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Team Flyboy (thunking, shipping, discussion) - Lorne/Mitchell/Sheppard/O'Neill

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    Originally posted by bailey1ak View Post
    A lot of the shows can be watched on the websites after airing or so many days after. That is how I catch shows I miss.
    I know, but I have a louse net connection at home. And when I 'm elsewhere, I'm usually busy doing other stuff on the computer. That's why I like to watch on TV. Then I can multitask.


      I do that - multi-task with the TV. I like to have it on, but feel odd not doing something while I watch. While watching NCIS I made a wallpaper for AFA Challenge. Now working on a Christmas wallpaper while hubby surfing channels.



        Originally posted by FlyBoyFanGirl View Post
        Sha, when you get back, I have a question for you, por favor.

        What's your favorite flower?

        And just to encourage you to answer, here's some incentive...(spoiler for content)

        Favourite flower? Mmm ... not really a flower kind of girl really but I've always liked carnations. If you're looking for something Australian that's pretty then I've always been partial to the bottle brush - beautiful red flowers that can just cover an entire bottle brush tree when they're in bloom Google bottlebrush images and there are lots of lovely pics

        Evening thunkers LOL on the multitasking Bay - I don't feel like I'm being productive unless I've got a couple of things going at once - rarely sit and just watch TV Only exception is our rewatch



          Originally posted by bailey1ak View Post
          I have no after school child care, so I get have to go home early today.

          Love this pic Re child care, that's the kind of issue you want to have - always nice having a reason to go home early, and BONUS, you get to spend that time with the kids



            Morning Sha

            The Bottle Brush is very pretty, I bet it something to see when in bloom



              Cam, love your new Kavan pics (thanks for sharing) - glad you had such a great time at the con



                Originally posted by bailey1ak View Post
                Morning Sha

                The Bottle Brush is very pretty, I bet it something to see when in bloom

                Morning Bay *grabs for a big hug* ... bottle brush in full bloom is awesome - we had one at our old place and it used to get so many flowers all the branches would droop with the extra weight ... you get lots of bees and if you're really lucky native birds too



                  Originally posted by ShaViva View Post
                  Love this pic Re child care, that's the kind of issue you want to have - always nice having a reason to go home early, and BONUS, you get to spend that time with the kids
                  They don't "play" with me as much as they used too, now it is more like watch eps of Stargate or Primeval with me. Although the youngest does like to play Lego Star Wars on the Wii with me. Need someone to play with me so I don't look silly playing a lego game by myself.



                    *hugs back* Missing you

                    The birds would be fun to see! We see see Blue Jays and Cardinals from time to time and the occasional woodpecker in our backyard and they are such fun to watch flit about, just doing their thing.



                      Originally posted by bailey1ak View Post
                      They don't "play" with me as much as they used too, now it is more like watch eps of Stargate or Primeval with me. Although the youngest does like to play Lego Star Wars on the Wii with me. Need someone to play with me so I don't look silly playing a lego game by myself.

                      Always nice to have that warm body cuddled up next to you ... with three I can have one on each side and one on my lap so I'm totally warm and toasty .... not so good in summer when they just make me all hot and sweaty LOL. I always rope mine in to play Lips (singing game) with me so I don't look like a wannabe singing by myself

                      Originally posted by bailey1ak View Post
                      *hugs back* Missing you

                      The birds would be fun to see! We see see Blue Jays and Cardinals from time to time and the occasional woodpecker in our backyard and they are such fun to watch flit about, just doing their thing.

                      Missed you too ... November has been so busy - struggled to find time for everything.

                      I love woodpeckers ... probably a carryover from woody woodpecker (probably showing my age there!). Our native birds are beautiful and you can get most of them in your back yard with the right native plants - cockatoos which you can see whole flocks of covering a tree or over a lawned area ... Rosellas (very bright and colourful) and little lorikeets and parrots ... they all look like someone got a big paint pallet and just threw it all over the birds ... We have too many magpies around our house - VERY noisy in the mornings...

                      Tired but I don't want to go to bed



                        They sound beautiful. Can't imagine having some of those birds right in my backyard. Many of those you named I'd only see in a pet shop or zoo.

                        I'm almost out the door to take youngest to school and then scoot on to work. So I'll say "sleep well" now in case you go to bed.

                        Today is my last working day this week because of our Thanksgiving holiday and I get off early again because of the lack of childcare.



                          Yay for a holiday break Bay ... drive safe and have a great shorter day at work Time for me to scoot off the bed ... night thunkers!



                            Good morning thunkers!

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