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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
    Check it------>Jason Momoa Q & A with SPOILERSSSSsssssssss

    Thanks MrsB!!!. Is the clip with Ronon and Teal'c from Reunion?...anyway, it looked Awesome!...i can't wait to see it!

    Sig by Camy


      Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
      Check it------>Jason Momoa Q & A with SPOILERSSSSsssssssss
      Coolness! That was too darn cute! I just love his character and Jason is growing on me too. I also watched the JF clip. It's quite the little joker isn't he? I love that he's excited about the ep that he wrote, it's great when the actors get into the show as much as we do.


        So any new spoilers? News? Anything? I've been busy for the last two days so I haven't looked.

        I'm dying to see Reunion but I have to wait till Sunday to see it cause I'll be gone for the weekend and totally busy on Friday night. I'm gonna have JT withdrawals! And Ronon withdrawals! Help!


          Originally posted by sanssong View Post
          So any new spoilers? News? Anything? I've been busy for the last two days so I haven't looked.

          I'm dying to see Reunion but I have to wait till Sunday to see it cause I'll be gone for the weekend and totally busy on Friday night. I'm gonna have JT withdrawals! And Ronon withdrawals! Help!
          Watch 'Sateda'. That ought to help with both problems.
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            GNB -
            It was Jason answering questions and it showed alot of clips (I thought) from Midway with Ronon and Teal'c and Teal'c was saying all these things to rile up Ronon and it was totally working, it showed the two of them exmaining a Wraithified corpse and a couple other things

            I havent heard any new spoilers so I dont think you missed too much in the spoiler sense!!! Reunion should be a wicked good ep, I'm really looking forward to it. We're all wondering if Kanan will show up in this one!


              Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
              GNB -
              It was Jason answering questions and it showed alot of clips (I thought) from Midway with Ronon and Teal'c and Teal'c was saying all these things to rile up Ronon and it was totally working, it showed the two of them exmaining a Wraithified corpse and a couple other things
              That was very strange....
              What the heck was up with Teal'c getting all in Ronon's face? I was like, Teal'c buddy, back off son. He better have a very good Teal'c like reason for doing it.

              Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
              Sanssong -
              I havent heard any new spoilers so I dont think you missed too much in the spoiler sense!!! Reunion should be a wicked good ep, I'm really looking forward to it. We're all wondering if Kanan will show up in this one!
              I'm wondering the same thing myself.
              In fact I'm actually hoping that he does. I think if that's the case it will bode VERY well for us as a ship. It will mean that this guy really isn't that dear to Teyla and in light of what happened in Doppelganger, I say we have reason to rejoice.


                Originally posted by WingedPegasus View Post
                Watch 'Sateda'. That ought to help with both problems.
                That's a great idea... Me LOVES Sateda. Wonderful Ronon filled, J/T shippy episode!



                  have I missed anything?


                    Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                    GNB -
                    It was Jason answering questions and it showed alot of clips (I thought) from Midway with Ronon and Teal'c and Teal'c was saying all these things to rile up Ronon and it was totally working, it showed the two of them exmaining a Wraithified corpse and a couple other things
                    Thanks MrsB!

                    Have you seen the clip from Reunion on Yahoo!Tv? Very sweet moment with
                    Sam and Teal'c


                    my ships


                      nope, not tyhat I know of other thne me all but giving the nighttime Gateroom guards a good stirring when I beamed back home!

                      meaning... I'M BACK GUYS!
                      though Teyla is in the Infirmary with food poision... (I suspect the Trust having something to do with it) Rodney is getting chewed out by Carter for blowing out a city block power grid.... (which is why I all but fell off the planet you call home for three Atlantis days, [five Earth days for you guys]) then Telianna got lost in the woods behind John's mom's place that he got from the Will last month...

                      NOW, theory Time!!!!! this theory is for Dopp (and the baby, re,member I'm THINKING of what might happen, I have not seen the episode yet nobody give it away please otherwise I will return to Earth and RAID YOUR FOOD PANTRY!!!) read please

                      OK here goes nothing.....

                      Teyla's dream has Bug John with a hand holding her against something right? WHAT IF Bug John INSTEAD of feeding made Teyla with child? what if when Teyla was dreaming that nightmare John was dreaming of Teyla, and a family to call his own??

                      REMEMBER, I said What If, for all we know the TPTB are playing mind games with us by talking of this other dude as the daddy, something doesn't sound right......

                      REGUARDING possible daddy....
                      to me it is PAST impossible for Teyla to go off on her own to meet a guy she had left in the past, when she left her people to join the Team she left EVERYBODY, so... How the hell could she go to a guy she had left in her past and get into bed with him?!

                      This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                      "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                      "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                        JM BLOG UPDATE

                        MenNuniform writes: “Which has more Shep whump, Doppelganger or Travelers?”

                        Answer: In my opinion - Doppelganger.

                        Viedo - "Village Walkthrough" -

                        Hey Camy!! How are you!


                          Originally posted by vball2003_1999 View Post
                          Oh, I love it! She better come back soon or John's going to go crazy!
                          Thanks Danielle. I'm glad you're liking it.

                          Originally posted by girlinabox View Post
                          Doesn't work for me Can someone tell what he says?
                          I'll do my best:

                          1st question.) Jason: I would have to say this is my first experience in Scifi. I do love it. Um, I guess because in Scifi there's no really rules. You can do whatever you want to and um you know the storylines can be pretty interesting.(different scenes of Ronon, he pushes male nurse away) So, I absolutely love it. And um, my character is great. As far as up coming things, I'm pretty satisfied of what the writers have given me on this 3rd season(I think he meant 4th season or his 3rd. I don't know.) And um, having fun.
                          2nd question.) Squall78, Absolutely there's um, there's uh about two very Sateda(esque?) kinda of shows coming out. One of them is with Chris Judge so um, it was a real um pleasure working with him.

                          Teal'c: Is that him?
                          Carter: Yep.
                          Teal'c: Perhaps you could leave us to become better aquainted.
                          Carter: Sure.

                          Jason: Got beat up pretty bad so, I think it was actually harder to shot um as far as physical wise. The phyicality of it. Then Sateda.

                          Teal'c: Is it true that neglegance on your part is what first alerted the Wraith to your presence? That your reckless actions brought upon the deaths of thousand of innocent people. (Ronon gets mad) In deed it is.

                          Jason: So um, two really good episode coming up um, Ronon. As far as stuff that I want to happen this year? It think everything uh, kinda all the dream came true this year. So, this is my favorite season so far.

                          Teal'c: In deed.
                          Ronon: You say that alot.
                          Teal'c: What?
                          Ronon: In deed(with sarcasm )
                          Teal'c: Do I?
                          Ronon: Yah.
                          Teal'c: I had not noticed.

                          question3) Jason: Um, I think it was 8 hrs. It was 2hr to draw and I think 6 hrs to do. Um, it was pretty uh, pretty full on. It was like uh first 3 hrs is fine having a conversation. 4th hr is irritating. 5th hr was god I'm over this. 6th I was I won't do 6 hrs again.It's too much so and I'm really impatient so I don't like sitting still so.

                          Question4) Blue double "O" 7. How's it going? Best uh 3 words that describe me are... Fun loving ***hole. And um, big dumb animal. Sound good?

                          Man that took forever.
                          Enjoy hun.

                          Originally posted by Mayra View Post
                          I was sooo glad it was a dream but something tells me you added this because soemthing really might be wrong with Teyla!!!. Please update soon!
                          Don't try to spoil the story now. LOL.


                            Originally posted by girlinabox View Post
                            Thanks MrsB!

                            Have you seen the clip from Reunion on Yahoo!Tv? Very sweet moment with
                            Sam and Teal'c

                            I thought it was so sad considering:

                            In 'Uneding' Teal'c and Sam became a couple, but once time was reset she lost all of her memories. I think it's Teal'c's heartbeat that you hear in the clip. He still has over twenty years of memories where he and Sam were together and then suddenly they're back to square one. Now he has to watch her leave. How sad!!!!


                              Originally posted by sanssong View Post
                              That was very strange....
                              What the heck was up with Teal'c getting all in Ronon's face? I was like, Teal'c buddy, back off son. He better have a very good Teal'c like reason for doing it.

                              I'm wondering the same thing myself.
                              In fact I'm actually hoping that he does. I think if that's the case it will bode VERY well for us as a ship. It will mean that this guy really isn't that dear to Teyla and in light of what happened in Doppelganger, I say we have reason to rejoice.
                              I'm wondering,
                              If Sam had to bring him in for a reason ( maybe he's giving Sam a hard time or something) or maybe Teal'c was visiting and Ronon got mentioned?

                              Originally posted by Camy View Post

                              have I missed anything?
                              You missed a string of fics today.
                              MrsB and her Halloween one.
                              Ruby with a funny Fantastic Four convo and another fic called Recon.
                              And new chpter for mine. I'm almost done with Chpt 5.

                              And a bunch of links.

                              Tey: Did yo get my PM?


                                Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                                JM BLOG UPDATE

                                MenNuniform writes: “Which has more Shep whump, Doppelganger or Travelers?”

                                Answer: In my opinion - Doppelganger.

                                Viedo - "Village Walkthrough" -

                                Hey Camy!! How are you!
                                Thanks MrsB.

                                Originally posted by Devine27 View Post
                                I thought it was so sad considering:

                                In 'Uneding' Teal'c and Sam became a couple, but once time was reset she lost all of her memories. I think it's Teal'c's heartbeat that you hear in the clip. He still has over twenty years of memories where he and Sam were together and then suddenly they're back to square one. Now he has to watch her leave. How sad!!!!
                                They did? How did I miss that?

