LOT of people make similar complaints), you'd think the shoe industry would respond. I also hate clothes shopping--odd, I know, for a woman, but I just hate it so very much.

          Originally posted by Aang View Post
          ...Omg I hit 2000 posts
          Congrats, Major!

          No pic as the teen is running late & PB not open yet on my laptop. Gotta go get him to school. Laters, all!
          Sig by Bay, for my birthday. Find me on, AO3, or If you are over 18, I invite you to read my blogs. On Blogger: Other Worlds, Other Loves On Wordpress: Other Worlds, Other Loves.
          Fennyman: "Who is that?" Henslowe: "Nobody. The author." (From Shakespeare in Love)


            Morning WW, this is getting to be a bad habit, I really should go to bed earlier!
            I've been watching SG1, Torment of Tantalus and Bloodlines.
            Ok going to try and go now!

            Not quite falling asleep in my chair...yet


              Mornin' Dell! I'd say evening, but it's like 0100 there or something, isn't it? Coffee brewed and had almost my first cup. All right, water heated. Really gotta get some grounds and start brewing it in the morning again. Love that smell.
              Sig by Bay, for my birthday. Find me on, AO3, or If you are over 18, I invite you to read my blogs. On Blogger: Other Worlds, Other Loves On Wordpress: Other Worlds, Other Loves.
              Fennyman: "Who is that?" Henslowe: "Nobody. The author." (From Shakespeare in Love)


                You are making me want a coffee! 1.15am here, I've been leaving for bed for about half an hour now, but there is always one more thing to do!

                Like standing guard!


                  I know the feeling. I signed off Chatzy with a friend last night at 10:30; by the time I got to bed, it was near midnight. Didn't help that I came out of the bedroom (after being on a chat, plus Chatzy, plus texting Brn--all at once--) to find the house a mess; dirty dishes still piled, the treadmill on, windows wide open when I'd asked the boys to close them...

                  I'd better get my morning PT in. TTYL! Sleep well.
                  Sig by Bay, for my birthday. Find me on, AO3, or If you are over 18, I invite you to read my blogs. On Blogger: Other Worlds, Other Loves On Wordpress: Other Worlds, Other Loves.
                  Fennyman: "Who is that?" Henslowe: "Nobody. The author." (From Shakespeare in Love)


                    Originally posted by Dellruby View Post
                    The main thing is getting them all, am I right?, or am I right!
                    You are so right, Dell! I have all 5 seasons of SGA and 1, 2, 3, 4, 7 of SG-1. All I have to do is be patient. My sister and her family don't watch DVDs as much as they used to so I should end up with nearly all of their SG-1 box sets. I think they have all but 9 and 10.


                      Re: pricing/buying all of SG1. Don't see that happening in the near future. Since hubby bought me a used (but still not super-cheap) laptop for our anniversary and the teen needs uniforms and payment ASAP for a training that starts on Dec. 26, Christmas will be very light for all of us this year. I bought a DVD (a Gerry Butler movie) yesterday for $5--told PT WW to wrap it for me and give it to me at Christmas. He wants a laptop like mine for Christmas--don't see that one happening unless we win the lottery (Powerball's out--the winning tickets were sold in Arizona & Missouri--**sigh**).

                      Sig by Bay, for my birthday. Find me on, AO3, or If you are over 18, I invite you to read my blogs. On Blogger: Other Worlds, Other Loves On Wordpress: Other Worlds, Other Loves.
                      Fennyman: "Who is that?" Henslowe: "Nobody. The author." (From Shakespeare in Love)


                        Originally posted by ShaViva View Post
                        No idea what I'd be in US speak, but in Aus I'm a 9.5 but narrow which is a pain because the big shoes are too wide ... I find though that the popular sizes go first so sometimes I do get lucky at specials time. I hate shopping for me - shoes, clothes etc ... now, books, DVD's, games etc and anything for little Sha's is a different story
                        I feel the same way about shopping. I actually don't typically do any of the shopping. My husband (bless his heart) loves to shop. He does most of our grocery shopping, a big part of our Christmas shopping. He and my daughter love to shop so I am all to happy to let them do it all.

                        My son is more like me and would prefer to hang around the house rather than go out. We bond a lot on the weekends.

                        Originally posted by ShaViva View Post
                        5ft 5" isn't short Bay, lg, FG - I think in Aus it's only just slightly below average. I think we are actually quite a tall group here - using my 'statistician' powers (i.e guessing) I think we'd average taller than our population averages.

                        You will like it ... okay, maybe that's a bit optimistic ... I'd recommend a very light scrapping of the vegemite on toast with melted cheese on top ... best chance of deciding if you like it. If not, you could take it to the con next year and give everyone else the chance to try it too! Oh, how I wish I could be there to supervise the correct application and consumption of vegemite for you all *winks*
                        I would love, love for you to show me the proper application and consumption... and *laughs* may even need you to do the actual consuming... but I'll try to be optimistic. When I'm shopping I will keep my eye out tomorrow night. Tomorrow is one of the few times I shop. During the Christmas shopping time I take my mom so that we can shop for our husbands. Unfortunately that is the one thing I can't have hubby do for me.

                        Originally posted by ShaViva View Post
                        Oh, almost forgot my NaNo update - stayed up almost all night last night and stumbled my way to 52,425 words - woo hoo. Course, I haven't read most of them back yet so they could be terrible. Might wait until after the 30th just in case I'm tempted to delete myself back under the 50K target!!

                        No pics still - not game to try PB and have it kill my laptop ... must get on that soon because it's almost Christmas flyboy art time. And now I'm done writing for now I get to play on GIMP! Probably not tonight as I'll be falling asleep over my keyboard probably from the kids bedtime onwards
                        Congrats on NaNo... I knew if anyone could pull it off in the amount of time you gave yourself... it would be you. The amount of envy I have for you and those that can write quickly is an astronomical amount. Can't wait to read what this next adventure.

                        You are right. We need to get your PB working for the weekend onwards!! Can't believe it is already December.

                        Originally posted by Aang View Post
                        Aw someone mentioned vegemite and has me thinking of those darned burnt veggies from the roast pan again

                        ...Omg I hit 2000 posts
                        Congrats Major Aang!

                        WW... we did science fair project late Tuesday night because it was dues yesterday (Wednesday). I hate science fair every year!!

                        On order of watching... I watched the movie first, but it didn't wow me at all. The first few episodes of SG1 didn't grab me either... in fact I didn't even know it was still on the air until I started watching SGA - my first episode was 38 Minutes and then all of the SG1 reruns (running out of order) on SciFi. I did get most of the seasons for Christmas and my birthday. Then Farscape once it was released on DVD here in the US. I tried to find it before then but it was running between $80 - $120 or more per season on Ebay... and those were used DVD's


                          My work won't let me access Photobucket, but I'm posting flyboy smilies - & & & if I had a Lorne one, I would.

                          Now to get in on the height convo:

                          I am 5'4". My mom is 5' even. My dad was 6'1". My little sister is 5'9". Not fair. My maternal heritage is German and Welsh. Not sure about dad's side.

                          SG-1 DVDs - I've seen individual seasons at Sam's Club for $13, but when you do the math, you still end up spending over $100 for the whole series. Maybe Amazon has them cheaper. I've been buying a lot from there at a huge savings for me.


                            Whew... after all those words I feel like I need several pictures to make up for it!



                              Morning Shipper. -- I always think that $13 sounds good too. But you're right, once you add it all together it is spendy. I think I've seen the SG1 box set (all seasons) for about $75 - $80 on Amazon. Not sure if there was shipping to add to that.




