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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    A preview on the MGM's Atlantis site for the episode This Mortal Coil

    I can't however see the clip... I can only hear it *lol* which makes it way harder to try and figure out what is going on,,, other then they seem in trouble *lol*
    Stupid dad's computer,,,*lol*
    Sigs by Scifan


      Originally posted by NinaM View Post
      A preview on the MGM's Atlantis site for the episode This Mortal Coil

      I can't however see the clip... I can only hear it *lol* which makes it way harder to try and figure out what is going on,,, other then they seem in trouble *lol*
      Stupid dad's computer,,,*lol*
      Thanks Nina. Can you tell me what you hear lol - I cant believe they're previewing this far in advance. Cool beanssssss


        Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
        Thanks Nina. Can you tell me what you hear lol - I cant believe they're previewing this far in advance. Cool beanssssss
        Someone is saying that some object has struck the city and McKay is wondering why the sensors didn't pick it up...
        McKay argueing with Zelenka about thouching something,,
        Sheppard asking if it's dangerous,,and suddenly it sounds like he gets hit or something,,sounds like he's in pain or whatever... Ronon says something at the moment I can't make out...
        Sheppard saying that this might hurt ,,seems like it's to McKay ,,,whatever he is talking about but someone I think said over in the whump thread,,Sheppard is cutting McKay's hand... I think it was Ronon saying they had to get out of there,, seems like they are stuck somewhere,,and John says until they figure it out they can't trust anyone... then I'm not sure who it is that says,,it's already to late..some woman but I can't make out who... and then it sounds like something happening,,falling stuff or some attack or something...who knows...not easy going only by sounds *lol*
        Have to see when I get home...might just be my dad's stupid laptop that can't handle the clip but manage to play the sound *lol*
        Sigs by Scifan


          Originally posted by NinaM View Post
          Someone is saying that some object has struck the city and McKay is wondering why the sensors didn't pick it up...
          McKay argueing with Zelenka about thouching something,,
          Sheppard asking if it's dangerous,,and suddenly it sounds like he gets hit or something,,sounds like he's in pain or whatever... Ronon says something at the moment I can't make out...
          Sheppard saying that this might hurt ,,seems like it's to McKay ,,,whatever he is talking about but someone I think said over in the whump thread,,Sheppard is cutting McKay's hand... I think it was Ronon saying they had to get out of there,, seems like they are stuck somewhere,,and John says until they figure it out they can't trust anyone... then I'm not sure who it is that says,,it's already to late..some woman but I can't make out who... and then it sounds like something happening,,falling stuff or some attack or something...who knows...not easy going only by sounds *lol*
          Have to see when I get home...might just be my dad's stupid laptop that can't handle the clip but manage to play the sound *lol*
          Well I totally appreciate your summation nonetheless!!! Sounds like some serious whump going on is right! Elf will like that ep then lol. Thanks a ton Nina!


            Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
            Well I totally appreciate your summation nonetheless!!! Sounds like some serious whump going on is right! Elf will like that ep then lol. Thanks a ton Nina!
            Oh I'm sure she will....some pic I think that was posted over in the whump thread...
            Had I think John in he jumper...and he had blood on his face..

            So yes I'm sure she will have a squee fest again *lol*
            Sigs by Scifan


              Originally posted by NinaM View Post
              Some pics from the convention...

              This is where Joe gets a book with manips pics that has been done of him ..
              Thanks for links. I'm glad JoeF liked LCE's Manips

              Only Three more votes left for DG.
              Originally posted by NinaM View Post
              A preview on the MGM's Atlantis site for the episode This Mortal Coil

              I can't however see the clip... I can only hear it *lol* which makes it way harder to try and figure out what is going on,,, other then they seem in trouble *lol*
              Stupid dad's computer,,,*lol*
              Ahhhh!!!!!! I'm so confused.
              Was there any spoilers info for TMC?

              Give me a sec to regroup and give a written description.


                Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                Well I totally appreciate your summation nonetheless!!! Sounds like some serious whump going on is right! Elf will like that ep then lol. Thanks a ton Nina!
                Hey y'all it is SQUEEEE worthy!!

                The Further Adventures of Elf...It could happen....and Did!
                I will have to watch it again when I have house to myself and no one will interrupt me while doing so. That way I will be able to study even closer....
                I had a brief speed bump yesterday. When I woke up yesterday morning and was getting up, I notice that all the bandages and ace bandage wrap had come off my foot. I am not suppose to touch or do anything to it until Thursday, when I see the doctor. So, trying to make 'til Thursday, Elfie slapped the bandage and wrap and stuff back on her foot! You know I was not gonna go to the doctor any sooner than I had too! So, When I put on the lovely, attractive surgical post-op shoe and started walking, it was just slipping right off ....AGAIN! ANNOYING! I had to call and let the doctor know. I got the nurse 'cuz dr. is out of town. She said I had to go to the other location to get it redressed! Mind you, I did not know that other office was over 40 mins away from me. That was a joyful experience, considering I do not have the basic freedom to DRIVE...YET!! So, here I am, a consenting adult, with my mother driving me, is panicking because, she thinks that if she doesn't get me there something really bad is going to happen. I know, I am going to hear I should be grateful that I have a great support system but, when that system is driving and changing lanes and never sees the cars in her blind spot and then changes lanes....3 times like that, it can be a little stressful. We get to the location where I have never been to before, and, of course, the office is located on the complete opposite side of the building on the second floor! Yes. I did look for an alternate entrance to see if it was closer, but there was not one. The elevator was located right smack, dab, in the middle of the building. Now, can any of you please answer a question for me: How is it if I am not suppose to be walking on foot accept to go the restroom and take a shower, do they expect to hobble to the freaking office? I've no clue! Of course, I go the wrong way on the second level and have to walk on the complete opposite side and it is the absolute last door on the second floor! I never thought that I would be so happy to see a door before in my whole life. DUDE! Roaches could lap and fly rings around me! I tell you, if they were around, they were laughing at the Elf! and taking bets that I could not make it! The lady behind the frosted glass sliding window who never opens to see who has signed in just sits there. I know this because, I can see her dark brown hair-like helmet through the glass and her talking to her co-worker. I sit down, then, she opens the window and says I that I could have gone to other location just to have that procedure done!! OH NO! Elfie said, I don't think so! I hobbled my booty up in here, I'm gettin' done here! I am restin' now! YOU so do not understand! I am not goin' anywhere! Some one is slappin' some bandages up on this bad boy!! Well, they were suppose to call you and let you know that you could go to that location! I said, I had a mission to accomplish! Do you think I was checkin' some v-mail on my cell phone when I was trying to concentrate on the art of walkin'? I so do NOT THINK SO! It takes a lot to get Elfie stressed! And, for some reason, that was my last nerve y'all! Can you imagine! I so wanted Ronon's gun in the worst way!! I kid you not! Not to mention the fact that I bone tired just after that! It so bites! When I was asked by the on call dr.: How much walking have you really been doing? I could have just snatched him bald right where he stood! I said: Do you think I would be looking like somebody beat me with a stick and falling asleep on you if was doing an abundant amount of excess walking when I am so not suppose to? What do think? NOT! He gathered I was following directions. So, needless to say that was Elfie's Monday adventure. Wasn't that massively exciting. But, I did get to watch Submersion and Vengenance yesterday while vegging and propping foot up laying in my bed. So, be sure and stay tuned for The Further Adventures of Elf! (((HUGS))) to ya!
                sig by Sci!

                Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                  TMC clip.

                  Rodney is in the control room and a female tech announce an unidentified object has struck the city. Rodney is wondering why the censors haven't picked it up.

                  Next shot has someone scanning the device. It's about the size of a naquida(sp) generator and there's debris all around the area.

                  It looks like they are in a lab:
                  Rodney yells at Radek, "I told you not to touch any!"
                  Radek, "I didn't touch anything."

                  New shot(probably when the first see object)
                  Shep looks worried, "Is it dangerous?

                  In gym:
                  Ronon hits Shep in the back or backside and Shep yells in pain.
                  Ronon, "Just seems that people are acting different lately.

                  In Lab:
                  Ronon, Teyla, John and Rodney are there.
                  Shep tells Rodney, "this might hurt a little."
                  Ronon is holding Rodney and Rodney is stuttering saying , "No no wwwww wait." And Shep cuts into Rodney's palm with a knife.

                  Still in lab:
                  Shep," 'Til we can figure what's going on we can't risk trusting anyone outside this room."

                  Ronon, Rodney and Teyla are in the Brig:

                  Ronon," We got to find a way gotta here."

                  Clip of Keller
                  Keller, "Unfortunately,it's too late."

                  Next scene looks like debris is falling everywhere and maybe under attack.
                  There's a whole bunch of brief clips of the chaos.

                  Different shot:
                  John yells, "Shut it down! (meaning the gate)

                  I'm a little confuse with the last scene. So bare with me.
                  John looks to be face down in the console of the PJ. An arm touches his shoulder, (which to me looks like a replicator uniform. Like in Return.) John sits up but he seems odd. Maybe not like himself.


                    Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                    Morning maniacs...............

                    Who's got some J/T spoilers, fics, or wallies/banners today???

                    haven't got much just this:

                    Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                    A preview on the MGM's Atlantis site for the episode This Mortal Coil

                    I can't however see the clip... I can only hear it *lol* which makes it way harder to try and figure out what is going on,,, other then they seem in trouble *lol*
                    Stupid dad's computer,,,*lol*
                    Thanx Nina!

                    This episode looks really great, looks like a nice team episode. You were right about what was going on.

                    the girl you keep hearing is Dr.Keller. And when you hear John get whacked it was during a sparring match with Ronon. Ronon says to John, 'It seems like ppl has been acting differently lately". The things falling is actually the city getting bombed. Sheppard/Teyla/Rodney/Ronon, I think are together and running up the some stairs. I think they're trying to make it to the jumper bay.

                    From the spoilers I read, and going on only that Weir is going to be making an appearance I'm thinking the object that crashes into the city is replicator, and they're trying to destroy the city. That could be why Sheppard is talking about not trusting anyone outside the room, even Keller seemed a bit strange. And the last clip of Sheppard, when I think someone pulls him off the puddle jumpers controls he seems a bit spaced out and weird.

                    R.I.P Wraithlord

                    Awesome sig by SciFan


                      LLOL ELF -
                      "DUDE! Roaches could lap and fly rings around me!" Thats brilliant dude. LOL Sorry you had to suffer that crap man.

                      Witchblade - That artwork is Awesome. Green for you!


                        Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
                        Hey y'all it is SQUEEEE worthy!!

                        The Further Adventures of Elf...It could happen....and Did!
                        I will have to watch it again when I have house to myself and no one will interrupt me while doing so. That way I will be able to study even closer....
                        I had a brief speed bump yesterday. When I woke up yesterday morning and was getting up, I notice that all the bandages and ace bandage wrap had come off my foot. I am not suppose to touch or do anything to it until Thursday, when I see the doctor. So, trying to make 'til Thursday, Elfie slapped the bandage and wrap and stuff back on her foot! You know I was not gonna go to the doctor any sooner than I had too! So, When I put on the lovely, attractive surgical post-op shoe and started walking, it was just slipping right off ....AGAIN! ANNOYING! I had to call and let the doctor know. I got the nurse 'cuz dr. is out of town. She said I had to go to the other location to get it redressed! Mind you, I did not know that other office was over 40 mins away from me. That was a joyful experience, considering I do not have the basic freedom to DRIVE...YET!! So, here I am, a consenting adult, with my mother driving me, is panicking because, she thinks that if she doesn't get me there something really bad is going to happen. I know, I am going to hear I should be grateful that I have a great support system but, when that system is driving and changing lanes and never sees the cars in her blind spot and then changes lanes....3 times like that, it can be a little stressful. We get to the location where I have never been to before, and, of course, the office is located on the complete opposite side of the building on the second floor! Yes. I did look for an alternate entrance to see if it was closer, but there was not one. The elevator was located right smack, dab, in the middle of the building. Now, can any of you please answer a question for me: How is it if I am not suppose to be walking on foot accept to go the restroom and take a shower, do they expect to hobble to the freaking office? I've no clue! Of course, I go the wrong way on the second level and have to walk on the complete opposite side and it is the absolute last door on the second floor! I never thought that I would be so happy to see a door before in my whole life. DUDE! Roaches could lap and fly rings around me! I tell you, if they were around, they were laughing at the Elf! and taking bets that I could not make it! The lady behind the frosted glass sliding window who never opens to see who has signed in just sits there. I know this because, I can see her dark brown hair-like helmet through the glass and her talking to her co-worker. I sit down, then, she opens the window and says I that I could have gone to other location just to have that procedure done!! OH NO! Elfie said, I don't think so! I hobbled my booty up in here, I'm gettin' done here! I am restin' now! YOU so do not understand! I am not goin' anywhere! Some one is slappin' some bandages up on this bad boy!! Well, they were suppose to call you and let you know that you could go to that location! I said, I had a mission to accomplish! Do you think I was checkin' some v-mail on my cell phone when I was trying to concentrate on the art of walkin'? I so do NOT THINK SO! It takes a lot to get Elfie stressed! And, for some reason, that was my last nerve y'all! Can you imagine! I so wanted Ronon's gun in the worst way!! I kid you not! Not to mention the fact that I bone tired just after that! It so bites! When I was asked by the on call dr.: How much walking have you really been doing? I could have just snatched him bald right where he stood! I said: Do you think I would be looking like somebody beat me with a stick and falling asleep on you if was doing an abundant amount of excess walking when I am so not suppose to? What do think? NOT! He gathered I was following directions. So, needless to say that was Elfie's Monday adventure. Wasn't that massively exciting. But, I did get to watch Submersion and Vengenance yesterday while vegging and propping foot up laying in my bed. So, be sure and stay tuned for The Further Adventures of Elf! (((HUGS))) to ya!
                        ELFIE!!!!!!! (((((((((HUGS)))))))))

                        I am LOLing over here about your roach comment. Just remember, everyday that goes by is one day closer to the end of all your adventures. You should write it down into a book....It would be a best seller I'm sure.
                        Humor is the great thing, the saving thing after all. The minute it crops up, all our hardnesses yield, all our irritations, and resentments flit away, and a sunny spirit takes their place. --Mark Twain


                          Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
                          Hey y'all it is SQUEEEE worthy!!

                          The Further Adventures of Elf...It could happen....and Did!
                          I will have to watch it again when I have house to myself and no one will interrupt me while doing so. That way I will be able to study even closer....
                          I had a brief speed bump yesterday. When I woke up yesterday morning and was getting up, I notice that all the bandages and ace bandage wrap had come off my foot. I am not suppose to touch or do anything to it until Thursday, when I see the doctor. So, trying to make 'til Thursday, Elfie slapped the bandage and wrap and stuff back on her foot! You know I was not gonna go to the doctor any sooner than I had too! So, When I put on the lovely, attractive surgical post-op shoe and started walking, it was just slipping right off ....AGAIN! ANNOYING! I had to call and let the doctor know. I got the nurse 'cuz dr. is out of town. She said I had to go to the other location to get it redressed! Mind you, I did not know that other office was over 40 mins away from me. That was a joyful experience, considering I do not have the basic freedom to DRIVE...YET!! So, here I am, a consenting adult, with my mother driving me, is panicking because, she thinks that if she doesn't get me there something really bad is going to happen. I know, I am going to hear I should be grateful that I have a great support system but, when that system is driving and changing lanes and never sees the cars in her blind spot and then changes lanes....3 times like that, it can be a little stressful. We get to the location where I have never been to before, and, of course, the office is located on the complete opposite side of the building on the second floor! Yes. I did look for an alternate entrance to see if it was closer, but there was not one. The elevator was located right smack, dab, in the middle of the building. Now, can any of you please answer a question for me: How is it if I am not suppose to be walking on foot accept to go the restroom and take a shower, do they expect to hobble to the freaking office? I've no clue! Of course, I go the wrong way on the second level and have to walk on the complete opposite side and it is the absolute last door on the second floor! I never thought that I would be so happy to see a door before in my whole life. DUDE! Roaches could lap and fly rings around me! I tell you, if they were around, they were laughing at the Elf! and taking bets that I could not make it! The lady behind the frosted glass sliding window who never opens to see who has signed in just sits there. I know this because, I can see her dark brown hair-like helmet through the glass and her talking to her co-worker. I sit down, then, she opens the window and says I that I could have gone to other location just to have that procedure done!! OH NO! Elfie said, I don't think so! I hobbled my booty up in here, I'm gettin' done here! I am restin' now! YOU so do not understand! I am not goin' anywhere! Some one is slappin' some bandages up on this bad boy!! Well, they were suppose to call you and let you know that you could go to that location! I said, I had a mission to accomplish! Do you think I was checkin' some v-mail on my cell phone when I was trying to concentrate on the art of walkin'? I so do NOT THINK SO! It takes a lot to get Elfie stressed! And, for some reason, that was my last nerve y'all! Can you imagine! I so wanted Ronon's gun in the worst way!! I kid you not! Not to mention the fact that I bone tired just after that! It so bites! When I was asked by the on call dr.: How much walking have you really been doing? I could have just snatched him bald right where he stood! I said: Do you think I would be looking like somebody beat me with a stick and falling asleep on you if was doing an abundant amount of excess walking when I am so not suppose to? What do think? NOT! He gathered I was following directions. So, needless to say that was Elfie's Monday adventure. Wasn't that massively exciting. But, I did get to watch Submersion and Vengenance yesterday while vegging and propping foot up laying in my bed. So, be sure and stay tuned for The Further Adventures of Elf! (((HUGS))) to ya!
                          Poor Elf. ((hugs))
                          I know you gave me some of your story, but not the rest. You need to borrow Camy's bat.

                          MrsB. I love your new sig.
                          Last edited by scifan; 06 November 2007, 07:07 AM.


                            Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                            LLOL ELF -
                            "DUDE! Roaches could lap and fly rings around me!" Thats brilliant dude. LOL Sorry you had to suffer that crap man.

                            Witchblade - That artwork is Awesome. Green for you!
                            Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
                            ELFIE!!!!!!! (((((((((HUGS)))))))))

                            I am LOLing over here about your roach comment. Just remember, everyday that goes by is one day closer to the end of all your adventures. You should write it down into a book....It would be a best seller I'm sure.
                            Originally posted by scifan View Post
                            Poor Elf. ((hugs))
                            I know you gave me some of your story, but not the rest. You need to borrow Camy's bat.

                            MrsB. I love your new sig.
                            Thanks Yall! I do not know about it being a bestseller..

                            I did get some really good fajitas out of the adventure when it ended so, I was really happy!
                            sig by Sci!

                            Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                              Originally posted by WitchBlade007 View Post

                              haven't got much just this:

                              Thanx Nina!

                              This episode looks really great, looks like a nice team episode. You were right about what was going on.

                              the girl you keep hearing is Dr.Keller. And when you hear John get whacked it was during a sparring match with Ronon. Ronon says to John, 'It seems like ppl has been acting differently lately". The things falling is actually the city getting bombed. Sheppard/Teyla/Rodney/Ronon, I think are together and running up the some stairs. I think they're trying to make it to the jumper bay.

                              From the spoilers I read, and going on only that Weir is going to be making an appearance I'm thinking the object that crashes into the city is replicator, and they're trying to destroy the city. That could be why Sheppard is talking about not trusting anyone outside the room, even Keller seemed a bit strange. And the last clip of Sheppard, when I think someone pulls him off the puddle jumpers controls he seems a bit spaced out and weird.
                              I soooo love that sig...
                              The words on it made me realize I haven't watched the video yet *lol*
                              Sigs by Scifan


                                Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
                                Hey y'all it is SQUEEEE worthy!!

                                The Further Adventures of Elf...It could happen....and Did!
                                I will have to watch it again when I have house to myself and no one will interrupt me while doing so. That way I will be able to study even closer....
                                I had a brief speed bump yesterday. When I woke up yesterday morning and was getting up, I notice that all the bandages and ace bandage wrap had come off my foot. I am not suppose to touch or do anything to it until Thursday, when I see the doctor. So, trying to make 'til Thursday, Elfie slapped the bandage and wrap and stuff back on her foot! You know I was not gonna go to the doctor any sooner than I had too! So, When I put on the lovely, attractive surgical post-op shoe and started walking, it was just slipping right off ....AGAIN! ANNOYING! I had to call and let the doctor know. I got the nurse 'cuz dr. is out of town. She said I had to go to the other location to get it redressed! Mind you, I did not know that other office was over 40 mins away from me. That was a joyful experience, considering I do not have the basic freedom to DRIVE...YET!! So, here I am, a consenting adult, with my mother driving me, is panicking because, she thinks that if she doesn't get me there something really bad is going to happen. I know, I am going to hear I should be grateful that I have a great support system but, when that system is driving and changing lanes and never sees the cars in her blind spot and then changes lanes....3 times like that, it can be a little stressful. We get to the location where I have never been to before, and, of course, the office is located on the complete opposite side of the building on the second floor! Yes. I did look for an alternate entrance to see if it was closer, but there was not one. The elevator was located right smack, dab, in the middle of the building. Now, can any of you please answer a question for me: How is it if I am not suppose to be walking on foot accept to go the restroom and take a shower, do they expect to hobble to the freaking office? I've no clue! Of course, I go the wrong way on the second level and have to walk on the complete opposite side and it is the absolute last door on the second floor! I never thought that I would be so happy to see a door before in my whole life. DUDE! Roaches could lap and fly rings around me! I tell you, if they were around, they were laughing at the Elf! and taking bets that I could not make it! The lady behind the frosted glass sliding window who never opens to see who has signed in just sits there. I know this because, I can see her dark brown hair-like helmet through the glass and her talking to her co-worker. I sit down, then, she opens the window and says I that I could have gone to other location just to have that procedure done!! OH NO! Elfie said, I don't think so! I hobbled my booty up in here, I'm gettin' done here! I am restin' now! YOU so do not understand! I am not goin' anywhere! Some one is slappin' some bandages up on this bad boy!! Well, they were suppose to call you and let you know that you could go to that location! I said, I had a mission to accomplish! Do you think I was checkin' some v-mail on my cell phone when I was trying to concentrate on the art of walkin'? I so do NOT THINK SO! It takes a lot to get Elfie stressed! And, for some reason, that was my last nerve y'all! Can you imagine! I so wanted Ronon's gun in the worst way!! I kid you not! Not to mention the fact that I bone tired just after that! It so bites! When I was asked by the on call dr.: How much walking have you really been doing? I could have just snatched him bald right where he stood! I said: Do you think I would be looking like somebody beat me with a stick and falling asleep on you if was doing an abundant amount of excess walking when I am so not suppose to? What do think? NOT! He gathered I was following directions. So, needless to say that was Elfie's Monday adventure. Wasn't that massively exciting. But, I did get to watch Submersion and Vengenance yesterday while vegging and propping foot up laying in my bed. So, be sure and stay tuned for The Further Adventures of Elf! (((HUGS))) to ya!
                                ELF!!! That sucks... I'm glad you can laugh at it all though.

                                Originally posted by scifan View Post
                                TMC clip.

                                Rodney is in the control room and a female tech announce an unidentified object has struck the city. Rodney is wondering why the censors haven't picked it up.

                                Next shot has someone scanning the device. It's about the size of a naquida(sp) generator and there's debris all around the area.

                                It looks like they are in a lab:
                                Rodney yells at Radek, "I told you not to touch any!"
                                Radek, "I didn't touch anything."

                                New shot(probably when the first see object)
                                Shep looks worried, "Is it dangerous?

                                In gym:
                                Ronon hits Shep in the back or backside and Shep yells in pain.
                                Ronon, "Just seems that people are acting different lately.

                                In Lab:
                                Ronon, Teyla, John and Rodney are there.
                                Shep tells Rodney, "this might hurt a little."
                                Ronon is holding Rodney and Rodney is stuttering saying , "No no wwwww wait." And Shep cuts into Rodney's palm with a knife.

                                Still in lab:
                                Shep," 'Til we can figure what's going on we can't risk trusting anyone outside this room."

                                Ronon, Rodney and Teyla are in the Brig:

                                Ronon," We got to find a way gotta here."

                                Clip of Keller
                                Keller, "Unfortunately,it's too late."

                                Next scene looks like debris is falling everywhere and maybe under attack.
                                There's a whole bunch of brief clips of the chaos.

                                Different shot:
                                John yells, "Shut it down! (meaning the gate)

                                I'm a little confuse with the last scene. So bare with me.
                                John looks to be face down in the console of the PJ. An arm touches his shoulder, (which to me looks like a replicator uniform. Like in Return.) John sits up but he seems odd. Maybe not like himself.

                                Ooooooooh, thanks Sci!! I bet
                                the arm at the end belongs to Elizabeth.

                                Thanks to YappiChick for the lovely sig

