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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Fanfic recs! (two written by me the rest in progress)

    Prisoners again John and Tey;la are taken prisoner shortly after Common Ground (this leads to the pair eventually getting married by season end.)

    You Bet Your Life While on a visit to Earth John and Teyla are mistakenly sent back in time in a newly rebuilt Time Jumper going 50 years into the past, only to get home the pair have to maytch wits with the Legendary Groucho Marx

    Meeting the Red Devil a Multi ship story that is based off a roleplaying game (updated monthly)

    New Birth Takes place after my first JT story Ascension, Teyla finds her daughter Kiro in the underdark, shoertly thereafter Teyla oncemore Ascends while fighting against the Waith and a old long thought dead enemy reappears, bring Teyla into a conflct that she never wanted a part of.

    This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
    "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
    "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


      Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
      Latest part of Deception Part 6 (I think)...

      John just stared at Carson with a look more deadly than venom. Keller’s mouth opened in shock. Ronon grunted in disbelief.

      Only Rodney was able to come up with something to say, “You and Teyla? I mean, come on I thought she and Sheppard would get together. And if not those two, then maybe she and Ronon would try something. I mean, they are both from this galaxy, you know. And I mean, I thought, if that didn’t work out, then maybe her and me…” He looked at everyone, who was frowning now. “I mean, it’s not that you’re unattractive or anything, it’s just--”

      “Shut up, McKay,” Ronan demanded.

      Carson frowned. “Teyla and I were never together, Rodney.”

      The tension in the room dropped considerably. “Than do you care to explain yourself?” asked a still ruffled Sheppard.

      “Yes, I do. We need to find Teyla,” Carson said, trying to get off the table.

      “Dr. Beckett, you aren’t going anywhere. Not until we get an explanation of how you are alive and standing here,” Carter said.

      “Where’s Elizabeth?” he asked, looking around the room. “I don’t answer to the military, Colonel.”

      Pain crossed over their faces. “She’s gone,” Ronan said simply.

      He sighed. “Then he was telling the truth. I hoped that he was just telling me that to cooperate.”

      “Who? Where have you been all this time?” Sheppard asked.

      Carson shot a glance at Carter. There was no way she was going to let anyone follow his suggestions until he told everyone what had happened. The less time he wasted, the quicker they could get to Teyla.

      He took a deep breath. “I didn’t die in that explosion a year ago. In fact, I hadn’t been on Atlantis for nearly two weeks before that.” Before anyone could ask him any other questions, he continued. “When Teyla and I went to Athos, after her entrapment in Jamas’ machine, I was doing my usual checkups. I had forgotten my vaccinations and was heading back to the gate when someone grabbed me.”

      “Who?” asked Rodney.

      “Michael,” Carson said, still frightened at the memory. “When I came to, he held me prisoner in a cave, on some Godforsaken planet.”

      “Wait a minute. We saw you after that,” Ronan rumbled.

      “I know that. Obviously, it wasn’t me. It was a clone,” explained Carson.

      “The Wraith can clone people?” asked Rodney. “That’s a truly astounding achievement.” He stopped for a second. “If they can clone humans, why don’t they just feed on them?”

      Grimacing, Carson answered, “According to Michael, they aren’t as…satisfying.”

      “Diet humans,” Sheppard said dryly. “It’s the latest in Wraith weight loss.”

      “Aye,” agreed Carson. “According to Michael, he was able to train the clone in a few weeks. Since he had spent so much time here, he knew my mannerisms and ‘primitive’ medical knowledge. Passing them along, he said, had been easy.”

      “He spent weeks, breaking me.” His haunted look met Sheppard’s gaze. “You have no idea how powerful the Wraith really are. He would tell me his horrible plan, show me the evil experiments he was creating and how he was going to make me help him. “

      “What plan?” Sheppard asked.

      His eyes fluttered closed, guilt weighing him down. “That’s why we need to find Teyla. I was there, in the Taranan settlement, when you discovered what Michael had been creating.”

      “Why didn’t you say anything? I’m sure Master Chief over there could have rescued you,” Rodney said, nodding in Ronon’s direction.

      “Rodney, I have no control over what I was doing. Michael personally assigned me two of his ’children’ to make sure I behaved until he was ready for me.” He stopped, his eyes watering. “I am so sorry.”

      “For what?” Carter asked.

      “After Michael caught Teyla, he made me…implant dozens of Wraith eggs in Teyla--”

      “WHAT?” shouted John.

      “Colonel, I didn’t know what I was doing. You have seen how easily Michael can control people. I didn’t know any of this happened until you all were off-planet. Teyla, he said, was weak from an ordeal with a Wraith Queen and the process was easier than expected,” Carson said.

      “Wait, wait, wait. How do you know that Michael wasn’t trying to pull one over on you? Teyla has already said the father is a man named Kanan,” Rodney said.

      “There is no father. Well, I guess, Michael would technically be it. Kanan is nothing more than an illusion that the embryos created in Teyla’s mind. They knew that if she was to suddenly become pregnant that their existence would be terminated. If, however, she thought she was pregnant, no one would be the wiser.” For the first time since he started talking, he looked at Keller. “She didn’t let you do an ultrasound, did she, Jen?”

      Keller shook her head. “I tried, but she was adamant.”

      “It’s not your fault, Love,” Carson assured her. “The bugs have been controlling Teyla subconsciously for the past year and now that the time for them to…hatch, she’s in danger. I doubt she’s even in control of herself anymore. That‘s why we need to find her. If these…things hatch, Teyla will never be freed from their control.”

      Carson watched as Carter and Sheppard exchanged a look. After a few seconds, she nodded. Sheppard nodded to Ronon as he tapped his earpiece. “Lorne, meet me in the control room. We’re going on a trip.”

      Rodney stayed by Carson’s bedside. “I still have some many questions.”

      Carson smiled, despite the seriousness of what was going on around them. “I wouldn’t expect anything less.”

      “How did you escape? And how did you know where to find us?”

      “I didn’t escape. Michael released me for ‘good behavior’. Since the embryos are now viable, he had no use for me any longer. I suppose if the experiment failed, he needed me around to try again. When I tried to dial a gate to Atlantis, the wormhole never established. So I went to the only place I could think of: M7G-677.”

      “The planet with all the kids?”

      He nodded. “Aye. They said that you had to move Atlantis and provided me with the new address. I dialed it and now I’m here.” He looked around. “I’m sure quite a bit has gone on while I was away.”

      Rodney nodded. “How long do you think she has? You know, before they, um, hatch.”

      “From what Michael estimated, less than a 72 hours.”

      See? That wasn't so bad, was it?

      Hopefully the next part will be up by Saturday...we'll see.
      Diet humans!!! Love that line!! I am just going to say that what is so freaky to me about this is that I actually have toyed around with this in head about Carson's return and why. It was way before the start of Season 4. Right after it was revealed that Carson was coming back for a couple of eps in JM's blog. But, I just did not want to wrap my head around it. That is why I find your fic kinda freaky....Keep it Up! It's Great!!
      sig by Sci!

      Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


        Now my head hurts so before I go to bed I'll leave you all with the final snippet before I send the story off to Winged to be beta'd, then the finished story will be on

        Kittens Melt Hard Hearts and Strengthen Love Final Snippet.....
        Seeing Teyla and John finally fall in love Morgan turned to her sister, "you stunned the Athosian, thinking that to make the matters at hand harder for them yet easier for your own ends, why?"

        Moros turned from the screen and looked to her younger sister, "the Human from earth is not good in matters of love, as you yourself has seen, so, since you managed to get them in the Gatecraft to the planet alone, I took matters into my own hands, and you saw the results."

        "I am shocked that the Others did not stop you like they did me when I tried to help Dainel Jackson!" Morgan hissed out before turning to leave and head back to Atlantis, "I will keep an eye on them, until you need me, good bye Moros." Morgan left and reappeared in kitten form near Rodney, and heard the Jumper set down, even though it was most of a day the pair had been gone it was really only a few minutes to the Ascended Ancient.

        When the Jumper ramp opened Morgan shot inside and went striaght to Teyla, meowing to be picked up, only it was John that picked her up and passed her over to Teyla, "seems like the kitten missed us." Teyla said in a odd sounding voice, somewhat motherly or the like John couldn't tell, then he saw the look the kitten was giving him, and he smile and rubbed Morgan behind the ears..... Things were going to be OK.

        Later that night John was in his room, only no Teyla, only he knew that Teyla would be arriving shortly so he got the place ready, basically Weir had told him to get the place ready so Cadman and Miko had helped him get a new bed in the place, along with Ford helping out to put the thing together, Thankfully Cladwell asked no questions, nor did Everett, about what the hell John was doing, only his Team and Dr. Weir knew what he was doing. And that was good for him.

        Teyla arrived shortly thereafter only she was followed by the kitten, who went to John and tried to jump into his lap, John smiled and picked up Morgan and set her on the bed. Teyla smiled as she watched John with the kitten, "uh John, did you forget me already? Whaoh!" John turned from Morgan and pulled Teyla onto the bed ontop of him.

        "Miss me?" John asked giving Teyla a hug, "because between the time you left me to get the kitten and do a few things I missed you." He gave Teyla a kiss and she returned it.

        "I missed you too John, though there is something I wanted to ask you." Teyla said.

        "Really, what?"
        Let me know what you guys think in about oh say tomrrow when I get up, thanks all, and night. *passes out at the computer console*

        This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
        "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
        "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


          Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
          so then my only view is moot? I am soooo lost now, mostly because to me
          it was all possible that Dopp John could have done it when he DID grab hold (from the screenshots I've seen on gateworld) of Teyla though with what hand I'm unsure of as the screenshot was not that clear, I'm still thinking to myself that it is still possible that Dopp John could have done it, though I wont make the final choice until Teyla comes out and says she is with child.
          Okay, I'm back now, sorry for the delayed response. I was driving home from work. Just got home, have two hungry and impatient dogs waiting for me, so this will have to be quick!

          Maybe because you are letting your fear override what we are trying to say? Let me see if I can explain it in another way that might make more sense. You know how earlier a Ronon/Teyla shipper accidentally came in here and posted about R/T being lovers or whatever it was they said? How did you respond? You wrote back that JM confirmed in his blog just recently that Ronon/Teyla have a brother/sister relationship. In other words, his words confirm that Ronon and Teyla are not lovers. No matter how much they want to ship them, and it's of course their prerogative to do so in fanfic or appreciate their scenes together, it doesn't change the fact that in reality, that ship will never exist.

          In the same way, we know that John is not the father because JM has confirmed it. In the same way you believe JM's post about R/T, I believe his post about John not being the father. In the same way you responded to the R/T shipper, I was trying to respond to you; by using JM's words as confirmation.
          As much as I would love for it to be true, I know in reality, it is not. So therefore, it is not a possibility, in the same way R/T is not a possibility. The emotion is separate from the fact. Head vs. heart. It's the people that continue to deny that reality that baffle me. So in the same way, it baffles me to say that John being the father could still be a possibility.

          I believe anything is possible, except for what the producers and actors have told us to be true or in this case, not true. I may not like it, but it's the reality and it is moot to argue otherwise. I don't mean to say that harshly; I'm just trying to explain. I hope that makes sense!

          I understand being afraid. But it unfortunately doesn't change the facts.
          Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


            Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
            though here is something that I'm sure has a reason to be wrried over, If there is no season five, there is going to somany lose ends to tie up everyone will be lost on how to end it all.
            Fortunately JM has also said that if there is not a season five, he is confident there will be SGA movies. So it's not the same as another season, but at least we most likely won't be left hanging! That would be my greatest fear as well, to have their story be incomplete. But fortunately, either way, it sounds like that won't happen. YAY!
            Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


              Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
              Okay, I'm back now, sorry for the delayed response. I was driving home from work. Just got home, have two hungry and impatient dogs waiting for me, so this will have to be quick!

              Maybe because you are letting your fear override what we are trying to say? Let me see if I can explain it in another way that might make more sense. You know how earlier a Ronon/Teyla shipper accidentally came in here and posted about R/T being lovers or whatever it was they said? How did you respond? You wrote back that JM confirmed in his blog just recently that Ronon/Teyla have a brother/sister relationship. In other words, his words confirm that Ronon and Teyla are not lovers. No matter how much they want to ship them, and it's of course their prerogative to do so in fanfic or appreciate their scenes together, it doesn't change the fact that in reality, that ship will never exist.

              In the same way, we know that John is not the father because JM has confirmed it. In the same way you believe JM's post about R/T, I believe his post about John not being the father. In the same way you responded to the R/T shipper, I was trying to respond to you; by using JM's words as confirmation.
              As much as I would love for it to be true, I know in reality, it is not. So therefore, it is not a possibility, in the same way R/T is not a possibility. The emotion is separate from the fact. Head vs. heart. It's the people that continue to deny that reality that baffle me. So in the same way, it baffles me to say that John being the father could still be a possibility.

              I believe anything is possible, except for what the producers and actors have told us to be true or in this case, not true. I may not like it, but it's the reality and it is moot to argue otherwise. I don't mean to say that harshly; I'm just trying to explain. I hope that makes sense!

              I understand being afraid. But it unfortunately doesn't change the facts.
              well I DID welcome the guy to the forum too so that has to count for something, anyway thankyou LC, I'll wait now though still meart heart says John is the daddy but my head is so mixed up it is now saying I'M the daddy.... o.O .... yeah I know, so I need sleep, anyway I left a little snippet, the final snippet for Kittens Melt Hard Hearts and Strengthen Love and now I gotta go to bed because my mind is so mixed up now, thankyou again though for explaining as best you could.

              This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
              "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
              "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
                well I DID welcome the guy to the forum too so that has to count for something, anyway thankyou LC, I'll wait now though still meart hart says John is the daddy but my head is so mixed up it is now saying I'M the daddy.... o.O .... yeah I know, so I need sleep, anyway I left a little snippet, the final snippet for Kittens Melt Hard Hearts and Strengthen Love and now I gotta go to bed because my mind is so mixed up now, thankyou again though for explaining as best you could.
                Okay, sorry, back again. Doggies are fed, walked, and puppy training practice all done now. LOL! Anyway, YES, that was great that you guys welcomed him/her to the forum! Occasionally someone from another ship will wander in here and that's great, as long as they are respectful. That person wandered in here in error, but at least they got a nice welcome! And now since it's 1:30am, I am going to bed! Good night all!
                Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                  I can't sleep so I can in here with something on my mind, LC; even though you said that in reality that ship will never exsist it actually does, far as I have seen, everyone here where I live (not including John and Teyla themselves) had seen how the two had been with each other since they met in Rising, which the Athosians by the way are now calling New Life Day(like the Earthlings New Years Day) and ever since that time (the first NLD) those of Atlantis (AND the Ancients) and the Athosians know that the pair were meant to be togwether, but then I'm thinking that Moros is right, John has a hard time with telling Teyla he loves her, though she seems to be ready to tell him she loves him. Moros had to go against the advice of her fellow council members and take matters into her own hands to get themtogether just after Hot Zone as Teyla was telling me not too long ago.

                  But thing is they didn't actually get married until after Common Ground, which confused the heck out of me because I was thinking if Morgan and her older sister wanted the War finished against the Wraith, why didn't Moros herself go instead of Morgan? (If I'm rambling here somwhow it helps ease my mind, I hope i'm not offending anyone nor confusing anyone I'm just retelling something Teyla told me two nights ago.) Now I'm a little confused see, If they didn't actually fall in love in your reality, maybe the Mirror is busted? I just know that Rodney is going to kill me if it actually is busted..... anyhow my mind has once more shut down so good night again all

                  This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                  "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                  "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                    Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
                    I can't sleep so I can in here with something on my mind, LC; even though you said that in reality that ship will never exsist it actually does, far as I have seen (snip)
                    Now I'm a little confused see, If they didn't actually fall in love in your reality, maybe the Mirror is busted? I just know that Rodney is going to kill me if it actually is busted..... anyhow my mind has once more shut down so good night again all
                    Just finished posting some pics to my LJ, so I'm still up. But no, I said the Ronon/Teyla ship does not exist in reality, as confirmed by the producers several times. I of course believe in the J/T ship or I wouldn't be here. I don't ship couples that will not happen in the context of the show. Which is why I've also never been wrong in any of my ships.

                    The John/Teyla ship most certainly exists, as also confirmed by the producers and writers and actors many times. The only unknown is how far they will take John and Teyla, if it will remain unresolved sexual tension or turn into more.
                    Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                      Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
                      Just finished posting some pics to my LJ, so I'm still up. But no, I said the Ronon/Teyla ship does not exist in reality, as confirmed by the producers several times. I of course believe in the J/T ship or I wouldn't be here. I don't ship couples that will not happen in the context of the show. Which is why I've also never been wrong in any of my ships.

                      The John/Teyla ship most certainly exists, as also confirmed by the producers and writers and actors many times. The only unknown is how far they will take John and Teyla, if it will remain unresolved sexual tension or turn into more.
                      John/Teyla is the ship I'm talking about y'see, my mind is being funny again so I'm just repeating evcerything Teyla tells me, in fact you'll see alot of what Teyla tells me at my LJ that John setup for me using his nickname he'd gotton in school. anything is blue/purple is about me and those here in Atlanis on this side of the Mirror, anything non-colored is Earth's reality.(I can go from place to place easey you know?)

                      anyway i'm in bed for real this time, good night LC!

                      PS, I'm hoping it turns into something more when they get the go ahead for season five! Enough already with the whole beating-up-the-already-very-long-dead-horse and get them together!!!

                      This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                      "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                      "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                        Originally posted by maffieg View Post
                        OT and a bit well.. you'll see


                        Oh MrsB, I'm sooo sorry you were attacked by that Horrible Anonymous
                        ... not to be confused with the simply want to stay anon souls.

                        But I do swear that the'HACs' seems to think themselves to be clairvoyant and know exactly what you're thinking.

                        As such, a homage to the HAC's amazing ability to read everyone's thoughts... they will surely decipher this:
                        Maff's thoughts on HACs

                        Soo sorry guys couldn't help that one
                        HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Those darn HACs...

                        Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
                        Latest part of Deception Part 6 (I think)...

                        John just stared at Carson with a look more deadly than venom. Keller’s mouth opened in shock. Ronon grunted in disbelief.

                        Only Rodney was able to come up with something to say, “You and Teyla? I mean, come on I thought she and Sheppard would get together. And if not those two, then maybe she and Ronon would try something. I mean, they are both from this galaxy, you know. And I mean, I thought, if that didn’t work out, then maybe her and me…” He looked at everyone, who was frowning now. “I mean, it’s not that you’re unattractive or anything, it’s just--”

                        “Shut up, McKay,” Ronan demanded.

                        Carson frowned. “Teyla and I were never together, Rodney.”

                        The tension in the room dropped considerably. “Than do you care to explain yourself?” asked a still ruffled Sheppard.

                        “Yes, I do. We need to find Teyla,” Carson said, trying to get off the table.

                        “Dr. Beckett, you aren’t going anywhere. Not until we get an explanation of how you are alive and standing here,” Carter said.

                        “Where’s Elizabeth?” he asked, looking around the room. “I don’t answer to the military, Colonel.”

                        Pain crossed over their faces. “She’s gone,” Ronan said simply.

                        He sighed. “Then he was telling the truth. I hoped that he was just telling me that to cooperate.”

                        “Who? Where have you been all this time?” Sheppard asked.

                        Carson shot a glance at Carter. There was no way she was going to let anyone follow his suggestions until he told everyone what had happened. The less time he wasted, the quicker they could get to Teyla.

                        He took a deep breath. “I didn’t die in that explosion a year ago. In fact, I hadn’t been on Atlantis for nearly two weeks before that.” Before anyone could ask him any other questions, he continued. “When Teyla and I went to Athos, after her entrapment in Jamas’ machine, I was doing my usual checkups. I had forgotten my vaccinations and was heading back to the gate when someone grabbed me.”

                        “Who?” asked Rodney.

                        “Michael,” Carson said, still frightened at the memory. “When I came to, he held me prisoner in a cave, on some Godforsaken planet.”

                        “Wait a minute. We saw you after that,” Ronan rumbled.

                        “I know that. Obviously, it wasn’t me. It was a clone,” explained Carson.

                        “The Wraith can clone people?” asked Rodney. “That’s a truly astounding achievement.” He stopped for a second. “If they can clone humans, why don’t they just feed on them?”

                        Grimacing, Carson answered, “According to Michael, they aren’t as…satisfying.”

                        “Diet humans,” Sheppard said dryly. “It’s the latest in Wraith weight loss.”

                        “Aye,” agreed Carson. “According to Michael, he was able to train the clone in a few weeks. Since he had spent so much time here, he knew my mannerisms and ‘primitive’ medical knowledge. Passing them along, he said, had been easy.”

                        “He spent weeks, breaking me.” His haunted look met Sheppard’s gaze. “You have no idea how powerful the Wraith really are. He would tell me his horrible plan, show me the evil experiments he was creating and how he was going to make me help him. “

                        “What plan?” Sheppard asked.

                        His eyes fluttered closed, guilt weighing him down. “That’s why we need to find Teyla. I was there, in the Taranan settlement, when you discovered what Michael had been creating.”

                        “Why didn’t you say anything? I’m sure Master Chief over there could have rescued you,” Rodney said, nodding in Ronon’s direction.

                        “Rodney, I have no control over what I was doing. Michael personally assigned me two of his ’children’ to make sure I behaved until he was ready for me.” He stopped, his eyes watering. “I am so sorry.”

                        “For what?” Carter asked.

                        “After Michael caught Teyla, he made me…implant dozens of Wraith eggs in Teyla--”

                        “WHAT?” shouted John.

                        “Colonel, I didn’t know what I was doing. You have seen how easily Michael can control people. I didn’t know any of this happened until you all were off-planet. Teyla, he said, was weak from an ordeal with a Wraith Queen and the process was easier than expected,” Carson said.

                        “Wait, wait, wait. How do you know that Michael wasn’t trying to pull one over on you? Teyla has already said the father is a man named Kanan,” Rodney said.

                        “There is no father. Well, I guess, Michael would technically be it. Kanan is nothing more than an illusion that the embryos created in Teyla’s mind. They knew that if she was to suddenly become pregnant that their existence would be terminated. If, however, she thought she was pregnant, no one would be the wiser.” For the first time since he started talking, he looked at Keller. “She didn’t let you do an ultrasound, did she, Jen?”

                        Keller shook her head. “I tried, but she was adamant.”

                        “It’s not your fault, Love,” Carson assured her. “The bugs have been controlling Teyla subconsciously for the past year and now that the time for them to…hatch, she’s in danger. I doubt she’s even in control of herself anymore. That‘s why we need to find her. If these…things hatch, Teyla will never be freed from their control.”

                        Carson watched as Carter and Sheppard exchanged a look. After a few seconds, she nodded. Sheppard nodded to Ronon as he tapped his earpiece. “Lorne, meet me in the control room. We’re going on a trip.”

                        Rodney stayed by Carson’s bedside. “I still have some many questions.”

                        Carson smiled, despite the seriousness of what was going on around them. “I wouldn’t expect anything less.”

                        “How did you escape? And how did you know where to find us?”

                        “I didn’t escape. Michael released me for ‘good behavior’. Since the embryos are now viable, he had no use for me any longer. I suppose if the experiment failed, he needed me around to try again. When I tried to dial a gate to Atlantis, the wormhole never established. So I went to the only place I could think of: M7G-677.”

                        “The planet with all the kids?”

                        He nodded. “Aye. They said that you had to move Atlantis and provided me with the new address. I dialed it and now I’m here.” He looked around. “I’m sure quite a bit has gone on while I was away.”

                        Rodney nodded. “How long do you think she has? You know, before they, um, hatch.”

                        “From what Michael estimated, less than a 72 hours.”

                        See? That wasn't so bad, was it?

                        Hopefully the next part will be up by Saturday...we'll see.
                        EW!!! EW EW EW!!!!!

                        Apart from that, great job!

                        Thanks to YappiChick for the lovely sig


                          Originally posted by scifan View Post
                          Ok, guys. I hate to post and run, but I'm tired. I did manage to do another part of fic.
                          I'm warning you guys now that the story is gonna get into my version of John's past especially his family life.
                          So some scenes wont be pretty. I'm still going to try to keep it mild. I was going to end in a cliffy, but it was way to serious that I had to lighten up the end. Tell me you honest opinion. If you don't like it, I will stop writing it.

                          Rememberance. Part 2:


                          As Rodney asks Sam to send a medical and science team to their location, Teyla calls his attention to the wall behind John. It begins to protect a blurred image.
                          “Rodney. Rodney? What’s going on? Who needs medical assistance?” asks Sam.
                          Rodney was mesmerized by what was going, “Um, Sam. I can’t talk right now. All I can say that it’s John and I gotta go now. McKay out.”
                          Sam is stunned by Rodney’s response and rushes both kinds of team to the room. She also goes with them.
                          Meanwhile, Ronon, Rodney and Teyla stare at the screen on they wall.
                          “How come I didn’t notice that before?” questions Rodney.
                          “What is it?” responds Ronon.
                          “I… I don’t know,” answers Rodney.
                          They moves closer and they image begins to become clearer. They all see an image of a beautiful woman forcing a smile with watery tears and she is very pregnant. She crouches down and they see a handkerchief come towards them.
                          She begins to speak, “It’s ok Johnny. It was an accident. Daddy had too much to drink and he didn’t mean to get mad at you.”
                          They can hear the sobbing of a little boy, “Mommy, did I do something to make daddy not like me?”
                          As she leans in to hug the little boy she whispers, “No Johnny. You’re a good boy. Daddy just had a bad day.”
                          Their eyes are wide as they stand in shock after watching the image in front of them.
                          “Rodney, I do not understand what are we watching?” asks Teyla.
                          “I, um. I think these are Sheppard’s memories of when he was a kid and we are seeing through his eyes,” responds Rodney with a hint of terror in his voice.
                          “Are you saying his father was mean to him?” inquires Ronon.
                          “God, I hope not,” answers Rodney.
                          “I know that Sheppard said that his father and him didn’t get along, but he never said why,” says Ronon.
                          “Rodney, you need to find a way to stop this,” stresses Teyla. “He would not be happy knowing we are seeing his private memories.”
                          “I know, but I don’t know how to stop it,” states Rodney.
                          Ronon tries to hit the force field to get through, but no luck. Rodney continues to try to figure out how get John out by pushing some buttons on the consul.
                          Teyla can’t help to be drawn to the screen. She knows she shouldn’t, but there is so little she knows about John. She sees John’s mom open a can of beer. A little chubby hand reaches out to grabs it.
                          “Ok, Johnny. Go give this to daddy. Ok?” says his mom.
                          Teyla sees him walking into a room and a disheveled looking man sitting in a cushioned chair watching a football game. As little John gets closer with the beer, his dad jumps up from excitement over the game. He accidentally hits the can of beer and it spills on himself. He looks at John angrily and begins to yell and blame him for the spilt beer. Teyla then hears the mother yelling that John was only three and he didn’t mean it. The father sighs and mumbles that she babies him too much and returns to his game. The screen begins to blur again.
                          John begins to struggle in the seat, but his eyes are still close. Teyla turns her attention on him.
                          “John? John, can you hear me?” yells Teyla.
                          Ronon and Rodney quickly go to Teyla to see what is going on. John still doesn’t respond. Finally, Sam, Keller the medical and science team arrive.
                          A new image comes on the screen. It’s John walking through the corridor of Atlantis. His eyes wonder until he settles on the figure in front of him. They hear him give a satisfying sigh on the screen.
                          “What is going on?” demands Sam.
                          Rodney walks up to Sam and begins to explain what was going on. Radek walks up to Ronon and Teyla. He also begins to watch the screen. Ronon and Radek begin to smile widely.
                          “He’s watching you Teyla,” Ronon says teasingly.
                          “What? No. He is not…” Teyla stutters.
                          They hear him on the screen call Teyla’s name and before the woman that John is following turns around, the screen goes blank. The two men look at Teyla with boyish smirks.

                          Goodnight all.
                          Great Update
                          Poor little John,,the way he was treated by his father... and now Teyla and the others are seeing just what he has been going through in his life...
                          The ending however..with the guys grinning like fools over the fact that John is remembering Teyla *lol*

                          Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
                          Latest part of Deception Part 6 (I think)...

                          John just stared at Carson with a look more deadly than venom. Keller’s mouth opened in shock. Ronon grunted in disbelief.

                          Only Rodney was able to come up with something to say, “You and Teyla? I mean, come on I thought she and Sheppard would get together. And if not those two, then maybe she and Ronon would try something. I mean, they are both from this galaxy, you know. And I mean, I thought, if that didn’t work out, then maybe her and me…” He looked at everyone, who was frowning now. “I mean, it’s not that you’re unattractive or anything, it’s just--”

                          “Shut up, McKay,” Ronan demanded.

                          Carson frowned. “Teyla and I were never together, Rodney.”

                          The tension in the room dropped considerably. “Than do you care to explain yourself?” asked a still ruffled Sheppard.

                          “Yes, I do. We need to find Teyla,” Carson said, trying to get off the table.

                          “Dr. Beckett, you aren’t going anywhere. Not until we get an explanation of how you are alive and standing here,” Carter said.

                          “Where’s Elizabeth?” he asked, looking around the room. “I don’t answer to the military, Colonel.”

                          Pain crossed over their faces. “She’s gone,” Ronan said simply.

                          He sighed. “Then he was telling the truth. I hoped that he was just telling me that to cooperate.”

                          “Who? Where have you been all this time?” Sheppard asked.

                          Carson shot a glance at Carter. There was no way she was going to let anyone follow his suggestions until he told everyone what had happened. The less time he wasted, the quicker they could get to Teyla.

                          He took a deep breath. “I didn’t die in that explosion a year ago. In fact, I hadn’t been on Atlantis for nearly two weeks before that.” Before anyone could ask him any other questions, he continued. “When Teyla and I went to Athos, after her entrapment in Jamas’ machine, I was doing my usual checkups. I had forgotten my vaccinations and was heading back to the gate when someone grabbed me.”

                          “Who?” asked Rodney.

                          “Michael,” Carson said, still frightened at the memory. “When I came to, he held me prisoner in a cave, on some Godforsaken planet.”

                          “Wait a minute. We saw you after that,” Ronan rumbled.

                          “I know that. Obviously, it wasn’t me. It was a clone,” explained Carson.

                          “The Wraith can clone people?” asked Rodney. “That’s a truly astounding achievement.” He stopped for a second. “If they can clone humans, why don’t they just feed on them?”

                          Grimacing, Carson answered, “According to Michael, they aren’t as…satisfying.”

                          “Diet humans,” Sheppard said dryly. “It’s the latest in Wraith weight loss.”

                          “Aye,” agreed Carson. “According to Michael, he was able to train the clone in a few weeks. Since he had spent so much time here, he knew my mannerisms and ‘primitive’ medical knowledge. Passing them along, he said, had been easy.”

                          “He spent weeks, breaking me.” His haunted look met Sheppard’s gaze. “You have no idea how powerful the Wraith really are. He would tell me his horrible plan, show me the evil experiments he was creating and how he was going to make me help him. “

                          “What plan?” Sheppard asked.

                          His eyes fluttered closed, guilt weighing him down. “That’s why we need to find Teyla. I was there, in the Taranan settlement, when you discovered what Michael had been creating.”

                          “Why didn’t you say anything? I’m sure Master Chief over there could have rescued you,” Rodney said, nodding in Ronon’s direction.

                          “Rodney, I have no control over what I was doing. Michael personally assigned me two of his ’children’ to make sure I behaved until he was ready for me.” He stopped, his eyes watering. “I am so sorry.”

                          “For what?” Carter asked.

                          “After Michael caught Teyla, he made me…implant dozens of Wraith eggs in Teyla--”

                          “WHAT?” shouted John.

                          “Colonel, I didn’t know what I was doing. You have seen how easily Michael can control people. I didn’t know any of this happened until you all were off-planet. Teyla, he said, was weak from an ordeal with a Wraith Queen and the process was easier than expected,” Carson said.

                          “Wait, wait, wait. How do you know that Michael wasn’t trying to pull one over on you? Teyla has already said the father is a man named Kanan,” Rodney said.

                          “There is no father. Well, I guess, Michael would technically be it. Kanan is nothing more than an illusion that the embryos created in Teyla’s mind. They knew that if she was to suddenly become pregnant that their existence would be terminated. If, however, she thought she was pregnant, no one would be the wiser.” For the first time since he started talking, he looked at Keller. “She didn’t let you do an ultrasound, did she, Jen?”

                          Keller shook her head. “I tried, but she was adamant.”

                          “It’s not your fault, Love,” Carson assured her. “The bugs have been controlling Teyla subconsciously for the past year and now that the time for them to…hatch, she’s in danger. I doubt she’s even in control of herself anymore. That‘s why we need to find her. If these…things hatch, Teyla will never be freed from their control.”

                          Carson watched as Carter and Sheppard exchanged a look. After a few seconds, she nodded. Sheppard nodded to Ronon as he tapped his earpiece. “Lorne, meet me in the control room. We’re going on a trip.”

                          Rodney stayed by Carson’s bedside. “I still have some many questions.”

                          Carson smiled, despite the seriousness of what was going on around them. “I wouldn’t expect anything less.”

                          “How did you escape? And how did you know where to find us?”

                          “I didn’t escape. Michael released me for ‘good behavior’. Since the embryos are now viable, he had no use for me any longer. I suppose if the experiment failed, he needed me around to try again. When I tried to dial a gate to Atlantis, the wormhole never established. So I went to the only place I could think of: M7G-677.”

                          “The planet with all the kids?”

                          He nodded. “Aye. They said that you had to move Atlantis and provided me with the new address. I dialed it and now I’m here.” He looked around. “I’m sure quite a bit has gone on while I was away.”

                          Rodney nodded. “How long do you think she has? You know, before they, um, hatch.”

                          “From what Michael estimated, less than a 72 hours.”

                          See? That wasn't so bad, was it?

                          Hopefully the next part will be up by Saturday...we'll see.
                          Great update...
                          you sure had me laughing at John's line about the latest in Wraith weight loss *LOL* in such a time he can still crack a joke...

                          and can I saw EWWWWW ... I sure hope they can get in time to Teyla... Wraith eggs,,hatching...oh yuck... Michael needs to learn not to mess with John's woman
                          Sigs by Scifan


                            DAILY VOTING LINKS

                            Vote for J/T on 38 Minutes in the Favorite Ship Episode Picture Game

                            Pics to follow for use in game:

                            Vote for Favorite Sheppard Episode
                            (If one of your favorite John episode isn't on the list, simply add it to the list)

                            Vote for Favorite Teyla Episode
                            (If one of your favorite Teyla episode isn't on the list, simply add it to the list)

                            Vote for Favorite Teyla & John Moment
                            (If one of your favorite J/T moment isn't on the list, simply add it to the list)

                            Support John in the H&H Best Hairdos
                            (Make sure you have the last page on the thread to make the correct score)

                            VOTING UPDATE

                            38 Minutes has now 44 votes and will need 6 more...
                            WHICH IS GOING TO BE THE NEXT EPISODE???????

                            LET THE VOTING BEGIN!!!

                            STARGATE MUSIC VIDEO AWARD 2007

                            Nominate videos to Stargate Music Video Award 2007
                            Let's make sure there are video with John, Teyla and John/Teyla
                            Nominations are open until 28th October

                            ARMAGEDDON CONVENTION IN MELBOURNE

                            Check out reports from some fans from the Armageddon Convention in Melbourne where fans got to meet Joe Flanigan










                            Pics links



                            You can find some awesome pics of Joe on the Armageddon Convention in Melbourne right here..

                            Be aware though that the owner have asked that these pics are NOT to be reposted anywhere... you can snag them for your own enjoyment,,just not post them anywhere public like other pages and here at please respect that request from the owner of these pics
                            Sigs by Scifan


                              Hmm... next episode...

                              The Gift?

                              Or, if we're allowed to go into series 4 now


                              We'd better leave DG until it's aired properly...

                              Thanks to YappiChick for the lovely sig


                                Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
                                Hmm... next episode...

                                The Gift?

                                Or, if we're allowed to go into series 4 now


                                We'd better leave DG until it's aired properly...
                                I'm not sure about the season 4 epis... and if we are able all pics have to be under spoiler cuts...
                                Sigs by Scifan

