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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by wraithlord View Post
    Happy Birthday Ruby!!!!!!!!!
    Here's your present sorry if it's not great

    Aw, thanks WL!! I loves it!

    Originally posted by cc_mac View Post
    Very nice, double thunk there Cazz.
    And awesome WP!

    And a very Happy Birthday to Miss Ruby!!!

    Lot's of great art in here today, ladies!
    Why thank you m'dear!

    Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post


    I come bearing gifts

    AMAZINGNESS!!! I love them all, but especially the sigs! WOW! Thanks Cazz!

    Thanks to YappiChick for the lovely sig


      Originally posted by Mayra View Post
      Great wallie of Forbidden Kingdom Scifan!!!.

      Congrats Lea and Cazz for you milestones!!!
      Originally posted by Mayra View Post

      Lovely!!!!...totally rocked!!!!. How i love JT!
      Thanks Mayra on all your comments

      Originally posted by DONNA BOOTH View Post
      Thanx Hun

      Glad you like it
      NP hun.

      Wonderful job Cazz!!!!

      Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
      Some pics and episode summeries for the first 4 eps. Considering that we haven't had a synopsis for The Seed before, there is some new info there

      Also some new McKay info, possibily for ep 16: Brain Storm

      McKay will meet his rival
      Thanks Cazz for the links.

      Originally posted by DONNA BOOTH View Post
      i finished Teyillia's Birthday Gift but its not that good
      It's wonderful. I'm sure Tey will love it.

      Originally posted by wraithlord View Post
      Happy Birthday Ruby!!!!!!!!!
      Here's your present sorry if it's not great

      That is lovely Linda great job! i made a sig to though it's not great

      Thanks for posting this DONNA
      Teyla & Keller look stunning as always oh and the rest of the cast look nice too.

      Your welcome and your right
      i guess we'll just have to watch the rest of S5 to find out and if S&R is any indicate i believe we're in for a great season.

      Thanks for the links Cazz
      The Seed sounds very interesting and it's great to hear Beckett will be in it can't wait to see the Ep.

      DONNA & Cazz awesome artwork both of you.
      Awesome gift for Ruby. Thunk.

      Very nice tribute sig too.

      I think so. I'm getting excited.

      Originally posted by gater101 View Post
      Title: The Kindling
      Summary: Carson lends some words to John’s needy ears. Season 5.
      Characters: John, Carson & Teyla
      Rating: K+

      The Kindling, John/Teyla & John/Carson Friendships, 'Season 5'
      I'll try to catch up after babysitting.

      I still have no idea what to call Ruby's ficlet.
      Maybe: Home Coming


        Originally posted by gater101 View Post
        Title: The Kindling
        Summary: Carson lends some words to John’s needy ears. Season 5.
        Characters: John, Carson & Teyla
        Rating: K+

        The Kindling, John/Teyla & John/Carson Friendships, 'Season 5'
        Saved for after work. Carson!!

        Originally posted by wraithlord View Post
        Thank you cc_mac and yeah it is.

        Oh and here are the lame icons i did for the challenge

        So not lame. Very good! Love the Shep one.
        I'm learning how to make these...I'm not so good yet. But I'm trying, cause I want to contribute something here.


          HAPPY BIRTHDAY RUBY!!! Almost done with your present!!!


            For Ruby:

            Till the End....

            “So this is it then?”


            “Well……I just want to say its-its been a real honor….I mean, if it wasn’t for you…..”

            “I know big guy……Believe me, I know…..”

            “And if it gets too bad-“

            “No mercy. We both decided….remember?”

            “Till the end then….”

            “Yup…till the end buddy….”

            Ronon stepped forward and lashed out with a fist so strong that it sent Sheppard reeling into the nearby wall of the cold metallic Puddle Jumper. Sheppard lay crumpled on the floor for a moment or two before shaking the daze from his instantly throbbing head; he used the now slightly indented wall to brace himself to stand.

            The Puddle Jumper continued on its fatal course towards the looming sun now only a few minutes before them as Rodney struggled futilely to return power to any or all of the main systems. The sweat on the scientist’s forehead was severe and kept dripping onto the mobile console he furiously typed at perched awkwardly on his lap.

            “Dammit!” Rodney screeched wiping at the flat screen with his cotton sleeve. He looked up angrily towards the two men. “Are you idiots gonna help?! I can’t do this alone!”

            Sheppard had rose fully and regained his composure, rushing at Ronon with his full strength and pinning him around the waist to the opposite wall before smoothly spinning his leg underneath him and sending Ronon careening upwards into the air. Ronon went crashing down so heavily to the floor that the already unstable Puddle Jumper shook mightily as it continued unwaveringly on its deadly path.

            Sheppard smiled smugly as he stood triumphant over the dread locked Satedan who was putting a hand to the back of his own head and retrieved it with spatters of blood covering his calloused palm.

            Ronon looked up and grinned widely before rolling over quickly and sending a very surprised Sheppard down to the floor to meet him. The two began to roll around violently, each of them with their hands wrapped around the others neck.

            Rodney groaned and looked over at a very collected Teyla Emmagan who sat front and center at the main console as she also attempted to regain some control over the silent machine that now held their fate.

            “Anything?!” Rodney called to her.

            “No Rodney, I’m afraid rerouting power is going to have to be done manually. None of the controls are responding,” she spoke calmly.

            “Do you understand what it takes to manually restart a Puddle Jumper Teyla? This isn’t like hotwiring your father’s car on a Friday night for Christ’s sake! I don’t have enough time before we reach the sun!” He was standing now and looked positively wild with his hands on his hips while sweat continued to pour from his forehead as the approaching sun was causing the internal temperature to spike drastically.

            Teyla gave a tight-lipped smile and put a hand on Rodney’s trembling shoulder.

            “If anyone can do it Rodney, it is you.”

            They stood that way, fixed in time for a moment, as Rodney stared at the confidence behind Teyla’s smooth brown eyes and he relaxed for a moment, but only just, as Colonel Sheppard went soaring past them having been thrown headfirst into the front control panel.

            “They are unbelievable,” Rodney muttered to himself as he momentarily watched Sheppard stand wobbly, blood now trickling from his nose and left ear.

            Rodney made his way to the back of the Puddle Jumper as the temperature increased tenfold causing everyone to sway a bit under the duress.

            Sheppard and Ronon now stood toe-to-toe, each of them massively battle-worn. Ronon’s right eye was practically swollen shut and he had a deep laceration across the entirety of his chest. The two men grinned at each other and Sheppard moved first, striking Ronon square across the chin, causing his head to jerk sideways and falter back from the impact. Ronon gathered himself and rejoined Sheppard a red splotch covering the left side of his jaw.

            He spat once, his blood-covered saliva hitting the floor with a splat before he swung out with a nasty uppercut that raised Sheppard right off his feet, though Sheppard barely caught his balance as he returned staggering to the floor.

            The two men faced each other again now, both heaving great breaths as they tried to maintain their posture and pride.

            Both raised their fists back poised to strike the other when Rodney shouted crazily, “I got it!” and the Puddle Jumper roared to life all around them.

            Teyla instantly took control and veered them in the opposite direction of the fatal sun, its presence practically upon them.

            Sheppard and Ronon stared hard and long at each other through blurred vision and wavering stances.

            Sheppard spoke first, his red smeared teeth glinting through the machines now-active bright luminescent lights.

            “So…….next time then……”


            “I almost had you too……”

            “Sure you did….”

            “I did. I had my next move all planned out……..”



              For Ruby:



                Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
                Some pics and episode summeries for the first 4 eps. Considering that we haven't had a synopsis for The Seed before, there is some new info there


                Also some new McKay info, possibily for ep 16: Brain Storm

                McKay will meet his rival

                Season Five
                I think The Seed sounds really cool, but I'm now confused about Kanaan... maybe it will still be kind of about him as well. I think it will be really stupid if he's not mentioned for a few episodes... which is so what I could see happening...

                Thanks to YappiChick for the lovely sig


                  My S5 speculation about Kanaan.
                  I'm non-plussed by Kanaan. When they introduced him I was like WTF? But he was a necessary plot development because of Rachel's real life situation, which is fine as far as plot goes. But there are HUGE inconsistencies between the back half of season 4 and S&R.

                  S4 Teyla's hell bent on finding him, then S&R she doesn't give a damn if they leave him behind. It's only when they bump into him that she considers helping him. Maybe there was a scene that ended up on the cutting room floor about it, but it just seemed very... contradictory to what we had already seen, you know?

                  And is Kanaan a goodie or a baddie? (in layman's terms). Because, if he's a baddie he's not a very good one. Same goes for if he's a goodie. If Michael has control over him, why was he able to help Teyla without Michael stopping him? Unless, of course, Michael has to make a conscious effort to connect to him.

                  And is Kanaan willing to help Teyla, or the baby? Is Michael letting Teyla get away and that's why Kanaan was able to help her? It's all very confusing.

                  I would like to see Kanaan stick around as a sorted out human because it would be nice to see that kind of consistency with the Teyla character. But if the end of S&R, where Kanaan doesn't even get a mention never mind screen time, is anything to go by, I doubt he'll be in it past The Seed.
                  don't worry, soon we won't have to say goodbye.

                  facebook | Celebrate Scotland |livejournal


                    Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                    For Ruby:

                    Till the End....

                    “So this is it then?”


                    “Well……I just want to say its-its been a real honor….I mean, if it wasn’t for you…..”

                    “I know big guy……Believe me, I know…..”

                    “And if it gets too bad-“

                    “No mercy. We both decided….remember?”

                    “Till the end then….”

                    “Yup…till the end buddy….”

                    Ronon stepped forward and lashed out with a fist so strong that it sent Sheppard reeling into the nearby wall of the cold metallic Puddle Jumper. Sheppard lay crumpled on the floor for a moment or two before shaking the daze from his instantly throbbing head; he used the now slightly indented wall to brace himself to stand.

                    The Puddle Jumper continued on its fatal course towards the looming sun now only a few minutes before them as Rodney struggled futilely to return power to any or all of the main systems. The sweat on the scientist’s forehead was severe and kept dripping onto the mobile console he furiously typed at perched awkwardly on his lap.

                    “Dammit!” Rodney screeched wiping at the flat screen with his cotton sleeve. He looked up angrily towards the two men. “Are you idiots gonna help?! I can’t do this alone!”

                    Sheppard had rose fully and regained his composure, rushing at Ronon with his full strength and pinning him around the waist to the opposite wall before smoothly spinning his leg underneath him and sending Ronon careening upwards into the air. Ronon went crashing down so heavily to the floor that the already unstable Puddle Jumper shook mightily as it continued unwaveringly on its deadly path.

                    Sheppard smiled smugly as he stood triumphant over the dread locked Satedan who was putting a hand to the back of his own head and retrieved it with spatters of blood covering his calloused palm.

                    Ronon looked up and grinned widely before rolling over quickly and sending a very surprised Sheppard down to the floor to meet him. The two began to roll around violently, each of them with their hands wrapped around the others neck.

                    Rodney groaned and looked over at a very collected Teyla Emmagan who sat front and center at the main console as she also attempted to regain some control over the silent machine that now held their fate.

                    “Anything?!” Rodney called to her.

                    “No Rodney, I’m afraid rerouting power is going to have to be done manually. None of the controls are responding,” she spoke calmly.

                    “Do you understand what it takes to manually restart a Puddle Jumper Teyla? This isn’t like hotwiring your father’s car on a Friday night for Christ’s sake! I don’t have enough time before we reach the sun!” He was standing now and looked positively wild with his hands on his hips while sweat continued to pour from his forehead as the approaching sun was causing the internal temperature to spike drastically.

                    Teyla gave a tight-lipped smile and put a hand on Rodney’s trembling shoulder.

                    “If anyone can do it Rodney, it is you.”

                    They stood that way, fixed in time for a moment, as Rodney stared at the confidence behind Teyla’s smooth brown eyes and he relaxed for a moment, but only just, as Colonel Sheppard went soaring past them having been thrown headfirst into the front control panel.

                    “They are unbelievable,” Rodney muttered to himself as he momentarily watched Sheppard stand wobbly, blood now trickling from his nose and left ear.

                    Rodney made his way to the back of the Puddle Jumper as the temperature increased tenfold causing everyone to sway a bit under the duress.

                    Sheppard and Ronon now stood toe-to-toe, each of them massively battle-worn. Ronon’s right eye was practically swollen shut and he had a deep laceration across the entirety of his chest. The two men grinned at each other and Sheppard moved first, striking Ronon square across the chin, causing his head to jerk sideways and falter back from the impact. Ronon gathered himself and rejoined Sheppard a red splotch covering the left side of his jaw.

                    He spat once, his blood-covered saliva hitting the floor with a splat before he swung out with a nasty uppercut that raised Sheppard right off his feet, though Sheppard barely caught his balance as he returned staggering to the floor.

                    The two men faced each other again now, both heaving great breaths as they tried to maintain their posture and pride.

                    Both raised their fists back poised to strike the other when Rodney shouted crazily, “I got it!” and the Puddle Jumper roared to life all around them.

                    Teyla instantly took control and veered them in the opposite direction of the fatal sun, its presence practically upon them.

                    Sheppard and Ronon stared hard and long at each other through blurred vision and wavering stances.

                    Sheppard spoke first, his red smeared teeth glinting through the machines now-active bright luminescent lights.

                    “So…….next time then……”


                    “I almost had you too……”

                    “Sure you did….”

                    “I did. I had my next move all planned out……..”

                    OMG I am literally crying with laughter!
                    When Rodney and Teyla are having a really sweet moment and suddenly John goes flying into the console... OMG... actual tears.

                    Pure brilliance - thanks so much!!

                    Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                    For Ruby:

                    Love it!!

                    Thanks to YappiChick for the lovely sig



                      Author's Links

                      Anlaria Onyx aka Agrabah's Princess

                      Camy aka Cielito



                      Doxymom's page

                      Second site

                      Hope24 aka Fox66








                      Ruby Caspar

                      Ryan C. Charles



                      Seldear aka Tielan

                      SheylaFreak aka Camerine

                      Teal'c206 aka Jack O'Neal2006

                      Teyilia aka Autumnstarr



                      Winged Pegasus


                      Find More JT Fanfics On These Sites:


                      JT Convergence

                      Unique Bond

                      Fanfic Central (Teal'c is looking for Aurthors to help a new site and post fics.)

                      Author's Fanfics Daily/Weekly Post Links

                      Round Robin Fic Jan., Round Robin Fic Feb., Round Robin Fic Mar., Round Robin Fic April, Round Robin May

                      Round Robin June: Parts 1-6, part 7, part 8, part 9

                      Forces of Nature

                      Primary Target

                      Spectrum JT Rarepairing fic

                      Kissing is Better


                      What is Love

                      Wounded, but Loved
                      Family Love and Strength, No Matter What (Rated M)

                      The Long Way Home (S&R spoiler)

                      Eurydice Passing

                      Stargate Atlantis: An Old Enemy Returns, Part 1

                      He Is Mine

                      Another World


                      Night Phantoms
                      Uncommon Bond


                      Fanfic Chapter Updates

                      Anlaria Onyx aka Agrabah's Princess:
                      Ancient Baby Maker Chapter 19- Girl's Day Out

                      Carter O'Neill aka Sillyscipia:
                      Paintball War Chapter 4

                      The Enemy Within Part 2, Chapter 1: Relationships
                      The Journal Chapter 5

                      Tainted Survival Part 8

                      Journey to Bring Them Home Chapter 8
                      One Moment In Time Chapter 5 (Mature Reading and Cold Shower Alert for Chapter 4)
                      Silent Torture Chapter 3

                      Betrayal (Updated and finished. 3.28)

                      Dark Planet Chapter 7

                      Planet tv:
                      Teyla Snatcher(updated 6-26-08)
                      A Wish Yet to Come(updated 6-26-08)
                      DNA Snatchers(updated 6-26-08)

                      Ruby: Atlantis Lake Chapter 3, Chapter 4
                      I Have Almost Forgotten the Taste of Fears Chapter 6

                      SGA- A Rip In Time Chapter 3
                      Mature Readers Only

                      Captivity Chapter 5
                      Lost Chapter 2

                      Thayne M:
                      The Journal Chapter 8(Not to be confused with Devine's story with same title.)
                      Stupid Cupid and Other Rhyming Words

                      Paternity Chapter 5 Chapter 6
                      Cold Shower Alert!!!
                      Warning: Mature Readers ONLY!

                      YappiChick: Out of the Loop Chapter 2



                      The Ascension War part 2 New Birth Chapter 16

                      Parting Thoughts

                      Non-JT stories and sites:

                      Cabouse Fics:
                      Find SGA and SG-1 fics @ Heliopolis
                      I didn't see any JT, but it might have other good stories.


                      Are We There Yet

                      Severed Ties

                      Doctor Who- The Discovery

                      SGA Lightsaber Story

                      Beauty Secrets

                      Shep Whump Round Robin

                      July Birthdays

                      Ruby's Gifts:

                      By Gator: Tales from a Brewery Floor
                      By MrsB: Till the End
                      By Scifan: (No Title)

                      Fic Rec
                      From Blue: Author-Frisco: Helping Hands

                      If I missed anything Please PM me. And try to send me your post link to my PM. Click on the number on your post, then copy and paste the web address.


                        Dude! So glad you like it!!!! Hope your bday is BOMB!!!


                          I will catch up reading at nap time



                            Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                            This is an OT sig of General Hammond

                            Oh forgot to say..Caps courtesy of Abydos gate
                            General George Hammond, may he sleep in peace!!
                            Originally posted by Camy View Post
                            because romantically the boys are getting screwed this season...Teyla will deal with KANAN while John suffers and Rodney and Ronon will have
                            keller playing with both of them
                            HELL I'M PO'd!!!!
                            You better not be PO'ed Momma Camy, my birthday is on sunday (I fondly remember getting upwards of 60 greens for it too over in the Rachel/Teyla WOW Thread)
                            Originally posted by wraithlord View Post
                            Thank you cc_mac and yeah it is.

                            Oh and here are the lame icons i did for the challenge
                            Can I have please?


                            HAPPY BIRTHDAY RUBY

                            This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                            "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                            "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                              Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                              For Ruby:

                              Till the End....

                              “So this is it then?”


                              “Well……I just want to say its-its been a real honor….I mean, if it wasn’t for you…..”

                              “I know big guy……Believe me, I know…..”

                              “And if it gets too bad-“

                              “No mercy. We both decided….remember?”

                              “Till the end then….”

                              “Yup…till the end buddy….”

                              Ronon stepped forward and lashed out with a fist so strong that it sent Sheppard reeling into the nearby wall of the cold metallic Puddle Jumper. Sheppard lay crumpled on the floor for a moment or two before shaking the daze from his instantly throbbing head; he used the now slightly indented wall to brace himself to stand.

                              The Puddle Jumper continued on its fatal course towards the looming sun now only a few minutes before them as Rodney struggled futilely to return power to any or all of the main systems. The sweat on the scientist’s forehead was severe and kept dripping onto the mobile console he furiously typed at perched awkwardly on his lap.

                              “Dammit!” Rodney screeched wiping at the flat screen with his cotton sleeve. He looked up angrily towards the two men. “Are you idiots gonna help?! I can’t do this alone!”

                              Sheppard had rose fully and regained his composure, rushing at Ronon with his full strength and pinning him around the waist to the opposite wall before smoothly spinning his leg underneath him and sending Ronon careening upwards into the air. Ronon went crashing down so heavily to the floor that the already unstable Puddle Jumper shook mightily as it continued unwaveringly on its deadly path.

                              Sheppard smiled smugly as he stood triumphant over the dread locked Satedan who was putting a hand to the back of his own head and retrieved it with spatters of blood covering his calloused palm.

                              Ronon looked up and grinned widely before rolling over quickly and sending a very surprised Sheppard down to the floor to meet him. The two began to roll around violently, each of them with their hands wrapped around the others neck.

                              Rodney groaned and looked over at a very collected Teyla Emmagan who sat front and center at the main console as she also attempted to regain some control over the silent machine that now held their fate.

                              “Anything?!” Rodney called to her.

                              “No Rodney, I’m afraid rerouting power is going to have to be done manually. None of the controls are responding,” she spoke calmly.

                              “Do you understand what it takes to manually restart a Puddle Jumper Teyla? This isn’t like hotwiring your father’s car on a Friday night for Christ’s sake! I don’t have enough time before we reach the sun!” He was standing now and looked positively wild with his hands on his hips while sweat continued to pour from his forehead as the approaching sun was causing the internal temperature to spike drastically.

                              Teyla gave a tight-lipped smile and put a hand on Rodney’s trembling shoulder.

                              “If anyone can do it Rodney, it is you.”

                              They stood that way, fixed in time for a moment, as Rodney stared at the confidence behind Teyla’s smooth brown eyes and he relaxed for a moment, but only just, as Colonel Sheppard went soaring past them having been thrown headfirst into the front control panel.

                              “They are unbelievable,” Rodney muttered to himself as he momentarily watched Sheppard stand wobbly, blood now trickling from his nose and left ear.

                              Rodney made his way to the back of the Puddle Jumper as the temperature increased tenfold causing everyone to sway a bit under the duress.

                              Sheppard and Ronon now stood toe-to-toe, each of them massively battle-worn. Ronon’s right eye was practically swollen shut and he had a deep laceration across the entirety of his chest. The two men grinned at each other and Sheppard moved first, striking Ronon square across the chin, causing his head to jerk sideways and falter back from the impact. Ronon gathered himself and rejoined Sheppard a red splotch covering the left side of his jaw.

                              He spat once, his blood-covered saliva hitting the floor with a splat before he swung out with a nasty uppercut that raised Sheppard right off his feet, though Sheppard barely caught his balance as he returned staggering to the floor.

                              The two men faced each other again now, both heaving great breaths as they tried to maintain their posture and pride.

                              Both raised their fists back poised to strike the other when Rodney shouted crazily, “I got it!” and the Puddle Jumper roared to life all around them.

                              Teyla instantly took control and veered them in the opposite direction of the fatal sun, its presence practically upon them.

                              Sheppard and Ronon stared hard and long at each other through blurred vision and wavering stances.

                              Sheppard spoke first, his red smeared teeth glinting through the machines now-active bright luminescent lights.

                              “So…….next time then……”


                              “I almost had you too……”

                              “Sure you did….”

                              “I did. I had my next move all planned out……..”

                              MrsBeeeeee! LOL! This was hilarious!!!
                              don't worry, soon we won't have to say goodbye.

                              facebook | Celebrate Scotland |livejournal


                                Originally posted by gater101 View Post
                                My S5 speculation about Kanaan.
                                I'm non-plussed by Kanaan. When they introduced him I was like WTF? But he was a necessary plot development because of Rachel's real life situation, which is fine as far as plot goes. But there are HUGE inconsistencies between the back half of season 4 and S&R.

                                S4 Teyla's hell bent on finding him, then S&R she doesn't give a damn if they leave him behind. It's only when they bump into him that she considers helping him. Maybe there was a scene that ended up on the cutting room floor about it, but it just seemed very... contradictory to what we had already seen, you know?

                                And is Kanaan a goodie or a baddie? (in layman's terms). Because, if he's a baddie he's not a very good one. Same goes for if he's a goodie. If Michael has control over him, why was he able to help Teyla without Michael stopping him? Unless, of course, Michael has to make a conscious effort to connect to him.

                                And is Kanaan willing to help Teyla, or the baby? Is Michael letting Teyla get away and that's why Kanaan was able to help her? It's all very confusing.

                                I would like to see Kanaan stick around as a sorted out human because it would be nice to see that kind of consistency with the Teyla character. But if the end of S&R, where Kanaan doesn't even get a mention never mind screen time, is anything to go by, I doubt he'll be in it past The Seed.
                                Season Five speculation
                                I know what you mean about being non-plussed, and completely agree about the inconsistencies in the storyline - Teyla doesn't even mention Kanaan until they happen to bump into him.

                                I know he started out as a means to an end, but he's there now and they have to do it properly. We can assume that they have Kanaan on Atlantis and they're trying to cure him, so I just hope that he's not completely forgotten for half a series, because that would be completely unrealistic.

                                Thanks to YappiChick for the lovely sig

