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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    For the Secret Santa, does it have to be Christmas related?


      Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
      Another day, another pic fic...

      Missing: Plot Device
      You are so talented! You just crack me up!!!

      Sig made by Cazzblade! Thanks!


        Originally posted by scifan View Post

        [b]**HUGS** Missed You!!!

        You didn't miss much and I hope that Vegas and EatG are much better then what we've been getting.

        If it isn't...I'll be really disappointed after all the time we've spent invested in the series....

        Originally posted by scifan View Post
        Forgot to post these last week:

        LOVE the 2nd one!!!.....

        Originally posted by Camy View Post


        At least Teyla was next to John at some points in this episode. *sniff*

        I'll take anything at this point. *sobs* these writers have insulted the fans and the actors for their lack of creativity and even common sense.

        the real shocker was that she was IN the episode!

        It doesn't give you much hope for the movie does it?...

        R.I.P Wraithlord

        Awesome sig by SciFan


          Originally posted by scifan View Post
          Thanks for the update, hun and when you have a title I'll just change it for the Fic link.
          Will do- I'm planning on posting it directly here or on my LJ anyway.....once it's done!

          Was at placement again, & I was patting one of the babies to sleep today & my mind suddenly jumped to Torren.......mad me smile a little.

          Seen SGA S4 up to (including) 'Travlers'- which is yuck! Hated it! (had a brain freeze over 'Larrin' today- twas writing a bit of my J/T fic today & was trying to remember her name. Took me 5 mins before I got it- I was like 'Torrin? no, that's the bub....but it sound like that.....') Can't wait for 'Missing' & 'the Seer', plus pretty much every ep between 'the Seer' & (including) 'Spoils of War'. Oh, & the last 3 eps.
          Loved Doppelganger though- dispite missing Ronon's dream since they're copies of the actual dvd set, & my player seemed to hate finding the data for it, but we got the jist of what went on. Loved the hug! squeee! ["i love you john." 'i love you teyla' was my sister's response- she does that 90% of the time we watch SG- I just block it out] Can't wait for the SoW hug!

          anyway. Must go now.


          All Sigs Made By Me.


            Congrats to milestones.....


              Originally posted by scifan View Post
              Forgot to post these last week:

              Very niCE hUN
              Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana


                Another day, another pic fic...

                Hail to the Chief
                Humor is the great thing, the saving thing after all. The minute it crops up, all our hardnesses yield, all our irritations, and resentments flit away, and a sunny spirit takes their place. --Mark Twain


                  JT are massively losing this round

                  Has everyone red the 'Vision Statement Thread'? I know I have been Tis interesting, doesn't look like things will change with the C&R folder for a while Mainly just how they are going to set up the SGU one and seeing as I'm not going to watch it it won't make much difference for me

                  What we do in life echoes in eternity - Gladiator vghUp the Blades!


                    Originally posted by scifan View Post
                    Not Just an Ordinary Birthday: Final Chapter

                    Everyone is stunned and just stare at Rodney with disbelief. John grabs his cup of ale, sits down and guzzles it down.

                    “Does that mean that Sheppard is stuck like this,” Ronon simply asks.
                    Rodney doesn’t say anything and nods his head.

                    “From what I’ve heard from Mr. Woolsey, it was John’s ATA gene that activated the device. Can’t I just do the same and then you can figure out how to reverse it?” Carson suggests.

                    “No,” John says in a low gruff voice, I don’t want this to happen to you too, Carson. Besides, I highly doubt that Woolsey would allow that. Thanks for the thought though, Carson.”

                    Silence filled the air which seemed to last forever until John clears his throat. He gets up, gets another drink and raises his glass. Everyone does the same.

                    A small smirk curls the corner of his lips as he scans the room to look at each of his friends, “To the Pegasus Galaxy! Where despite Murphy’s Law strives in, I wouldn’t want to live anywhere else and to my friends… no… to my true family, who I know will help me get through this.”

                    “Here! Here!” they all cheer as they toss back their toast.

                    John pours himself another drink, “Now! Let’s continue this party and watch a movie. I vote for Batman!”

                    Ronon walks up to John and points to his cup, “Hey buddy, you need to be careful of this stuff. Seriously, it’s really strong.”

                    John places a hand on Ronon’s shoulder, “Thanks for the warning, but after the time I’m having, I think I deserve it.”

                    John almost loses his balance as he’s about to walk away, but Ronon catches him and helps guide him to a seat on the couch, next to Teyla. She can see that the ale is taking affect on him as he fights to keep his eyes open and she slides all the way to the end of the couch and offers her lap as a pillow.

                    John gives her a boyish smile, “Are you sure? Some might think I’m a dirty old man taking advantage of a sweet girl.”

                    Teyla releases a small chuckle, “One, I am not a girl, but a woman and two, I would never consider you as a dirty old man.”

                    Rodney turns the lights off and starts the movie.

                    John takes advantage of the darkness and kisses Teyla on the cheek. “Never say never,” he says playfully.

                    Teyla can't help, but to release another chuckle, but a bit softer. John lays his head on her and releases a loud happy sigh. Teyla simply smiles to herself.

                    She know that deep down inside that the whole ordeal is torturing him, but for now, she is willing to do whatever needs be to keep his spirit up and get him through this.

                    About half way through the movie, Teyla begins to hear John’s breathing slow down to indicate that he’s sleeping. She gently strokes his hair in a comforting manner and goes to glide her hand over his cheek.

                    Something felt odd. She knew that his face has aged and that he had more wrinkles, but something didn’t feel right to her. It’s like she could feel him aging right under her touch.

                    Frantically, she begins to call his name, “John?” he doesn’t answer. “John!”

                    “What’s wrong, my dear?” Carson jumps up.

                    “I do not know. I have a feeling that something is not right,” she answers.

                    Ronon jumps up to put the light on and they are shocked by what they see. John has aged several years. They can’t get him to wake up and they rush him to the infirmary.

                    Woolsey hears the new and meets them there, “What happened?”

                    “We don’t know. One minute we were having his party and watching a movie, then the next minute, Teyla is screaming John’s name and he’s aged again,”
                    Rodney quickly replies.

                    “Aged, by how much?” Woolsey queries.

                    Carson walks out of the main infirmary and into the room that John’s team and Woolsey is waiting, “I’d say another twenty years.”

                    “Twenty? Then that would make him about…” Rodney begins to calculate.

                    “Aye, that would make him about eighty years old,” Carson interrupts.

                    “How can he still be aging and how long can this go on?” Woolsey asks with concern.

                    Carson sighs, “I’m not sure, but it seems every time he’s in a deep sleep, he ages more. I don’t know how much longer he has. I suggest you come and say your good-byes.”

                    As they get closer to the bed they can see that John is slowly waking up. He looks tired and somewhat confused.

                    “What happened?” John asks as he looks at all the concerned faces.

                    “You aged some more…” Carson begins.

                    “How much more?” John feebly interrupts.

                    “Carson thinks about another twenty years,” Teyla gently answers.

                    “How… how…” John tries to ask his question through his shock.

                    “How did this happen? We’re still not sure. I think…” Carson starts to respond.

                    “No. How long do I have?” John finally gets out.

                    “I dunno, son. I’m sorry,” Carson says solemnly.

                    Woolsey frowns, “Is there anything you would like us to do or anything you would like to say?”

                    John tries to fight his emotions and nods to Woolsey’s question. He tries to stretch out his shaky, frail hand to shake Woolsey’s hand. Woolsey moves in close and takes his hand and shakes it.

                    “It’s been a pleasure working with you, Mr. Woolsey. Keep up the good job.”

                    “And it’s been a pleasure working with you too, Colonel Sheppard,” Woolsey says as strongly as he can.

                    John looks in Rodney’s direction, “Can I talk to Rodney and Carson in private please?”

                    Everyone immediately agree and leave to give them privacy.

                    John looks at Rodney with a serious face, “You are a pain in my ass, arrogant and self-centered…” Rodney is shocked and hurt until John begins to smile. “But I’m glad and proud to call you one of my best friends. And Doc, I need you to keep him in line.”

                    “Aye, I will do that. You have my promise,” Carson reassures him.

                    John shakes their hands and hold Carson’s a bit longer, “Thanks, Doc. For all you’ve done for me.”

                    Carson simply nods in response.

                    “Could you let Ronon in now?” John asks.

                    He can tell that Ronon is taking it pretty hard. He thinks to himself of how brave and strong Ronon is when it comes to battles and life threatening situations, but when it comes to times like this, this was Ronon’s weakness.

                    “Hey, Buddy. “I want to ask you to do me a favor.”

                    Ronon doesn’t say anything and waits for him to continue.

                    “I want you to stay here at Atlantis. Team up with Lorne. He’s a good man. We still need you here. Ok?”

                    Ronon nods again in silence. John knows that Ronon doesn’t do well with good-byes.

                    “I just want to say that… it’s been… an honor to works side by side with you and I’m proud to call you my brother. You’ve been a better brother, than my own,” John tries to choke out as his eyes begin to water.

                    “I feel exactly the same,” Ronon tries to say without showing how hurt he really is. “Do you want me to get Teyla now?

                    John says yes.

                    Teyla wipes away her tears as she walks in. John extends his hand and she holds it in hers.

                    “I’m so sorry, Teyla,” John begins.

                    “Why are you sorry? We are the ones that should be sorry for not being able to help you,” she says in her comforting voice.

                    “For never telling you how I really felt about you.” A tear escapes his old, wrinkled eyes. “I’ve loved you from afar for so long. I’ve never been good in relationships and then when you had Torren and… well, you know... when things changed. I couldn’t interfere with that. I was afraid to lose our friendship.”

                    “You could never lose me as your friend,” she says before she leans over and gives him a long, loving kiss on his lips.

                    While Teyla is talking to John, Carson and Rodney are still looking for options to help John.

                    “If we didn’t have all these Ancient devices, we wouldn’t have me almost die a few years back and John dying now!” Rodney shouts in frustration.

                    “That’s it, Rodney!! Carson says with excitement.

                    “What’s it?” Rodney replies with confusion.

                    “Do you think that we can use the same device that ultimately saved you to same John? We still have his original DNA maybe that could work.”

                    Rodney joins Carson’s excitement, “Yes, yes! It couldn’t hurt.”

                    As they two of them race to where John is Rodney sees Ronon and quickly tries to explain and without waiting for a gurney, Ronon scoops up John’s frail body and rushes to the Ancient device.

                    After hearing the idea, Teyla is extremely hopeful that their plan will work. They get him just as John slips back to a deep sleep.

                    “Hurry! He might not have that much time,” Carson yells.

                    “I’m going as fast as I can!” Rodney shouts back.

                    Ronon places John where Rodney tells him to and they stand back once Rodney activates the machine. A swirling blue light encompasses John and with moments, it disappears.

                    Teyla impatiently asks, “Did it work?”

                    “I don’t know, my dear. It might take awhile before we find out. I suggest that we get him back to the infirmary,” Carson answers.

                    As Carson finishes his statement, a medical team arrives with a gurney. Ronon carefully places John on it and as he does, he can see that the aging has started to reverse.

                    “It’s working,” Ronon booms with a hint of excitement.

                    They all give a happy sigh of relief.

                    Carson decides to put John in a medical induce coma to help with the recovery. It takes him over a day to return to normal, but after a series of blood work, Carson can’t find any more anomalies.

                    John wakes up, fully expecting to see mournful faces, but instead he sees wakes up surround with his friends with happy faces.

                    “What’s going on?” he asks with confusion.

                    “Carson, that’s what happened,” Rodney says with a confident and broad smile.

                    “He remembered the Ancient device that restored Rodney’s DNA and…” Teyla starts to explain.

                    “You mean the one that almost killed him?” John responds.

                    “Yes, yes, but it doesn’t matter. We use it to return your DNA back to normal and you are back to your somewhat youthful self,” Rodney quips.

                    John smiles, “Thanks guys. I didn’t think that I was gonna make it this time.”

                    “Well, we did not give up and you are back to normal. That is what is most
                    important,” Teyla cheerfully announces.

                    She gives Ronon and Rodney a glance and they say the farewells and leave her and John alone. She pulls up a chair and sits closer to him. He shyly looks away from her eyes, worrying what she will say next.

                    She smiles and chooses her words carefully, “A very small part of me is grateful for what has happened.”

                    John looks at her with confusion.

                    “If you were not in that situation, you would never have told me your true feelings…” Teyla continues.

                    “Yeahhhhh, about that. I’m really sorry, Teyla,” John tries to interrupt.

                    “I am not. Those were words I have longed to hear, but thought I would never get.”

                    John is surprised. “What?” he questions softly.

                    She doesn’t say anything else, but leans over and gives him a long, loving kiss.

                    The End
                    awwwwwwwwwwwwww such a sweet ending


                      Watching Identity.

                      Love the scene with the Jumper flying over the city
                      don't worry, soon we won't have to say goodbye.

                      facebook | Celebrate Scotland |livejournal


                        Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
                        Another day, another pic fic...

                        Hail to the Chief

                        On sci, YC....I got yer cards today....How weird is that, both came at the same time


                          Originally posted by gater101 View Post
                          Watching Identity.

                          Love the scene with the Jumper flying over the city
                          That's the only f=good thing about that ep....Well except for the end credits, they were great


                            Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                            That's the only f=good thing about that ep....Well except for the end credits, they were great
                            Oh my God.

                            SO. BORING.
                            don't worry, soon we won't have to say goodbye.

                            facebook | Celebrate Scotland |livejournal


                              Originally posted by gater101 View Post
                              Oh my God.

                              SO. BORING.
                              Yep....I think I actually almost fell asleep at one point


                                Originally posted by Linda06 View Post

                                On sci, YC....I got yer cards today....How weird is that, both came at the same time
                                Woot! Woot! I'm glad you got it.

                                And Laura, I sent your card off (again) today. Hopefully, this time you'll get it.
                                Humor is the great thing, the saving thing after all. The minute it crops up, all our hardnesses yield, all our irritations, and resentments flit away, and a sunny spirit takes their place. --Mark Twain

