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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post

    Jamie writes: “are there perhaps any other Rodney/Teyla friendship moments in upcoming episodes?”

    Answer: BAMSR.

    Anonymous #2 writes: “earlier this year you said that it was a clue to carson’s return in one of the final 3 episodes of season 3, could you tell us now which episode it is in?”

    Answer: No, but I can say that it’s near the very end of said episode.

    Anonymous #6 writes: “I was reading the news about Jason’s idea about Ronon going dark side in season 5 on GW. […] If you are throwing out ideas I hope it doesn’t come down to Ronon being captured and Sheppard unable to fee him because of the IOA.”

    Answer: Well, as it turns out, Ronon’s desire to go darkside meshes nicely with a late season four story I had wanted to do - that, conveniently enough, has been pushed to early season 5. While the notion of Ronon feeling abandoned is interesting, I think it would be an irredeemable leap for his character to vow vengeance on Sheppard for not rescuing him in a timely manner. A more interesting scenario would have Ronon….ah, just watch the episode when it airs.

    Rory21 writes: “From my point of view if Weir is alive or not is still a mystery, ¿I am right????”

    Answer: From your point of view? Looks like it.

    Anonymous #7 writes: “So, entire copy team is ?”

    Answer: Looks like it.
    Thanks for the update MrsB!
    Looks like Ronon goes kinda darkside after all.

    my ships


      Originally posted by scifan View Post
      Sorry if there's alot of typos. I was getting tired and punchy towards the end. I'm sure Elf will love it. Major Shep whump.

      Fate Chapter 9:

      John’s head is still pounding after the creature knocked him out. He starts to feel bad that he wasn’t able to protect Teyla from Michael and his hideous army. He notices Ronon and Rodney take turns looking at him to make sure he’s ok. He brushes them off and continues on. He knows he has to get to Teyla before Michael does something to her and her baby.
      Within an hour or so, Lorne and his team find Teyla’s people. The only one missing is Kanan. One of the Athosians said that he was just taken only moments ago. John ordered Lorne to have the Daedalus beam the Athosians up and for them to continue looking for Kanan. He hated even having that name cross his lips, but this was for Teyla. He knew she would never forgive him if he didn’t try.
      John starts to feel dizzy and while his team isn’t looking he hugs the wall to make sure he doesn’t lose his balance.
      “I saw that,” Ronon scalds.
      John tries to pretend nothing is wrong, “Saw what? He slowly turns his head to look around.
      “I saw you using the wall to keep yourself up,” Ronon continues.
      “John? Is he right? Cause if he is then you need to get out of here. We can have another team beamed in here,” says Rodney.
      “I’m fine. And anyways I need to do this,” snips John.
      “No, you don’t. You most like got a concussion,” replies Rodney
      “And we don’t need to look after you and try find Teyla at the same time,” argues Ronon.
      “You don’t understand,” John pauses. “I’m the reason she was taken. I should’ve kept a better eye out and maybe that thing wouldn’t have gotten the best of me,” John says with concern in his voice. “And don’t tell me it’s not my fault either.”
      Ronon and Rodney look at each other and then to John. They both agree that they will continue, but if things get worse he has to back out. John hesitantly agrees.
      Lorne and his men walk into a lab and see a man strapped to and examination table. He is slowly regaining consciousness. Lorne asks who he is and he tells him that he is Kanan.
      “Have you seen Teyla?” asks Lorne.
      “You mean she’s here? No, I haven’t seen her,” answers Kanan with worry.
      “Don’t worry. We will make sure that we get her out before Michael does anything with her and the baby,” reassures Lorne.
      “What do you mean her and a baby?” Kanan questions.
      Lorne forgot that he didn’t know about Teyla’s pregnancy. He explains about her vision and what eventually lead them there to rescue them. Lorne is a little surprised that Kanan didn’t seem joyous of the news, but rather nervous and maybe even a little frightened.
      Kanan notices the concern on Lorne’s face and tells him he is just worried. Lorne shows he understands and has the Daedalus beam him up. Lorne contacts John to give him the update and John forces himself to sound relieved.
      Ronon, Rodney and John are about to round a corner, but Rodney stops them. He shows them that there are several life sign ahead and they all agree that Teyla is probably held in one of the rooms near by.
      Ronon suggests that Rodney and him go after the creatures and John tries to find Teyla. Rodney is about to whine, but Lorne shows up with his team.
      John falls back to the rear as Ronon and Lorne lead the way and start firing. It doesn’t take long for them to clear a way for John to sneak through to try to find Teyla. After looking in a few rooms he finally find her.
      Michael is about to inject Teyla with a sedative, but John points his P-90 on him and Michael freezes. A smug grin comes across Michael’s face and John gives him a curious look.
      “John, look out!” shouts Teyla.
      But it’s too late. One of the creatures came up behind and grabs him. The creature holds him tight and digs his claws deep inside into John’s leg. John yells, but the only ones that can hear him were in the room. With one nod from Michael the beast throws John across the room and John lays limp on the floor.
      Teyla wails as she calls his name, but her voice fades after Michael injects her.
      Sergeant Crew tries to radio John, but they don’t get an answer. Lorne answers instead and Crew reports that they couldn’t hold the gate and a dart just went through. Lorne acknowledges.
      By this time, the creatures that Ronon, Lorne, Rodney and the rest of the men were fighting were either dead or they retreated. The men quickly look for John and Teyla, but instead they find John unconscious on the floor and Ronon comes across Teyla’s coat.
      Rodney quickly tends to John. He finds a pulse, but it’s faint. He talks to himself to try to keep calm.
      “What about Teyla?” Ronon asks.
      “I… I don’t know. We just can’t leave him here,” Rodney says with a worried tone. I’m not a doctor, but he looks real bad.”
      “He is,” a voice rings in Rodney’s ears.
      Rodney whips his head around looking for the familiar voice. The others notice, but say nothing.
      “Rodney, listen to me,” Carson says and appears in front of Rodney.
      Rodney jumps back.
      “What are you doing McKay?” booms Ronon.
      Rodney points and tells them that he sees Carson. The all make a face of disbelief and Rodney starts to argue with them.
      “Rodney! Listen to me. Colonel Sheppard is in critical condition. I’m not allowed to do anything. I’m not ev’n suppose to be here, but you need to get him through the gate to Atlantis now,” Carson stresses. “He’s got internal bleeding, hemorrhaging in the brain and one of those things poisoned him.”
      Rodney looks at Carson and almost in tears, “You said you’re not allowed to help. That must mean that you ascended,” says Rodney.
      “Aye, I did, but we don’t have time to do this now my friend,” Carson smiles. “Hurry Rodney and get him out of here. I’ll stay with Teyla. I will find a way to tell you where she is”
      Carson disappears and Rodney finally realizes that everyone else is still there, watching with concern. He explains everything, but they don’t believe him until they get John back to Atlantis and Keller confirms Carson’s assessment.

      Just got a chance to read the latest instalment of your fic!!!. Wow, a lot of good John Whump!!!..i know Elfie must have jumped for joy! LOL!

      UGH!! they found Kanan!!!. I am curious to read when John and Kanan meet face to face!!!

      Sig by Camy


        eeeek! i've missed so much! where are those dang videos that everyone is talking about with
        Michael looking all human
        and all the other stuff??? i just gotta know, or i won't be able to sleep peacefully tonight!


          Originally posted by Mayra View Post
          Just got a chance to read the latest instalment of your fic!!!. Wow, a lot of good John Whump!!!..i know Elfie must have jumped for joy! LOL!

          UGH!! they found Kanan!!!. I am curious to read when John and Kanan meet face to face!!!
          Thanks hun. If I have a chance I'll do Chapter 10 tonight.

          Originally posted by john_and_teyla_for_life View Post
          eeeek! i've missed so much! where are those dang videos that everyone is talking about with
          Michael looking all human
          and all the other stuff??? i just gotta know, or i won't be able to sleep peacefully tonight!

          Here you go JT4L


            I just did this Ficcover for First Christmas.


              My thought on carsons return
              Do u think that carson coming back is the nanite copy of carson im mean they did probe carson mind to so you wouldn't be able to tell the difference.


                Originally posted by Jodi518 View Post
                My thought on carsons return
                Do u think that carson coming back is the nanite copy of carson im mean they did probe carson mind to so you wouldn't be able to tell the difference.
                Hey Jodi. I'm pretty sure
                Joe Mallozzi said the Carson that would be back would be the real life flesh and blood Carson that we always knew.
                Sci - Awesome Xmas pic!
                Last edited by MrsB108; 17 December 2007, 04:59 PM.


                  Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                  Hey Jodi. I'm pretty sure
                  Joe Mallozzi said the Carson that would be back would be the real life flesh and blood Carson that we always knew.
                  Sci - Awesome Xmas pic!
                  Thanks MrsB.


                    Originally posted by girlinabox View Post
                    Thanks for the update MrsB!
                    Looks like Ronon goes kinda darkside after all.
                    GNB, your joker sig is . . . freaky.

                    Originally posted by scifan View Post
                    I just did this Ficcover for First Christmas.

                    Saw it in the Galleria, awesome job Auntie!
                    || twitter || tumblr ||


                      Originally posted by WingedPegasus View Post
                      GNB, your joker sig is . . . freaky.

                      Saw it in the Galleria, awesome job Auntie!
                      Thanks again.
                      I'm trying to get inspired to do next chpt of Fate, but we'll see.


                        Ok. I did it.

                        Fate Chapter 10:
                        Teyla slowly starts to wake up. She finds herself in a bed and a nicely adorn room. Fine clothes are laid out for her on a chair next to her bed. They are similar to the gowns that a Wraith queen would wear.
                        Teyla gets out of bed and walks over to the clothes. She looks at them with disgusts and becomes very angry. She uses all her strength to rip the garments and in no time she accomplishes her task.
                        A monitor in her room turns on and she can see Michael. He tries to put on a pleasant face but he can see that she torn up the outfits he gave her.
                        “I see that you do not like the items of clothing that I have provided for you. I was only trying to make you comfortable,” Michael says with a slight tone of exhaustion.
                        Teyla tries to contain her rage, “Michael, you have taken my people, probably done unspeakable things to some of them and now you are holding me prisoner here! Do you think I can be comfortable?” Teyla begins to pace. “What do you want from me Michael?”
                        “Michael sighs, “I want you to be my queen Teyla and I will make it happen. One way or another.”
                        The monitor goes black and Teyla is left by herself feeling stunned. At that moment, she felt no hope of ever going home.
                        After assessing John’s condition, Keller rushes John to the operating room to relieve any hemorrhaging in his brain and also any internal bleeding he has. The procedure lasts several hours, but Keller finally comes out to talk to Ronon, Rodney and Sam.
                        “How is he?” Sam asks.
                        Keller lowers her eyes briefly before addressing them, “To be honest, I can’t say. We almost lost him a couple of times already. We were able to stop any bleeding he had, but that’s not the worse of it. Not only do we have to deal with his head injuries, but we also have do try to find a way to deal with the poison that the creature injected into him.”
                        “What is the poison doing to him,” Rodney asks sadly.
                        “It looks like it’s slowly changing his DNA. I don’t know. This is all so new for me. Right now we are trying to use medication to slow its progress,” answers Keller.
                        “Can we bring sample of the poison from the dead creatures to analyze what they injected him with and then make an antidote?” questions Sam.
                        Keller shakes her head, “I will take to long.”
                        “I don’t understand. Is he going to be like that thing he was becoming last time he was infected with the retrovirus?” asks Ronon.
                        Keller starts to shake her head and an idea comes to mind.
                        “I don’t know why I didn’t think of this before,” Keller begins. “This is most likely a different form of the retrovirus. I can try to see if the antidote that was use last time can do the trick.”
                        Sam nods her head to approve and Keller quickly leaves and asks some nurses to assist her.
                        Sam leaves to organize some time with the Athosians, hoping to find any clues to help rescue Teyla. Major Lorne helps her with the questioning and support. Unfortunately, they didn’t receive any new information.
                        Keller calls Sam on the comm. to inform her that the antidote seems to be working, but know they have a bigger problem. John has slipped into a coma.
                        Ronon and Rodney take turns to be with John and try to give words of comfort. They each hold back their grief in seeing him so lifeless. At one point Rodney falls asleep in the chair next to John’s bed. Between pure fatigue and the lull of the respiratory, he finally lost the battle of staying awake.
                        Ronon is standing on the outside balcony. He roars in frustration. Not only is Teyla missing, but also his best friend, one who he would be proud to call a brother, is hanging on a thin thread. In the course of one day, he is afraid that he might lose two of his teammates, two members of his family.


                          Originally posted by scifan View Post
                          Ok. I did it.

                          Fate Chapter 10:
                          Teyla slowly starts to wake up. She finds herself in a bed and a nicely adorn room. Fine clothes are laid out for her on a chair next to her bed. They are similar to the gowns that a Wraith queen would wear.
                          Teyla gets out of bed and walks over to the clothes. She looks at them with disgusts and becomes very angry. She uses all her strength to rip the garments and in no time she accomplishes her task.
                          A monitor in her room turns on and she can see Michael. He tries to put on a pleasant face but he can see that she torn up the outfits he gave her.
                          “I see that you do not like the items of clothing that I have provided for you. I was only trying to make you comfortable,” Michael says with a slight tone of exhaustion.
                          Teyla tries to contain her rage, “Michael, you have taken my people, probably done unspeakable things to some of them and now you are holding me prisoner here! Do you think I can be comfortable?” Teyla begins to pace. “What do you want from me Michael?”
                          “Michael sighs, “I want you to be my queen Teyla and I will make it happen. One way or another.”
                          The monitor goes black and Teyla is left by herself feeling stunned. At that moment, she felt no hope of ever going home.
                          After assessing John’s condition, Keller rushes John to the operating room to relieve any hemorrhaging in his brain and also any internal bleeding he has. The procedure lasts several hours, but Keller finally comes out to talk to Ronon, Rodney and Sam.
                          “How is he?” Sam asks.
                          Keller lowers her eyes briefly before addressing them, “To be honest, I can’t say. We almost lost him a couple of times already. We were able to stop any bleeding he had, but that’s not the worse of it. Not only do we have to deal with his head injuries, but we also have do try to find a way to deal with the poison that the creature injected into him.”
                          “What is the poison doing to him,” Rodney asks sadly.
                          “It looks like it’s slowly changing his DNA. I don’t know. This is all so new for me. Right now we are trying to use medication to slow its progress,” answers Keller.
                          “Can we bring sample of the poison from the dead creatures to analyze what they injected him with and then make an antidote?” questions Sam.
                          Keller shakes her head, “I will take to long.”
                          “I don’t understand. Is he going to be like that thing he was becoming last time he was infected with the retrovirus?” asks Ronon.
                          Keller starts to shake her head and an idea comes to mind.
                          “I don’t know why I didn’t think of this before,” Keller begins. “This is most likely a different form of the retrovirus. I can try to see if the antidote that was use last time can do the trick.”
                          Sam nods her head to approve and Keller quickly leaves and asks some nurses to assist her.
                          Sam leaves to organize some time with the Athosians, hoping to find any clues to help rescue Teyla. Major Lorne helps her with the questioning and support. Unfortunately, they didn’t receive any new information.
                          Keller calls Sam on the comm. to inform her that the antidote seems to be working, but know they have a bigger problem. John has slipped into a coma.
                          Ronon and Rodney take turns to be with John and try to give words of comfort. They each hold back their grief in seeing him so lifeless. At one point Rodney falls asleep in the chair next to John’s bed. Between pure fatigue and the lull of the respiratory, he finally lost the battle of staying awake.
                          Ronon is standing on the outside balcony. He roars in frustration. Not only is Teyla missing, but also his best friend, one who he would be proud to call a brother, is hanging on a thin thread. In the course of one day, he is afraid that he might lose two of his teammates, two members of his family.
                          Wow! That was really good!
                          || twitter || tumblr ||


                            Originally posted by WingedPegasus View Post
                            Wow! That was really good!
                            Thanks Hun.
                            Do you think it has enough whump in it?



                              Originally posted by scifan View Post
                              Thanks Hun.
                              Do you think it has enough whump in it?

                              Never enough, Auntie, never enough . . . unless they're dead. That would be too much. Yes, the brain has definitely fried . . .

                              Good night!
                              || twitter || tumblr ||


                                Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                                JM KINDA UPDATE

                                Jamie writes: “are there perhaps any other Rodney/Teyla friendship moments in upcoming episodes?”

                                Answer: BAMSR.

                                Anonymous #2 writes: “earlier this year you said that it was a clue to carson’s return in one of the final 3 episodes of season 3, could you tell us now which episode it is in?”

                                Answer: No, but I can say that it’s near the very end of said episode.

                                Anonymous #6 writes: “I was reading the news about Jason’s idea about Ronon going dark side in season 5 on GW. […] If you are throwing out ideas I hope it doesn’t come down to Ronon being captured and Sheppard unable to fee him because of the IOA.”

                                Answer: Well, as it turns out, Ronon’s desire to go darkside meshes nicely with a late season four story I had wanted to do - that, conveniently enough, has been pushed to early season 5. While the notion of Ronon feeling abandoned is interesting, I think it would be an irredeemable leap for his character to vow vengeance on Sheppard for not rescuing him in a timely manner. A more interesting scenario would have Ronon….ah, just watch the episode when it airs.

                                Rory21 writes: “From my point of view if Weir is alive or not is still a mystery, ¿I am right????”

                                Answer: From your point of view? Looks like it.

                                Anonymous #7 writes: “So, entire copy team is dead?”

                                Answer: Looks like it.
                                oooooh, veeeeery interesting...
                                So the copy team may be alive - see how he worded that answer, and it's obvious that if JM is the producer you ask he thinks Weir is dead. I'm glad Ronon won't go mad with John for abandoning him, coz I think Ronon has got to a place now where he knows John and the Atlanteans do think of him as one of their own. Notice how the Ronon stories are ALWAYS early in the series... who wants to bet it's the 3rd or 4th episode...?

                                Also, the Rodney/Teyla scene for BAMSR is interesting... I'd say it's either because of Larrin (which would be very fun to watch) or because the pregnancy is revealed... which would be even better! Maybe John gets all John-like and won't talk about it (though I don't think he'll get angry or upset to Teyla's face... yet) and Ronon goes after him because he's Ronon... and Rodney is left with Teyla... you can just imagine him trying to be all supportive but not having a clue what to say...

                                Thanks for the update MrsB!

                                Originally posted by scifan View Post
                                I just did this Ficcover for First Christmas.

                                Gorgeousness! Sci I'm gonna catch up with Fate on when I get home from work later. If it's up, that is...

                                GNB I love the sig - HOW excited are you about seeing HL as the Joker!?!

                                Thanks to YappiChick for the lovely sig

