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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
    uh...... I edited that! I think you missed it or posted sooner then my edit
    Well, is there anything wrong with have a head vote and a heart vote?


      Ok, guys. I hate to post and run, but I'm tired. I did manage to do another part of fic.
      I'm warning you guys now that the story is gonna get into my version of John's past especially his family life.
      So some scenes wont be pretty. I'm still going to try to keep it mild. I was going to end in a cliffy, but it was way to serious that I had to lighten up the end. Tell me you honest opinion. If you don't like it, I will stop writing it.

      Rememberance. Part 2:


      As Rodney asks Sam to send a medical and science team to their location, Teyla calls his attention to the wall behind John. It begins to protect a blurred image.
      “Rodney. Rodney? What’s going on? Who needs medical assistance?” asks Sam.
      Rodney was mesmerized by what was going, “Um, Sam. I can’t talk right now. All I can say that it’s John and I gotta go now. McKay out.”
      Sam is stunned by Rodney’s response and rushes both kinds of team to the room. She also goes with them.
      Meanwhile, Ronon, Rodney and Teyla stare at the screen on they wall.
      “How come I didn’t notice that before?” questions Rodney.
      “What is it?” responds Ronon.
      “I… I don’t know,” answers Rodney.
      They moves closer and they image begins to become clearer. They all see an image of a beautiful woman forcing a smile with watery tears and she is very pregnant. She crouches down and they see a handkerchief come towards them.
      She begins to speak, “It’s ok Johnny. It was an accident. Daddy had too much to drink and he didn’t mean to get mad at you.”
      They can hear the sobbing of a little boy, “Mommy, did I do something to make daddy not like me?”
      As she leans in to hug the little boy she whispers, “No Johnny. You’re a good boy. Daddy just had a bad day.”
      Their eyes are wide as they stand in shock after watching the image in front of them.
      “Rodney, I do not understand what are we watching?” asks Teyla.
      “I, um. I think these are Sheppard’s memories of when he was a kid and we are seeing through his eyes,” responds Rodney with a hint of terror in his voice.
      “Are you saying his father was mean to him?” inquires Ronon.
      “God, I hope not,” answers Rodney.
      “I know that Sheppard said that his father and him didn’t get along, but he never said why,” says Ronon.
      “Rodney, you need to find a way to stop this,” stresses Teyla. “He would not be happy knowing we are seeing his private memories.”
      “I know, but I don’t know how to stop it,” states Rodney.
      Ronon tries to hit the force field to get through, but no luck. Rodney continues to try to figure out how get John out by pushing some buttons on the consul.
      Teyla can’t help to be drawn to the screen. She knows she shouldn’t, but there is so little she knows about John. She sees John’s mom open a can of beer. A little chubby hand reaches out to grabs it.
      “Ok, Johnny. Go give this to daddy. Ok?” says his mom.
      Teyla sees him walking into a room and a disheveled looking man sitting in a cushioned chair watching a football game. As little John gets closer with the beer, his dad jumps up from excitement over the game. He accidentally hits the can of beer and it spills on himself. He looks at John angrily and begins to yell and blame him for the spilt beer. Teyla then hears the mother yelling that John was only three and he didn’t mean it. The father sighs and mumbles that she babies him too much and returns to his game. The screen begins to blur again.
      John begins to struggle in the seat, but his eyes are still close. Teyla turns her attention on him.
      “John? John, can you hear me?” yells Teyla.
      Ronon and Rodney quickly go to Teyla to see what is going on. John still doesn’t respond. Finally, Sam, Keller the medical and science team arrive.
      A new image comes on the screen. It’s John walking through the corridor of Atlantis. His eyes wonder until he settles on the figure in front of him. They hear him give a satisfying sigh on the screen.
      “What is going on?” demands Sam.
      Rodney walks up to Sam and begins to explain what was going on. Radek walks up to Ronon and Teyla. He also begins to watch the screen. Ronon and Radek begin to smile widely.
      “He’s watching you Teyla,” Ronon says teasingly.
      “What? No. He is not…” Teyla stutters.
      They hear him on the screen call Teyla’s name and before the woman that John is following turns around, the screen goes blank. The two men look at Teyla with boyish smirks.

      Goodnight all.


        Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
        I'll be the bookie, heck I'm on here when you aren't on gateroom duty at night Winged!

        add me to that list(you don't mind if I vote twice do you?)
        put me down for head(Kanan) but for Heart put me down for..... E John, (just himself nothing else added in)
        Okey doke. Want to take over early? Sorry to start something and leave, but I gotta go soon. Anyway, one last update:

        Who or what do you think makes Teyla pregnant?


        A. Kanan (Teyilia)
        B. Doppleganger Shep
        C. Micheal
        D. Some sci-fi experiment (WingedPegasus, LoveConquers)
        E. Normal Shep

        A. Kanan
        B. Doppleganger Shep
        C. Micheal
        D. Some sci-fi experiment (WingedPegasus, LoveConquers)
        E. Normal Shep (Teyilia)

        || twitter || tumblr ||


          Originally posted by scifan View Post
          Ok, guys. I hate to post and run, but I'm tired. I did manage to do another part of fic.
          I'm warning you guys now that the story is gonna get into my version of John's past especially his family life.
          So some scenes wont be pretty. I'm still going to try to keep it mild. I was going to end in a cliffy, but it was way to serious that I had to lighten up the end. Tell me you honest opinion. If you don't like it, I will stop writing it.

          Rememberance. Part 2:


          As Rodney asks Sam to send a medical and science team to their location, Teyla calls his attention to the wall behind John. It begins to protect a blurred image.
          “Rodney. Rodney? What’s going on? Who needs medical assistance?” asks Sam.
          Rodney was mesmerized by what was going, “Um, Sam. I can’t talk right now. All I can say that it’s John and I gotta go now. McKay out.”
          Sam is stunned by Rodney’s response and rushes both kinds of team to the room. She also goes with them.
          Meanwhile, Ronon, Rodney and Teyla stare at the screen on they wall.
          “How come I didn’t notice that before?” questions Rodney.
          “What is it?” responds Ronon.
          “I… I don’t know,” answers Rodney.
          They moves closer and they image begins to become clearer. They all see an image of a beautiful woman forcing a smile with watery tears and she is very pregnant. She crouches down and they see a handkerchief come towards them.
          She begins to speak, “It’s ok Johnny. It was an accident. Daddy had too much to drink and he didn’t mean to get mad at you.”
          They can hear the sobbing of a little boy, “Mommy, did I do something to make daddy not like me?”
          As she leans in to hug the little boy she whispers, “No Johnny. You’re a good boy. Daddy just had a bad day.”
          Their eyes are wide as they stand in shock after watching the image in front of them.
          “Rodney, I do not understand what are we watching?” asks Teyla.
          “I, um. I think these are Sheppard’s memories of when he was a kid and we are seeing through his eyes,” responds Rodney with a hint of terror in his voice.
          “Are you saying his father was mean to him?” inquires Ronon.
          “God, I hope not,” answers Rodney.
          “I know that Sheppard said that his father and him didn’t get along, but he never said why,” says Ronon.
          “Rodney, you need to find a way to stop this,” stresses Teyla. “He would not be happy knowing we are seeing his private memories.”
          “I know, but I don’t know how to stop it,” states Rodney.
          Ronon tries to hit the force field to get through, but no luck. Rodney continues to try to figure out how get John out by pushing some buttons on the consul.
          Teyla can’t help to be drawn to the screen. She knows she shouldn’t, but there is so little she knows about John. She sees John’s mom open a can of beer. A little chubby hand reaches out to grabs it.
          “Ok, Johnny. Go give this to daddy. Ok?” says his mom.
          Teyla sees him walking into a room and a disheveled looking man sitting in a cushioned chair watching a football game. As little John gets closer with the beer, his dad jumps up from excitement over the game. He accidentally hits the can of beer and it spills on himself. He looks at John angrily and begins to yell and blame him for the spilt beer. Teyla then hears the mother yelling that John was only three and he didn’t mean it. The father sighs and mumbles that she babies him too much and returns to his game. The screen begins to blur again.
          John begins to struggle in the seat, but his eyes are still close. Teyla turns her attention on him.
          “John? John, can you hear me?” yells Teyla.
          Ronon and Rodney quickly go to Teyla to see what is going on. John still doesn’t respond. Finally, Sam, Keller the medical and science team arrive.
          A new image comes on the screen. It’s John walking through the corridor of Atlantis. His eyes wonder until he settles on the figure in front of him. They hear him give a satisfying sigh on the screen.
          “What is going on?” demands Sam.
          Rodney walks up to Sam and begins to explain what was going on. Radek walks up to Ronon and Teyla. He also begins to watch the screen. Ronon and Radek begin to smile widely.
          “He’s watching you Teyla,” Ronon says teasingly.
          “What? No. He is not…” Teyla stutters.
          They hear him on the screen call Teyla’s name and before the woman that John is following turns around, the screen goes blank. The two men look at Teyla with boyish smirks.

          Goodnight all.

          Hehe, very cute ending to this part! Thank you!
          Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


            Originally posted by WingedPegasus View Post
            Okey doke. Want to take over early? Sorry to start something and leave, but I gotta go soon. Anyway, one last update:

            Who or what do you think makes Teyla pregnant?


            A. Kanan (Teyilia)
            B. Doppleganger Shep
            C. Micheal
            D. Some sci-fi experiment (WingedPegasus, LoveConquers)
            E. Normal Shep

            A. Kanan
            B. Doppleganger Shep
            C. Micheal
            D. Some sci-fi experiment (WingedPegasus, LoveConquers)
            E. Normal Shep (Teyilia)

            Hey I thought I edited that! both my head AND heart tell me it is John.... maybe even Dopp John but hey since I'm the bookie I DO know I already won a bet because Martin G already Confirmed that John is the cursh/love interest on the Sunday Commentary(makes me want to see that episode even MORE now)

            I don't mind taking over early!

            This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
            "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
            "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


              Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
              Very true! And Stargate writers are nothing if not subtle. But in this ep, it's quite obvious that both John and Teyla's relationship is a focus. Whether you see that relationship as friendship or more, you can't deny that they are in fact being focused on, however you want to interpret it. Although sadly, I've even seen some people try to deny even that.
              Isn't that always the case....

              Originally posted by maffieg View Post
              Anything for you MrsB... I have army pants and am sure I can find two really sturdy sticks laying about here somewhere.....*rummaging my stuff*
              J/ seriously!!!

              Well now they don't have to be anonymous anymore they have a name.

              No no don't thank me HACs, it was my pleasure
              you know they can't hack it!......

              Originally posted by WingedPegasus View Post
              Ha! Thank you soo much for that marvelous acronym! Henceforth, I decree that all annoying anonymous posters on JM's blog shall be referred to as "HACs"! LOL!
              Not that anyone would listen to my decrees, but still . . .
              Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
              Oh no worries! I'm half asleep over here, so I just read it wrong!

              I don't believe that Teyla would just sleep around either. I'm convinced like most of us here that there will still be some twist in all this that we just don't know about yet! At the Con, Joe said the pregnancy storyline was "good," so let's hope he's right!
              Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
              Like you said LC: anything is possible at this point, I'm only hoping that it is NOT
              this Kanan dude
              that would crush me! in fact John asked Teyla about the guy and of course Teyla told him how they had been very close(but NOT as close as they are now) friends and that he was the one with them when he and Sumner asked About the Wraith, he was the one that Mentioned them according to Teyla he was also the first one taken by the Wraith to be eaten.
              Ok I'm not too with this ideas coming in on the whole
              baby issue
              ...but for me I'm thinking it'll be one of those bizarre situations...cause really I can't see Teyla with a baby on Atlantis. And if the
              kanan dude
              is the guy from rising, isn't he dead? that alone point to it being an experiment right?...anyway, I was going to rewatch Rising to see what his name was cause I wasn't sure. But anyway, I'm hoping for an experiment, and not a legit situation.

              R.I.P Wraithlord

              Awesome sig by SciFan


                Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
                OHHH, I just love how you said that! That's EXACTLY how I feel as well!

                Bad little doubts!

                So yep, that helps me decide to go with Sci-Fi weirdness for sure. Thanks!
                No problem! Glad I could help. Now I guess you know how I feel, so often I read your posts and think; "Is she reading my mind?" LOL!

                Originally posted by scifan View Post
                Ok, guys. I hate to post and run, but I'm tired. I did manage to do another part of fic.
                I'm warning you guys now that the story is gonna get into my version of John's past especially his family life.
                So some scenes wont be pretty. I'm still going to try to keep it mild. I was going to end in a cliffy, but it was way to serious that I had to lighten up the end. Tell me you honest opinion. If you don't like it, I will stop writing it.

                Rememberance. Part 2:


                As Rodney asks Sam to send a medical and science team to their location, Teyla calls his attention to the wall behind John. It begins to protect a blurred image.
                “Rodney. Rodney? What’s going on? Who needs medical assistance?” asks Sam.
                Rodney was mesmerized by what was going, “Um, Sam. I can’t talk right now. All I can say that it’s John and I gotta go now. McKay out.”
                Sam is stunned by Rodney’s response and rushes both kinds of team to the room. She also goes with them.
                Meanwhile, Ronon, Rodney and Teyla stare at the screen on they wall.
                “How come I didn’t notice that before?” questions Rodney.
                “What is it?” responds Ronon.
                “I… I don’t know,” answers Rodney.
                They moves closer and they image begins to become clearer. They all see an image of a beautiful woman forcing a smile with watery tears and she is very pregnant. She crouches down and they see a handkerchief come towards them.
                She begins to speak, “It’s ok Johnny. It was an accident. Daddy had too much to drink and he didn’t mean to get mad at you.”
                They can hear the sobbing of a little boy, “Mommy, did I do something to make daddy not like me?”
                As she leans in to hug the little boy she whispers, “No Johnny. You’re a good boy. Daddy just had a bad day.”
                Their eyes are wide as they stand in shock after watching the image in front of them.
                “Rodney, I do not understand what are we watching?” asks Teyla.
                “I, um. I think these are Sheppard’s memories of when he was a kid and we are seeing through his eyes,” responds Rodney with a hint of terror in his voice.
                “Are you saying his father was mean to him?” inquires Ronon.
                “God, I hope not,” answers Rodney.
                “I know that Sheppard said that his father and him didn’t get along, but he never said why,” says Ronon.
                “Rodney, you need to find a way to stop this,” stresses Teyla. “He would not be happy knowing we are seeing his private memories.”
                “I know, but I don’t know how to stop it,” states Rodney.
                Ronon tries to hit the force field to get through, but no luck. Rodney continues to try to figure out how get John out by pushing some buttons on the consul.
                Teyla can’t help to be drawn to the screen. She knows she shouldn’t, but there is so little she knows about John. She sees John’s mom open a can of beer. A little chubby hand reaches out to grabs it.
                “Ok, Johnny. Go give this to daddy. Ok?” says his mom.
                Teyla sees him walking into a room and a disheveled looking man sitting in a cushioned chair watching a football game. As little John gets closer with the beer, his dad jumps up from excitement over the game. He accidentally hits the can of beer and it spills on himself. He looks at John angrily and begins to yell and blame him for the spilt beer. Teyla then hears the mother yelling that John was only three and he didn’t mean it. The father sighs and mumbles that she babies him too much and returns to his game. The screen begins to blur again.
                John begins to struggle in the seat, but his eyes are still close. Teyla turns her attention on him.
                “John? John, can you hear me?” yells Teyla.
                Ronon and Rodney quickly go to Teyla to see what is going on. John still doesn’t respond. Finally, Sam, Keller the medical and science team arrive.
                A new image comes on the screen. It’s John walking through the corridor of Atlantis. His eyes wonder until he settles on the figure in front of him. They hear him give a satisfying sigh on the screen.
                “What is going on?” demands Sam.
                Rodney walks up to Sam and begins to explain what was going on. Radek walks up to Ronon and Teyla. He also begins to watch the screen. Ronon and Radek begin to smile widely.
                “He’s watching you Teyla,” Ronon says teasingly.
                “What? No. He is not…” Teyla stutters.
                They hear him on the screen call Teyla’s name and before the woman that John is following turns around, the screen goes blank. The two men look at Teyla with boyish smirks.

                Goodnight all.
                Goodnight Auntie Sci! I don't think you should stop writing this. It's really good, and I loved the ending.
                || twitter || tumblr ||


                  Originally posted by scifan View Post
                  Ok, guys. I hate to post and run, but I'm tired. I did manage to do another part of fic.
                  I'm warning you guys now that the story is gonna get into my version of John's past especially his family life.
                  So some scenes wont be pretty. I'm still going to try to keep it mild. I was going to end in a cliffy, but it was way to serious that I had to lighten up the end. Tell me you honest opinion. If you don't like it, I will stop writing it.

                  Rememberance. Part 2:


                  As Rodney asks Sam to send a medical and science team to their location, Teyla calls his attention to the wall behind John. It begins to protect a blurred image.
                  “Rodney. Rodney? What’s going on? Who needs medical assistance?” asks Sam.
                  Rodney was mesmerized by what was going, “Um, Sam. I can’t talk right now. All I can say that it’s John and I gotta go now. McKay out.”
                  Sam is stunned by Rodney’s response and rushes both kinds of team to the room. She also goes with them.
                  Meanwhile, Ronon, Rodney and Teyla stare at the screen on they wall.
                  “How come I didn’t notice that before?” questions Rodney.
                  “What is it?” responds Ronon.
                  “I… I don’t know,” answers Rodney.
                  They moves closer and they image begins to become clearer. They all see an image of a beautiful woman forcing a smile with watery tears and she is very pregnant. She crouches down and they see a handkerchief come towards them.
                  She begins to speak, “It’s ok Johnny. It was an accident. Daddy had too much to drink and he didn’t mean to get mad at you.”
                  They can hear the sobbing of a little boy, “Mommy, did I do something to make daddy not like me?”
                  As she leans in to hug the little boy she whispers, “No Johnny. You’re a good boy. Daddy just had a bad day.”
                  Their eyes are wide as they stand in shock after watching the image in front of them.
                  “Rodney, I do not understand what are we watching?” asks Teyla.
                  “I, um. I think these are Sheppard’s memories of when he was a kid and we are seeing through his eyes,” responds Rodney with a hint of terror in his voice.
                  “Are you saying his father was mean to him?” inquires Ronon.
                  “God, I hope not,” answers Rodney.
                  “I know that Sheppard said that his father and him didn’t get along, but he never said why,” says Ronon.
                  “Rodney, you need to find a way to stop this,” stresses Teyla. “He would not be happy knowing we are seeing his private memories.”
                  “I know, but I don’t know how to stop it,” states Rodney.
                  Ronon tries to hit the force field to get through, but no luck. Rodney continues to try to figure out how get John out by pushing some buttons on the consul.
                  Teyla can’t help to be drawn to the screen. She knows she shouldn’t, but there is so little she knows about John. She sees John’s mom open a can of beer. A little chubby hand reaches out to grabs it.
                  “Ok, Johnny. Go give this to daddy. Ok?” says his mom.
                  Teyla sees him walking into a room and a disheveled looking man sitting in a cushioned chair watching a football game. As little John gets closer with the beer, his dad jumps up from excitement over the game. He accidentally hits the can of beer and it spills on himself. He looks at John angrily and begins to yell and blame him for the spilt beer. Teyla then hears the mother yelling that John was only three and he didn’t mean it. The father sighs and mumbles that she babies him too much and returns to his game. The screen begins to blur again.
                  John begins to struggle in the seat, but his eyes are still close. Teyla turns her attention on him.
                  “John? John, can you hear me?” yells Teyla.
                  Ronon and Rodney quickly go to Teyla to see what is going on. John still doesn’t respond. Finally, Sam, Keller the medical and science team arrive.
                  A new image comes on the screen. It’s John walking through the corridor of Atlantis. His eyes wonder until he settles on the figure in front of him. They hear him give a satisfying sigh on the screen.
                  “What is going on?” demands Sam.
                  Rodney walks up to Sam and begins to explain what was going on. Radek walks up to Ronon and Teyla. He also begins to watch the screen. Ronon and Radek begin to smile widely.
                  “He’s watching you Teyla,” Ronon says teasingly.
                  “What? No. He is not…” Teyla stutters.
                  They hear him on the screen call Teyla’s name and before the woman that John is following turns around, the screen goes blank. The two men look at Teyla with boyish smirks.

                  Goodnight all.
                  Sci...... NICE, bring it on! can't wait for next update!

                  This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                  "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                  "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                    Originally posted by Theicero View Post
                    Well, is there anything wrong with have a head vote and a heart vote?
                    Absolutely not!
                    Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                      Originally posted by WingedPegasus View Post
                      Okey doke. Want to take over early? Sorry to start something and leave, but I gotta go soon. Anyway, one last update:

                      Who or what do you think makes Teyla pregnant?


                      A. Kanan (Teyilia)
                      B. Doppleganger Shep
                      C. Micheal
                      D. Some sci-fi experiment (WingedPegasus, LoveConquers)
                      E. Normal Shep

                      A. Kanan
                      B. Doppleganger Shep
                      C. Micheal
                      D. Some sci-fi experiment (WingedPegasus, LoveConquers)
                      E. Normal Shep (Teyilia)

                      Ok. WP. My answer is: Head, B. Heart, E. But the rest is screaming that it's non of the above. LOL


                        Originally posted by WingedPegasus View Post
                        No problem! Glad I could help. Now I guess you know how I feel, so often I read your posts and think; "Is she reading my mind?" LOL!

                        Great minds think alike and all that...!
                        Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                          Originally posted by Teyilia View Post

                          I don't mind taking over early!
                          Thanks for volunteering to keep track!
                          Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                            Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
                            Hey I thought I edited that! both my head AND heart tell me it is John.... maybe even Dopp John but hey since I'm the bookie I DO know I already won a bet because Martin G already Confirmed that John is the cursh/love interest on the Sunday Commentary(makes me want to see that episode even MORE now)

                            I don't mind taking over early!
                            Oh, whoops. Sorry. I guess you can fix that then, bookie.

                            Good night all!
                            || twitter || tumblr ||


                              Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
                              Great minds think alike and all that...!
                              You betcha!

                              OK, I'm really off to bed now.
                              || twitter || tumblr ||


                                Originally posted by WitchBlade007 View Post
                                Isn't that always the case....

                                you know they can't hack it!......

                                Ok I'm not too with this ideas coming in on the whole
                                baby issue
                                ...but for me I'm thinking it'll be one of those bizarre situations...cause really I can't see Teyla with a baby on Atlantis. And if the
                                kanan dude
                                is the guy from rising, isn't he dead? that alone point to it being an experiment right?...anyway, I was going to rewatch Rising to see what his name was cause I wasn't sure. But anyway, I'm hoping for an experiment, and not a legit situation.
                                Did someone say Kanan was the guy from Rising? I must have missed that! I'm pretty sure he's dead as well, in that first culling where Teyla and the others were initially captured and then John rescued her. I don't remember him being in the jumper as they're flying back into Atlantis. Now I have to watch that scene again too! LOL! But I haven't heard that speculation yet. Interesting. I don't think it will happen, but still an interesting guess.
                                Sig by Mayra~many thanks!

