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Team Flyboy (thunking, shipping, discussion) - Lorne/Mitchell/Sheppard/O'Neill

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    Originally posted by Aang View Post
    What, I'm not allowed to sneak over and stare at the FlyBoys? I happen to like a good FlyBoy sometimes, when I'm not too busy obsessing over a certain wonderful Scottish doctor...
    Of course you can come here, you just took me by surprise, that is all. I guess you could ask the same of me hanging out on the Carson thread!


      Originally posted by Dellruby View Post
      Of course you can come here, you just took me by surprise, that is all. I guess you could ask the same of me hanging out on the Carson thread!
      I will admit, the first time you came over to Carson's thread, you did catch me off guard but I kinda' got used to seeing you after a while




          yeah, I'm scary like that, lol.
          School run time.




              Good ol' SG-1, Jack and Daniel...I miss them, I might have to unearth all my SG-1 DVDs soon and do some re-watching...


                Dell...just for you...


                  Originally posted by Dellruby View Post
                  Yep, that's me too, I'm the 3rd.
                  Whats BRB (she asks hoping she doesn't look to stupid)
                  BRB = Be Right Back

                  FYI - I made you something.


                    Originally posted by Aang View Post
                    Good ol' SG-1, Jack and Daniel...I miss them, I might have to unearth all my SG-1 DVDs soon and do some re-watching...
                    I feel that way a lot after seeing too many pics on here.



                      Have a good day, FG?





                          Originally posted by bailey1ak View Post
                          Have a good day, FG?
                          I did! Day four of NaNo and I have 10,384 words total. Today's total: 3,319 words.


                            Originally posted by Dellruby View Post
                            -my plot bunnies are doing the horizontal tango like Nubbins.

                            So are they doing that in the story, or beside it? Could make for a messy office!


                            Ok, got that out of my system

                            Thanks for all the info guys. I had a little look around the sites suggested and have ruled one or 2 out.
                            ff seems to be what most people use, but there trems and conditions look scary. No care, all responsibility, and if something goes wrong, tuff cheese!
                            And I couldn't find info on "how", anyway.

                            AO3 sounds good in WW's write up, but I don't know what it is, or where to find it...mind you I do remember leaving someone Kudos once.
                            I haven't left many reviews before, because half the folks don't want anonymous ones, and I'm not signing up to every site just to leave a review, so kudos is good!

                            So, if one of you could tell me where to find AO3, I would be most grateful.
                            I forgot the part about the invites. As Bay said, I did try to invite Sparky a bit ago and found I was unable to just yet. Let me see what I can do. "I know a guy" she said in a New York Italian accent. Or rather, a girl. Let me see if she has any extras.

                            As to the plot bunnies--they are fixin' to do all sorts of naughty things in the story. I don't allow that sort of thing in my office. I keep a squirt bottle of cold water around, just in case. Hubby hates that bottle...

                            Originally posted by Dellruby View Post
                            It does say that someone can invite us, so maybe WW would be nice enough to do that for us!
                            Pretty please!
                            I'll talk to my contact--capiche?

                            Originally posted by FlyBoyFanGirl View Post
                            Yeah. Now what can we give WW to invite us so we don't have to wait until January. (FYI - My b-day's in January.)

                            Bribes are not necessary. Unless, of course, you feel the need. Mind, there is a "no return" policy.

                            Originally posted by FlyBoyFanGirl View Post
                            Hey, I wonder if that's what our room will look like in Chicago?

                            Originally posted by Aang View Post
                            *whispers in Dell's ear* BRB means Be Right Back
                            Hiya, Aang!

                            Sig by Bay, for my birthday. Find me on, AO3, or If you are over 18, I invite you to read my blogs. On Blogger: Other Worlds, Other Loves On Wordpress: Other Worlds, Other Loves.
                            Fennyman: "Who is that?" Henslowe: "Nobody. The author." (From Shakespeare in Love)


                              Originally posted by FlyBoyFanGirl View Post
                              I did! Day four of NaNo and I have 10,384 words total. Today's total: 3,319 words.
                              That is wonderful, FG!! Congrats on that. Bet if feels really good.



                                Originally posted by FlyBoyFanGirl View Post
                                I did! Day four of NaNo and I have 10,384 words total. Today's total: 3,319 words.

                                AWESOME! I wound up working and having a busy Sunday. Nada today. Gonna try to get in a few hundred at least before bed. Maybe I'll skip ahead and get to my hero and heroine gettin' it on--that's usually good for a few thousand word streak.
                                Sig by Bay, for my birthday. Find me on, AO3, or If you are over 18, I invite you to read my blogs. On Blogger: Other Worlds, Other Loves On Wordpress: Other Worlds, Other Loves.
                                Fennyman: "Who is that?" Henslowe: "Nobody. The author." (From Shakespeare in Love)

