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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by maffieg View Post
    Have some pics that I haven't posted to beya yet so don't go telling Camy. I will tonight or tomorrow...hopefully.

    Great work Maff! LOVE the second one

    What we do in life echoes in eternity - Gladiator vghUp the Blades!


      Welcome Hannanora......

      Awesome art as usual maff!!


        Here's the next little bit of Almost There:


        John was hurrying up the ramp into the gateroom when it hit him. He had just almost kissed Teyla. They had almost kissed. Like, actually kissed.

        Holy. Crap.

        That was so not good. In so many ways. In so many friendship-ending, humiliation-ensuing, ruining-the-team-dynamic-and-potentially-putting-the-entire-city-in-danger ways. Jeez, what if they actually had kissed?

        John had a sudden memory of soft lips yielding under his as he pushed his body up against hers, but he quickly pushed that from his mind. No. No, his first instinct was right. This wasn’t a good thing. It didn’t matter that it would feel oh so…

        Shut UP John!!

        The real question was, what should he do now? Should he go and talk to her, and apologise? He wasn’t too fond of that idea… the last time he’d had to apologise for something like this had been excruciating, plus he was absolutely positive that this one wasn’t actually his fault per se. She had definitely been leaning in as well…

        So, the answer was clear to John – act like it had never happened.

        This was clearly the correct course of action, because it was the exact same one as Teyla chose. Not a single glance or word they exchanged was out of place, and John was very, very relieved. Relieved.

        Okay, so not entirely relieved. I mean, was she not at all affected by what had almost happened? Was she not at all shaken? Or worried? She was just being so normal.

        After three days of completely unnerving normality, John began to believe that he had imagined the whole encounter.

        They had a pretty standard recon mission on the Friday afternoon which, unusually for them, had been just that. Standard. Uneventful. As had become their ritual, the team were unwinding together over some junk food and light conversation. Since Tagan had been born, these wind-downs usually happened in Teyla’s quarters, sitting on and beside her couch set, talking quietly while Tagan slept in his crib in the opposite corner.

        Since there wasn’t much winding down to actually do, it didn’t go on too long, and was less raucous than usual. Rodney left first, John and Ronon soon after. Ronon said good night and left, but John had been in the middle of a explanation of the rules of cricket to Teyla and so he dawdled. They stood facing each other in her doorway, talking in hushed tones.

        “So, yeah, that’s basically it – if it hits the rope it’s a four, if it goes straight over it’s a six…”

        “But I heard her say ‘out for a duck’,” replied Teyla. “What does that mean?”

        John blinked at her. “Erm… well that’s when… I have no idea…” John admitted. “It’s a stupid game anyway.”

        Teyla quirked an eyebrow at him. “I believe Lieutenant Villiers would take great offence to such a remark,” she said.

        “I think I could take her,” said John.

        Teyla smiled. “I would not be so sure,” she said. “She has been training with me since she arrived, and is a very quick study.”

        John was silent for a moment, thinking over this news. Then he shrugged. “Oh well, she wouldn’t attack a superior officer,” he said, grinning.

        “Lucky for you,” said Teyla.

        “Hey!” Hissed John. He grinned wider and Teyla grinned back at him. John’s only thought as he started to lean forward was that he could have gladly stood there and looked at her grinning at him for hours.

        That was the moment Tagan decided to wake up.

        John immediately stood up straight again, and Teyla quickly took a step back from him, blinking rapidly. She looked up at John for a moment, her eyes wide, and her cheeks a little flushed. She quickly stepped round him and hurried over to Tagan’s crib.

        John swallowed. “Er… good night then,” he said.

        Teyla reached one hand into the crib and looked round at John. She gave him a small smile. “Good night, John,” she said.

        John got out of there. Very quickly. He walked quickly down the corridor and round the corner to his own quarters, swiped his hand over the control crystal and stepped through the open doors. They closed behind him, and John locked them.

        Then, and only then, did he allow himself to start hyperventilating.

        John’s jaw dropped and his eyes widened, and he sucked in a ragged breath. He ran his hands through his hair and span on the spot, staring blankly around his room.

        Again. It had happened AGAIN! One time could be passed off as a moment that meant nothing… twice though, well, that meant something, right? Right?

        No… no no no. This was stupid. All it meant was that John had been standing there next to Teyla and they’d been alone and she’s a beautiful woman and he’s only human…

        The fact that it had happened only three days ago was irrelevant. Irrelevant.

        Two almost-kisses were nothing. John wouldn’t worry until there were at least three near misses. Nodding, John dropped his hands and started to get ready for bed.

        Number three happened the very next day.

        Thanks to YappiChick for the lovely sig


          Originally posted by maffieg View Post
          LOL love the YMCA moment!!!..hehehe

          Yes I know
          Only I have some relatives who has been begging me to come see them and I finally saved up to go. Unfortunately, they don't live in England.
          Just not my luck!!!
          Get them to meet you in London! It's a great city and a fun time will be had by all!

          Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
          That's right...respect me for I am The Boss. Thanks Crony!

          Hey hey!! No messing with The Boss!
          You're welcome Boss-lady!

          Thanks to YappiChick for the lovely sig


            Originally posted by Hannanora View Post
            Whoa... you weren't kidding when you said you posted on here a lot!

            Hello, everyone! I have been bullied (Ok, persuaded nicely) by RubyCaspar to say hello.... so here I am! Hello!
            Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
            Bully? Moi? *adjusts halo*
            Originally posted by maffieg View Post
            I am currently in a romance with Rodney (hence the Maffney ship)
            Originally posted by maffieg View Post
            Have some pics that I haven't posted to beya yet so don't go telling Camy. I will tonight or tomorrow...hopefully.
            1. Yay new member!! Welcome!!
            2. *watches Ruby's halo break* hmmmm....
            3. I WONDERED whayt Rodney meant when he said "I gotta date back home in Atlantis" and his sister said "REally? a date?" And Rodney said, "Yep, a nice girl too"
            4. I like...... this one!!!

            This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
            "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
            "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


              Great artwork Maff, especially the 2nd and 4th ones!!

              Okay, I'm off to bed now... Good night everyone - sweet Sheyla dreams!

              Thanks to YappiChick for the lovely sig


                Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                Mayra - Hey dude!!! OT~
                Next week is gonna be insane with awesome episodes of the other shows and one good thing is Supernatural comes on at 9 and LOST at ten now so you don't have to choose which to watch anymore!! I'm curious are you Sawyer/Kate or Jack/Kate?
                OT MrsB
                I know!!! a lot of good shows to watch again! and YAY! i'm sooo glad Supernatural and LOST will be in different timeslots!. I had to do the, record one on one TV and go to another TV and see the other LOL!.

                I never kept up with the Sawyer/Kate and Jack/Kate shippers so i don't know which ship has a bigger following but i'm personally a Jack/Kate shipper!. How about you?. It took me a long time to make up my mind but just last season i finally leaned on Jack and Kate.

                Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
                Thats exactly what they're saying in the whump thread! They don't want to but can't help it at the mo

                I know I'm in the minority here but I'm Jack/Kate!

                Me Too!...but your comment makes me think then that Jack/Kate aren't the most popular ship i see LOL!

                Sig by Camy


                  Originally posted by maffieg View Post
                  Have some pics that I haven't posted to beya yet so don't go telling Camy. I will tonight or tomorrow...hopefully.

                  Very nice Maff!!!. I love the colors you used!.

                  Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
                  Well theres Tracker! But its not this season, its that Rodney always gets the emotional I'm going to die a slow and painful death eps

                  Shutting up now though! Didn't mean to depress everyone

                  My feel good banner to apologise

                  A definitely feel good banner Cazz!...thanks for sharing!

                  Originally posted by Hannanora View Post
                  Whoa... you weren't kidding when you said you posted on here a lot!

                  Hello, everyone! I have been bullied (Ok, persuaded nicely) by RubyCaspar to say hello.... so here I am! Hello!

                  Welcome to the J/T Thread Hannanora!

                  Sig by Camy


                    Originally posted by maffieg View Post
                    Have some pics that I haven't posted to beya yet so don't go telling Camy. I will tonight or tomorrow...hopefully.

                    Nice coloring Maff
                    Sigs made by EG & Teylafan
                    &=AWESOME &Forever
                    No SGA fics yet....but ya never know


                      Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
                      Here's the next little bit of Almost There:


                      John was hurrying up the ramp into the gateroom when it hit him. He had just almost kissed Teyla. They had almost kissed. Like, actually kissed.

                      Holy. Crap.

                      That was so not good. In so many ways. In so many friendship-ending, humiliation-ensuing, ruining-the-team-dynamic-and-potentially-putting-the-entire-city-in-danger ways. Jeez, what if they actually had kissed?

                      John had a sudden memory of soft lips yielding under his as he pushed his body up against hers, but he quickly pushed that from his mind. No. No, his first instinct was right. This wasn’t a good thing. It didn’t matter that it would feel oh so…

                      Shut UP John!!

                      The real question was, what should he do now? Should he go and talk to her, and apologise? He wasn’t too fond of that idea… the last time he’d had to apologise for something like this had been excruciating, plus he was absolutely positive that this one wasn’t actually his fault per se. She had definitely been leaning in as well…

                      So, the answer was clear to John – act like it had never happened.

                      This was clearly the correct course of action, because it was the exact same one as Teyla chose. Not a single glance or word they exchanged was out of place, and John was very, very relieved. Relieved.

                      Okay, so not entirely relieved. I mean, was she not at all affected by what had almost happened? Was she not at all shaken? Or worried? She was just being so normal.

                      After three days of completely unnerving normality, John began to believe that he had imagined the whole encounter.

                      They had a pretty standard recon mission on the Friday afternoon which, unusually for them, had been just that. Standard. Uneventful. As had become their ritual, the team were unwinding together over some junk food and light conversation. Since Tagan had been born, these wind-downs usually happened in Teyla’s quarters, sitting on and beside her couch set, talking quietly while Tagan slept in his crib in the opposite corner.

                      Since there wasn’t much winding down to actually do, it didn’t go on too long, and was less raucous than usual. Rodney left first, John and Ronon soon after. Ronon said good night and left, but John had been in the middle of a explanation of the rules of cricket to Teyla and so he dawdled. They stood facing each other in her doorway, talking in hushed tones.

                      “So, yeah, that’s basically it – if it hits the rope it’s a four, if it goes straight over it’s a six…”

                      “But I heard her say ‘out for a duck’,” replied Teyla. “What does that mean?”

                      John blinked at her. “Erm… well that’s when… I have no idea…” John admitted. “It’s a stupid game anyway.”

                      Teyla quirked an eyebrow at him. “I believe Lieutenant Villiers would take great offence to such a remark,” she said.

                      “I think I could take her,” said John.

                      Teyla smiled. “I would not be so sure,” she said. “She has been training with me since she arrived, and is a very quick study.”

                      John was silent for a moment, thinking over this news. Then he shrugged. “Oh well, she wouldn’t attack a superior officer,” he said, grinning.

                      “Lucky for you,” said Teyla.

                      “Hey!” Hissed John. He grinned wider and Teyla grinned back at him. John’s only thought as he started to lean forward was that he could have gladly stood there and looked at her grinning at him for hours.

                      That was the moment Tagan decided to wake up.

                      John immediately stood up straight again, and Teyla quickly took a step back from him, blinking rapidly. She looked up at John for a moment, her eyes wide, and her cheeks a little flushed. She quickly stepped round him and hurried over to Tagan’s crib.

                      John swallowed. “Er… good night then,” he said.

                      Teyla reached one hand into the crib and looked round at John. She gave him a small smile. “Good night, John,” she said.

                      John got out of there. Very quickly. He walked quickly down the corridor and round the corner to his own quarters, swiped his hand over the control crystal and stepped through the open doors. They closed behind him, and John locked them.

                      Then, and only then, did he allow himself to start hyperventilating.

                      John’s jaw dropped and his eyes widened, and he sucked in a ragged breath. He ran his hands through his hair and span on the spot, staring blankly around his room.

                      Again. It had happened AGAIN! One time could be passed off as a moment that meant nothing… twice though, well, that meant something, right? Right?

                      No… no no no. This was stupid. All it meant was that John had been standing there next to Teyla and they’d been alone and she’s a beautiful woman and he’s only human…

                      The fact that it had happened only three days ago was irrelevant. Irrelevant.

                      Two almost-kisses were nothing. John wouldn’t worry until there were at least three near misses. Nodding, John dropped his hands and started to get ready for bed.

                      Number three happened the very next day.
                      Duude! Loving this Ruby

                      Cricket is not stupid!!!

                      Originally posted by Mayra View Post
                      OT MrsB
                      I know!!! a lot of good shows to watch again! and YAY! i'm sooo glad Supernatural and LOST will be in different timeslots!. I had to do the, record one on one TV and go to another TV and see the other LOL!.

                      I never kept up with the Sawyer/Kate and Jack/Kate shippers so i don't know which ship has a bigger following but i'm personally a Jack/Kate shipper!. How about you?. It took me a long time to make up my mind but just last season i finally leaned on Jack and Kate.

                      Me Too!...but your comment makes me think then that Jack/Kate aren't the most popular ship i see LOL!
                      Well, the last time I looked Sawyer/Kate were running away with the pole on MrsB's site

                      What we do in life echoes in eternity - Gladiator vghUp the Blades!


                        Originally posted by TeylaFan View Post
                        Rachel updated her site

                        Awww she is just the sweetest person and thats why I support her sooo much.

                        Originally posted by Padme18 View Post
                        Hello everyone! I wish I could say I could stay and chat, but I have a ton of homework. I'm in the home stretch here at school. If you go to my lj I have a long list of my assignments.
                        Hey padme...I know how frustrating it can be. Hang in there hun.

                        Originally posted by DONNA BOOTH View Post
                        Hey Linda Perhaps this will cheer you up i know its off TOPic
                        the new Xfiles Film has Finally got a Title

                        Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                        awww,that was really great......Now tell me,after reading that how can anyone not like her.....She is the sweetest nicest person!
                        Believe me when I say I'm clueless to why there's so much dislike of her character. Esp. since Teyla is just as cool as Rachel.

                        Originally posted by Sheyla4ever View Post
                        I thank you all for the nice welcome. It's fun to be here.
                        It's great that there are so many other sheyla-shippers out there.
                        I cannot understand why, but in the most german forums there are only a few J/T-shippers and it's like we have to be afraid to admit that we like J/T as a pairing.
                        Thanks for all your help with my fanfiction-problem. your recommendations were really helpfull. when i have finished my stories i can try to translate and then post them.
                        Wow...that's just sad!

                        Originally posted by scifan View Post

                        I already posted this in the galleria.

                        Originally posted by Cherish4 View Post
                        Thanks for the link, she's such a lovely person and I noticed that
                        she mentions filming a sparring session with Ronon (Jason Momoa) which is great but what I really want is a Teyla/John sparring session, as they are always so full of unresolved sexual tension!

                        Oh and Welcome to Sheyla4ever!
                        High five for that C4

                        Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
                        You can blame MrsB for this...

               is wonderful Boss.

                        ~Glad you guys liked the pics


                          Mayra/Cazzblade - OT~
                          You might think I'm a big weirdo (what like you dont already)but I ship them both lol I like her with Jack and I like her with Sawyer. LOL


                            Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
                            1. Yay new member!! Welcome!!
                            2. *watches Ruby's halo break* hmmmm....
                            3. I WONDERED whayt Rodney meant when he said "I gotta date back home in Atlantis" and his sister said "REally? a date?" And Rodney said, "Yep, a nice girl too"
                            4. I like...... this one!!!
                            ~ oh yes that's my Rodney!

                            hehehe the fourth pic hmm, the whumper in you is showing.


                              Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                              Mayra/Cazzblade - OT~
                              You might think I'm a big weirdo (what like you dont already)but I ship them both lol I like her with Jack and I like her with Sawyer. LOL
                              Fair enough!

                              Anyway... must not start new fic! Need to go to bed!

                              Night all

                              What we do in life echoes in eternity - Gladiator vghUp the Blades!


                                JM BLOG UPDATE

                                Cazz writes: “I just read on Gateworld that the IOA removes Carter because she’s military. This doesn’t make any sense. Why would she have gotten the job in the first place if the IOA doesn’t want the military leading the expedition. Rob Picardo says he doesn’t know why Woolsey is even on Atlantis yet either. Is that right? You guys are filming episode eight and haven’t even explained the change in command?”

                                Answer: You’re misunderstanding what was said in the interview. “At this point in the season the actor says Woolsey’s reason for taking the job has yet to be established.” This is true in that we have yet to reveal Woolsey’s personal reasons for accepting the command position. On the other hand, the reasoning behind the IOA’s decision to replace Carter is discussed in episode 2, The Seed.

                                PG15 writes: “Any word on where Inquisition is going to fall on the airing schedule? Is it episode 512?”

                                Answer: That remains to be seen.

                                Chevron 7 writes: “Alan’s “extreme Shep whump” episode - if it’s not too much of a spoiler is it more physical, mental or both?”

                                Answer: If we move ahead with the idea, it will be both.

                                Dovil also writes: “2. Women in the horror genre are generally portrayed as the victims – there are exceptions to this but that’s the thing with exceptions, they’re not the norm. Hell, if it wasn’t so prevalent in popular culture papers in Media Studies departments would have to be cancelled and even Academics have to buy groceries and get whisked off overseas to conferences. As long as one of the women isn’t a virgin, sleeps with Sheppard, and walks off by herself after hearing some suspicious noises, hopefully she shouldn’t get hacked to death with a carving knife/chainsaw/really sharp paper. Paper cuts, a gruesome way to go.”

                                Answer: True. I promise: no knife-wielding maniacs, no stupid victims, no running around screaming (unless it’s Sheppard).
                                Dovil also writes: “3. See, red shirts, every genre has its thing.”

                                Answer: Yep. I’ll admit that one of the reasons I wanted this team of potentially recurring characters for this episode is that the audience won’t know what to expect. They can be pretty certain that Sheppard and Beckett may survive the experience but as for any of other four… In this particular case, the fact that they’re female is less important than the fact that, as guest cast, there’s no telling who will make it out alive.

                                Dovil also writes: 4. They may be actors but actors should still look the part of what they play. The male scientists aren’t 25 year old part-time underwear models because it would stretch belief. All I think we have here is a difference of opinion on what may be believable in this instance.”

                                Answer: True, but how often do we see Dr. Lee heading off-world on a regular basis? All of the Atlantis off-world teams face potential hazards every time they head off-world, and they need to be prepared, both mentally and physically, to deal with any and all threats. They should be fit, yes. Do they need to be great looking? No, of course not. But then again, if you were to check out the personal websites of the various actors who have appeared as members of Major Lorne’s team in the past, I’m sure you’d find more than a few 25 year old underwear models in the bunch.

                                crazy mom writes: “What’s Kate Hewlett doing over there these days?”

                                Answer: Shooting her scenes for The Shrine. And almost running me down in one of those motorized golf carts.

                                "8:00 a.m. stunts and SPFX meeting this morning with Bam Bam, Wray, and Scott during which we discussed candy glass, ratchets, and squibs. We’ve also finally set a time for our second fog test = 6:00 a.m. on Friday! The whole thing will take about three hours after which we should have a pretty good idea of how much actual fog we’ll need to make the scenes work. As John Smith pointed out, it can go one of two ways. The fog could prove a frustrating complication and slow us down, or it could prove incredibly forgiving and allow us to breeze through the shots."

