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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
    Don'' stay away from spoilers......don't know how long i'm gonna last

    Very nice!

    Welcome to the JT family Ricksal!

    Ooh nice!

    Woohoo goodie for you sorry for the lack of enthusiasm but i ain't seen it yet....and i wanna see it.....NOW
    You're too funny Linda.

    Originally posted by YappiChick View Post

    On Kindred 2...
    I think watching both episodes, it actually makes a good storyline. Wow! Halling! It was great seeing him again--loved seeing Teyla not give up hope. Carson...I loved him back. I thought it was interesting when they had him missing--I actually thought it was believable, though I am interested in how Mikey gave him all the memories...but that's for next season I suppose. The Rodney/Carson scenes are top-notch.

    I love John's reaction to Rodney in the lab. "No I don't and you don't either!" Totally emotional.

    And Ronon and Carson's last scene...I really enjoyed. Big Man.

    It makes me wonder if Teyla's baby is going to be able to help Carson since they are needing some kind of Wraith enzyme...*shrug*

    I'll add these two to the episodes of season 4 I will rewatch. I thought it was great!

    On TLM preview...
    And there are spoilers...
    Rodney and Keller kissing? I'm not going to touch that with a ten foot pole.
    Agree with you
    this eppy was very good and having Carson back made a whole lot of difference...I think he just over shadowed Keller(sorry Keller fans). John was all focused and jumping at any way to find Teyla....awwwww. I very much think TLM will be a great follow up to this story....

    One itsy bitsy problem....that Kiss between Rodney/Keller. I love Rodney and the only other girl I was remotely ok with him being with was Katie. Keller ----NO WAY!!!!!!!


      I realize I am watching the newer episode while still waiting for the earlier episodes to watch and catch me up but
      EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE loved how intense and driven John is about finding Teyla and his frustration is very obvious


      sigs by Cazz,scifan,elephantgirl, john-and-teyla , Donna , Linda, maffieg, and wraithlord . I'm in AWE of your talent and J/T is the best




        *can't breathe*
        don't worry, soon we won't have to say goodbye.

        facebook | Celebrate Scotland |livejournal


          Originally posted by gater101 View Post


          *can't breathe*
          Are you having an allergic reaction to Kanaan?

          Or maybe Larrin?
          Humor is the great thing, the saving thing after all. The minute it crops up, all our hardnesses yield, all our irritations, and resentments flit away, and a sunny spirit takes their place. --Mark Twain


            Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
            Are you having an allergic reaction to Kanaan?

            Or maybe Larrin?
            That last scene of Kindred. I can't... I actually can't think about it.
            don't worry, soon we won't have to say goodbye.

            facebook | Celebrate Scotland |livejournal


              Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
              Oh my gosh, you guys are amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't quite know what to say, THANK YOU!!! You're making me cry!!!! I can't believe you incorporating my babies in here too!!!! This is just the kindest thing anyone has done for me in a very long time, and I can't thank you enough. It was another long week (haven't even seen Kindred Part 2 yet!), but this is just such a sweet and incredible thing. I just got Sci's PM, so had to come and say thank you. I love you guys too and miss you too! You are such a wonderful and amazing group of people that I am so proud and honored to know. THANK YOU!!!!

              Camy, the icons and wallies are gorgeous!!!! My favorite subjects, J/T and my babies! I can't believe you found time in your own busy schedule to make these. Thank you!!!!

              Donna--AH! I love how you actually combined my two favorite things! That is so cool!!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

              EG--That is breathtaking. My favorite scene of all time with the quote my name came from. I absolutely love it! And team goodness! Another one of my favorites! Thank you soooo much!!

              Elf--You made me cry! I love you guys too, thank you so much! I really needed to hear that right now.
              Im glad you like it
              Originally posted by TeylaFan View Post
              Really?? Why thank you!

              I have made a sig for sci.. but I'm not sure if it's something...
              What do you guys think?
              very nice
              Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
              I still haven't seen Kindred part 2....It's taking for freakin ever to get it and it's driving me bonkers....

              I just wanna see it already!!!

              There are beautiful Donna!

              That was sooo soooo
              sweet and sad and heartbreaking and.......
              Thanks Linda
              Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana


                First things first: I told you so.
                I did say it had to do with Misbegotten. I did and everyone was like “No, it’s vengeance.” Well... I was right lol.

                Well, what can I say? This episode is exactly why I watch this series. All I could think the whole way through it was ‘poor Rodney!’. It’s such a shame because he’s trying to be optimistic, is allowing himself to be optimistic because he wants so badly for Carson to be okay. It saddens me greatly. I actually can’t think about that last scene without my eyes misting over. I can’t... I can’t believe how sad it was. I was unenthused about Carson’s return and I’m glad. It wasn’t until I was watching him back on screen that I realised how much I’d missed him. I felt so sorry for him – he was thinking they were looking for him and they weren’t. It was just by some fluke that they found him. It’s so bloody sad.

                It’s Rodney that I feel for. It’s bad enough losing his best friend once, but twice? God! The look on his face at the end... he can’t bring himself to look at Carson because he thinks he knows that he won’t be coming back out alive. Seeing him so optimistic and cheerful and telling Carson he IS the real Carson... It’s so sad. It shows just how much Rodney has changed. When he told Carson about how he’d be able to program dreams into the machine... and the look on his face when Carson said no. I can’t explain what that did to me.

                I loved Ronon’s “This is what I was afraid of.” He is just so... so... Ronon is a lot deeper than people give him credit for. In Sunday when he went back to help Rodney pack Carson’s stuff it shown through then but this... well. He even hugged him! Nothing could have stopped the sob that came through there. And the way he turned away after it, as though he can’t bear to see him walk into the stasis chamber.

                And John – well, John had two good scenes with Carson. First in the locker room – touching, beyond touching – and the end bit. The locker room made me smile. Carson obviously wanted to talk to John about thanking him for letting him come. “You won’t regret this”. God. I can’t... I can’t think about it. And that last scene... “Bring her home.”

                And just Carson. Writing his letter to his mother... Holy. “Those things I should have said a long time ago.” At least this time Rodney got to say goodbye properly.

                And what about the JT angst? Well, not much, I’m afraid. There was the whole “needle” thing, where John shouts at Rodney for thinking the worst. And then of course Carson’s “bring her home”. Not much else to say. Right now, my mind is swamped by the Carson effect. I’ll get back to the JT later.
                don't worry, soon we won't have to say goodbye.

                facebook | Celebrate Scotland |livejournal


                  Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
                  Hey Y'all!

                  I must say that I loved Kindred pt. 2. It rambles a bit as all of you well know when I comment on eps. I can not help myself!!!

                  It started off great! The whole Carson thing was kind of freaky. But, I love the scene in the locker room where they are getting ready for a mission and Shep has to help him with his backpack and make sure he has his radio. It is so bittersweet. I wanted to kill Mikey for doing that to Beckett. It's sad. I am so glad we get to see Halling! I love Halling! He has so much more presence than Kanaan. He is a leader. Kanaan is not. The whole Kanaan touching her belly scene, give me a break. She doesn't really love him. He is only the father of her child. The scene with her and John was much more realistic!! Mikey is just a little unstable. But, for the life of me, I gotta love him! He is such an excellent nemeisis! He Rocks! In the scene where the wraith ship is leaving, you can see how devastated John is. Seriously! They have to come up with a cure for Beckett. It was great to see them all together again! They should have never have jacked with him in the first place in Sunday!! Stupid writers! I love Beckett! When they getting ready to Carson in the stasis pod the scenes were so awesome!! John literally looked like he was going to burst into tears! Ronon! I so love Ronon! He took it the hardest! I love Carson's comment to Ronon : "You're a big man!" I am telling you I almost burst into tears right there!! Then Ronon just put his head on Carson's shoulder and he just held him! That was rough! What I so did not like was when they were panning out in the after Carson is in stasis, that the first people you see are Carter and Keller! What the hell! They didn't know him! It should have been John, Ronon, and Rodney..NOT those two! I thought that sucked!! Carson telling John to bring Teyla home was GOLD! My God! Carson knows that John loves Teyla too!! SWEEET!! I really hope that Kanaan dies! I want him to die! He has to die! I do care for him one bit! It made my stomach turn when he touch Teyla's stomach! There is nothing!! And, they better not take the route where they use Carson to find a cure and give to Kanaan. I will be seriously ticked off! OH! Almost forgot! I love that Ronon shot Nable!! And, that when Nable came to in the infirmary that it was John, Rodney, and Ronon there with Keller!! That was great! With the looks on them that if tried anything with Keller whatsoever he was so DEAD!! I LOVE THAT! IT WAS KICKIN"! So, now, I have to wait for TLM!! Yes, I caved and watched promo on mgm. I saw what they were talking about and I really don't care about that. It didn't give anything away to what I wanted to see. So, it did not make any difference to me. I digress, Teyla should have left Kanaan for dead instead going after him!! That sucks! TPTB are killing me! They are trying to kill my JT! I so want Mikey to kill Kanaan or whatever!! I don't want him to live! He is no leader, 'Gift' or not!

                  Well Said thoughts as well

                  Originally posted by armte View Post
                  I will touch it with a pole
                  What the heck is going on here, Keller has got more action in a couple of episodes then Teyla in 4 complete seasons. What is TPTB's plans for her?
                  Agreeing with ya armte...WTH is up with that?


                    Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
                    Hey Y'all!

                    I must say that I loved Kindred pt. 2. It rambles a bit as all of you well know when I comment on eps. I can not help myself!!!

                    It started off great! The whole Carson thing was kind of freaky. But, I love the scene in the locker room where they are getting ready for a mission and Shep has to help him with his backpack and make sure he has his radio. It is so bittersweet. I wanted to kill Mikey for doing that to Beckett. It's sad. I am so glad we get to see Halling! I love Halling! He has so much more presence than Kanaan. He is a leader. Kanaan is not. The whole Kanaan touching her belly scene, give me a break. She doesn't really love him. He is only the father of her child. The scene with her and John was much more realistic!! Mikey is just a little unstable. But, for the life of me, I gotta love him! He is such an excellent nemeisis! He Rocks! In the scene where the wraith ship is leaving, you can see how devastated John is. Seriously! They have to come up with a cure for Beckett. It was great to see them all together again! They should have never have jacked with him in the first place in Sunday!! Stupid writers! I love Beckett! When they getting ready to Carson in the stasis pod the scenes were so awesome!! John literally looked like he was going to burst into tears! Ronon! I so love Ronon! He took it the hardest! I love Carson's comment to Ronon : "You're a big man!" I am telling you I almost burst into tears right there!! Then Ronon just put his head on Carson's shoulder and he just held him! That was rough! What I so did not like was when they were panning out in the after Carson is in stasis, that the first people you see are Carter and Keller! What the hell! They didn't know him! It should have been John, Ronon, and Rodney..NOT those two! I thought that sucked!! Carson telling John to bring Teyla home was GOLD! My God! Carson knows that John loves Teyla too!! SWEEET!! I really hope that Kanaan dies! I want him to die! He has to die! I do care for him one bit! It made my stomach turn when he touch Teyla's stomach! There is nothing!! And, they better not take the route where they use Carson to find a cure and give to Kanaan. I will be seriously ticked off! OH! Almost forgot! I love that Ronon shot Nable!! And, that when Nable came to in the infirmary that it was John, Rodney, and Ronon there with Keller!! That was great! With the looks on them that if tried anything with Keller whatsoever he was so DEAD!! I LOVE THAT! IT WAS KICKIN"! So, now, I have to wait for TLM!! Yes, I caved and watched promo on mgm. I saw what they were talking about and I really don't care about that. It didn't give anything away to what I wanted to see. So, it did not make any difference to me. I digress, Teyla should have left Kanaan for dead instead going after him!! That sucks! TPTB are killing me! They are trying to kill my JT! I so want Mikey to kill Kanaan or whatever!! I don't want him to live! He is no leader, 'Gift' or not!

                    Awesome summary and POV Elf.

                    Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
                    I can't believe there's a page two even! I am just overwhelmed, thank you!!!

                    Hope--I don't even know where to start! An adorable puppy, my favorite J/T scenes, and then you didn't stop there! I can't believe you took the time to find clips from all my favorite ships!!! You are so incredibly awesome! That one totally made me cry all over again! And the calendar with the roses is just beautiful. I don't know how to thank you for all these gifts.

                    Cyn--I can't believe you made art for me!!! And a book cover, what a wonderful idea!!! That means so much. Thank you for always being there.

                    Maff--Such a beautiful wallie! And there's something so cool about seeing my name on one too! I've never had that before! Thank you SO much!!!

                    Mayra, my dear friend, thank you. If not for you, I would be so out of touch. I can't thank you enough for everything. Such a gorgeous banner (with my favorite scene!!! ) and I just love the icons. You used Belle too!!! Thank you!!!!

                    Padme--This is SUCH a beautiful banner! WOW! The colors are amazing and J/T are from one of my favorite scenes with them--the sparring scenes with the gorgeous soft light and sunset colors. It's just so peaceful and sexy all at the same time. Thank you so very much!

                    Sci--Your PM is such an incredible gift and means so much. You are an amazing woman! Thank you!!! I love how you put all my babies together into a banner! AH! That is beautiful. And a gorgeous team banner too. Next to J/T, team togetherness is my next favorite thing! Thank you so much for everything.

                    I hope I didn't miss anyone. I wanted to try to say thank you to everyone individually for all of the beautiful gifts. I am blessed beyond words to be a part of such a supportive family. THANK YOU!!!!

                    And now, I'm off to watch Kindred Part 2, LOL! I'll try to post again later. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!
                    You are absolutely welcome hun.
                    I hope all goes well with your surgery too. We will keep you in our prayers

                    Originally posted by Doxymom View Post
                    Re: The future

                    About Kanaan. I can see him telling John and then dying, but I can also imagine him both following Michael and rebelling a little and taking the newborn away to hide him. He'd still be gone and so would the baby, and Teyla would still have an interest in finding them both. Plus, we wouldn't know if Kanaan was saving the baby for Teyla or for Michael. Wouldn't that be cool?

                    Re: The preview:

                    Ronon hits on Keller and she kisses Rodney instead? What's up with that?
                    That could happen and as for Keller. I'm so confused with her.

                    Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
                    *blushes* Thank you, my dear! I'm glad that you liked it--it was a lot of fun writing the "future" of JT. (Hopefully they'll move a little quicker on the show. )
                    Nope, Didn't like it. I LOVED IT.

                    Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
                    Oh, I'm watching Kindred right now, but just got a PM from Sci with a few more! WOW!!! I am in amazement that there is still more!!!! You guys!!!!! This is too much. I am so overwhelmed right now!!!

                    --EEK! Those are ADORABLE!!! I love the team banner!!!! Soooo pretty!!!!! And the hug!!!! And sparring!!! Oh, you've totally touched on all my favorite things! They are just beautiful. Thank you SO much!!!

                    YC--That is COOL!!!! I love, love, love the kiss and the words you wrote with it are just awesome. And so very true! Such a lovely wallie. I think I'll put this one on my desktop for inspiration. LOL! Thank you so very much!

                    And Sci, I wondered if that was you that had made that breathtaking header! It WAS you!!!! Thank you so much!!!! The colors are just absolutely gorgeous and the layering and the wording....WOW. It is incredible, as are you! As are all of you. Seriously, I am at a loss for words. Thank you!!!
                    Yes, I did hun and I'm glad you've enjoyed everything and there is more to come.

                    Here's 2 more.


                      Originally posted by gater101 View Post
                      First things first: I told you so.
                      I did say it had to do with Misbegotten. I did and everyone was like “No, it’s vengeance.” Well... I was right lol.

                      Well, what can I say? This episode is exactly why I watch this series. All I could think the whole way through it was ‘poor Rodney!’. It’s such a shame because he’s trying to be optimistic, is allowing himself to be optimistic because he wants so badly for Carson to be okay. It saddens me greatly. I actually can’t think about that last scene without my eyes misting over. I can’t... I can’t believe how sad it was. I was unenthused about Carson’s return and I’m glad. It wasn’t until I was watching him back on screen that I realised how much I’d missed him. I felt so sorry for him – he was thinking they were looking for him and they weren’t. It was just by some fluke that they found him. It’s so bloody sad.

                      It’s Rodney that I feel for. It’s bad enough losing his best friend once, but twice? God! The look on his face at the end... he can’t bring himself to look at Carson because he thinks he knows that he won’t be coming back out alive. Seeing him so optimistic and cheerful and telling Carson he IS the real Carson... It’s so sad. It shows just how much Rodney has changed. When he told Carson about how he’d be able to program dreams into the machine... and the look on his face when Carson said no. I can’t explain what that did to me.

                      I loved Ronon’s “This is what I was afraid of.” He is just so... so... Ronon is a lot deeper than people give him credit for. In Sunday when he went back to help Rodney pack Carson’s stuff it shown through then but this... well. He even hugged him! Nothing could have stopped the sob that came through there. And the way he turned away after it, as though he can’t bear to see him walk into the stasis chamber.

                      And John – well, John had two good scenes with Carson. First in the locker room – touching, beyond touching – and the end bit. The locker room made me smile. Carson obviously wanted to talk to John about thanking him for letting him come. “You won’t regret this”. God. I can’t... I can’t think about it. And that last scene... “Bring her home.”

                      And just Carson. Writing his letter to his mother... Holy. “Those things I should have said a long time ago.” At least this time Rodney got to say goodbye properly.

                      And what about the JT angst? Well, not much, I’m afraid. There was the whole “needle” thing, where John shouts at Rodney for thinking the worst. And then of course Carson’s “bring her home”. Not much else to say. Right now, my mind is swamped by the Carson effect. I’ll get back to the JT later.
                      Lots of touching Moments in this one, that's for sure
                      I really loved Carson... and bawled my eyes out in Sunday now this...why do they insist on hurting our good(the best IMO) doctor. Right Now I want Keller to just give him back his job as Head Doctor at Atlantis. They've made me dislike Keller for being there. For One taking Carson's place
                      and now for Kissing my darling Rodney....


                        Hey sci- Will you be online tommorrow??
                        *Beautiful sig by Scifan!*

                        “Because you can.”



                          Originally posted by maffieg View Post
                          Lots of touching Moments in this one, that's for sure
                          I really loved Carson... and bawled my eyes out in Sunday now this...why do they insist on hurting our good(the best IMO) doctor. Right Now I want Keller to just give him back his job as Head Doctor at Atlantis. They've made me dislike Keller for being there. For One taking Carson's place
                          and now for Kissing my darling Rodney....
                          There is one scene that highleghted a huge different between our two CMO's.
                          When they bring that Naden/Nabel whatever back through the 'Gate, she is kind of refusing to help save his life ("he tried to kill us!") and Carson's like "Even so..." It shows that he is all about saving someone, anyone, not just someone who means something to him.

                          I watched Michael for the first time the other night and this scene brings back memories of that - how Carson stayed offworld with Michael to help him, even though he knew he was Wraith. And again in Misbegotten. He feels a responsibility that Keller doesn't.

                          Just a note.

                          I didn't cry the first time I watched Sunday but every time after that... I have. And now this... It's ROdney I feel for. SO much. Imagine losing your best friend... twice.

                          I loved John's "Count on it" and the determination in his face. *SWOON*. I wonder what was going through his mind when he saw the hive take off.

                          Michael, btw, is getting creepier and creepier!

                          Damn Teyla's insane sense of loyalty to Kanan! He's changed hun, you should just have run! GRRRRR!
                          don't worry, soon we won't have to say goodbye.

                          facebook | Celebrate Scotland |livejournal


                            Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
                            I can't believe there's a page two even! I am just overwhelmed, thank you!!!

                            Hope--I don't even know where to start! An adorable puppy, my favorite J/T scenes, and then you didn't stop there! I can't believe you took the time to find clips from all my favorite ships!!! You are so incredibly awesome! That one totally made me cry all over again! And the calendar with the roses is just beautiful. I don't know how to thank you for all these gifts.

                            Cyn--I can't believe you made art for me!!! And a book cover, what a wonderful idea!!! That means so much. Thank you for always being there.

                            Maff--Such a beautiful wallie! And there's something so cool about seeing my name on one too! I've never had that before! Thank you SO much!!!

                            Mayra, my dear friend, thank you. If not for you, I would be so out of touch. I can't thank you enough for everything. Such a gorgeous banner (with my favorite scene!!! ) and I just love the icons. You used Belle too!!! Thank you!!!!

                            Padme--This is SUCH a beautiful banner! WOW! The colors are amazing and J/T are from one of my favorite scenes with them--the sparring scenes with the gorgeous soft light and sunset colors. It's just so peaceful and sexy all at the same time. Thank you so very much!

                            Sci--Your PM is such an incredible gift and means so much. You are an amazing woman! Thank you!!! I love how you put all my babies together into a banner! AH! That is beautiful. And a gorgeous team banner too. Next to J/T, team togetherness is my next favorite thing! Thank you so much for everything.

                            I hope I didn't miss anyone. I wanted to try to say thank you to everyone individually for all of the beautiful gifts. I am blessed beyond words to be a part of such a supportive family. THANK YOU!!!!

                            And now, I'm off to watch Kindred Part 2, LOL! I'll try to post again later. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!
                            Your very Welcome LC...continue to miss ya and hope you can come back to us soon


                              Originally posted by TeylaFan View Post
                              Hey sci- Will you be online tommorrow??
                              Probably in the Morning and maybe late in the afternoon.
                              We are having a Bday party for my youngest. It's his Bday today.


                                I guess I'm in the monority since I would have been extremely disappointed if Teyla had left Kanan there and did not try to help him. I'm a newbie but the couple of times I saw SGA and watched Teyla she has always been a woman doing whatever necessary to help other people. I do not think Teyla loves Kanan but do think their history and his being the Father of her Child puts her much morein the protective mode and to me that is very much in Teyla's personality. I still think Kanan's a goner but still liked the T/K scenes anyway . I a J/T shipper all the way but know TPTB will continue doing the angst and having J/T in the sexual tension and unresolved feelings so I'll enjoy the 'special moments " LOL


                                sigs by Cazz,scifan,elephantgirl, john-and-teyla , Donna , Linda, maffieg, and wraithlord . I'm in AWE of your talent and J/T is the best

