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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Check it------>Jason Momoa Q & A with SPOILERSSSSsssssssss
    Last edited by MrsB108; 11 October 2007, 02:25 PM.


      Night Ruby!

      Congrats to us on 2300 pages

      Thanks MrsB for the link!


        Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
        Aw, tell him thanks!

        Ok here's a little (tiny) bit more of Recon:

        The jumper rose up out of the bay and into the sky above Atlantis. The city grew smaller and smaller below them, and soon they were in the upper atmosphere. John took them into a low orbit.

        The planet Atlantis now resided on was almost a third bigger than Lantea, and the ocean the city sat in the middle of was almost twice the size as its old home. They knew there was land there, but John wasn’t quite sure how much or where exactly it was.

        John felt the worries and cares of the past few days ease slightly as he looked out over the planet stretched out below them, and sat back with a sigh. The jumper pretty much flew itself, so all he had to do was sit back and enjoy the ride until they sighted land.

        After a few seconds John got the feeling he was being watched, and he glanced over at Teyla. Sure enough, she was looking him, a small smile on her face. He raised an eyebrow questioningly and Teyla’s smile widened, though John saw now that it was not a happy smile.

        “You look tired,” she said.

        John looked back out over the ocean and gave a small shrug. “It’s been a rough couple of days,” he said.

        “It has,” said Teyla softly. “Preceded by a rough couple of months.”

        John looked back at Teyla, who was now staring out at the ocean as he had been. She was right. The last couple of days had been just the latest – though possibly the worst – in a series of catastrophes. Their days had been full of old enemies, new enemies, Ancient labs they didn’t understand…

        John sighed again. “Yeah,” he said.

        Ruby, really good as usualy.

        Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post

        I loved this one. Thanks for link.
        I can't wait to see those two at it. Which ep is it again?

        Congrats on thread milestone!!!


          Originally posted by scifan View Post
          I loved this one. Thanks for link.
          I can't wait to see those two at it. Which ep is it again?

          Congrats on thread milestone!!!
          Midway!! Too bad they didnt show anything from Reunion!!


            Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
            Check it------>Jason Momoa Q & A with SPOILERSSSSsssssssss
            Thanks for this MrsB! This is freaking hilarious!!
            sig by Sci!

            Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


              Geez look at the time....past midnight,well night guys...This little Ninja Linda is off to beddie byes!


                Originally posted by scifan View Post

                Revelations. Part 4:

                Rodney is in the control room when the gate activates and John walks through. Rodney meets him on top of the stairs and begins to look beyond John.
                “Where’s Teyla? Is she really that mad at you?” Rodney asks.
                John rolls his eyes and sighs, “No, Rodney. She’s doing some off world trading for her people. Halling said it could take up to three days.”
                “Three days!” Rodney exclaims. “Are you sure she’s not trying to avoid you? I was talking to Katie and…”
                “You talked to Katie!” John barks and he begins to walk away.
                Rodney follows John, “Um, I, uh… I thought you wouldn’t mind.”
                John throws up his hands in frustration, “Does everyone in Atlantis know that Teyla left because of me?”
                “Um, well… pretty much, yes,” answers Rodney. “It’s hard not to notice when Teyla isn’t around.”
                John’s shoulders sink, “I’ll be in my quarters if anyone needs me.”
                John walks away from Rodney and tries not to show that it bothers him that Teyla is gone. He decides to go to sleep early, since he didn’t get any sleep the night before.
                “Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day,” he thought to himself as he reaches to shut his light off.
                “Colonel Sheppard, please report to the gate room. Colonel please report to the gate room,” requests the voice on John’s comm.
                John picks up his comm. off his nightstand and places it in his ear. He asks the technician what is going on.
                “Sorry to wake you sir, but you did tell me to let you know if Teyla contacts us. She’s about to come through the gate now sir,” the technician replies.
                John jumps up out of bed, “I’ll be right there. Ask her to stay there and wait for me.”
                The technician tells him that he will and John clicks his comm. off. It felt like his feet were going to slow. He didn’t want to run either. He didn’t want to look to eager.
                When he gets to the gate room, he sees Teyla standing in front to the still active gate. Her smile seems to brighten the room and he couldn’t help but to smile back. He begins to walk down the stairs and Teyla is about to walk forward, but before she gets a step in a hand reaches out from the event horizon. It grabs her and begins to pull her back through the gate. John can see the terror in Teyla’s eyes; her arm stretches out to him as she yells his name. He runs to her as quickly as his legs can move, but before he can get to her she is completely pulled in and the gate closes.
                John quickly sits up in his bed and sweat beading off his face. He looks around and realizes that he is in his room. He now knows it was just a dream, but he can’t seem to get rid of the sinking feeling that something is wrong with Teyla.
                Oh, I love it! She better come back soon or John's going to go crazy!
                sigpicsig by starlover1990 Thanks!
                I ship Sam/Jack because "always" is a very long time and he'll "always" be there for her.



                  Yeah i remember that fic but i can't remember where it was though!
                  Linda-Do you remember the title or the author of it by chance?
                  sig by Sci!

                  Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                    Originally posted by YappiChick View Post

                    I loved it. The hours, however, sucked. But, they are very upfront with that. You will work overnight shifts for Grad night. Kiss Christmas, Thanksgiving and any othr major holiday good-bye unless you are really *really* lucky.

                    And to be fair, I worked over in DCA (California Adventure)...I'm glad I did. That way Disneyland still has some of the "magic" for me. Silly, I know...
                    I worked at It's Tough to be a Bug, Boutiful Valley Farm (which they have renamed) and Muppetvision. I liked those rides because you had time to interact with people.

                    OT YC
                    LOL! yeah, i wondered if working at Disneyland would kinda take away from the magic of going there so it's cool that you got another job so you can still enjoy Disneyland. Okay, don't kill me but i've never been to California Adventure but it sounds like a fun place to go. My friends love Magic Mountain but i can't handle the rides!!! LOL!!!. I'm just happy i can handle the Disneyland rides, that's good enough for me lol.

                    Yup, i know all to well about kissing the holidays good-bye. I work in retail so i actually get the day of Thanksgiving off and the 25th of December but i have to work REALLY early the next morning. Sucks!

                    Sig by Camy


                      Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                      Thanks Mayra!! Really glad your liking it!! You too Blue!

                      Mayra OT -
                      Yeah the preview looks great huh!! I know poor Sara, that was such a brutal death and I cant wait for Michael to find out!!!!
                      MrsB OT
                      I can't wait for BSG to start!. I know!....Micheal is going to definitely freak out and i wouldn't be surprise if he gets his revenge for what they did to Sara.

                      Sig by Camy


                        Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                        Check it------>Jason Momoa Q & A with SPOILERSSSSsssssssss
                        Doesn't work for me Can someone tell what he says?

                        my ships


                          Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
                          Here's a ficlet that isn't so much a story as it is a conversation. It's set straight after Lifeline, and it's about a certain superhero quartet...

                          Team Sheppard was eating breakfast.

                          It wasn’t morning. In fact it was dark outside. But being on a new planet and not sleeping in a few days could do funny things to one’s internal clock.

                          “Do you think the Replicators will have any effect on the Wraith?” Ronon asked

                          John shrugged. “Let’s hope so,” he said.

                          “Now that their order has been reactivated, they’re hell-bent on destroying the Wraith,” Rodney said. “It will be interesting, at least.”

                          “I only hope we do not encounter them off-world,” said Teyla. “Now that they are out hunting Wraith the possibility is increased.”

                          “True,” said John.

                          “Well, yes, technically,” said Rodney. “But there’s no point worrying about that now.”

                          The other three looked at him in surprise, and he shrugged. “Well, there’s not,” he said defensively. “And anyway, they’ll be more likely to target Wraith worlds, which we tend to steer clear of.”

                          “Hmm,” said Teyla, sounding unconvinced.

                          “I guess,” said John. “You’re right about not worrying, anyway – whatever happens, we’ll just have to handle it.”

                          Ronon grinned sardonically. “We are the Fantastic Four after all,” he said.

                          Teyla grinned and John rolled his eyes. Rodney stared round at them all, frowning in confusion.


                          Ronon shrugged. “John said that we’re like the Fantastic Four,” he explained.

                          Rodney sat back in his chair, looking thoughtful. “Huh. I actually kind of see that,” he said to John, who looked pretty smug.

                          Rodney looked at Ronon again. “So you’re the Thing,” he said. “You’re the Invisible Woman.” He nodded at Teyla.

                          He looked at John. “You’re the Human Torch and I’m Mr Fantastic,” he finished.

                          Ronon and Teyla glanced at each other and then looked at John, waiting for his reaction. It was immediate.

                          “No way,” he said sternly. “I’m Mr Fantastic.”

                          Rodney looked bemused. “Why? There’s no way –”

                          “He’s the leader. I’m the leader. I’m Mr Fantastic.”

                          Rodney rolled his eyes. “Mr Fantastic is a Scientist,” he said. He jabbed his thumb into his chest. “That’s me.”

                          John glared at him. “He’s the leader,” he repeated.

                          “So?” Rodney scoffed. “You’re so the Human Torch! He can fly. And he’s a pilot. Come on!”

                          John shrugged. “You can fly, you fly all the time,” he said stubbornly. “And by that logic the Thing is a pilot too, and a better one than the Human Torch.”

                          “Oh please!” Exclaimed Rodney. “It makes so much more sense if I’m Mr Fantastic. Jeez, the Human Torch is even called John!”

                          “What does that have to do with anything?” Said John darkly.

                          Rodney shook his head in disbelief, staring at John. “Why are you obsessed with being –?” Rodney’s voice trailed off and his expression cleared. “Oh…”

                          He folded his arms across his chest, a small smile playing on his lips.

                          John glared at him suspiciously. “What?” He asked.

                          “I’ve just figured out why you want to be Mr Fantastic,” said Rodney. He shrugged. “Well, okay.”

                          John’s glare deepened. “What are you talking about McKay?” He asked.

                          Rodney’s smile widened and he raised his hands as if in surrender. “It’s fine, you can be Mr Fantastic,” he said airily. “I’ll be the Human Torch.”

                          He looked over at Teyla and he gave her a wry grin. “No offence, Teyla, but I think I’d rather be your brother,” he said.

                          Teyla’s brow contracted in confusion and John sat up as though he had been burned.

                          “Hold on a – that’s not why I – ”

                          Rodney shook his head, still smiling. “No, honestly, it’s fine,” he said cheerfully.

                          John shook his head emphatically. “No, okay, you can be –”

                          Rodney waved a hand dismissively. “No no, clearly you should be Mr Fantastic…”

                          “What the hell are you talking about?” Ronon cut in.

                          Rodney turned to Ronon, the smug smile still firmly in place. “The Invisible Woman is the Human Torch’s sister,” he told him. His smile widened and he turned his gaze on Teyla.

                          “But she’s Mr Fantastic’s wife.”

                          Teyla’s eyebrows shot up. “Really?” She asked, her lips twitching.

                          Rodney looked back at John, who was staring up at the ceiling, his neck and ears flushed bright red. He grinned. “Yep,” he said happily.

                          Ronon started to shake with laughter, and Teyla grinned, also trying not to laugh. John shook his head again and spoke through gritted teeth.

                          “I wasn’t even thinking about –”

                          Rodney snorted. “Yeah right,” he said.

                          John looked back at him again. “Oh come on!” He exclaimed.

                          Teyla’s smile disappeared and she looked straight at John. “Well why not?” She asked him.

                          John stared at her. “What?” He replied stupidly.

                          Teyla shrugged slightly, her face suddenly quite sad. “Well, why are you so adamant not to be Mr Fantastic all of a sudden?” She asked. “Is the thought of me as your wife really so revolting?”

                          John gaped at her. “No!” He replied straight away. His eyes widened and he immediately started to back pedal. “I mean, yes – no, I mean no… um… that’s not what I meant by – I was just – um – ”

                          Ronon suddenly started to laugh again and as soon as he did Teyla’s composure broke and her face split into a wide grin. She elbowed Ronon as she too started to laugh. John’s jaw dropped and he looked at Rodney, who was also laughing.

                          John rolled his eyes. “Oh, yeah very funny,” he said sarcastically. “Let’s all gang up on John!”

                          Teyla sobered slightly and grinned at him. “Well, you can handle it,” she said. “You are Mr Fantastic after all.”

                          She, Ronon and Rodney dissolved into laughter again.

                          John stared out of the window at the dark, new ocean that Atlantis was floating on, and shook his head.

                          “Just so you know,” he said, turning back to his team. “I don’t like any of you.”

                          Ronon grinned wolfishly. “Right back at ya,” he said.

                          “Me too,” said Teyla.

                          “Me three,” said Rodney.

                          The fantastic four smiled at each other and went back to their breakfast.

                          LOL!!! this was soooo cute and funny all rolled up into one! Thanks Ruby!

                          Sig by Camy


                            Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
                            Aw, tell him thanks!

                            Ok here's a little (tiny) bit more of Recon:

                            The jumper rose up out of the bay and into the sky above Atlantis. The city grew smaller and smaller below them, and soon they were in the upper atmosphere. John took them into a low orbit.

                            The planet Atlantis now resided on was almost a third bigger than Lantea, and the ocean the city sat in the middle of was almost twice the size as its old home. They knew there was land there, but John wasn’t quite sure how much or where exactly it was.

                            John felt the worries and cares of the past few days ease slightly as he looked out over the planet stretched out below them, and sat back with a sigh. The jumper pretty much flew itself, so all he had to do was sit back and enjoy the ride until they sighted land.

                            After a few seconds John got the feeling he was being watched, and he glanced over at Teyla. Sure enough, she was looking him, a small smile on her face. He raised an eyebrow questioningly and Teyla’s smile widened, though John saw now that it was not a happy smile.

                            “You look tired,” she said.

                            John looked back out over the ocean and gave a small shrug. “It’s been a rough couple of days,” he said.

                            “It has,” said Teyla softly. “Preceded by a rough couple of months.”

                            John looked back at Teyla, who was now staring out at the ocean as he had been. She was right. The last couple of days had been just the latest – though possibly the worst – in a series of catastrophes. Their days had been full of old enemies, new enemies, Ancient labs they didn’t understand…

                            John sighed again. “Yeah,” he said.
                            Great! I can't wait for more. Is this a comtemplative sort of fic, or is something dramatic going to happen like the jumper crashing??
                            || twitter || tumblr ||


                              Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                              A Stargate Halloween Part 4

                              The figure in the doorway stepped into the room and the dim light from the exquisite chandelier hanging above revealed his true form.

                              He was older then the members of the Atlantis team, dark brown hair streaked with silvery gray and sharp, shining black eyes that seemed opened far too wide, as if they were being held open to prevent him from blinking. His eyebrows were arched strangely and the smile he wore looked plastered on, almost as if a child had painted it there with a brush and red paint.

                              “Welcome to my humble home,” he said grandly, taking a half bow. “I am Count Malum and your presence here is an honor, fine explorers. Please, let us dine together,” he started as his eyes swept quickly over each of them. “Although I see some of you have already begun.”

                              The eerily plastered smile was seemingly growing across his face as he took his seat beside them. Colonel Sheppard cleared his throat awkwardly, giving Rodney a dirty look to which he simply shrugged and smiled before Sheppard turned back and spoke to the Count.

                              “My name is Lt. Colonel John Sheppard and this is my team; Ronon, Teyla, and Dr. Rodney McKay. We apologize for our intrusion and thank you and your staff for your hospitality and shelter from the storm.”

                              “Ah it is our pleasure, believe me Colonel….,” the Count said eagerly, his bright eyes flashing strangely as he clapped his hands together loudly twice causing everyone to jump.

                              The butler came flying out of the double doors from the kitchen with a large urn-like container poised neatly in both hands. The outlet for the container was also the mouth of a serpent, and as the man began to pour their drinks, the fountain of liquid emitted from deep within the serpents throat.

                              “Wow,” Rodney said eyeing the pitcher. “You guys sure like snakes…..”

                              A light brown liquid was sloshing in the cups and Colonel Sheppard brought the cup to his nose, giving a feigned smile towards the Count as he quickly sniffed its contents. ‘Tea,’ he thought. ‘It smells like tea.’ And with that notion, he took a small sip.

                              The Count was speaking to the others about the planet’s reverence to serpents when Sheppard began to feel something strange. His eyesight became blurred and across the table he saw two Teyla’s and two Ronon’s. The voices around the table seemed echoed and distant, and his head began to feel light, almost as if he would pass out.

                              He started to rise; pushing back his chair and practically fell, pulling the tablecloth slightly with his misstep. Teyla and Ronon rose immediately, saying his name and asking if he was all right.

                              “I’m fine…. wow, I guess I’m just really tired or something,” he trailed, trying to stand straight and caught a blurry double-visioned Count in his sights. “I’m sorry for the disturbance….,” he said just as he collapsed to the floor.

                              Oh Wow!
                              Did the count put something in his drink!. That guy is sure creepy!.

                              Congrats on 2600 Posts!!!

                              Sig by Camy


                                Originally posted by scifan View Post
                                Enjoy your DVD set!!!!

                                Thanks guys for all the fics rec.

                                Revelations. Part 4:

                                Rodney is in the control room when the gate activates and John walks through. Rodney meets him on top of the stairs and begins to look beyond John.
                                “Where’s Teyla? Is she really that mad at you?” Rodney asks.
                                John rolls his eyes and sighs, “No, Rodney. She’s doing some off world trading for her people. Halling said it could take up to three days.”
                                “Three days!” Rodney exclaims. “Are you sure she’s not trying to avoid you? I was talking to Katie and…”
                                “You talked to Katie!” John barks and he begins to walk away.
                                Rodney follows John, “Um, I, uh… I thought you wouldn’t mind.”
                                John throws up his hands in frustration, “Does everyone in Atlantis know that Teyla left because of me?”
                                “Um, well… pretty much, yes,” answers Rodney. “It’s hard not to notice when Teyla isn’t around.”
                                John’s shoulders sink, “I’ll be in my quarters if anyone needs me.”
                                John walks away from Rodney and tries not to show that it bothers him that Teyla is gone. He decides to go to sleep early, since he didn’t get any sleep the night before.
                                “Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day,” he thought to himself as he reaches to shut his light off.
                                “Colonel Sheppard, please report to the gate room. Colonel please report to the gate room,” requests the voice on John’s comm.
                                John picks up his comm. off his nightstand and places it in his ear. He asks the technician what is going on.
                                “Sorry to wake you sir, but you did tell me to let you know if Teyla contacts us. She’s about to come through the gate now sir,” the technician replies.
                                John jumps up out of bed, “I’ll be right there. Ask her to stay there and wait for me.”
                                The technician tells him that he will and John clicks his comm. off. It felt like his feet were going to slow. He didn’t want to run either. He didn’t want to look to eager.
                                When he gets to the gate room, he sees Teyla standing in front to the still active gate. Her smile seems to brighten the room and he couldn’t help but to smile back. He begins to walk down the stairs and Teyla is about to walk forward, but before she gets a step in a hand reaches out from the event horizon. It grabs her and begins to pull her back through the gate. John can see the terror in Teyla’s eyes; her arm stretches out to him as she yells his name. He runs to her as quickly as his legs can move, but before he can get to her she is completely pulled in and the gate closes.
                                John quickly sits up in his bed and sweat beading off his face. He looks around and realizes that he is in his room. He now knows it was just a dream, but he can’t seem to get rid of the sinking feeling that something is wrong with Teyla.
                                I was sooo glad it was a dream but something tells me you added this because soemthing really might be wrong with Teyla!!!. Please update soon!

                                Sig by Camy

