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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Angelique
    Oh, how did you guys figure that out?
    Vidcapping and making music videos, or so I am told.


      How's this Shep/Weir...ers.

      The Brane: Bringing the evil, freaking people out, taking their sanity since 2005


        Originally posted by gatelover12
        well we knew that a thread on page 2 is most likely a dead thread and were trying to prevent that. Also I had no idea y'all loath the word.
        Page two really ain't the death page, I'm not really sure about other people, but unless I'm looking for something specific I usually just use the New Posts link.

        BTW - I liked your slogan (though I'm not a Sheppard/Teyla shipper).


          Originally posted by Major Fischer
          Vidcapping and making music videos, or so I am told.
          Yes those...and the fact that some of us watched "the moment" over and over to ease the
          cliff hanger ending of "The Siege 2"


            I was the one who started the 39:30 thing. It actually came up in instant messenger, appeared on a Yahoo list, and Astro brought it here from there. I play around with video editing occasionally, and I had watched the end of Siege II and made a note as to that scene's time stamp.

            Anyway, as one of the people who complained to the mods today, I thought I might explain myself.

            I like reading other points of view. I was taught to keep my mind open, so I like reading the thoughts of people who disagree with me. I'm an English major with an obsession with rhetoric and linguistics, so a well-formed argument is music to me. The only problem is that there is no argument in this thread. I can't find any real discussion of Sheppard/Teyla in this thread after the first couple pages. I've been known to go back and reread discussions in the Sheppard/Weir thread because they're just enjoyable to read. I do that with other threads too. But I don't ever see any discussion in here of the topic. The closest I've seen is caption games.

            Threads get off-topic; that's the way of things. No one expects every single post in a thread to be on topic. However, it's not too much to ask that some amount larger than 5% be something on-topic and more than one line. Look through your thread. I'm not sure you can claim that. When you've reached that threshold of off-topic posting, it's time to move on to AIM or some other chat program, because that's what you've turned your thread into. Trust me, if the Shep/Weir shippers used that thread as a chat room, Major Fischer, astronomicalchick, Athenaktt, and I would probably have a few thousand posts each in it. But that's not what the thread is for, so that's not what we use it for.

            The internet is not a good place for cheeky little jokes most of the time. When one of you proclaimed that you were "stirring up ship controversy" in a completely different thread, there were many of us who were irritated by that, to say the least. Those of you who have expressed similar sentiments, in jest or otherwise, probably don't realize that. Some of us in the Shep/Weir thread, including myself, have been down that road before. I've modded sites, and I was a staffer for one of the most rigorous juried fic archives on the internet for a couple years before I left that particular fandom. I take that comment at its literal meaning, because that's how it usually plays out. You may just be joking around, but I've banned too many people, rejected too many fics, and gotten too many threats to blow that off. A smiley face doesn't make it all better either.

            One of you (and I'm sorry for not getting the exact quote, but I'm tired) said that you weren't trying to compete with other threads. Well, that's what you said you were doing, and Lord knows you were posting enough to look like it. I honestly don't see how you could expect people to take it any other way. You weren't padding post counts? How else do you think people view the almost constant chatter about how far away you are from the next avatar level?

            I've watched sites go up in flames over less than this. You guys got lucky this time.

            On top of that, you blew off a mod. A warning shot was fired, your response was "we don't have much to talk about that's on topic," and you went right back to spamming the thread. That's not how you play the game, my friends. You don't ignore mod warnings.

            There have also been comments made here that have struck me, as well as other Shep/Weir shippers, as incredibly childish and insulting. You can poke fun at the ship all you want, but when you start poking at other shippers, that's not cool. Again, humor doesn't always come off well on the internet. And too many of us have seen people back off racist, sexist, or otherwise stupidly offensive comments with "I was kidding!" I for one don't always buy that excuse. It's not like it just pops out of your mouth. You have to type it and hit send, so you really don't have an excuse for saying things that offend.

            I know this sounds harsh, but you guys just weren't thinking beyond this thread. Of course there are people lurking, and when you make these kinds of comments, no matter your intent, it's going to cause trouble down the road.

            This is not a competition. I don't need to get into battles over who has the superior ship. You're entitled to your opinion, and I respect that. But in case none of you has seen one in another fandom, I'm telling you now that no one wins ship wars, and that's where this was heading.
            Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
            Last update: 14 April 2006
            Melyanna's Multimedia
            Last update: 15 February 2006


              ok, i see your point, and i appreciate you writing it all out, but i have to say that i've seen what COULD be considered as much jabbing at us as any of us have EVER said jokingly about anyone else... yet i usually get the joke and laugh at myself too... (i guess being laughed off the stage comes with the sheyla territory ) because honestly, IMO if you put a "", "", or "" smilie, it kinda is supposed to go without saying that there is some kind of sarcasm or joke involved, and it's those who don't take it as such and then complaining which I'VE always found to be the problem when i've modded boards (yes, i've been a mod, i know the drill...)... it's deadpan humor that doesn't play on the internet...

              teasing without any intent to be rude or mean is fine, but only if you make it obviously so... you can't possibly tell me that no one on this board posts something teasing and puts a smilie next to it and you don't consider it to be a joke... i've never met anyone who i think could say that... and i have been called the queen of smilies... i ALWAYS make sure to put smilies to the max if there's any doubt that what i'm saying is a joke...

              so honestly, hate to be frank, but if you think we're being rude then don't lurk... but i can assure you we're not... but i think it's clear that's not going to change some people's minds no matter how many times we say that... i know if i see something i don't want to read i just don't... cuz if something truly hurtful i don't want some random poster on one BBS to ruin my day...

              as for my comment FOREVER ago on some thread in the atlantis forum where i said "me: stirring up 'ship controversy, one thread at a time " i REALLY wish people would stop taking that so seriously... it was a JOKE! if you read it in context i think that's fairly obvious... i even had a "" smilie with it in case there was any doubt... i was getting basically blasted aside because the thread was full of anti-sheyla folks (and this was BEFORE i even knew there was a sheyla thread btw....) so as a defensive measure to make sure people KNEW i wasn't trying to start any shipper fight, i made a joke to calm things down...

              and dare i say it's not as if i'm going into every thread saying "sheyla rocks, weir/shep sucks!"... cuz THAT would be rude and immature... smilie or no smilie... there's NO way to make that nice or funny... it's rude.... my joke was not like that... and i really hope that's the last time i have to explain myself about that...

              now, i really am not trying to be rude in my response, but there comes a point where one single (joking) comment that one makes can only be stressed negatively or given a negative spin so many times before it just gets tiring

              plus i'd just like to say that it's seriously, honestly hurtful to me that so many people throw my joke back in my face and accuse me of being rude and immature... ...and comparing me with someone who throws out racist or sexist jokes is just as hurtful... i hate those kinds of jokes and get angrier than you can possibly know with those who make them...

              so i guess my point is to stop making assumptions about us... if you have a doubt on whether we're joking about something, just ask us... like M F said, it's better to talk than just wait and start throwing around wild accusations... and if you wanna stop us from going off topic, you can feel free to pipe in!

              though i would also like to that just because we aren't going into deep phychological discussion over why we love sheyla and enjoy the ship so much doesn't make our thread any less of a ship thread... believe me, i'm the QUEEN of delving too far into things and analyzing them to the max!!! but we just have a more relaxed, fun attitude here and every now and then i like to take a break from the deep thought (i usually save the really deep thought for the shep discussion and whump threads )

              now again, i appreciate that you were willing to share your thoughts, but try to avoid throwing accusations our way and judging us if you don't want us to be judging... we aren't trying to compete... that's just an unfounded assumption which we have been trying to make people realize isn't the case... i don't mind when people tell me i'm sounding a bit harsh, so i hope you don't mind either...


                HEY SHEPMAGANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! let's get back on topic shall we!!!

                specifically the topic of staying on topic and going off-topic elsewhere!!

                i go to a tiny board (stargate) where there's just like 6 or 7 of us who post regularly... and i was thinking all of you guys could join up there we basically just go off-topic and have fun ALL the time they'd prob'ly even be willing to give us our own little corner of the board to have fun at (or we could hijack one of the little-used forums ) anyway, like i said, the kind of stuff we go on about here isn't even CLOSE to how off topic we can get over there and i think you guys'd have lots of fun and i think it'd be nice to at least all join up there until we can get our own little corner of the internet up and running after all, mcweir's getting their own website! why not us at least a BBS thoughts, anyone?? anyone at all???

                (oh yeah... here's the link to our small little BBS... check out the neighborhood (just don't let the other guys scare ya off ) )


                  eeeeh im not much for words but so much trouble over a little problem


                    i think some of u need to calm down lol i mean like just chill out ^_^



                      Originally posted by TangledFate
                      eeeeh im not much for words but so much trouble over a little problem

                      all too true, my friend... all true...

                      but i think (hope!) that everyone who wants to let out their thoughts has now so i think this is over... but i think we all came out on top in the end and the conflict issues are out there are we know to watch for 'em and i think we can all acknowledge that both sides can end this conflict here and now

                      so hopefully this doesn't happen again

                      now how bout a nice sheyla pic to bring us back on topic!!


                        Wonderfull Always love the pics lol i just keep adding them to my folder waiting for more so i can make a sig soon lol got to many exams on at the moment =|


                          and maybe we should get msn or Aim or something else to talk easier =)
                          sooo yeh emily get aim ^_^


                            Originally posted by TangledFate
                            Wonderfull Always love the pics lol i just keep adding them to my folder waiting for more so i can make a sig soon lol got to many exams on at the moment =|
                            Most of us love the cave scene pic for our sigs.

                            Emily I would give you rep for defending us like that, but I gave it to you not long ago.

                            The Brane: Bringing the evil, freaking people out, taking their sanity since 2005


                              Wait I MEAN MSN!
                              Msn > Aim


                                Originally posted by TangledFate
                                Wonderfull Always love the pics lol i just keep adding them to my folder waiting for more so i can make a sig soon lol got to many exams on at the moment =|
                                I should be uploading loads of new images soon - and the cave scene I will have loads of high quality ones by the 14th March when my Atlantis DVD comes. But if are nice people I might get it on the 12th and have the images up by the 12th :-)

