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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by asgard30 View Post
    Hey I'm early in the 20's (if I can say this) and I have memory pb since sometimes now
    Yeah, me too. Memory is the first thing to go, or so they say. Of course I could atribute it to stress.
    Icon by AceofHadeon Sig by TrueRomantic



      Originally posted by cabouse18 View Post

      Did you take any pics? I would've been out there snapping'em like crazy Do you know why they were all there?
      No! I didn't, they were parked right outside my door - might be a bit conspicuous looking! LOL.

      My sister (who is in the police, lol) seems to think it was drug raid or a drug related death, but no ambulance came so it will be the first. There is still two cars and the meat wagon.

      Originally posted by WingedPegasus View Post
      No, still 15. But how did you know I was that young? Did I tell you and forget?
      You're only fifteen??? My Goodness...

      For the first time in I don't know how long - 2 years, maybe? - I can get a shed in my hair! Like a proper parting... My hair has been short for soooo long... It's finally growing!
      don't worry, soon we won't have to say goodbye.

      facebook | Celebrate Scotland |livejournal


        Originally posted by asgard30 View Post
        Hey I'm early in the 20's (if I can say this) and I have memory pb since sometimes now
        I am 27. I'll be 28 in June and my memory is horrible. I've had six concussions from playing sports but still it is scary how it fast it goes.

        Enjoy the youth b/c when you get to be 21 and out of college the man expects you to do nothing but sucks; I miss being carefree
        Sigs made by EG & Teylafan
        &=AWESOME &Forever
        No SGA fics yet....but ya never know


          Originally posted by gater101 View Post
          No! I didn't, they were parked right outside my door - might be a bit conspicuous looking! LOL.

          My sister (who is in the police, lol) seems to think it was drug raid or a drug related death, but no ambulance came so it will be the first. There is still two cars and the meat wagon.

          You're only fifteen??? My Goodness...

          For the first time in I don't know how long - 2 years, maybe? - I can get a shed in my hair! Like a proper parting... My hair has been short for soooo long... It's finally growing!
          What, how old did you think I was?

          Originally posted by cabouse18 View Post
          I am 27. I'll be 28 in June and my memory is horrible. I've had six concussions from playing sports but still it is scary how it fast it goes.
          Holy cow!!

          Okay, I tried my hand at a couple captions. What do you think?

          || twitter || tumblr ||


            Originally posted by cabouse18 View Post
            I am 27. I'll be 28 in June and my memory is horrible. I've had six concussions from playing sports but still it is scary how it fast it goes.

            Enjoy the youth b/c when you get to be 21 and out of college the man expects you to do nothing but sucks; I miss being carefree
            I am never leaving uni. Ever. I am going to do post grads, til they come out my ears!

            Then I'll teach at uni.

            don't worry, soon we won't have to say goodbye.

            facebook | Celebrate Scotland |livejournal


              Originally posted by Luciana View Post

              I just love this scene so much!
              Love it.
              Icon by AceofHadeon Sig by TrueRomantic



                Originally posted by WingedPegasus View Post
                What, how old did you think I was?

                Okay, I tried my hand at a couple captions. What do you think?

                I don't know! Just older.

                Nice captions Love the first one
                don't worry, soon we won't have to say goodbye.

                facebook | Celebrate Scotland |livejournal


                  Originally posted by WingedPegasus View Post
                  What, how old did you think I was?

                  Holy cow!!

                  Okay, I tried my hand at a couple captions. What do you think?

                  Holy cow to what? my concussion? yeah I've had a few

                  Love the captions
                  Sigs made by EG & Teylafan
                  &=AWESOME &Forever
                  No SGA fics yet....but ya never know


                    Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
                    I know! Is proud but I get real nervous listening

                    Thanx Maff! Laura said she was going to nick a few so just check that she hasn't taken it and its yours

                    Thanx Ruby! Don't keep the autographs waiting we want to see lots and lots!

                    ohh I think she will be in a giving mood

                    Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
                    AAAAAAAAWWWWWW I wanted that one, well I guess I'll just sang the one wherein Teyla is saying her name then
                    wow everyone wants that one.

                    Originally posted by Hope24 View Post
                    I love it. Maffney!! LOL, I can vision a scene now.

                    Thank you.

                    What a week your bro is having! Yeah for the new ride! Mega yeah for his commentating gig!!

                    Wow!! Awesome artwork!
                    So can I....

                    Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
                    I got them to sign my bag lol! Gold ticket holders got given a free shoulder bag with Stargate SG-1 written on it... shame it doesn't say Atlantis too, coz I'll be getting some Atlantis people to sign it too. Oh well. I bought my ticket for my photo op with Jason - squeeee!!

                    let me tell ya I'm jealous.

                    Originally posted by LandJrule View Post
                    Lol- quoting myself. *sighs*

                    As promised, I wrote it!

                    Not sure if it's really meant for here- kinda more OT.

                    Link to it:
                    ^ newly made Live Journal thing just for this! (and maybe my others in the future.........

                    And please comment!!!
                    I'd love to hear your thoughts on it.


                    EDIT: the bit in Italics is just filling you all in on what's going on. So you get the idea of what kind of state of mind they're all in.
                    Will try to read it later

                    Originally posted by WingedPegasus View Post
                    Hey, sorry if this has been posted before, but I just wanted to share this little fic by Kioko. It's short, sweet, and I think you'll all like it . . .
                    Yeah I read that too. very nice.


                      Originally posted by asgard30 View Post
                      Hey I'm early in the 20's (if I can say this) and I have memory pb since sometimes now
                      Im 25 and i have a memory like sieve
                      Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana


                        Originally posted by DONNA BOOTH View Post
                        Np Maff i mean it

                        Originally posted by wraithlord View Post
                        Thanks again DONNA.

                        Thank you maff and Hope. *walks away*
                        np WL

                        Originally posted by TeylaFan View Post
                        I made some Icons..

                        Some of my first actually! I kinda like it.. can't see mistakes or flaws as well cause they're so small!


                        So.. what do you guys think?
                        Very good.

                        Originally posted by wraithlord View Post
                        Just wanted to post this sig i made hope you all like it

                        Thanks TeylaFan and i love all the icons you made.

                        Originally posted by Luciana View Post

                        I just love this scene so much!
                        wow I really love that.


                          I dont know if anyone has seen this yet or posted it
                          Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana


                            I'm 19 and my memory better not even think of leaving me any time soon, else I'll fail my exams!
                            don't worry, soon we won't have to say goodbye.

                            facebook | Celebrate Scotland |livejournal


                              Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                              YAY.......Maff will sort them out...They won't know what hit them!

                              ahhhhhh just what the doctor ordered!!!!!!!

                              mm mm mm i am lovin these!
                              I will indeed

                              Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
                              Blue's is on the 9th and JT4L's is on the 20th...I have to ask them what their favorite scenes/episodes are.
                              Oh great thanks...Let me know when you know what they like.

                              Originally posted by gater101 View Post
                              *love you*
                              John likes being in pain

                              I think that's a good thing, considering Ididn't see it coming either!

                              Hey love, can I snurch some of these????

                              It's not so bad. Really

                              No, no. It's a goodie.
                              awwwwwwwwww luv ya too buddy! Now how about we share that necklace icon.

                              Originally posted by asgard30 View Post
                              Hi all how are you. I'm in a better mood lol it's why I post a rant it's the only place here I can express myself but don't read it it's not interesting
                              hey this is the true

                              I really really like this pic she's amazing but I wanted to post as the ONLY PERSON WHO LIKE TEYLA THIS SEASON my rant. Like I said it's long and uninteresting don't read it
                              I don’t understand why people is so bothered by Teyla reaction. After all Shep will have do the same thing. We saw him make the same choice in Rising or in The Lost Boys and even in This Mortal Coil (they don’t know f this isn’t a trap) and he makes all his team in danger. Rodney did the same in Trinity and Ronon did the same with Teyla. It’s true it’s the start they don’t know them enough but Teyla is a great friend and protect him.
                              So in season 4 what I saw isn’t inconsistencies. Teyla is the leader she doesn’t want to let her people and we know that Atlantis did nothing to help her find them. Teyla has always be on Shep side so he doesn’t criticize her he can’t she’s always here. What she does in Letters from Pegasus is exactly the same thing she tries to save her people and Shep doesn’t want. In K1 she always know the situation she knows that in LP he doesn’t want to help her and if they leave she doesn’t if it would be a next part.
                              And for the baby I don’t think it was more dangerous than TLB where Shep let the team on the ship and there is a lot which fall and Ford says it there is only your team which count. After all I saw a progression and not inconsistencies Teyla said in Reunion it was a difficult choice to leave her people and we saw it again in Midway she clearly regrets to not have been with her people so she will do anything to find them by guilt too. And when you have difficulties and there is people who don’t help you don’t you turn against people who help you a lot because it’s from them that you ask “too much”. Even Rodney lies to her, if you said it’s a dream so I believe you and he says to Shep I doubt it. I understand that Teyla had difficulties.
                              This is absolutely not a critic or I’m angry with you not at all. It’s that I find it sad that Teyla is so much criticized with people and I’m a little sad that people who like her the most was deceived.
                              And to clarify things I don’t want a mother Teyla it’s not the Teyla that we know it’s too for this that I like K1 and 2 because in Stargate people is always heroic no matter what even while pregnant (Vala no? :lolJ
                              It’s a little rant but it bothered me so I wanted to say it. Hey don’t bother you it’s a little long

                              They are all amazing I like them a lot I'm fan of black and white or brown colors but I can't choose here
                              Oh you not the only one
                              I love Teyla of s4 and wasn't bothered by her either. What I do believe is that many things can have many intrepretations and mine just happen to vary from most. So I think you and I share the same thoughts on the matter. It doesn't mean anyone is right or wrong. We're all different but share one thing --John and Teyla


                                Hello everyone! Woah, i just super-skimmed through about 10 pages.... lots of AMAZING art, and lots of milestones
                                CONGRATS TO ALL!!!

                                I'm gonna head out soon to hang with some friends, but I'll be back on later I think.

                                So....what's a goin' on with everyone today?

