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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
    The Woirst that could happen is that they write out Teyla or give her a lower role in the show which would A) make for WAY LESS viewers and B) happier other ships who can then really pair off Teyla with somebody else. NBut lets not go there as I already said...


    *Hugs Linda then curls up in her lap*

    And yes, if the Kitty is secore in the fact that JT is going on, EVERYTHING is gonna be FINE!!!! (And Canoe is gonna leak(sink), big time!)
    Oh don't even go there...They ain't gonna do that anyways...I'm starting to think that
    at the start of S5 when the others go to rescue Teyla,i think Kannan will ultimately sacrifice himself to save Teyla....To be honest i'd rather see this happen than him going all bad and trying to get hold of Teyla and her Baby for Michael!

    Originally posted by cabouse18 View Post

    She even said that she was sorry she wasn't there. She is the leader of her people and feels guilty that while she was living on Atlantis her people were kidnapped and subject to experiments all b/c of what she and the others did to piss Michael off! Hell, I would feel guilty too!
    and she would want to try make things right!


      Originally posted by TeylaFan View Post
      Well.. I just don't see them that way.. I can't pick between JT or RT - so I'm not! Please don't make me!!
      That's ok,i'm just messing with ya


        Originally posted by cabouse18 View Post
        With the way they write, rewrite and then rewrite the scripts and are constantly tweeking thinks that that was intentional.
        On some episodes Cab I don't think they even bother to rewrite the script, but i've only seen that in one or two Atlantis episodes of season four (the first two episodes of the season)

        This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
        "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
        "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


          Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
          That's ok,i'm just messing with ya
          Phew.. Good! Now where did Ruby go...?
          *Beautiful sig by Scifan!*

          “Because you can.”



            Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
            Oh don't even go there...They ain't gonna do that anyways...I'm starting to think that
            at the start of S5 when the others go to rescue Teyla,i think Kannan will ultimately sacrifice himself to save Teyla....To be honest i'd rather see this happen than him going all bad and trying to get hold of Teyla and her Baby for Michael!

            and she would want to try make things right!
            Been saying that about Kanan all the long. He is a plot device!!! Mental green for you

            He is not evil by choice but by force and in almost every show when that happens the guy sacrifices himself in the end to make things right. Usually with a dying declaration of apology right after he has thrown himself in the line of fire to save someone. To be honest if they don't end the storyline with Kanan then it will get stupid and boring (not that it already isn't) it will be redundant.
            Last edited by cabouse18; 01 March 2008, 02:20 PM.
            Sigs made by EG & Teylafan
            &=AWESOME &Forever
            No SGA fics yet....but ya never know


              Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
              On some episodes Cab I don't think they even bother to rewrite the script, but i've only seen that in one or two Atlantis episodes of season four (the first two episodes of the season)
              True...I didn't mean the whole script. JM has said in his blog that he spends a lot of time thinking and working on a script so the fact that they work sooo hard on them, these lines aren't just typed or written they are well thought out....that is all I mean.

              Does that make sense? I've think I have confused myself now....what was my point?
              Sigs made by EG & Teylafan
              &=AWESOME &Forever
              No SGA fics yet....but ya never know


                Great artwork everyone! and I'm glad that y'all liked my still-awake-at-4am wallie

                I've really enjoyed reading what everyone's had to say about K2, so here i go, don't say i didn't warn you of my ranting abilities...

                Kindred 2:
                Mikey.... i could shoot that dang wraith right now if he was standing next to me! He's gonna get what's comming to him for messing with Teyla and her kid. I still love the character, but I hate him at the same time! is that normal?!? The reason why i still like him only this little bit is that he really does care so much for Teyla.. even if it's in a really sick, crazy way. When Mikey had Teyla strapped to the table and she was yelling at him not to hurt her child, the look on his face was almost kind as he said 'i wouldn't dream of it.' Wheather or not it's an empty promise, you could still see that he did care, even if it was only THAT much. I guess it's the human-ish part of him coming out.

                Carson... omg. I almost died. It was just so hard to see him again, and then to have him go just as quickly. The fact that he was a clone was, well.... very Michael-ish. I loved the scene where Rodney talked with Carson and filled him in on what all had happened.. with Elizabeth, and what had happened to the "other" Carson Beckett.... it was heartbreaking. I was in tears by the end of the ep. What Carson did for Teyla at the end was admirable. Teyla's face was like WTH?!?!? and she looked like she was seeing a ghost. But when Micheal stopped him from shooting his brains out, that was terrible. You could see it in his eyes how much Carson wanted to help Teyla but he couldn't. Dang you, Mikey! Then of course my favourite line the Carson spoke to John "You bring her back." The look in both his and even more so in John's eyes was... beautiful. So much love in just one look.

                Shep... was a wreck. As the ep progressed, he just got worse and worse. Whenever he and Carter had one of those walk and talks down the hallway, he always kept up the straight face, military protocal, no relationships crap, blah blah blah. It looked like he was loosing more and more hope, but that's giving him all the more determination to find Teyla. I hope they make a big deal out of JT's reunion. Like, a HUGE deal.

                The Athosians, Twitter and JT.... As for K*****, I'm not quite sure what to make of the guy. I don't think Teyla actually loves him, because it was never like she ever said specifically or in any way "I love him" or anything. It was more like "He's one of my people, the father of my child, I care for him." That's all. Wierd wraith-Twitter is a bit creepy, though. At least he did try and help Teyla escape, but he didn't try anything after Mikey showed up Teyla's resiliance to leave him behind is part of who she is, because you could tell that she kinda wanted to get the heck out of there and leave him. But that wouldn't be her, unfortunatly. If Twitter could go out holding off Michael, or something the writers and us could compormise on that would be fair(ish), i'll be happy. The dude's just making things more complicated than they already are, for crying out loud! Seeing Halling was great! I really did miss the guy. But I hope y'all noticed that when Teyla saw him after months and months of searching and worrying, they greeted eachother with a (very emotional, granted) head tap. YET, whenever Teyla sees John these days, it seems that they're always hugging! Maybe that's just my JT-o-meter going crazy, but it looks like Teyla feels more comfortable around John. More open, you could say.

                Overall, it was an outstanding ep, and Kindred was a very intense two parter, but intense in a good way. I stayed up really late to watch it, and I'm happy to say I don't regret it one bit!

                As for the TLM preview (click HERE to watch it)....
                WTH WAS THAT?!?!?!?! Rodney and Keller kissing?!? What has this world gone to? It's RONON and Keller not RODNEY!!! Holy heck, Keller's had more of a love life in 1 season than most people on Atlantis have had in 4!! yikes!!! I can't wait to see it, but I don't like this new spin they've put on the relationship part of SGA. What the heck are those writers thinking?!? Rodney and Keller are.... ok together, but not as a freaking couple!!!

                Wow, that was alot. Sorry for the rants, but don't say i didn't warn ya.


                  Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                  Plus i also think
                  she feels guilty about what happened to them because she wasn't there to protect them,even if she couldn't do anything to stop it she probably would still feel guilty anyway and guilt can make you act a little irrationally!
                  Yep yep.

                  Originally posted by TeylaFan View Post
                  LLOL- shouldn't have said that.. But hey.. I'm writing for JT, and voting for them as well.. but if they're gone..

                  RUBY!!! Do you keep missing my posts?
                  No, I'm just ignoring you.

                  Originally posted by TeylaFan View Post
                  Well.. I just don't see them that way.. I can't pick between JT or RT - so I'm not! Please don't make me!!
                  Sick. Sick sick sick sick SICK!!!

                  You and MrsB should start a club.

                  Originally posted by TeylaFan View Post
                  Phew.. Good! Now where did Ruby go...?
                  Excuse me? Ex-ca-use me?? I go scampering off to check my email and email you back five minutes later like the good little beta I am, and this is the thanks I get? Rodney scowling at me?

                  Where's the love? Huh? Where's the love?

                  Thanks to YappiChick for the lovely sig


                    Originally posted by cabouse18 View Post
                    True...I didn't mean the whole script. JM has said in his blog that he spends a lot of time thinking and working on a script so the fact that they work sooo hard on them, these lines aren't just typed or written they are well thought out....that is all I mean.

                    Does that make sense? I've think I have confused myself now....what was my point?
                    Now thats true, some things in the script they rewrite but sometims not the whole thing heck in my Trilogy, I had to rewrite three chapters in a row because my computer restarted and I lost them all! then one chapter of part two endexd up being totally erased and had to rewrite that one (Bates meeting Kiro then dieing shortly after)

                    anyhow NEWS for my stories! some of you may have noticed that I got a really nasty review on New Birth, I'm tempted to just say, "did you even read part one yet?" and leave it at that, or not bother to answer the guy saying I wrote them all wrong, ha what a dork to that! Anyhow, I just wanted to tell everyone I gotta rewrite chapter titled I Survived, and rename it to The Survivor before begnning How to get Back at the Wraith parts 2 & 3 wherein we get to see Wraiths Bane in action!! (Hey, if Teyla can fly the city half deadified John has lots of help in the new ship!!)

                    This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                    "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                    "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                      Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
                      Yep yep.

                      No, I'm just ignoring you.

                      Sick. Sick sick sick sick SICK!!!

                      You and MrsB should start a club.

                      Excuse me? Ex-ca-use me?? I go scampering off to check my email and email you back five minutes later like the good little beta I am, and this is the thanks I get? Rodney scowling at me?

                      Where's the love? Huh? Where's the love?
                      Uh oh TF is in trouble now......You've got some scurrying to do TF!!!

                      hmm,i'm thinking TF,MrsB and gater should start a club


                        Originally posted by john_and_teyla_for_life View Post
                        Great artwork everyone! and I'm glad that y'all liked my still-awake-at-4am wallie

                        I've really enjoyed reading what everyone's had to say about K2, so here i go, don't say i didn't warn you of my ranting abilities...

                        Kindred 2:
                        Mikey.... i could shoot that dang wraith right now if he was standing next to me! He's gonna get what's comming to him for messing with Teyla and her kid. I still love the character, but I hate him at the same time! is that normal?!? The reason why i still like him only this little bit is that he really does care so much for Teyla.. even if it's in a really sick, crazy way. When Mikey had Teyla strapped to the table and she was yelling at him not to hurt her child, the look on his face was almost kind as he said 'i wouldn't dream of it.' Wheather or not it's an empty promise, you could still see that he did care, even if it was only THAT much. I guess it's the human-ish part of him coming out.

                        Carson... omg. I almost died. It was just so hard to see him again, and then to have him go just as quickly. The fact that he was a clone was, well.... very Michael-ish. I loved the scene where Rodney talked with Carson and filled him in on what all had happened.. with Elizabeth, and what had happened to the "other" Carson Beckett.... it was heartbreaking. I was in tears by the end of the ep. What Carson did for Teyla at the end was admirable. Teyla's face was like WTH?!?!? and she looked like she was seeing a ghost. But when Micheal stopped him from shooting his brains out, that was terrible. You could see it in his eyes how much Carson wanted to help Teyla but he couldn't. Dang you, Mikey! Then of course my favourite line the Carson spoke to John "You bring her back." The look in both his and even more so in John's eyes was... beautiful. So much love in just one look.

                        Shep... was a wreck. As the ep progressed, he just got worse and worse. Whenever he and Carter had one of those walk and talks down the hallway, he always kept up the straight face, military protocal, no relationships crap, blah blah blah. It looked like he was loosing more and more hope, but that's giving him all the more determination to find Teyla. I hope they make a big deal out of JT's reunion. Like, a HUGE deal.

                        The Athosians, Twitter and JT.... As for K*****, I'm not quite sure what to make of the guy. I don't think Teyla actually loves him, because it was never like she ever said specifically or in any way "I love him" or anything. It was more like "He's one of my people, the father of my child, I care for him." That's all. Wierd wraith-Twitter is a bit creepy, though. At least he did try and help Teyla escape, but he didn't try anything after Mikey showed up Teyla's resiliance to leave him behind is part of who she is, because you could tell that she kinda wanted to get the heck out of there and leave him. But that wouldn't be her, unfortunatly. If Twitter could go out holding off Michael, or something the writers and us could compormise on that would be fair(ish), i'll be happy. The dude's just making things more complicated than they already are, for crying out loud! Seeing Halling was great! I really did miss the guy. But I hope y'all noticed that when Teyla saw him after months and months of searching and worrying, they greeted eachother with a (very emotional, granted) head tap. YET, whenever Teyla sees John these days, it seems that they're always hugging! Maybe that's just my JT-o-meter going crazy, but it looks like Teyla feels more comfortable around John. More open, you could say.

                        Overall, it was an outstanding ep, and Kindred was a very intense two parter, but intense in a good way. I stayed up really late to watch it, and I'm happy to say I don't regret it one bit!

                        As for the TLM preview (click HERE to watch it)....
                        WTH WAS THAT?!?!?!?! Rodney and Keller kissing?!? What has this world gone to? It's RONON and Keller not RODNEY!!! Holy heck, Keller's had more of a love life in 1 season than most people on Atlantis have had in 4!! yikes!!! I can't wait to see it, but I don't like this new spin they've put on the relationship part of SGA. What the heck are those writers thinking?!? Rodney and Keller are.... ok together, but not as a freaking couple!!!

                        Wow, that was alot. Sorry for the rants, but don't say i didn't warn ya.
                        I love rants!! you entitled to it!!

                        As for the promo for TLM...

                        WTF is right!! I can't wrap my head around it at all Nor do I think I want to
                        Sigs made by EG & Teylafan
                        &=AWESOME &Forever
                        No SGA fics yet....but ya never know


                          Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
                          Yep yep.

                          No, I'm just ignoring you.

                          Sick. Sick sick sick sick SICK!!!

                          You and MrsB should start a club.

                          Excuse me? Ex-ca-use me?? I go scampering off to check my email and email you back five minutes later like the good little beta I am, and this is the thanks I get? Rodney scowling at me?

                          Where's the love? Huh? Where's the love?
                          *(((HUGS))) for Ruby* There's the love!


                            I just came to post the rest of Leas Gifts for her Birthday

                            Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana


                              Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                              Uh oh TF is in trouble now......You've got some scurrying to do TF!!!

                              hmm,i'm thinking TF,MrsB and gater should start a club
                              Gater as well? Or are you talking about her Shweir tendencies? *shudder*

                              Originally posted by john_and_teyla_for_life View Post
                              *(((HUGS))) for Ruby* There's the love!
                              THANK you! ((hugs back))

                              Thanks to YappiChick for the lovely sig


                                Originally posted by cabouse18 View Post
                                I love rants!! you entitled to it!!

                                As for the promo for TLM...

                                WTF is right!! I can't wrap my head around it at all Nor do I think I want to
                                AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH....YIKES I almost clickyed on it......Don't wanna click,no spoilers for me!!

