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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by armte View Post
    I agree with you and have further thoughts:
    I am really starting to think this is Michael's baby. The way he reacted when he first saw Teyla. I think it goes beyond just revenge for him. He spoke of how Teyla was the only one who tried to understand him and that they had a strong connection. I think Micheal in some way loves Teyla and he sees in her his future. I think it is no accident that out of all the people in the Pegasus Galaxy he took the athosians, teyla's people to be the new hybrid. If he is the father he could have impregnated her during Vengeance at the end of season 3. If their connection is so strong that he was able to go inside her mind with these visions of Kanan, isn't it also possible that he planted the memories of Teyla and Kanan's relationship in her mind. The running joke of season 4 is that no one knew she was even dating and no one ever saw them together. Ronon only guest that Kanan was the one Teyla was dating due to Teyla telling him stories. I feel Michael's reaction to Teyla and her baby was just too strong. His concern in making sure she ate to keep up her strength for her and her child and Michael speaking of their future once the child was born and that their connection will be even stronger.

    This would be too awesome for words for JT shippers. We get rid of the whole Kanan mess and lots of future JT angst.

    I am rewatching the ep and it turns out that Kanan also had the gift that Teyla has...I missed that the first time b/c my friends called me on my cell to is probably be why the kid is sooo strong even as a tadpole. But it was Michael communicating with Teyla not Kanan...but it would explain why she was soo open to visions in the first place and why she thought it was really him. As for who the daddy is; could be Michael but I think it is Kanan. I now wonder even more what they intend to do with this kid when it is born

    Also those pics posted on the main site for part II.....
    Aren't all from part II...some of them are from part I that aired the ones with Lorne, Teyla and the guy who led them into the trap.
    ....just thought I would throw that out there
    Last edited by cabouse18; 22 February 2008, 08:41 PM.
    Sigs made by EG & Teylafan
    &=AWESOME &Forever
    No SGA fics yet....but ya never know


      Ok my very first thought upon watching The Kindred

      Ewww..Ewww...Ewww Kanaan...I was just cheering his death until Teyla woke up....But still he is as good as dead because he is now a zombie...

      I loved this eppy cuz Teyla got to go off world, threatened a man with her knife, Hit another with a really big stick, and slapped the food out of Mikey's Hand..

      Oh yeah Hoooray for Mikey, he is going to be a daddy(speculation people!!!) but he was sure eyeing Teyla's belly. I'm so glad how they twisted up the story and made the Athosians Mikey's slave worshippers. I wonder how Teyla will save them all??

      BEST of all Darling Carson is back and I don't care if he is a clone or replicator or whatever...I just love him..

      Oh yeah John was very worried coming to the end...and Ronon knew he was when he told him not to worry they'll find her.....awwwwwww loved that...Great intensity when they realized that they lost the hive that Teyla was on... now on to the next part...woohoo...

      If I missed any thing it's because I'm so excited about this eppy..

      LC great to see you and hope to see you soon again

      That's it from me goodnight all


        Originally posted by cabouse18 View Post

        I am rewatching the ep and it turns out that Kanan also had the gift that Teyla has...I missed that the first time b/c my friends called me on my cell to is probably be why the kid is sooo strong even as a tadpole. But it was Michael communicating with Teyla not Kanan...but it would explain why she was soo open to visions in the first place and why she thought it was really him. As for who the daddy is; could be Michael but I think it is Kanan. I now wonder even more what they intend to do with this kid when it is born

        Also those pics posted on the main site for part II.....
        Aren't all from part II...some of them are from part I that aired the ones with Lorne, Teyla and the guy who led them into the trap.
        ....just thought I would throw that out there
        I confess..... I watched it tonight..... my thoughts.....
        It actually breaks my heart that Canoe was used by Mike, (Along with the rest of Teyla's people) just for his own gain, heck why did he have tio go and take Teyla's people anyhow? Did he have a hidden agenda that he needed them all, for something, or did he only want Teyla so he used Canoe to get to her because of the childe Teyla carries?
        Somehow this is really going along the lines of a game me and a few friends over in the Cantina are playing each night, we still gotta get Stars daughter Hope back from the Replicators/Borg alliance!

        It actually saddens me that Canoe was used by Mike, after reading (and watching) Missing I could see both ways that Teyla held Canoe in very high regard, poor guy got used beyond belife.


        The scifi twist thought!!!
        WHAT IF: during the events in Vengance Teyla was uh... made with child with out cold? you remember she woke up and such and found Mike over her. Just a thouhgt, nothing really solid to stand on other then really watery sand for me.
        I'm going to bed and dream some nice Teyla whumping scenes!! *crowns self with the Fireplace Shovel*

        This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
        "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
        "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


          Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
          Oh very nice Donna!

          Yes it has

          Yes i did,thanks to silly...She keeps me well stocked up...|Oh don't wotrry i'll have more before next week!

          Now i'm really off to bed now so don't talk for a few minutes till i leave so
          Originally posted by NinaM View Post

          Really great

          Looking great

          Hi and bye *lol* and I love the sig

          I really like it
          Originally posted by cabouse18 View Post
          Great Job Donna
          THANKS GUYS i am so excited to see this Episode thanks to all you guys for the Summarys woo hoo the only sad thing is i have to wait
          Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana


            hmmm,well just watched The Kindred and i just gotta say
            OH MY FREAKIN GOD.......I loved this ep,i am so glad that it didn't disappoint..We not for me anyway..when Teyla had a vision of Kannan i just knew straight away that it was a trap...I was almost freakin jumping up and down with joy when he was getting burned alive...Huge Teyla ep,it's so good to see her back to her intimidating best....Carter was also great in this ep,she seems to listen to them all more than Weir did....And i loved the Carter/Teyla interaction,wish they done this a little more in the season and Did you see Sheps face when Caldwell told him the Wraith ship escaped...He was devastated...

            OH i'm even more convinced that Michael had something to do with this Baby,"he has big plans for him" Well how did he know that Teyla was pregnant,he kidnapped her people in Missing and even Teyla didn't know that she was pregnant so huge coincidence.....NOT....And WOOHOO for Carson being back but is this the real Carson,if so then who got blown up.....And now after seeing Kannan i'm not so worried about him anymore,so does that mean i'm kinda right,it's kinda like he brainwashed Kannan and her people to help him...You know he's gonna meet his demise but probably won't be till the beginning of next season!!!!

            Well i'm off to cap this ep so see y'all later!


              Originally posted by wraithlord View Post
              The MGM Stargate site has posted some stills from the 2nd part of The Kindred

              here is a link to a trailer they have posted too
              WL posted these in the Rachel thread!


                Thanks Linda!

                I haven't read any of the spoilers yet! Good huh?
                But I can't resist the pics!!

                Look at the third one
                Doesn't it look like she can just pull her hands out of those restraints...
                *Beautiful sig by Scifan!*

                “Because you can.”



                  Originally posted by TeylaFan View Post
                  Thanks Linda!

                  I haven't read any of the spoilers yet! Good huh?
                  But I can't resist the pics!!

                  Look at the third one
                  Doesn't it look like she can just pull her hands out of those restraints...
                  Yeah it does
                  but it looks like theres a black thing inside probably to stop the restraints from digging in to your wrist!

                  Ok off to cap the ep now!



                    Excellent ep and it didn't disappoint at all. Rachel was awesome in it and it's so good seeing her get a decent part... Kanan was ewwww.... !!but it looks like he was just a tool in Michaels evil plan... didn't Michael look really cute though and he really cares for Teyla.. Aww! in fact I think he is in love with her in his own little insane kinda way.... bless... I think Teyla was happy to see Twitter because it would answer questions as to where her people were... I think he was just the focus of all her worry for her people.
                    I love how fast paced the ep was and that so much happened. Everyone was great.... John's frustration and his eagerness to go out and look for Teyla was so evident.. and his reaction when he realised that Teyla was on the Wraith ship... he freaked.. just like in Sunday... has John EVER freaked out like this over anyone else...
                    Well now that Teyla knows that Twitter is a wraith worshipper Zombie I don't think she will be that eager to see him again... Still not sure whether Mickey is the actual father and how he went about getting his DNA to Teyla.. Vengeance possibly.. and Kaaaaanaaaan was just some smoke screen.. ah poor Teyla... she is really going to need a big hug from John very soon to make her feel better.....


                      DAILY VOTING

                      Vote for J/T on Childhood's End in the Favorite Ship Episode Picture Game

                      Pics to follow for use in game:

                      Vote for John And Teyla Favorite Moment Picture Game
                      (If one of your favorite J/T moment isn't on the list, simply add it to the list, don't forget to add a pic)

                      Vote for Favorite Sheppard Episode
                      (If one of your favorite John episode isn't on the list, simply add it to the list)

                      Vote for Favorite Teyla Episode
                      (If one of your favorite Teyla episode isn't on the list, simply add it to the list)

                      Vote for Favorite Teyla & John Moment
                      (If one of your favorite J/T moment isn't on the list, simply add it to the list)

                      (Voting once a day)

                      DO YOU WANT LARRIN IN SEASON 5
                      Do you want to see Larrin back in season 5 opposite John???
                      The poll is kinda confusing but.. it's set up like this..for example
                      Female,Sheppard shipper with someone else - no
                      Simply means, that you are a female, you ship Sheppard with someone, and then no to Larrin in season 5...

                      VOTING UPDATE

                      Well Quarantine has now made it into the list,,, and can you all believe it ,,Quarantine is our 23rd JT episode on the list...

                      LET THE VOTING BEGIN!!!

                      PREVIEW OF SEASON 4

                      Check out a preview for the back half of season 4......
                      *Be aware of major spoilers*

                      *NEW*THE KINDRED PART 2 PREVIEW

                      Check out the preview for the next episode of Atlantis airing February 29 named The Kindred part 2.

                      JEWEL STAITE INTERVIEW

                      Watch part 3 of Jewel answering fans spoilers for upcoming episodes


                      Check out Rachel's official site.. [B][COLOR="Red"]she has updated with a note to her fans.
                      Keep showing her your support and write her a comment to show our love for her.

                      JEWEL STAITE OFFICIAL SITE

                      Check out Jewel's official website for latest news and projects and send Jewel a note if you like to show her your support as well.


                      Support Teyla in the poll of who is your favorite beauty in Stargate universe.

                      WOMEN OF ATLANTIS FICATHON

                      Head over and sugguest some prompts for other people to write or you can also sign up and write one of the prompts, for details check this post from Seldear


                      A huge congrats for the cast and crew for winning the Best SciFi Show award on People's Choice Award

                      GW post about the win

                      Video of the cast accepting the award (Thanks to Prion for vid)

                      Longer video of the cast accepting the award, thanking alot of people
                      Scroll until you get to Atlantis (PCA site)

                      Video with the cast answering a fan question (at the PCA site)
                      Further down on the page is a video section, scroll until you find the cast of Atlantis.

                      *NEW*Video with more questions from the fans

                      Pics from PCA posted by Kangamoo on her blog

                      INFO ON THE JOHN & TEYLA AWARDS 2008

                      The John & Teyla Awards are prepping for 2008 and they need your help.
                      Read more in this post by Devine27

                      *NEW*THE JOHN & TEYLA AWARDS 2008 - BANNER CONTEST

                      Alright people it's voting time on the banner contest.. so head on over and vote for you favorite.. the one that wins will grace the award site until the next awards..
                      For more information check out this post by Devine27

                      2007 STARGATE FAN AWARDS
                      Voting is now open at the 2007 Stargate Fan Awards...
                      You can vote on your favorite until March 3, 2008

                      So go on over and check out the work and vote for your favorites...

                      A LITTLE SGA SEGMENT ON EXTRA

                      A short little segment from EXTRA about SGA, they go behind the scenes on Harmony.
                      As usual Joe likes to goof up, telling the guy pretty much he has to fall more manly *lol* then again I don't think anyone really does the falling after being stunned as Joe does...
                      Sigs by Scifan


                        I just watched Kindred:
                        I thought it was a great episode - loads of good character moments and plot twists. The Michael/Teyla scenes were wonderful, and MrsB must have been squeeing her heart out over them

                        I wish we'd seen John and Ronon and Rodney's reactions to the news Teyla was gone, but then we got John's conversation with Caldwell near the end, which was great.

                        All in all, what I thought about this episode was that it was setting up Part Two to be absolutely immense. Can't wait!

                        Ok, I'm off to London now and won't be around again until tomorrow night. Have a nice weekend everyone, and much Sheyla love to all!

                        Thanks to YappiChick for the lovely sig


                          Don't forget to vote in the H&H ship game ..


                            Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                            Don't forget to vote in the H&H ship game ..
                            Just voted, but how did we lose so many points!?!? Is every other ship ganging up on us?


                              Originally posted by bluealien
                              Yeah they all gang up on us and recruit their friends to vote for them.. its getting rediculous but I'll hang in there until the end....
                              I see... Might as well go out fighting then!


                                Originally posted by Lady_of_Stargate View Post
                                I see... Might as well go out fighting then!


                                think I've got enough fire power..

